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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9051108 No.9051108 [Reply] [Original]

itt: shit only stupid people buy

>frozen fries
>frozen hamburger patties
>salad dressing
>fat free dairy
>egg whites

>> No.9051139

Frozen burger patties are the fucking worst. Making a burger isn't hard.

>> No.9051142

>hurr durr people who buy things i don't like r dum

>> No.9051171

truffle oil
fines herbs
shredded "cheese"

>> No.9051179


Jesus, this. They don't even satisfy a burger craving they're so far off from fresh, plus they shrink to nothing when you cook them.

>> No.9051184

oi oi
fuck off
I dont have time for this, I just throw them into the pan and it's done. AND it can last forever in a freezer

>> No.9051189

>fat free dairy
I don't get this one

>pre-made frozen grilled cheese

>> No.9051203

they're trash overpriced meat and filler. just buy some ground beef and seasoning, slap a few patties together and put them in the freezer

>> No.9051210

>I dont have time for this

>spends 10 hours a day shitposting

You're just a lazy fuck.

>> No.9051211

>frozen hamburger patties
>salad dressing
>shredded cheese

These are all fantastic time savers, and if I gave a side by side blind taste test to 99% of this board they couldn't tell the difference.

>> No.9051214

>AND it can last forever in a freezer
So can ground beef.

>> No.9051215

t. flyover

>> No.9051223

>couldn't tell the difference.

For me, its gotta be the mcchicken.

>> No.9051229

>Frozen Fries

Come on asshole how do you think people who are out of the house 12 hours a day survive?

>> No.9051234

>be coast fag
>can't stand the thought someone is happy living somewhere that costs 1/8th the price my shitty 200sqft. loft costs.

>> No.9051237

whats wrong with frozen fries?

>> No.9051240

wrong again, flyover retard. i'm not american i have 1500 sq ft. and land, and i promise i can identify cheap garbage frozen meat, bottle dressing and shitty cheese

>> No.9051247

>everyone has time to make a meal from scratch

Get a real job.

>> No.9051249


>salad dressing

god yeah i love eating plain lettuce too op

>> No.9051256


Not judging your situation specifically, but I find that people that claim to be constantly too busy waste a ton of time on inane nonsense.

If I don't catch myself I'm guilty of this quite often actually.

>> No.9051269

Salad dressing is at its most basic: oil with vinegar to taste

>> No.9051273
File: 173 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 2017-06-14 at 7.38 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i worked 10 hours today. this shit's all made from scratch, with a lot of ingredients i canned earlier in the year

>> No.9051274

the most basic is lemon juice. vinegar might be abundant but it is not basic

>> No.9051277

>i have 1500 sq ft. and land

Bragging about having 500 sq ft less than the average poverty American - on a board about cooking, no less!

What a tremendous faggot. I guarantee this fuck stick can't tell the difference between shredded cheese and big block parm.

>> No.9051281

you dont come across the way you think you do. ew

>> No.9051288

i don't know what big block parm is. sounds like a dumb flyover american thing

>> No.9051290
File: 1.52 MB, 2048x1152, 20170614_071332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've noticed this quite a lot on /ck/. They are jealous we can walk 200 yards to our deer stand and raise vegetables out the ass. Pic related, the garlic we harvested today.

The irony is, they could slave in the coastal cities and scrimp and save for 15 years, buy a decent plot of land, and live like kings. But they refuse to sacrifice for that long. At any rate, it's what I did, and sure I'm living in a socially and politically deemed backwater in the south, but who gives a fuck when the entire fucking country is run by gangsters? Attempt to get as independent as possible is my recommendation.

>> No.9051298

>thinking alpha males care about what beta faggots think of them

Lad, whew.

>> No.9051310

it's fine if you're not a gross fatty who thinks normal people won't know the difference between fresh ground beef and frozen lfbt waste burgers

>> No.9051319

>I'm living in a socially and politically deemed backwater in the south,
>because I couldn't hack it at a real Job for more than a couple years
>because I can't socialize like a normal person

Bleak as fuck.

>> No.9051346

you replied though

>> No.9051354

>frozen fries

you wot m8?

>> No.9051358

>medium rare

>> No.9051371

>egg whites

You can buy just egg whites?

>> No.9051373

>beef for stewing
>steaks for grilling
>meat for braising



>> No.9051378

don't you feel special

>> No.9051472

>bleak as fuck

Really? Growing your own vegetables, hunting game within meters of your property, taxes relatively cheap because coastal fucks keep us solvent, at least until this monstrosity budget that are causing my flyover congressmen to sweat bricks.

>> No.9051484

Are there people who actually make thousand island from scratch for their reubens?

>> No.9051498

it's retardedly easy to make

>> No.9051652

How about making it from scratch and making it look good. Because that looks like garbage, fuck you

>> No.9051657


Learn to manage your fucking time.

>> No.9051697

>thousand island from scratch for reubens

No. No self respecting human would use thousand island on reubens. I use Martha Stewarts homemade Russian Dressing recipe and.have always received accolades. Get better.

>> No.9051709

looks good to me desu

>> No.9051786
File: 31 KB, 640x428, 1406_00043000009567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cookie dough
>Box cake mixes
>Frozen stir-fry/pasta bags
>Pic related

>> No.9051831
File: 147 KB, 750x525, Baked-Potatoes-on-the-BBQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to factor in capable people feeding large amounts or saving time.

Egg whites are dumb as fuck, fat free dairy too. Frozen foods regardless of quality are sued as a time saver or a mass feed device - kids too. I dont have kids, id never eat a frozen burger - but people who have shit to do would and thats okay.
Shredded cheese is SIGNIFICANTLY worse than legitimate. I grew up on drunk dad eating colby slabs of kraft, its nothing compared to actual cheese. Dressing is obviously good if you like it, I dont eat salad so whatever.

Nothing, fries are not a food of finesse frozen or homemade. You gain no skills, maybe some minor flavor boons making yourself. Between parboiling and mixing its obviously worth it to bake frozen in 90% of cases and I dont do that but as a treat.

The real shit that should be posted here are things like pic related - my store sells these three for five dollars. A five pound bag is three. They sell chopped vegetables for 500% markup (Its a meijer). Those are the things that should be fucking posted. Salmon fillets for 25 dollars in frozen section.

>> No.9051880

>parboiling fries
confirmed know nothing

>> No.9051899

You parboil the potato and cut instantly out of water, it dehydrates the outer layers of potato and crisps better, but please share more information with me I like to learn.

>> No.9051913

you'll achieve all that and more par frying them

>> No.9051941

What's the problem with skim milk?

>> No.9051946

So close to those trips.

>> No.9051957

ok, so i love this board, but i'm a newfag, what does "t." mean and what's a "flyover?"

>> No.9051971
File: 1.98 MB, 1920x1200, flyinto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. is a scandinavian salutation on a letter like "sincerely"
flyover is a place in the usa that you fly over is opposed to "fly intos" like socal and nyc

>> No.9051973

hey, fuck you man, cool whip box mix brownies are fucking supreme when you're in need of some fucking brownies but only have $5 to spare

i bet you don't even like ice cream unless it's churned homemade and with three-day old smegma as the salt you fucking niggardly faggot

>> No.9051979

fucking lol, so many imageboard insults make so much more sense to me now, thanks m8

>> No.9051992

Get a real job is code for, "I have a shit job and you should, too!" Today I got paid $100/hr to stand around, drink beer and tell people what to do, while praising and encouraging them to do better. If you can't pull at least a third of that off you're not working smart.

>> No.9052040
File: 197 KB, 900x596, olive_bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything from a grocery store olive bar. That shit sits out all day in the open air and is unpopular so turnover is non-existent.

>> No.9052047


This is actually something I want to do one day. What state did you pick in the south? I think I would miss the winter.

>> No.9052056

>like socal and nyc
You mean those places that have become completely irrelevant?

>> No.9052076

Not that anon, but I'd recommend Virginia if you can manage. I hear they have nice orchards and the hills would be neat. I've always wanted to terrace farm.

Personally, I'd just do greenhouses in Wyoming or Montana. Land's cheap as balls there I've been told. Believeable too, as there's only, like, six people living in Wyoming and half of them don't know they're actually in Montana.

Then again, I'm no agricultural expert. I live in rural Kansas, so the only things I can help you with are corn, wheat, and hay, and I know next to nothing about those too.

>> No.9052081

>diet soda
>lite beer
>mixed/bagged greens
>processed cheese
>sports drinks with electrolyte magic technology
>bottled water
>pregnancy tests
>morning after pills
>greeting cards
>anything "because it's on sale"

>> No.9052121

>diet soda
soda in general is piss. only good for mixed drinks and barbecues with children
>mixed/bagged greens
what's wrong with that? some places don't have fresh greens
>sports drink with electrolytes
not everyone's a fatass living in his mother's basement drinking soda and thinking up conspiracy theories on how electrolyte counts don't actually deplete when people sweat a fuckton
>pregnancy tests
>morning after pills
you do know that people have sex, right? they might like to know if it's just a late period or if they fucked up bigtime. i'll concede that if they did it right, they wouldn't need a morning after pill though
>greeting cards
>"Welcome back from college/work/military deployment, nephew that I barely get to see because our schedules never seem to match, here's $20 and my address, drop by and have a beer sometime!"
god, what fucking normies, wanting to actually stay in touch with the people they love

>> No.9052123
File: 296 KB, 649x649, drake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Egg whites
This, times a thousand. Why on earth would you waste your money buying egg whites when you can just use your own cum instead?
I'll never understand some people.

>> No.9052257

Why the fuck do they even have these?
I've never even seen someone use the olive bar.

>> No.9052362

>I'll never understand some people.

You never understood anyone, Aubrey.

>> No.9052377

>i'll concede that if they did it right, they wouldn't need a morning after pill though
Condoms break some times.

>> No.9052384

Not everyone is a man and even some men can't produce cum.

>> No.9052398

I'm sure you could find a reliable wholesaler, and I'd be willing to bet some people might even provide it free of charge.
Where there's a will there's a way, don't be lazy.

>> No.9052412

>frozen anything
>microwave anything
>taco "kits" (literally solidified corn starch)

>> No.9052425

I dont think its that he "doesnt like" it. Its more that those items show both ignorance and low effort. Judging by your response i'd say you're probably the type of person he is talking about.

>> No.9052430

>only restaurant is applebees
>olive garden is considered fine dining
>all the women are fat but with no ass or tits
>neighbors have 30 barking chained dogs
>wal mart is considered a hobby
>old people
No thanks.

>> No.9052440

>being American
top lol
go2 Alaska or something

>> No.9052457

That they do. But I avoid needing condoms by making sure it's somewhere else when I cum. Added benefit of not needing a morning after pill, though I understand that the situation might call for one now that you've menioned that.
>inb4 leg-locking, forgetting, surprise nut, etc.
I don't fuck random people, I know the girl for a while before I try with her. If a bitch leglocks me, I'll just stand up and slam her, a fractured dick is cheaper than 18 years of extra taxes. And being demisexual makes things easy if it breaks; sex is not a necessity in my life, and I count that as a blessing.

>> No.9052532

you seem like a real faggot

>> No.9052552


Except a hamburger is piss easy to make and it only takes 5-10 minutes to prepare the fucking patties.

>> No.9052553

Shh don't tell them that they'll get mad about having to pay thousands a month to live next to niggers