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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9046003 No.9046003 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9046010


>> No.9046012


>> No.9046050
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>> No.9046058


>> No.9046062


>> No.9046063


>> No.9046561
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>> No.9046565

I'm allergic to peanuts

>> No.9046568
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>> No.9046572


>> No.9046576


>> No.9046578


>> No.9046585


>> No.9046590

r u d e

>> No.9046608

Smooth/Creamy is the best kind of Peanut Butter.
Call me a plebiscite but I personally have always preferred manufactured peanut butter (Jif, Kraft, etc) to the all natural kinds. I do KNOW that natural is healthier or "purer" or whatever but the taste and flavour and texture of normal peanut butter is just, to me, significantly better.

Don't live in the USA though so I've never tried brands like Skippy, Peter Pan, or others. Would like to at some point,

>> No.9046614

Who else "using a spoon to eat peanut butter out of the jar" master race?

>> No.9046620

I'm into it.

>> No.9046624


>> No.9046657

Not even trying to make gains. I just like the taste and texture of peanut butter

>> No.9046668

Fuck you

>> No.9046678

fat chicks mostly lmao

>> No.9046684



>> No.9046707


>> No.9046732

Never gonna make it, chunky monkey

>> No.9046930

This is what I've been doing lately
1/2 cup peanut butter
2 sliced ripe bananas
honey or syrup
Mash together the pb and bananas and add honey/syrup to thin it out to your liking, makes for a delicious spread that's lower in calories than straight peanut butter and easier to spread. You can add all kinds of things to it if you want, like cocoa, cinnamon or vanilla

>> No.9046937

Once in highschool freshman year this really fat chick who sat a few seats away from me brought in her breakfast of one small jar of nutella and one small jar of peanut butter
She ate it with her hands and licked them clean each scoop.
She was a special ed kid I think. I know she had some mental problems and didn't see her in my college prep class the other three years

>> No.9046940

who took a dump in that bowl?

>> No.9046941

peanut butter is pretty good. I really like it in celery.

>> No.9046947

Sounds like she was raised on a strict vegan diet and suffered brain damage, poor kid.

>> No.9046985

Peanut butter sandwich

Absolutely no jelly. Fuck that shit. It ruins everything.

>> No.9047115

Sounds like a mass gainer shake

>> No.9047153
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>spoon full of peanut butter with a glass of milk to wash it down
best late night snack

>> No.9047224
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It's simply the best.

>> No.9047227


Me too. Natural and chunky suck ass to spread.

>> No.9048059

I use disposable chopsticks, because I don't like washing dishes.

>> No.9048064

Just tried this, wanted to thank you for changing my midnight snacking

>> No.9048068

The only valid reason to use smooth peanut butter is when you are smearing it on your genitalia to have your dog lick it off. And canned condensed milk is better for that purpose anyway.

>> No.9048715

Why not just use plastic spoons?

>> No.9048729

Uncut, unsalted, and smooth, because that's the most versatile. I pour off the separated oil unless I need runny peanut butter for something specific. I used to make it myself but then that chain that sells it cheaper than the peanuts I was buying opened a store here and I don't like this sentence structure.

>> No.9048740

I'v got something uncut, unsalted, and smooth for you ;)

>> No.9048757


no one wants your """""raw""""" honey you sell for $20 a jar, you faggot

>> No.9048775

>his peanut butter is a thick, nearly solid paste
>his peanut butter has sugar in it
>his peanut butter has extra salt in it
>his peanut butter is brightly coloured
>his peanut butter comes in a plastic, brightly coloured jar
>his uses his peanut butter exclusively for sandwiches

Peanut butter imitation product more like

>> No.9048862

But it's thick and creamy bb ;)

>> No.9048900

>>his peanut butter is a thick, nearly solid paste
My 100% nut butters get like that towards the bottom because I decant instead of stir.

>>his peanut butter is brightly coloured
I bet white people would pay a bit extra for turmeric peanut butter.

>> No.9049231

Yeah that's more or less what it would be if you threw it in the blender instead.
Right on. Just keep in mind, if you leave it in the fridge for a couple days the bananas will intensify and change the flavor. I like it that way, some may not.

>> No.9049285

extra chunky

>> No.9049720

Anybody else here put peanut butter on their fried egg sammich?

>> No.9049732

that sounds like it'd be great on toast

>> No.9049745

Protein! Sandwich meats are just too expensive.

>> No.9049826
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Almond butter>peanut butter

>> No.9049861

Astute observation, anon!
It IS great on toast

>> No.9049930

I am buying peanut butter only because I like to eat it straight away from a jar. Since I don't eat sweets, this is what I do instead.

>> No.9050120
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I recently discovered the bliss of green apples and peanut butter with a glass of milk for breakfast.

>> No.9050159

damn good

>> No.9050483
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>> No.9051634


>> No.9051642


>> No.9051654

I prefer dipping apple slices into the container.

>> No.9051809

that spread is not low in calories at all, christ. do you have no concept of nutrition? you're adding bananas and sugar.

>> No.9052358

Just tried this. You two are my brothers, now.

>> No.9052367

Pretty versitile.
Spicy peanut sauce.
Shame i cant grow them in my area.

>> No.9052915

>lower in calories than straight peanut butter
>lower in calories
And mashed bananas are 200 calories per cup compared to 1514 per cup of peanut butter, so adding it + sweetener absolutely will result in a loss of calories per serving.
>muh carbs!
Yes, fuck, I get it now. I shouldn't mention calories on here at all. Summons a nutrition autist every time.

>> No.9052987

PB calories are mostly fat
Your spread is like 50% sugar

>> No.9054316

And? He never made a claim about the sugar.

>> No.9054637

go baco to rebbit you fuckkng faggot

>> No.9055112

this thread is garbage

>> No.9055128

ever had a peanut butter and butter sandwich?

butter gives it a subtle sweetness

>> No.9055144

>1514 per cup of peanut butter
no shit? awesome

>> No.9055146


>> No.9055160

yeah, about 100 Cal /tablespoon. 16 tablespoons in a cup