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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 235 KB, 1052x1402, overnight white loaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9039122 No.9039122 [Reply] [Original]

Recently bought a kitchen scale and a proofing basket to up my bread-making game. Drunkenly mixed up a half batch of the overnight white recipe from FSWY last night, and baked it this afternoon.

Anyone have recommendations on how to keep/store bannetons? I've read that you shouldn't wash them, just brush the excess flour off. Also, bread thread in general.

>> No.9039248
File: 189 KB, 1053x1404, crumbshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping with a crumb shot

>> No.9039471
File: 1.30 MB, 2560x1440, 20161110_101955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice. I've got to get a banetton. The best I can do without higher hydration which requires one was this sourdough. I'll get one this week so I can do an 80% hydration.

>> No.9039500

Nice ear! I haven't tackled sourdough yet, but I'll probably make my first levain this week to bake with next weekend.

The loaf above was 78% hydration using unbleached bread four. Had to use my oval dutch oven because my round one's lid handle is only good to 428F, so the loaf spread out more than I wanted, but I'm pleased with the result nonetheless.

>> No.9039638

Yeah I really like the looks of it. I've been too lazy to order a banetton and just baking 65% hydration sourdoughs but I want to get loafs like yours. Tomorrow I order one. If you don't mind sharing, what was your recipe in metric weight, or I can convert either way.

>> No.9039665

I don't mind at all! I halved the "overnight white loaf" recipe from FSWY:

500g bread flour
390g water
11g sea salt
~.5g yeast

You’re supposed to fold the dough a few times before allowing it to rest for the bulk fermentation, but I was drunk and tired so I only folded it once after 20 minutes before covering it and letting it bulk ferment.

>> No.9041225

Damn man, that is some gorgeous bread right there.

>> No.9041259

Flour is inert. Unless you have chucks of dough on the banneton you can just leave them be. Also make sure to use some rice flour when you dust them. It is better at preventing sticking compared to wheat flour.

>> No.9041960
File: 22 KB, 590x354, paul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uneven crumb structure

>> No.9042029

>omg, that bread doesn't look like Wonder Bread. I'm not eating it, mom!

>> No.9042055

And the crumbfags ruin another thread

>> No.9042063
File: 327 KB, 1600x1200, bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what the fuck is wrong with you? Where you hatched in a Baltimore project?

>> No.9042377

That's not what he meant

>> No.9043413

what scale did you get? i'm in the market for something decent for breadmaking that won't break the bank

>> No.9043424


What did that idiot mean then? Uneven crumb is the fucking POINT. You flyover state people need to stop eating garbage.

>> No.9043428

>Getting this mad over a GBBO joke
Hmm I can't wait until summer is over

>> No.9043435


you know how hard it is to get upset.. I forget I got upset dipshit. I just like telling you you're a cunt. You gave me that. I'm going to eat a creamed celery soup and you're still a dumb cunt and I don't care. all those buttons pushed and I still don't care that you exist. Watch the show APB because I don't fucking care! If you only exist because I remember you, you've blown it.

>> No.9043443

>I forgot that I got upset
And yet you're writing fucking novels in anger

>> No.9043445


Dude, I have a tv next to me. If I'm not playing a game what would you do? You're just some boring human mistake. Do you want to talk about tv?

>> No.9043452


Sorry I'm watching The Good Wife. It was a great show I'm sure you too young to get.

>> No.9043457


>> No.9043471


This is 107 about the jewish eriv wire. So you can keep on watching.

>> No.9043487
File: 243 KB, 1600x1200, bolognese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all kinda, I don't get cooking, people. Right? You ever make food you're proud of? Do you people cook your own food?

>> No.9043676

OP here.
Thank you!

Thanks for the tip about rice flour being better at preventing sticking, I'll pick some up!

For dough I mixed up drunk and baked hungover, I'm really fucking happy with it. It's delicious and has the kind of nice crumb I prefer.

I got a "Mosiso Ultra-Thin" because it was 1) cheap, and 2) very thin, which I needed because of my limited kitchen space. Brooklyn has its drawbacks.

What's in the bolognese, anon? Looks good!
Looks delicious, what's the recipe?