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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9037726 No.9037726 [Reply] [Original]

why are americans such faggots when it comes to food?
they won't eat any meat that's not beef or pork, and anything that doesn't look like processed garbage they see as "gross". I've had people say sushi was disgusting because it's raw fish, and people who say that they won't eat anything that's not beef or pork but it was fucking pig intestine which is godly
but sure eat another hamburger you fucking fat cunt

>> No.9037740

We eat shit tons of chicken too you ignorant dumbass turdnugget

>> No.9037747

Interesting and original revelation, this has never been brought up here before.

>> No.9037750

are you serious? people in Florida and Louisiana eat fucking armadillo and crocodile.

>> No.9037763

and in the midwest they eat deer and bison

>> No.9037896

this doesnt disprove that theyre whiny fags

>> No.9037903

>why don't americans do X?
>they do
>well...they're gay
great thread

>> No.9037928

fuck off yank
1776 worst year in existence

>> No.9037932

kek OP btfo

/ck/ seriously needs flags so I can make fun of the retarded country that OP is from

>> No.9037933

>muh flags
please go back to /pol/

>> No.9037951

>/ck/ seriously needs flags
It really does. Then we can see who the shitposters really are. I actually think it would tone it down because people couldn't false flag so goddamn much

>> No.9037953

Take it easy on OP, anon. You'd probably bitch about American eating habits too if you only had bugs to eat.

>> No.9037964

i'm actually american tho

>> No.9038070

Go suck your wifes boyfriends dick.

>> No.9038252

This right here. Everyone is just jealous of all of the options we have here. While ops snacking on a varmint he scraped off the road. Im enjoying a burger and a dog and a beer 10 am. USA wins again, all other countries suck our highest average sized wang.

>> No.9038288

well at least we don't have the habit of ruining Europe

>> No.9038299
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>wifes boyfriend

>> No.9038607
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>le cuckold meme
you have to go back

>> No.9038626
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>> No.9038926

Guaranteed 80% of /ck/ is British

Notice the shitposters use colour instead of color or make their threads early in the Eastern time morning which is noon for them.
>do Americans really eat this

>> No.9038937

Excuse me

I'm an elitist coastie who usually gets up around 4 AM to go for my morning ride. I am a total "cuck" as you might say, by which I mean I wear glasses and I can read without moving my lips

I have no idea what this thread is about but I just want for you to know some of the stuff that you think is "anti-American shitposting" (like talking about fresh vegetables or food that isn't bland white slop from a can) is from me

Now carry on

>> No.9039118

That's Sweden, you assbandit.

>> No.9039134

And I am an elitist flyover who gets up every morning at 5AM to work in the garden and I want people to know I make posts that slam the corporate pig trough shit slopped in our trough through their ownership of congress and the regulatory bodies governing food and food production. Carry on.

>> No.9039149

>when Michelle start wearing
>start wearing

>> No.9039161

We eat bacon too, cuck fag

>> No.9039185

>american bacon
>chemically injected and tumbled pork belly in a cryovac package

>> No.9039201
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>he thiks big words can scare me
>chemically injected
So? Water is a chemical
>tumbled pork belly
Dude, if something tastes good, that means it's healthy to eat, thanks to evolution. It's the same general principal as things that are really unhealthy tasting and smelling disgusting, like shit. If it's so bad, why doesn't our brain instinctually know?

>> No.9039204

Not all Americans are the same.

>> No.9039205

>Water is a chemical
Facebook scientist detected
Which iteration of that joke are we on now? I remember when I first saw it around 1995 and it was probably on its 3rd or 4th at that point

>> No.9039212

Water is a compound not a chemical, dipshit.

>> No.9039217
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>he doesn't know water is a chemical
>he thinks those two terms are mutually exclusive


>> No.9039224
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"a compound or substance that has been purified or prepared, especially artificially."

Yeah sounds like water's a chemical to me.

>> No.9039246

AOL was a mistake

>> No.9039247

I don't know what you mean by that, commiecuck, but at least my president isn't some cucked uropoor

>> No.9039277

>I don't know what you mean by that
Don't you worry your little head about it

>> No.9039282

>being this jealous
Let me guess, you're Canadian?

>> No.9039285

>he thinks AOL is Canadian fast food chain
You really are a child

>> No.9039290

Enjoy your syrup and have fun losing some more wars, leaf.

>> No.9039299

Yes, I'm sitting here in the Drive-Thru at the Etibicock AOL, having a syrup shake and thinking of how jealous I am that you have superior fast food :^(

>> No.9039311

>he thinks this is about food
It's is so much more then that, cuck

>> No.9039322

And what the fuck is their obsession with corn? It doesn't even taste good.

>> No.9039325

You must be pretty used to stuff going over your head. Airplanes, jokes, etc. Is that why they call you flyovers?

>> No.9039329


>fucking armadillo and crocodile.

That's fucking disgusting and barbaric.

Escargots and frogs are the only patrician alternative meats.

>> No.9039334
File: 43 KB, 500x375, 1481692690891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit wit
>he thinks Texas is a flyover

>> No.9039342

I apologize. I feel like I inadvertently picked a fight with a cripple in a wheelchair. Sorry about that, carry on. Texas shall secede again! Or something like that.

>> No.9039355

You type like a cringey redditor

>> No.9039369

Got me good. Get a couple more in, you deserve to win sometimes.

>> No.9039378

>he can't stop replying to my posts
I guess it feels good to speak to an actual human being for once. It must be awful to live among leaves.

>> No.9039382

I just talked to the drive-thru girl at AOL when I was ordering my maple shake. She even told me to have a nice day.

>> No.9039386
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>since I'm an american and never eaten true salt cured and smoked bacon, I think this product injected with chemicals and tumbled is really bacon.

Enjoy paying the same price per pound for water as meat. In point of fact, curing with salt and smoking, "true" bacon, the water is drawn out. You are the true definition of, dare I use your favorite word, "cuck," you slag.

>> No.9039388

>injected with chemicals
Why do you tell blatant lies?

>> No.9039392

>he thinks AOL is a fast food chain
The world truly is in a sad state of affairs outside the US

>> No.9039394

>If it's so bad, why doesn't our brain instinctually know?

It's not a matter of it being unhealthy, it's a matter of it being a cheap-ass shortcut compared to proper bacon which is dry-cured and smoked.

It's cheaper, but it doesn't taste anywhere near as good. It also splatters in the pan and shrinks a bunch when you cook it--those problems don't exist for old-fashioned dry cured bacon. It doesn't shrink or splatter because it's never been injected full of water.

Sadly, many Americans don't know any better because they've never tried the real stuff.

Thankfully, old-school bacon is readily available in the US. I mail-order mine from Benton's.

>> No.9039402

>greatest economy in the world
>everything imported if you don't want sanctions on your garbage shithole
>can't get unpasteurized cheese
Remind me what you're doing that we don't have. A country as varied in geological area as the United States can't produce something along those lines for the right price, unless you insist on the origin. Which we can buy or aquire elsewhere.

Is it summer?

>> No.9039408
File: 46 KB, 585x300, le_le_le.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that spacing again
If you don't like America you are welcome to leave