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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 78 KB, 500x375, islamicpizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9037214 No.9037214[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Salam Aleikum my brother, your pizza has arrived!

That'll be $20.99 plus tips plus jyzia tax

>> No.9037225


You got a lotta nerve charging me 20bucks for a pizza well under 20 inches and not smothered in kebab meat, pajeet.

>> No.9037229

I may be mistaken, but I think the gentleman in your photograph is Sikh, not Islamic.

>> No.9037234

If you're gonna post this everywhere, at least learn to spell "jizya" right.


>> No.9037240

Can Muslims even accept tips?

>> No.9037241

No you're right
Op is just trying to me an edgelord

>> No.9037246


Only from unbelievers

>> No.9037287

>comparing based sikhs to their age-old muslim enemies

>> No.9037293

That's a Sikh, Sikhs would stab Muslims if they could.

Sikhs are bro-tier brown people, quite a few of my mates are Sikh, they aren't like poo in loo Hindu Indians either, Sikhs are the best brown people

>> No.9037310

Call animal control, someone got out of /pol/

>> No.9037566

If he is so Sikh, he should be able to put more of the common cold-cuts on my pizza.

>> No.9037589

Neither are "based".

>> No.9037600

Sikhs are and you're a faggot who can't tell based from filth.

>> No.9037603

Ignore them, people just shit their pants because "I can identify Sikh people from Muzzies! IM SO CULTURED!"

>> No.9037613


whoa there!

Try killing yourself before you post next time, niggerlover.

thank you so much <3

>> No.9037622


Sikhs are knife wielding paladins of righteousness. How is this not based?

>> No.9037628

I said I wanted bacon on my pizza. What the fuck is this shit?

>> No.9037663


No, circumcision is mandatory

>> No.9037668

Haha good one Kumar

>> No.9037679

ITT: white kids trying to be internet anthropologists

>> No.9037687

Oh boy this thread again. I don't understand why /pol/ can't stay in any of the boards Hiroshi gave you.

>> No.9037729

It is easy. Once you have convinced yourself that you are a valuable frontline troop in the neverending battle of ideology, you can't turn it off. Your brain develops a background process that screams at you at all times to go out and fight.

You become a crippled vet who still hears bombs coming down, when your neighbour's kids jump in the pool.

>> No.9037767

Americans are so dumb

>> No.9039316

Sounds like tumblr

>> No.9039330

Idc what anyone says
I think Sikhposting is funny

>> No.9039409

>le sikh man jizya bait thread again
Why do you cunts still reply to this shit?

>> No.9040390

Who shat on my pizza?

>> No.9040475

>no beard net or gloves
I ain't paying for that.

>> No.9041439
File: 58 KB, 600x749, 1487095938-american-native-in-ancient-days-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We didn't win the Vietnam war so we would have to deal with this shit.

>> No.9041441

>sikhs are an ethnicity
>islam is a religion
>somehow compare the two

>> No.9041442

2014 4chan would qualify this as "tumblr"

>> No.9041448
File: 1.58 MB, 1800x1200, 1484358694513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9041452

I mean yeah, we didn't

>> No.9041532

Sikhs eat bacon, dude. You just can't get anything with beef.

>implying that users on 4chan are restricted to certain boards
go back to r e d d i t

>> No.9041536

He's not a sikh, he's a muslim in a cunning disguise.

>> No.9041544

Sikhs literally kill muslims, how are they not based?

>> No.9041546

There are no gurbani that say you can't eat beef. Many sikhs in the Punjab don't eat it only because the only places to get beef there are run by Muslims and halal meat is explicitly forbidden but Sikhs in the west can and do eat beef.

>sikhism is an ethnicity
Most people born and raised Sikh are Punjabi and Punjabi is an ethnicity. Sikhs don't tend to proselytise because the Guru Granth Sahib says to respect all peaceful religions so there are few converts to Sikhism, though they do exist. Leonardo di Caprio, for example. I've heard that his mother converted.

>> No.9041640

Lol, "they" also kill Canadians if we're being strict
Every religion has its crazies, you're playing favorites because leddit taught you that there's more than one kind of turbine and you're eager to show off like a child in class

>> No.9041678
File: 10 KB, 400x400, 31PK75aiIEL._SY400_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right there are a lot of different turbines. Pic is one.

>> No.9041695

he's a sikh, not a muslim. But still a massive subhuman nonetheless. Sikhs, Hindus, and Muslims need to be fucking exterminated off this earth

>> No.9041705

>Lol, "they" also kill Canadians
Wtf? I love Sikhs now!

>> No.9041713

t. non-canadian
Sikhs are cherished here so fuck off with your pseudo georeligion "knowledge"

>> No.9041724

>Sikhs literally kill muslims, how are they not based?

Literally every fucking sect of Mulsims kill other muslims.

Doesn't mean they won't take a break just to bomb a few of us once in a while.

>> No.9041727

Because you're playing favorites
Have I mentioned the Hindus they kill?

>> No.9041734

Why stop there? Every other religion deserves the same if those 3 do.

>> No.9041740

only white people should survive

>> No.9041757

Idk, the US would have a rough time keeping GNP up since we're only 56% white and dropping fast ;^)

>> No.9041765

>only white people should survive

Yes... that's why white people created White Lives Matter...

oh.. wait...

>> No.9041769
File: 121 KB, 682x480, savages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every other religion deserves the same

No... ignorant white boy. No, they don't at all.

>> No.9041771
File: 333 KB, 1600x1065, Real Life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9041778

I life in Amsterdam and we don't have many Sikh people here but the ones I do know are based and very good cooks. If I want Indian food I rather go the hygienic Sikhs then then the poo in the loo tier Hindu's. Also they use more spices and don't jew out on the food they make. Really delicious stuff.

>> No.9041792

Oh u.

>> No.9041799

Canadians are fags

>> No.9041825

Yes, ignorant sturmfaggot, yes they do if as you claim any deserve it.

>> No.9041835

It's getting really bad in Chicago I see.

>> No.9041836
File: 20 KB, 640x521, Ku_Klux_Klan_members_and_a_burning_cross,_Denver,_Colorado,_1921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9041839
File: 347 KB, 900x587, Niggers Genociding Niggers (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, ignorant sturmfaggot, yes they do if as you claim any deserve it.

Im actually a brownskin, or whatever you /pol/ faggots call it.

keep trying to play the race card, faggot

>> No.9041854
File: 306 KB, 832x568, Jungle Fever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> triggered little sjw detected

>> No.9041903

We have a lot of them in Italy.
10/10 people. Would bro out with.

>> No.9041994


>implying there's a difference>>9037310

>> No.9042010


In that case, you don't deserve a say and you should return from whence you came, shitskin. You're no different

>> No.9042027

There is man, l'm not kidding, I've got tons of Sikh friends, they're very clean, polite and are really reliable

I've had Hindu friends but I kind of drifted away from them, they were pretty grotty, didn't wash their hands after the toilet, smelled like literal shit, weren't the most polite and weren't very reliable people.

I also have Muslim friends, the ones I hang out with are okay but some of their friends who are also Muslim that occasionally tag along are fucking weird and talk about their religion all the time rather than anything else, their hygiene is ok but could improve in some areas like their teeth, they're reliable some of the time but not all the time.

>> No.9042033

>guy posts pics of black people killing eachother
>your rebuttal is white guys peacefully standing next to a fire
come on now, post some large scale white on white violence on the level of what goes down in those shithole countries

>> No.9042048

>le sikhs are bros because they aren't your typical muslim sand niggers!
fuck off Harunalrashid

>> No.9042065

>they're very clean

Ok, for a second there you had me. Now I KNOW you're trolling.

>> No.9042070

Not kidding man, my Sikh friends all take like 2 showers a day

>> No.9042073



>> No.9042096
File: 175 KB, 490x368, Irony - Definition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fun Fact:

Much like Black Lives Matter, the KKK started out with the rhetoric of protecting white lives in an era of rampant black crime in the south.

And much like the KKK, Black Lives Matter soon devolved into targeted shootings of white cops, targeted shootings of whites, and other extreme racist based violent crimes.

Black Lives Matter will be looked back in the same light, 20 years from now.

>> No.9042103

>Much like Black Lives Matter, the KKK started out with the rhetoric of protecting white lives in an era of rampant black crime in the south.
>And much like the KKK, Black Lives Matter soon devolved into targeted shootings of white cops, targeted shootings of whites, and other extreme racist based violent crimes.

In Chicago, BLM is basically a hate group destroying their own black communities... black on black crime has spiked through the roof in the last 2 years and white flight is full on in effect in most neighborhoods...

sad :`(

chicago used to be a nice city

>> No.9042108


Wall Street Journal

> The Black Body Count Rises as Chicago Police Step Back

By Sept. 8, nearly 3,000 people had been shot in Chicago in 2016, an average of one shooting victim every two hours. Five hundred and sixteen people had been murdered. Gun homicides and non-fatal shootings were up 47% over the same period of 2015, which had seen a significant rise in crime over 2014.

“There is no way out of this shooting spree,” Mr. Angelo said. His despair is understandable, because Chicago is the country’s most-glaring example of what I have called the “Ferguson effect.” Chicago officers have cut back drastically on proactive policing under the onslaught of criticism from the Black Lives Matter movement and its political and media enablers.

>> No.9042120

sure is food and cooking in here

>> No.9042146

Yes and if you polled them, 90% would say they are Christian, just like the terrorists who claim to be Muslim. You might as well correlate the murder rate in the US with Christianity as the terrorists with Islam. They are both a small percentage of their professed religion. The fact that one committs atrocities in the name of Islam just as a percentage of Christians and Jews have committed atrocities is not an indictment of the entire religion. All religions are equally culpable.

tl;dr all religions are the same and suck ass.

>> No.9042151

>reading comprehension

>> No.9042154

>quote is inflammatory
>A person can say "ppl"
>"news" organization and writer cropped out

fake news and /pol/fags fuck on out of /ck/

>> No.9042200


> Not kidding man, my Sikh friends all take like 2 showers a day

I've known MANY Sikh in my day and every single one of them only showered like once a week or every other week, never used deodorant, never brushed their teeth, barely even used toilet paper, etc. Extremely unhygienic. Nice people, but very unsanitary behavior that they passed down to their children. I really do wish I were joking.

>> No.9042328

>Chicago officers have cut back drastically on proactive policing under the onslaught of criticism from the Black Lives Matter movement and its political and media enablers.

Good. Let the animals kill each other before they come crawling back to society.

>> No.9042331


Why are American blacks always the most racist people you'll ever meet? American blacks make muslims look peaceful in comparison.

>> No.9042349

>implying there's a difference between jews and christians

>> No.9042361

People like nothing better than being able to blame someone else for all that is wrong with them, their lives or their culture. Now throw in sympathy, money, perks for being coloured etc ...

>> No.9042373
File: 32 KB, 523x285, Advanced Trolling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American blacks make muslims look peaceful in comparison.

>> No.9042447

I had a Muslim friend once...

>> No.9042452

Because every time something bad happens to them, they think its because of race. They're ironically the least "color blind" group of people in the US

>> No.9042480
File: 432 KB, 200x150, kWgpK_s-200x150.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jyz tax? I don't want jizz on my pizza.

>> No.9042494
File: 312 KB, 1024x1851, LcYcQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9042497

That's a Sikh, anon.
They have tight turbans and trimmed beards.

>> No.9042555

Let's face it, Punjabi (Sikh) people make the best pizzas. You whiteys have no idea what ginger and chili peppers even are.

>> No.9042560

He's a Sikh you retarded cunt

>> No.9042676


>> No.9042748

>every religion has its [presumably violent] crazies
I don't know about you, but I haven't heard of any Quaker, Seeker, Moravian, Unitarian-Universalist or Christadelphian terrorists yet.
The fact is: not all religions are created equal. It's that simple.

>> No.9042841

It's not like there are many Quakers or Unitarian Universalists running around. Hell aren't most UUs not even religious?

>> No.9042857
File: 66 KB, 680x671, 24141413434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talk about Abrahamic trash
>come to conclusion that all religions are the same and suck ass.

Get that Jew kike shit out of here

>> No.9042868
File: 146 KB, 500x470, ray.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They get to be freely racist because they're Black. That's basically it.

>> No.9043021


>> No.9043050

I know you did it on purpose but that is not a Muslim man (Sikh) and he wouldn't know a word of Arabic.

And Indians/Pakistanis would never be cooking pizza, lol.

>> No.9043054

Quakers used solitary confinement to punish people who wanted to leave the faith

>> No.9043138


>> No.9043259

Quakers have never and will never use solitary confinement or any other sort of punishment for anyone choosing to leave the faith.
While it's true that solitary confinement was invented by Quakers and specifically championed by Quakers Thom Eddy and Lucretia Mott, it was done based on the mistaken view that it was more compassionate and humane punishment for crime than other penalties popular in that day such as floggings, tarrings and death.
When government bodies began to use solitary confinement as psychological torture, Quakers quickly withdrew support and started to lobby against it and this lobbying continues to this day.

Depends on what you would consider 'religious.' Members of more organised religious movements consider both Quakers and UUs as irreligious because of the lack of an official credo or dogma. I don't know how I feel about it one way or the other.

Not even that other guy, but all the Sikhs I know are meticulously clean. Perhaps I've just been lucky.