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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9031625 No.9031625 [Reply] [Original]

>Witnessing American pizza

Paradoxically, fast food American pizza is at times less of a disgusting thing for me.
Because at least shitty pizza is pretty much the same everywhere, I can just order one in any country of the world and I'm going to get the same thing.
But oooh boy, every time I see a 'gourmet' one.

Hint: Pizza is not a luxury food, you mouth breathing mongoloids. Even in luxury restaurants you'll be very hard pressed to find a pizza over €15 in Italy, and that includes places where the course meal is like €200 per person.

But then, there's Americans. And their disgusting 'thin crust' that's five times as thick as a Naples-style crust. And their oversized cheese portions. And their completely tasteless mozzarella. And their abhorrent ingredient combos. All for the very reasonable price of a lobster meal.

Because it's Italian, so it has to be very expensive gourmet food, no?
You fucking swine.
You know why we have such a variety of cuisine? Because everything is dirt cheap and done with the cheapest ingredients a farmer could afford, leading to complete freedom in what you want to do with them.

If you're eating Italian and your ingredients cost more than pocket change, you're doing it wrong

>> No.9031653

Did you know Sicilians are niggers and Americans invented pizza?

>> No.9031655

>15$ feeds two-three
>Gourmet food
Pizza is an easy food, like burgers and hotdogs. And it's better than yours.

>> No.9031669

Most places I've seen are $7-9 Euro for a 12 inch personal pizza.

Is demonstrably wrong and will never taste a pizza with buffalo mozzarella. Pretty sad that anon has to overcompensate so hard.

>> No.9031670

>Hint: Pizza is not a luxury food, you mouth breathing mongoloids

How many fucking times do I have to write it next time for you to get it? I think you're too stupid for you to have ever left your county, amerifat.

>> No.9031678

There's no reason to be upset OP

The better part of intellectual maturity is being able to admit you don't know everything

>> No.9031684

>It'-a not-sa like-asa mama use-ta make-a!

>> No.9031685

It's called novelty, just because somebody is willing to pay 50 bucks for a pizza made from unicorn tears and flour from wheat picked by the hands of the silent eunuch monks of Glutania doesn't mean it's any less of a pizza

You can argue that the people paying that much are getting ripped off though

>> No.9031689

Honestly America is just such a melting pot of cultures and had more potential for different food (and more food) than the rest of Europe that at this point I can't really look into American takes on the plates of other cuisines as their original thing. It's actually quite a distance.

Add that to the fact that most people don't actually know how to cook and then stuff starts getting worse, since one of the main things that Italian food has going for it is that it's dead simple to make especially compared to other cuisines. Then it kind of defeats the entire purpose of Italian food, which is to be dirt cheap and that anyone can make and it'd still taste at the very least decent, because Italy was for most of its history a country filled with farmers.

>> No.9031693
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>its another guinea, goomba, wop, dago thread talking about italian american food.

>> No.9031696

>tells Americans they're wrong for experimenting with different pizza toppings
>You know why we have such a variety of cuisine? Because everything is dirt cheap and done with the cheapest ingredients a farmer could afford, leading to complete freedom in what you want to do with them.
You're just being an elitist faggot anon.

>> No.9031701

>he has meat on his pizza

>> No.9031709

Why would I care about some angry manlet mixed breed's opinion on anything?

>> No.9031711

I posted a homemade Naples style pizza thread showing an extremely thin crust similar to Naples with a light topping of pepperonis and mushrooms and I thought /ck/ was going to have a collective fucking stroke.

>> No.9031712

Except American pizza doesn't have half the ingredients you see in an Italian restaurant.

How many times have you seen riccotta on pizza? How about potato slices? Egg plant? Artichoke hearts? Cherry Tomatoes.
The list goes on and on.

>> No.9031714

>abhorrent ingredient combos
bruh i'm in italy right now... y'all put some bad shit on pizza too.
sorry you weren't the ones to come up with barbecue chicken pizza

>> No.9031716
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You know I always wondered why Italian restaurant menus were just a wall of niggerspeak. Apparently it's a genetic defect.

>> No.9031729

lol, I love how the americans ITT come off as uncultured philistines

>> No.9031738

Yeah you have to overpay a little but you can get 100% authentic naples style pizza in America at least on both coasts. With 00 flour, san marzano tomatoes, buffalo mozz and fresh basil. What are the changes you can get southern sytle BBQ in Italy even if you were ready to pay for it.

>> No.9031780

>i'm italian, so i'm an expert on pizza
That's stupid.

>> No.9031807

I have seen all of those on pizzas in America. Stop going to Pizza Hut dumbass. That's the shitty pizza for poorfags and people who are too dumb to go to local pizza parlors that cost the same but are 50x better. Food culture is different in America and quality food at good prices takes effort to find.

>> No.9031822

>how many times have you seen ricotta, potato, egg plant, artichoke hearts, cherry tomatoes on pizza
>tfw despite being obsessed his critiques of American cuisine are predicated on memes, ignorance, and a misplaced sense of superiority

All of those excepting potatoes are common toppings, and potatoes aren't because that sounds fucking disgusting. The mediocre pizza place down the street from me makes their buffalo mozzarella daily as well as their ricotta

>> No.9031861

You're stupid.

>> No.9031865

Largely because the worst apparently American posts were written by Mohammed from his studio flat in London that he shares with two other families and a herd of goats as his only means of feeling superior to anyone. There's also the problem of flyovers, but they don't (can't) count

>> No.9031876

who needs food when you have a navy

>> No.9031884

Holy shit you're retarded. Please either kill yourself or stay off 4chan.

>> No.9031916

>flyovers, but they don't (can't) count

Idiot. Individuals who like good international food but due to circumstances or just because they like living away from people, growing their own produce and hunting within walking distance are deemed flyover doesn't mean they duplicate classics. With the unlimited ingredients and methodologies available on the internet, I would argue awoke homecooks in bumfuck backwater are maintaining traditional international food better than jew yorkers or calicucks who can walk a couple of blocks and get international dishes or great breads in their local shitskin restaurant.

Granted, you have to put up with some uneducated, bigoted troglodytes in bumfuck backwater, but it spurs a thinking man to create the good things in life himself.

>> No.9032010

> awoke homecooks

>> No.9032043
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>he is an urban Cuckold living in an insanely overpriced closet in a shitskin containment city

>> No.9032049

>You know why we have such a variety of cuisine?

you don't, we do. I'm not sure why you think people pay for expensive pizzas in america, that isn't really a thing.

enjoy your muslim immigrants.

>> No.9032050

I'm not American, you fascist breadstick.

>> No.9032053

>he lives in a cucked nation, subservient to muzzies and the EU

>> No.9032055

What is american cuisine anyway? Is it burgers? Fried chicken? What?

>> No.9032076

Literally every quinine in the world. In just over an hour I can get a dish from any nationality, with the possibility of Argentina...I'm not even sure what they eat.

>> No.9032085

That's Globalist cuisine.

>> No.9032102

>trump bows and scrapes to the saudis and zionists

'Murrica isn't cucked by the mideast, not at all.

>> No.9032112

Maybe not chain pizza places, but I've always been able to get ricotta and eggplant on pizza from local places.

Still, there's nothing wrong with other people doing things differently. It depends on what they have available, work and meal culture, and other things. A lot of people in USA have German heritage, so that's probably why there's more meat and cheese-heavy dishes. "American" pizza is more like a combination of Italian and German influences, so of course it will be different than it is in Italy.

Nobody really thinks pizza is a luxury food either. Sure, some pizzas can be more expensive if you start loading up the toppings from a local place, but you can still get a fast food pizza for $6 or less in multiple places that's still acceptable enough to eat.

>> No.9032115
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>> No.9032139

it's every single cuisine in the world prepared to the highest level by natives of those cultures, and then fusion of those cuisines, people who are from one culture doing cuisine of another culture,generally highest quality food on earth, highest food producing country on earth, and host to numerous restaurants and eateries considered best of their type in the world

meanwhile, italy prosecutes earthquake scientists for not predicting earthquakes, and you can be found not guilty of murder in italy and then the prosecution appeals and retries you for murder until they find you guilty. Advanced country.

>> No.9032195
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So America has no cuisine of it's own. Spaghetti, calzone, buffalo mozzarel, olive oil - these fucks had nothing. They ate puzzi before we gave them the gift of our cuisine.

But this? This is the worst, this Pizza shit.

>> No.9032212
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>tfw op is a leaf

>> No.9032214
File: 1.89 MB, 500x209, YhMgIAs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>awoke homecooks

>> No.9032221


you have to go back

>> No.9032290
File: 1.23 MB, 2560x1440, 20170131_111927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, back bacon cured for 2 weeks and smoking.

>> No.9032296
File: 1.21 MB, 2560x1440, 20170104_135919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, homemade sausage.

>> No.9032300
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Yeah, homemade bread.

>> No.9032301


>> No.9032306
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Iow, fuck right off!

>> No.9032322


I have to say, all of these look absolutely disgusting. The whole point of living in the country is that you have people to do this stuff for you, and these people aren't amateurs - they can actually make food!

>> No.9032725


>> No.9032779

My gparents are first gen Americans from Italy living outside of Shitburgh. I can get a lg wood fired 'za down the street from them for ~$10. Basic dough, sauce, fresh motz. Or I can go to the OG Delallo market and get real goods to bring home. I love authentic Italian food. (DCfag and can't find that here.)

>> No.9032795
File: 31 KB, 640x301, Walkenbar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This whole thread.

>> No.9033901

mamma mia

>> No.9033963
