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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 254 KB, 600x590, burger_copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9028555 No.9028555 [Reply] [Original]

This is the burger at my dad's restaurant. What does /ck/ think?

>> No.9028571

Why the fuck are the patties layered over the condiments, you god damn animal? Do you want people to get a mouthful of hot, wilted lettuce when they take their first bite?

>> No.9028574

Heat rises.

>> No.9028578

Shoney's tier.

>> No.9028581

Not baking his own buns... sad.

>> No.9028585

It's Texas. Only faggots bake.

>> No.9028590

Grease falls

>> No.9028605

Our burgers aren't greasy.

>> No.9028615

Looks okay enough. What's your customer base like?

>> No.9028619

White. We had an incident a few years back where some melanin-enriched people came into the store and started hooting and hollering about how McDonalds is cheaper, so I told them to go there. They left and there hasn't been a black person in since.

>> No.9028636

Your dad is fucking gay and he probably hates you. Burger looks shit

>> No.9028642
File: 46 KB, 640x936, mae___me_op_640x936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look gay to you, bitch?

>> No.9028653

Dude, your mom is a cutie.
Ever sniff her panties?

>> No.9028659

yes. I had some medical problems last year, and she had to sponge bathe me. It was so hard trying to hide my erection.

>> No.9028664

Oh this is a Ronnie's thread. Sorry, carry on

>> No.9028667


>> No.9028697
File: 31 KB, 267x200, 200_s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patties on top of garnish is fucking neanderthal-tier and makes the whole thing a slidey mess due to it being top heavy. We do it where I work and I've never understood it. There's zero (0) reason to do it and every reason not to.
>biting into the crunchy part with your bottom teeth first
>hot on top of cold instead of cold on top of hot
>aesthetically off
>feels off in your hand
>grease/juices pooled into the garnish, especially if you don't shred the lettuce
Dumb as fuck.

>> No.9028705

>Our burgers aren't greasy.

Why even make burgers?

>> No.9028738

lettuce on the bottom is absolutely crucial. aside from a spread if desired, everything else should be on top. search the best burgers, lettuce on the bottom is the common thread.

>> No.9028752

Absolutely false kys retard.

>> No.9028757

Tomato should be on bottom, too. Those meat juices mix the tomato juices, and when it's a nice rape 'mater, you don't need ketchup.

>> No.9028774

Rape 'mater is my new favorite culinary term.

>> No.9028775
File: 73 KB, 234x234, 1344575474733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a nice rape 'mater,

>> No.9028781

I guess my brain is used to typing rape.

>> No.9028787

Post a menu, faggot.

>> No.9028788


cut it in half, whats the inside look like, pink or grey? Looks tasty tho

>> No.9028792

See for yourself at our website.


>> No.9028798

You know it's grey. That's they kind of burger served at a place where your options are well or wed-well.

>> No.9028810
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>> No.9028821

How much does that burger cost?

>> No.9028823
File: 411 KB, 1598x1200, 1383402765420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9028826
File: 392 KB, 1332x1000, ronniesburgers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't post the final version

>> No.9028868

Post a menu,fag.

>> No.9028871


>> No.9028882


>> No.9028955

Triple 9oz burger? Fucks sake.

>> No.9029000

10 dollars for 29 ounces of hamburger on a bun with toppings is pretty damn good.

>> No.9029008
File: 10 KB, 454x358, 1328165482966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, anon. The technology that would allow me to eat through my monitor hasn't been invented yet.

>> No.9029058

>10 dollars for 29 ounces of hamburger on a bun with toppings is pretty damn good.
Actually that's unsettling. Because beef that cheap has got to be shit, and that's a lot of cheapshit beef. I'd rather have no beef that cheapshit beef.

>> No.9029063

Looks like shit thanks for sharing

Also, what is this place called (so i know what to avoid)?

>> No.9029603

>Kraft singles

Garbage tier

>> No.9029621

Your mom looks like Sarah Conner from Terminator.

>> No.9029628
File: 43 KB, 495x480, 1496866647523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you still in business?

>> No.9029637

Kraft Singles are great on burgers

>> No.9029644

If you're a child, yes.

>> No.9029651

try again
beef is cheap in texas

>> No.9029677

the only error is that it appears that it's using sweet pickles.

the vegetables should either be on top, or layered in alphabetical order.

>> No.9029684

looks pretty average. better than chilis or red robin tho so good job.

>> No.9029693

lettuce on top of the patty wilts faster than lettuce under it you fucking piece of human shit.

>> No.9029885

Or maybe Texas has more cows than any other place on the goddamn planet

>> No.9030780

Honestly looks really good, OP, reminds me of Five Guys. But they're right, patties are on the bottom for a reason.

>> No.9030926

Burgers should be served open faced, with condiments on top, and meat on the bottom bun. End of story.

>> No.9030929

Looks pretty good, would eat.

>> No.9030934
File: 197 KB, 1536x1606, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9030935

Hang on a darn fucking minute
I've seen this burger before.......

>> No.9030943
File: 68 KB, 603x403, 1383351145542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9031038

I thought this thumbnail was some picture of an abstract oil painting.

>> No.9031124
File: 588 KB, 500x281, 1494088346533.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What even is this thread

>> No.9031141

A repost of an old thread.

>> No.9031156

meat is not some factory made +1
iceberg lettuce, single slice kraft cheese, cheap bun - 1
family owned place +1 ( assuming it got spirit and your father is a nice guy )
Would gladly go have one of those burger for 3-4$ when in a hurry, and enjoy it

>> No.9031184

I think lettuce and tomatoes are better under the meat.
Here is my theory :
Veggies=tomatoes, lettuce, pickles, onions and pepper
Situation A :
Veggies are on top of the meat.
You take a bite the first thing after the bread to hit your tongue is the meat, your tongue is saturated with fat and salt wich overwhelm your tastes buds beacause we are wired to love those. As you chew the veggies and the meat and bread blend in your mouth but you cannot taste everything at its full potential.

Situation B : Veggies are under the meat
After each bite the veggies hit your tongue and deliver all the flavor they maintain, also they might clean your tongue of the previous meat a bit because of all the water and acids, then as you chew you get fat and salty and delicious meat.

Sorry im a poor writer

>> No.9031202

man are you actually that guy or just memeing? I wish it was you

>> No.9031258

Nah, I think the real Kyle Blanchard died.

>> No.9031280

>he shitposted so hard his lungs and heart failed

>> No.9031314

meat looks good, bun does not