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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9026204 No.9026204 [Reply] [Original]

Is it overrated? Underrated? What are your favorite Japanese dishes and recipes?

>> No.9026210

I think some weebs enjoy japanese food for the sake of it being japanese, but as long as they're enjoying i dont see whats wrong

>> No.9026211


Muh sushi
Muh ramen
Muh bento

>> No.9026213

im feeling a decent to light 7
if you've given japanese food a try, what did you think?
did you love it?
hate it?

>> No.9026240

Shut up melon

>> No.9026241

I remember having a rice dish with pork once in an eatery in Sydney. I'm sure it wasn't anything like tonkatsu (or any -katsu for that matter), but it tasted pretty gud.

I really really wanna try natto and takoyaki. I imagine takoyaki being a bit similar to calamari.

>> No.9026265

they have some good seafood, and because the restaurants are a little more expensive around where I live generally the food is prepared better / higher quality base.

The sushi places funny enough have way better fried seafood than most American seafood restaurants nearby.

>> No.9026278

Definitely overrated. Even the Japanese admit that. Ask any Japanese person what they ate for lunch and 9 times out of 10 the answer is curry or a sandwich.

>> No.9026284

>muh I'm only familiar with the super mainstream weeb food

>> No.9026290

everythign except a few dishes are made of:
soy sauce

>> No.9026292

That might be because those people are city-dwellers anon. I can't imagine a Japanese worker in the city sitting at home relaxing and have a nice warm meal of rice, meat, vegetables and soup at the middle of the day.

Might be the case for countrysides and areas like Hokkaido, but idk. And even so, if you're really creative with the ingredients, you're unlikely to get bored of food where you are. So the Japs are either short of food variety or just lazy asses.

>> No.9026297

That's bullshit, every single Japanese person I have every asked has said they love Japanese food and prefer it to any other type of cooking.

>> No.9026304


>> No.9026306

>Ask any Japanese person what they ate for lunch and 9 times out of 10 the answer is curry or a sandwich.
Reverse that. Most people have rice based dishes with vegetables, bean sprouts, and maybe a little bit of sauced meat. If they're in a rush they'll probably grab onigiri or a microwaved noodle cup from a 7/11.

The meme that japs eat nothing but curry and sushi is retarded and so are you.

>> No.9026334

That's bullshit though, they literally take lunchboxes with japanese foods like rice, sushi, pickled local vegetables and meats everywhere they go, be it school, university or work.

>> No.9026336

Except for soy sauce, I have trouble getting those things in my regular grocery store. Even then, I just get my soy sauce from Amazon, you know, the Kikkoman that's actually from Japan. The American stuff isn't bad either, but the Japanese stuff is my favorite for regular light soy sauce. I get Chinese stuff for the dark, thick kind.

For all that other shit you mentioned, I have to go downtown to an Asian market. None of that stuff like Sake,Mirin, Dashi (or kombu+katsuobushi for that matter) is here in Harlem, and forget ordering that shit online.

I'd figure that Japanese people would miss their soups/noodles/sauces the most when abroad, because they're hard to find outside of Japan, unlike sushi.

>> No.9026371

who the fuck asked about this?

>> No.9026376
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No one. Just rambling about Japanese food a little frustrated about how hard the ingredients can be to track down in the States.

>> No.9026377

Oh, they generally do. At least that's what all the exchange students comlpained about when I was in college.
If they're japs not in japland then yeah they probably had a sandwich, but if you meant japs in japland then they almost invariably eat more traditional foods.

Most convenience sandwiches are fucking egg salad there anyways, I lived off them for weeks because I couldnt figure out how to order anything else.

>> No.9026387

where do you live?

>> No.9026389

Harlem, Manhattan.

I know that I can get anything I want downtown, but I have to take a subway ride and schlepp it home in an Ikea bag which takes ages for some basic grocery shit. There's no decent Asian markets Uptown.

>> No.9026390

have to stop being so shy

>> No.9026393

harlem is shit, mate. I live in new york as well

>> No.9026396

I like Harlem a lot, it's really convenient for me. It's just that the grocery scene isn't all there yet.

>> No.9026403

you a white boy?

>> No.9026408

Only so much communication you can do through pointing and grunts.
It was easier to just identify a sandwich in the 7/11 than try to figure out what anything on a menu was.
Not a great idea to wander around alone without speaking the language

>> No.9026412

Yeah. I live north of 125th though, so I'm pretty much the only white guy I know up here. Used to live in East Harlem on 116th and 3rd, and also near the park on Clayton Powell, but I like it up here right now. Got a good view over Lenox Ave. Why ask? You from BK or something?

>> No.9026416

Most restaurants have english menus for people like you.

You shouldn't really have a problem at all.

>> No.9026417

i disagree i travel all the time for work. to countires sometimes i don't speak language and i'm able to order food. amazing what a little bit of studying and such can do.

>> No.9026419

i live near flatiron building

>> No.9026429

That's a cool neighborhood, my wife worked on 21st St. a while ago. I can understand why you wouldn't be into Uptown though. It's got a different vibe fore sure, almost a different borough.

>> No.9026437

Ching chang chin chang chong

Nice and hot

>> No.9026446

Not when you're lost in the depths of a tokyo district you can't even remember the name of because you got off the train at the wrong place.

I speak 0 japanese, so

>> No.9026449

Wok, nice and hot

>> No.9026472

>What are your favorite Japanese dishes

White rice with soy sauce

>t. poorfag

>> No.9026510
File: 1.32 MB, 2122x1655, rsz_132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is "tempura sushi" also eaten in Japan, or is this just a westernised blasphemy of the original food?

>> No.9026512


Even the most cheapest and trashiest of Sushi places that serve burger sushi, fried chicken sushi, french fry sushi don't have anything like Tempura sushi on their menus.

>> No.9026513


It's certainly a westernized invention, but a lot of the western-style rolls are starting to show up in Japan as sort of a "reverse import". I'm sure you could get it somewhere in Japan but it would be an exotic oddity.

>> No.9026521


Superheroes eat nothing but curry rice. Source: Samurai Flamwenco

>> No.9026533

ALright fagmanias I need help with the soy
Im thinking melted brown sugar, chili seeds and then add that sauce but I feel like I should add one or two more things. Gib tips pls

>> No.9027568

why the fuck would you add chilli to a soy sauce

>> No.9027576

Gives it heat. This is not uncommon for dipping sauces.

>> No.9027580

Splash of vinegar and try chopped bird's eye chilies next time

>> No.9027591

sauce for what, what are you dipping into it?

>> No.9027602

Pretty easy to cook, can taste decent, relatively healthy. All in all not terrible, overrated by some and severely underrated by others (usually by people obsessed with making sure everyone around them knows that they're not a weeaboo). I like sukiyaki, inarizushi, donburi, katsudon, etc. Basically everything is decent, but there's nothing I would say that stands out as truly amazing.

>> No.9027706

Overrated by weebs, underrated by rednecks. Overall a very nice cuisine with a variety of dishes that range from kind of shitty to very good. Sushi is excellent, ramen is comfy as fuck, tempura is indulgent.

>> No.9027739

Sushi is ok, but everything is really meh.

>> No.9027795

Japanase curry, okonomiyaki, ramen and tayaki are pretty tasty, if you're not counting all the stuff made from fish.

Also, whale sashimi is godly delicious.

>> No.9028023

>mainstream isn't able to be representative of a cuisine
Except it is.

>> No.9028059

I just want some nice yakitori and a beer to drink.

Why the fuck isn't there a bar in America where I can just get some fried gizzards and chicken thighs?
Why is this shit only in Japan?

I mean fuck. I don't even give a shit about sushi, but I miss just grabbing a few sticks on the street in Tokyo.

>> No.9028061

Unagi, eel is godlike!

>> No.9028272

>speaks no japanese
>goes to japan
>bitches about the food bc can't fucking read

go home you illiterate fuck

>> No.9028290
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That seafood pancake thing you can get over there (pic related) is too good for words at some places.

>> No.9028314

Just a little overrated. A lot of it is pretty good. Tempura is amazing, but it's kind of hard to mess up fried stuff. Takoyaki is also great.

>> No.9028340


Part of what's so retarded about this thread generally is that the regional variety when it comes to food is so wide, and none of these people really have enough experience to comment on anything other than the shit that's designed for western export. Some regional okonomiyaki get really weird and interesting. My favorites are just the Osaka style and the one with takuan in it.

Zaru soba is probably my favorite though. I eat a ton of that during the summer.

>> No.9028464

Drastically overrated.

Even award winning ramen in Japan can't compete with a bowl of westernised Pho from a corner shop in Australia.

Vietnamese is the best Asian food.

>> No.9028509

Maybe it's just me, but I always found pho bland compared to ramen even after I add all their condiments. Also I like the texture of the true ramen noodle infinitely better than the pho rice noodle.

>> No.9028516

Pho is the real meme food.
>wow i sure do love rubbery, gross noodles with fucking raw ingredients in it
>clearly this recipe has a complex history beyond "illiterate peasants making cheap food"

>> No.9028565

any food that doesn't use lots of garlic is dumpster tier

>> No.9029045
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I guess America can only be judged on burgers and Italy on pizzas then, you fuck

>> No.9029061

Neither of those are american. America can only be judged as lacking any culinary culture and stealing from everyone else.

>> No.9029069

Tell me your favorite cuisine and I will personally shit on it for you so you can shut up.

>> No.9029268

I lived with a host family for a year. Literally best food in my life. I gained like 20 lbs during my stay

>> No.9029289
File: 570 KB, 498x278, natto_activation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like it, but if I were living in Japan I'd probably get sick of it pretty quickly.

Takoyaki is just a ball of batter with a little chunk of octopus in it, and the whole thing is probably slathered in sauces (tasty sauces, but still). You really don't get much octopus in any one takoyaki, if that's what you're hoping for.

As for natto, I don't mind it, but I wouldn't say the flavor is all that great. The texture is that of beans covered in phlegm, and I find that the flavor tastes kind of bitter, a bit like a weak cup of coffee. If it comes with dashi, hot mustard, or green onion, mixing those in can bump the taste from "eh" to "alright."

>> No.9029290

It depends where you are and what you get. In the South, "Japanese" almost ALWAYS meant a Benihana type of establishment (steak, chicken, or shrimp served off a teppanyaki grill with rice and vegetables and "white sauce" for dipping - started by a cup of clear soup and a small salad with ginger dressing). Sushi was pretty much ALWAYS rolls of some sort - a novelty meme food. Rare to see nigiri or sashimi.

Japanese to me is ramen, udon, miso soup, tempura (even though it is originally Portuguese), sukiyaki, sashimi, nigiri, yakisoba... Sukiyaki is absolutely one of my favorites.

>> No.9029294

I love what I have tried. I can't bring myself to try takoyaki though.

>> No.9029300

Tempura is great. Also grilled mackerel. I've been doing a lot of sashimi lately because keto. Pretty much all of their stuff is good.

>> No.9029309

It's just a bit of octopus covered in batter, a lot of savory sauce, maybe mayo, and a shit ton of bonito flakes with some seaweed. If you don't like octopus it's not like you're really even going to taste it.

>> No.9029318

You are mocking Chinese - different part of Asia >>9026446

>> No.9029325

Oh yeah, put me down for yakitori too. Yet to try okonomiyaki.

>> No.9029331

Same here on all points.

>> No.9029340

I was in a ramen shop once and sat next to someone eating takoyaki. The smell was overwhelming of fishiness.

>> No.9029579

The Japanese trump the French in elegant simplicity and technique involved. The cultural differences alone put higher esteem to Japanese cuisine than French.

>> No.9029598

For some reason jp food is just so comfy to me. Nothing beats my favorite sushi restaurant with a hot bowl of udon bringing me sake. Or just enjoying a shit ton of takoyaki and fried foods before my sushi comes out, laughing it up with friends.

I will say that Jp food is also just convenient to make. Jp curry, tempura udon and anything where I just throw food on top of rice has saved my wallet significantly

I do think it's overrated in that 90% of restaurants charge extra for sushi because they just can. But you can find great places that don't over charge and are authentic as fuck.

Ramen, personally, I don't think is overrated at all.

>> No.9029610

Okonomiyaki is some good shit.

>> No.9029673
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Not that anon, but as a Vietnamese I'll tell you a bit about it.

Yes, Pho is bland, with and without all the condiments that we have added. I don't deny that because it's fact. And the dish itself is not that old either. In fact, you could say Pho owes its origin to Pot-au-feu, an original French dish that was brought over to Vietnam during the colonial period. Maybe if Pho is bland, then Pot-au-feu might also be bland.

But what I do know is that both of the dishes are well-known in their respective countries and are eaten by everyone, from the rich to the poor. Pho is literally just a new incarnation of the dish they gave us.

However, I personally like Pho very much because of its bland taste. It's all preferences. As for the "illiterate peasants making cheap food" notion, its true. Aside from somewhat raw ingredients (but safe to eat), Pho makes uses of cuts of meats that are normally not used in the West. Hell, there's even a hotpot dish that is not that different compared to Pho, and uses everything from tails to feets!

So really, you can all the dish a meme. If a foreigner ever says the best Vietnamese dish or all the Vietnamese have got to offer is Pho, or if they say Pho/Viet cuisine sucks, I'll say they have not explored enough to be sure. And while Pho doesn't have its own history, it certainly carries on the legacy of "making use of what you have".

Plus I kinda like the so called rubbery, gross noodle texture of the noodles, as you put it.

>> No.9029805

I used to think this too, now chicken katsu is my favorite food.

Those slant eyed fucks really know what they're doing when they're willing to actually cook their food and not slap it raw over rice and call it food.

>> No.9030123

why do they steal foreign food so often then? tempura is portuguese tonkatsu is schnitzel and german and curry they got from the english

what even is "japanese food"?

>> No.9030126

oh a westernized version of a food that originally came from europe mhh tempura is portuguese you retarded weeb bitch

>> No.9030127

italians "stole" pasta from the chinks
jews "stole" bagels from the uighurs
curry is not english, what the fuck

stop trying so hard to prove you're not a weeb, weeb. you're like a republican senator who wants to make sure everyone knows he doesn't find little boys sexually attractive.

>> No.9030131

>stealing from everyone else
japan is up there too bro dont worry weebs dont like to hear it tho

>> No.9030133

>curry is not english
i never said that retarded weeb bitch i said they got it from the english

shows that you know nothing and italians atleast changed their fucking noodles the japanese just straight up copied tempura and tonkatsu

>> No.9030134

No one said curry was English, retard.
Work on your reading comprehension

>> No.9030137

Pls don't put the west with america, From Icelanders, Spaniards to Germans we use animals heads, brains, stomachs, livers,blood... Specially regional cuisines. And Peasant food is the best food, I dunno why anyone would be ashamed to eat it.

>> No.9030139

>i never said that retarded weeb bitch i said they got it from the english
you should try getting language from the English; whatever you're trying to speak isn't

>> No.9030141

he understood it quite well
take his advice you weeb motherfucker

>> No.9030144

samefagging will not make your point any more valid, Senator Hastert

>> No.9030148

I think Japanese food is a pretty top tier cuisine. They've got hypersimplified recipes where they make the ingredients shine and also westernized stuff that's really savory.
I think the overrating might come from the perfection reputation Japanese have, but I can't say I don't enjoy properly arranged food even from cheap restaurants.

>> No.9030164

Japanese have an excellent sense of aesthetics and decorum. However, I don't like much else about their culture, including their food.

>> No.9030167

>overrated becausw of perfection stereotype
or maybe its because of disgusting weebs making threads on "japanese cuisine" everyday

>> No.9030231

Aussie here as well. There's a Vietnamese neighbourhood near me and I've eaten enough pho to be sick of it, pretty good though.


>> No.9030232

ramen noodles are also from china. I think "real" Japanese food tends to be the fresh seafood dishes.

>> No.9030774

I personally love Japanese food. Some of my favorite dishes are Okonomiyaki, Katsudon, Miso Ramen, and udon with a dash of shichimi togarashi

>> No.9030836

Theres a noodle dish in China where Ramen may have come from, but any of the modern ramens (Tonkotsu, Shoyu, Miso, Shio) have no counterpart in China.

>> No.9030889

get a grip, self-hating weeb. everyone likes japanese food, it was popular before anime

>> No.9030978

Wow a real person posting

>> No.9030998

Tempura>everything else
Might be because I'm from the American south though

>> No.9031883

Yeah this, I was guilty of this in high school. Used to get up at like 5 AM to watch the anime movies on SciFi channel like Iria and Venus Wars. There was a Chinese/Japanese place down the street that sold suishi and tempuras. I'd get that a lot. It was a new experience so it was pretty cool. I don't eat that food anymore and quit watching anime 15 years ago almost now but it was fun while it lasted.

>> No.9032312


>> No.9032345

I'm convinced only weebs like it.

Americanized Chinese food is literally the only palatable Asian food on the planet.

>> No.9032356

japanese food is the same shit over and over: soy sauce, sake, mirin, and dashi

>> No.9032388

Same with Mexican food: tortilla, beans, rice, cheese, and meat seasoned with cumin powder.

>> No.9032462

You're not wrong senpai. Some buckwheat noodles w/ a real crunchy tempura is the GOAT

>> No.9032826


>> No.9032979

Tempura anything, bento, teriyaki anything, edamame, are overrated,

Regular nigiri and makimono sushi are wildly overrated and oversaturated to the point where you can buy them at 7-11. Temaki and Gunkanmaki are still good. Futomaki is borderline, but I don't see it all that often so it's probably ok.

Ramen is in a weird place. Soba and udon are underrated noodles.

>> No.9033031

> Americanized Chinese food is literally the only palatable Asian food on the planet.
Flyover detected.

>> No.9033497
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>> No.9033504

Traditional japanese food is pretty bland owing to japan having very limited spices.

>> No.9033517

I kind of agree, that's why westernized versions are better.

>> No.9033536

>Lives in the west with a western palate
>Prefers a westernized dish
Really works your noggin

>> No.9033541

>I am physically unable to enjoy food unless it has avocado, scriracha and mayo all over it

>> No.9033543

>Well, the japs are increasingly adopting a westernized diet.
Tells you something about nip food.

>> No.9033550

>Implying the nips don't go mad for avocado, sirracha and mayo.
You're animu isn't a good representation of nip lifestyles, weeb.

>> No.9033577

Overrated but some dishes are amazing. I love soba.

>> No.9033667
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>> No.9033675

This what Americans think Japanese cuisine is.

>> No.9033726


I took my ex to a sushi place once and she loved the takoyaki so much she said it in her sleep

>> No.9033882

Avocados are the current meme food here. Mayo has always been really popular.

>> No.9033891

>the nips do it, therefore it's good
I bet childlike portions of poorly cooked italian food is the epitome of haute cuisine for you then?

>> No.9033894
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Is Ramen actually good? or is it an epic meme

>> No.9033907

do they have good sandwiches? is my concern

like i make myself a hoagie out of some fried chicken cutlet, no yolk noodles, and maybe a spoonful of tomato sauce

a lot of food there seems to be finger food and designed around chopsticks. i just love making sandwiches. steak sandwiches. cheesesteaks. pork cutlet sandwiches. ham sandwiches. spaghetti sandwiches. taco meat sandwiches

>> No.9033911

The egg salad sandwiches from the convenience stores are god tier

>> No.9033955

Ramen is amazing
I've also never had Ramen in the US that I consider to be amazing.

>> No.9034047

then you must not have been to NYC or LA

>> No.9034059

>I've also never had Ramen in the US that I consider to be amazing.

I've only had amazing baked beans while camping. Like OMG, BEST BEANS IN MY LIFE!

I've never had amazing baked beans sitting at home alone in my basement.

I wonder why that is?

>> No.9034236

tbf, most of the world eats curry or a sandwich for lunch.....what we eat for a quick bite betwen work or errands is hardly representative of anything....

>> No.9034242

so? i feel like for any cuisine you can concoct a list like that, of the pantry staples that flavour everything

>> No.9034246

Naruto Ramen in Park Slope has, honest to god, given me the best meal i have ever had.

>> No.9034254

yes, but katsu doesnt taste quite like schnitzle, jappanese curry is pretty much its own thing taste wise, and while tempura was derived from portugese fare its taste and execution are pretty jappanese....every culture brows dishes and warps them to suit its sensibilities

>> No.9034269

ramen is a coruption of la mien...the dish tho is pretty much a japanese invention(likely the product of japanese born chinese from yokohama or some where like it)....japanese food has whole category of chinese food that only exsists in japan and are pretty unrecogizable in china

>> No.9034278

im not sure its just limited land, trade is posible....it also comes down to a food atitude similar to cantonese or shanghainese aproaches...a preference for subtlety and natural flavors balanced with soy and sweet flavours

>> No.9034295

ramen in good, but in america its a trend which misses the point

in japan ramen is a convinience food, in a good way...its cheap, plentiful, and flling.

in america tho its a comparativley expensive novelty, becuase we dont have a food economy built to allow cheap ramen

it would be like ordering a 20 dollar hamburger in africa, not a fancy burger mind you, just a reasonoble aproximation of a hamburger.....its out of place and not worth it

>> No.9034377

>epublican senator who wants to make sure everyone knows he doesn't find little boys sexually attractive.
No, no, that was Barney Frank.


(Funny how even the articles that mention the prostitution ring have scrubbed the fact that a lot of them were under-legal-age teenagers.)

>> No.9035021
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I grew up eating it, still one of my favorite cuisines. My parents raised me on outlandish foods, so I have a pretty wide pallette now, but sushi is delectable in its own way. A surge of nostalgia hits me when I eat it and the flavor tastes of childhood, home. I guess its a little more romantic for me than most. Even so, its a little ironic since my other favorite food is burgers, the staple of philistine american tastes.

>> No.9035168

I will not let this picture go unnoticed, anon. Ramen Jiro is the highest tier of ramen one can get.

>> No.9035211

I'm not a huge fan of fish so I can't eat much japanese food unfortunately. However I enjoy japanese style curry more than indian style. I could eat a lot of asian food since I'm in Seattle but the only "japanese" places around here are steakhouses and sushi parlors which is kind of a bummer. Also calimari is really good so long as the pieces are lightly fried and not just big hunks of squid. Though to be fair I'm not actually sure if that's japanese.

>> No.9035218

> she said it in her sleep
Dude open your eyes, she's clearly fucking takoyaki.

>> No.9035379

everything and sushi in particular is wayyyy over priced
its good if you make it yourself. otherwise the rice balls are the only worth it thing to buy from a jap place

>> No.9035536

>ramen in good, but in america its a trend which misses the point
totally wrong

>> No.9035544

japanese curry is shit, mate

>> No.9035624

It is japanese, albeit fast food.

>> No.9035639

Instant Ramen doesn't count.

>> No.9035732

Yeh get a tonkatsu sandwich from a proper katsu place. Convenience store is ok, but it's nothing compared to the real thing.

>> No.9035746
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>> No.9037312


Just a sec getting the melon baller

>> No.9037434
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Made me smile, thank you anon

>> No.9037793

literally reverse that

>> No.9037796

Food pics from japan thread? Food pics from japan thread.

>> No.9038126

Sushi is okay
Ramen is gud
Anything beyond noodles and fish...eh

>> No.9038152

Ramen is basically the burrito
It doesn't actually exist in China, much like how burritos aren't actually a thing in mexico.

>> No.9038372


ALL of the best foods arise from austerity and poverty; Vietnamese food uses everything and uses it well, I love it and I like you guys.

>> No.9038384

>ALL of the best foods arise from austerity and poverty

This. Even a lot of the "French classics" that you can get at an expensive 3-star restaurant have their origins in impoverished peasant cuisine.

>> No.9038404

By curry or a sandwich did you mean instant noodles or a grocery bento? Japanese youth don't have money for much else for lunch and Japanese business men have their bank account controlled by their wife that makes them eat like they are still a student.

>> No.9038421

Is there an entire industry completely made up of restaurants that specialize in baked beans and basically only baked beans?
Ramen is far and a way better in Japan. Atleast with sushi if you're willing to spend too much money you can get something decent in the US.

>> No.9038436

My wife will only eat sushi if it is the fried kind. She's fat too. God Bless America.

>> No.9038446


Are you trying to say that Portugal isn't "western" relative to Japan? Because that would be pants-on-head retarded.

Also, I wasn't talking about tempura in general, I was talking about tempura-frying a sushi roll, which I doubt was invented in Portugal.

>> No.9038455

Japan stole popcorn chicken from the great Colonel Sanders!

>> No.9038474

It's neither over- nor underrated. It's a good, diverse and well developed cuisine. And it gets the praise it deserves.

Sushi and teriyaki are my favourites

>> No.9038899

hey what about japanese peanuts?

>> No.9038912

did you love it did you hate it? what would you rate it? you're the best you're the best what should i review next? hit the like, if you'd like, and don't forget to subscribe. japanese food - foooorever~

>> No.9038946

> I always found pho bland
Pho is suppose to taste light with delicate umami flavor.

I am Vietnamese and I find ramen to be too salty and heavy.

Drinking ramen broth is like drinking sea water.
I made that mistake the first time I went to a Japanese restaurant, thinking it's like Pho.
Fucking hell was it salty, especially at the bottom of the bowl, from all the miso.

Anything Japanese is too salty.
Even our most concentrated fish sauce is still lighter than the common Japanese soysauce.

>> No.9039256

funny this tread is a bunch of anime fag neck beards, no real japs here.

>> No.9039288

There are few Japs on 4chan at all, since they don't posses the necessary level of english to communicate comfortably with other nationalities, at least in most cases.
There's a bunch of them on /int/ though, if you really wanna ask them something. Then again, /int/ is /b/ and /pol/ lite and probably not worth your time.

>> No.9039363
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>> No.9039542

I don't like dairy for the most part, so japanese cuisine (and most asian cuisine) is something I'm partial to since they don't use dairy. Coconut milk for curry notwithstanding

>> No.9039581
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>filthy japs on my board

>> No.9039622

>Coconut milk for curry
That's thai curry

>> No.9040234

Nice. Tell us more.

>> No.9040316
File: 379 KB, 780x1040, jap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese food sucks.
Everything uses Soy sauce, Dashi, Mirin, Sake, and Yuzu.
Japan is a tiny island, with not that much land mass, so there isn't that much space to grow/make ingredients, so pretty much everything has the exact same thing inside, just prepared slightly different.

Just grab whatever is in the ocean, rub it in Soy sauce, dashi, mirin, sake and yuzu, and you have authentic Japanese food.

Even then more popular food in Japan is Chinese food, like Mabodofu/Gyoza etc.
Plus since we only have a small number of ingredients in Japan, all foreign food made in Japan is also samey. Something as dumb as refried beans in Japan is super expensive.

The only thing I can think of that is super different but is still technically "Japanese but not really" is Taco Rice. It's Okinawan food, but Okinawa is technically Japan now. But not really.

>> No.9040374

I can't tell if this is a butthurt korean or assblasted sturmfaggot. Either way they'd have the same opinion about Japan.

>> No.9040379

I'm an Osaka born Jap, you weeaboo.

>> No.9040416
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90% of the shit they serve at "Japanese Restaurants" is just autistically prepared Thai food. The normies sit there on those shitty throw pillows like the smug little cunts they are humming to themselves about how they're "so authentic" as they gobble down microwaved soybeans and deep fried tofu. Makes me fucking sick. Anyhoo, pic is of one of my all time favorite Thai dishes.

>> No.9041147

Japanese food itself is very good. The snacks are great, the meals are very filling without being huge in calories, and are relatively cheap. The sweets are generally delicious without being overpowering. If you don't like rice or noodles though, don't even bother trying to like it.

Practically all "japanese" restaurants state side are shit though. Even sushi is hit or miss. Your best bet is to find some small no name place or hit up go go curry.

>> No.9042175

what is this?

>> No.9042193


>> No.9042429

>Pot-au-feu might also be bland.
We tried to civilized you but I can see that we failed.

>> No.9042501

I've had tempura shrimp many times and it tastes like what you dip it in.

>> No.9042524

Personally I don't enjoy it, I live in a country where there are mainly all-you can eat chains and I've eaten Japanese cuisine only in these ones, only the biggest cities have real Japanese restaurants, but I can't afford them
btw, I'm a meat lover and seafood taste make me retch

>> No.9042621

Takoyaki are pretty neat

>> No.9042686


>> No.9042735
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Not him, but I am Korean and I shittalk about Korea's food all the time. In my experience, everyone downplays their culture's food during conversations (usually about how they're "all the same"). It's just something people do.

Foreigners don't believe it when natives say their food is bland and boring because to them it is different and exciting. Anyways quit being a white-knighting weeb.