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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9024910 No.9024910 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most expensive cookware or tool in your kitchen excluding appliances such as stove and refrigerator?

>> No.9024964
File: 272 KB, 800x450, Screenshot_2017-06-07-17-56-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These two things

>> No.9024973

based on the actual price I paid? probably either a weeb knife I bought for $225 (full retail) or a copper pan I got for $190 (ebay)

highest msrp? the same copper pan (about $390) or an enameled cast iron (about $350)

>> No.9024979

I think it's one of my chef knives. I blew more on one of those than I did on a (refurb) commercial chamber vac.

>> No.9024986

Probably my Panasonic bread maker, I think it was about $230.

When I first bought it I was using it about twice a week, I think I've used it maybe twice in the last 6 months and that was just to make pizza dough.

>> No.9024991

Clean your fucking kitchen

>> No.9024992

Do small appliances count? If so, my $30 toaster.

I dont see a lot of benefit for the cost of expensive cookware just for home cooking.

>> No.9025047

This is after two hours of two people cleaning

>> No.9025061

Probably my main knife. It was about $70.

>> No.9025066



>> No.9025307

>expensive as fuck highend gas range
>walmart/kmart tier cookware

You're like a skinny fat. On the one hand you're looking ok, but in reality you're out of shape as fuck.

>> No.9025326

sous vide cooker for $90

>> No.9025443
File: 547 KB, 829x779, KitchenAid_Mixer_Gloss_Cinnamon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actual Price Paid
My Refurbished KitchenAid 6 Qt. Professional 600 Mixer for ~$300
My Reconditioned Vitamix 6300 which retails for ~$450 new (got mine for $250)

I got them in matching colors, naturally.

They stick out so much on the counter in my otherwise low class kitchen, like I walked into an unlocked house in a gated community and started snatching stuff.

>> No.9025519

Probably my ceramic Kitchenaid cookware, like a $300 set, but I snagged it for $85 thanks to some hookups and employee discounts

>> No.9025538
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My microwave was like $80 at Walmart, I don't fully remember because I was drunk like always. Don't know about anything else, it's all from the 40's-80's, stuff my parents were gifted when they moved into their first apartments and saved for me.

>> No.9025541

muh knife probably, though my blender and electric percolator are old as fuck so accounting for inflation they may have cost more who knows but other than that I don't really use gadgets and shit

>> No.9025545

Oh and the knife was $130 but it's pretty nice handmade locally by a blacksmith/bladesmith dude I met at a renaissance fair lol

>> No.9025546

I have a set of German cutlery that cost me about $500.

>> No.9025556


Big Cuisinart food processor.

>> No.9025570

I got a bread knife I picked up for 40 dollars

stupid move but I needed one bad

>> No.9025571
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Same. I have several knives north of $100 each.

My custom cutting board was about $500, and is huge...4 feet X 2 feet.

>> No.9025573

Price I paid probably my copper frying pan. $175 on sale.

>> No.9026054

>buying a knife at the renfaire
that's like buying coffee roasted by some guy at a street fair, you're subsidizing his experiment and it's a crapshoot whether it's even acceptable quality

>> No.9026122

i have a $400 juicer

it's NOT juicero

>> No.9026948

Ma nigga

I have the pro line 7qt I got new for 160$ which is probably also the most expensive thing I have based on MSRP (550$). I also got the refurb Vitamix like you (but it's black and the KA is red I goofed). I also paid 230$ for my zojirushi IH (made in glorious moonland etc).

I really like to wait for sales and snap kitchen stuff. Other expensive things I got on sale was a shun knife, an all clad saute pan, and an anova.

>> No.9027340

Explain to me the difference between a 3-digit cost knife, and my $11 chef knife that has served me just fine.

At a home cooking level, not a proffesional cooking dozens of dishes an hour level

>> No.9027361
File: 2.11 MB, 3264x2448, 1357595215189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My weebshit knife, which is shockingly expensive.

>> No.9027374

How shockingly?

>> No.9027383


Then another couple of hundred dollars worth of sharpening stones.

>> No.9027428

Mama Mia

Is it so sharp that the only thing it can't cut is itself?

>> No.9027432

You could of spent that much on a custom blade you fool.

>> No.9027440

ehhhh, probably not made with a good super steel, or from a decent blade smith.

Custom blades start over 1.2k usually. And that's not for anything super crazy like special materials in the handle, or high end super steel.

>> No.9027441

Dont know, it is too hard to bend at 64hrc.
Not made of SGII I couldnt have.

>> No.9027446

I dunno, I've seen really good American Damascus custom blades in the $700 range.

>> No.9027452

>custom blades in the $700 range
Actual well known american blade smiths will charge easily more than that.

Bob Kramer, the most well known american blade smith who does Damascus blades charges anywhere from $1.5-6,000+ for a custom blade.

Hell, half of his auctioned blades are $1.5k+

>> No.9027458

And you "could of" payed more attention in English

>> No.9027467

>Custom blades start over 1.2k usually

I have bought a few custom knives from Watanabe blade. The most expensive was about $450.

It's well known that Kramer is one of the most expensive in the industry, and that what he charges is well into the diminishing returns category. Cherry picking him is like saying that all cars are expensive because a certain Ferrari costs a half-million.

>> No.9027473

>I have bought a few custom knives from Watanabe blade. The most expensive was about $450.


>> No.9027474
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And you could have learned to punctuate.

>> No.9027486

>Shitposter just escaped the breakfast thread.
Go away, troll.

>> No.9027492

I didn't buy it at the renfaire I just met the guy there. He's a legit blade smith though, it's what he does for a living, not some hobbyist doing half ass shit. He also sells online and at knife shows and other venues where people are likely to buy knives.

I've seen plenty of people who watched some youtube videos and cobbled together a forge and are trying to sell garbage, I'm not a 'tard that would fall for buying something I could probably do as well in my backyard.

>> No.9027493

>chippy hard to sharpen steel
>shitty polygonal wa-handle
>damascus faggotry
>paying 3 times the price for a basic bitch takamura performance because muh artisan legacy
I bet you cook twice a month and jerk off to Shuns in private, you insufferable pleb.

>> No.9027502

Sukenari cleaver and a couple of deBuyer copper pots.

>> No.9027511

>chippy hard to sharpen steel
Since when has sharpening knives been hard? It is very easy and cathartic.
>shitty polygonal wa-handle
>confusing subjective taste with objectivity
>damascus faggotry
>caring what the cutting steel is clad in
>paying 3 times the price for a basic bitch takamura performance because muh artisan legacy
Not everyone is as poor as you friend.

Just to trigger poor people I think I will start replacing the cabling in my sound system with nordost interconnects.

>> No.9027562

>poor xD
Ebin argument, my man. For $700 you could have gotten anything from paper honyaki to 200 layered german autism, instead here you are le triggering le poor 18 year olds with a pimped up supermarket knife.
>handle is subjective taste
Edgy handles are awful if you actually cook and use it any substantial amount of time. As a fashion accessory it's sweet, no doubt.

>> No.9027571

>paper honyaki
lol lets see one that isn't garbage.

>> No.9027572

>For $700 you could have gotten anything from paper honyaki to 200 layered german autism, instead here you are le triggering le poor 18 year olds with a pimped up supermarket knife.
>still posting about what someone else could have done with their money while asserting that it doesnt bother you
You are triggered, you should back away from the computer and calm down from the fact that your poverty prevents you from having nice things while simultaneously decrying those that can afford nicer things than yourself.

I have used it for many hours in my kitchen at home and when I used to work in a kitchen, no problems my dude. Maybe you should do more things with your hands instead of complaining about the lack of callus formation.

>> No.9027577

>present objective arguments
>le triggered poorfag xDDD
Okay. My mistake engaging retards in the first place.

>> No.9027583

>H-h-how dare you spend your own money in a way that you want to, dont you know that you could have gotten something else for cheaper that is "objectively" better!
Stay made dude, the power cord that goes into my amplifier is worth more than that knife. I will spend my money the way I want to because wasting one thousand dollars on a power cable doesnt in any fashion impact my budget. Can you say the same?

>> No.9027597

>muh money
>muh wasting money
Kek. Are you 14 and posting from your mother's kitchen?
>""""""power cord to amplifier""""""
Thanks for excellent pasta.

>> No.9027609


No, I mean fully custom. I Emailed drawings of the exact blade shape, thickness, and type of steel that I wanted. He sent me back a price quote and I placed the orders.

>> No.9027613

>still mad about other peoples purchases with their own money
Jesus, how poverty stricken are you?

>> No.9027614

Sweet, that means you have source material to prove you're right, go ahead and post up your drawings, hell, you can screen shot the quote if you'd like to be more thorough.

>> No.9027622
File: 106 KB, 578x712, exclusive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for playing.

>> No.9027627

>still posting about how people have more money than you
>still complaining that people dont spend their money like you want them to
>b-b-but I am totally not buttmad, I just know better than you!

>> No.9027642
File: 49 KB, 1152x648, custom knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing. Enjoy my shitty MS Paint.

>> No.9027650

lol is that a joke?

What type of steel? What type of cladding? What handle material?

Also, what the FUCK is that blade profile supposed to be?

>> No.9027664
File: 606 KB, 1919x1074, quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the quote.

The blade is similar to that of a kuri kogatana, which is a very common blade used by carpenters, though the handle I requested is very different in shape than that used by carpenters. It's basically a carpenter's knife with a kitchen handle. I use it like most people would use a paring knife.

>> No.9027675

You still didn't answer what material the handle is made from, or they type of steel. I see it says
>kogatana blue
So I assume it's using Aogami #1 or #2, but is it clad with stainless or is it a pure carbon steel blade?

Further, at only 120mm, you're not going to be anywhere near the cost of a chef's knife which is going to be 170-300mm.

>> No.9027686

>Hello Watanabe-san

>> No.9027699

The handle is Ho wood, like it says in the screenshot.
The edge is Aogami #1; it is clad with wrought iron. There is no stainless on it.

>>urther, at only 120mm, you're not going to be anywhere near the cost of a chef's knife
That is certainly true.
I once had him quote a very large custom deba, which I did not order. Price on that sucker was well over $1500. I ended up not buying it because the Sugimoto #22 I had on order arrived, and it completely filled the role I had been asking about that big knife for.

>> No.9027713

>>I once had him quote a very large custom deba, which I did not order. Price on that sucker was well over $1500
So then my statement of most custom chef knives are going to start around 1.2k isn't too far off.

You're either cheaping out on the steel, or size, or you're going over 1.2k most likely.

>> No.9027722

You never specified "chef's knife" when you discussed starting prices. You simply said "blade".

>> No.9027725

the topic was chef knives however.

The original post was spawned from this picture of a $700 chef's knife. >>9027361

>> No.9027733

ITT: someone spends less than the cost of a new phone on a tool that will last his lifetime, /ck/ freaks out
>b-but muh phone only cost $99 because my "annual upgrade"
no it didn't, lrn2 math

>> No.9027740

A knife that I bought in Japan. Costing around 200 euros at the time.

>> No.9027741

A Blend Tec. It was a very silly purchase and I'm thinking of selling it.

>> No.9027746

>last his lifetime

>> No.9027773

Really? I fucking love mine. It's one of my most commonly used kitchen tools. It has so many uses:
smoothies/shakes/boozy drinks, making super smooth pureed soups, sauces, marinades, homemade peanut/almond/whatever butter. Grinds spices. Makes flour. Hell, it even does a decent job at making ground meat.

And cleanup couldn't be easier. There's nothing to take apart, no gaskets to worry about damaging, etc. Just stick the jar in the dishwasher. I consider it an essential tool if you're even halfway serious about cooking.

>> No.9027786

haha, moron. you don't need a bread maker to make bread

>> No.9027791

how do you like that mixer? has it helped you? i like mixing things by hand but i'm starting to get paid to make people cakes and cookies

>> No.9027807

my vitamix. i love it. made falafel burgers and tahini sauce in it last night and they were fucking great. easy to clean, works very well

>> No.9027818

For most purposes I've found my immersion blender works well and is easier to clean. I don't make flour or nut butters though.

>> No.9027821

>immersion blender
this, why do i need a $400+ blender?

>> No.9027830

The immersion blender is handy, but it doesn't produce anywhere near as fine a texture as a proper commercial blender like a blendtec or vitamix will.

It's also useless for anything involving crushing ice, frozen fruit for a smoothie, grinding spices, etc. (Well, unless you buy a commercial one that probably costs more than a blendtec)

I own an immersion blender but I rarely use it because the blendtec produces a far superior texture.

>> No.9027844

Immersion blenders are handy because you can use them in a cooking pot, but I wouldn't want to make a milkshake with one.

>> No.9027851

>only a $1000 blenders are good
Go away, shill. A normal upmarket blender for $200-400 does everything just as well.
>b-but muh velvety smooth placebo texture

>> No.9027863

Can you recommend a good blender that can be had for a reasonable price?

I have an entry-level Oster that was shit to begin with and now losing mixing power with age and prolonged use.

>> No.9027880

Philips and WMF are bretty good.

>> No.9027912


They only sell hand blenders in Canada.

No free-standing mixers.