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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 78 KB, 640x426, Onion_burgers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9022361 No.9022361 [Reply] [Original]

So me and my roommate are divided on how we cook our burgers. Whoever is doing the actual cooking calls the shots, but I'll normally not eat his burgers while he'll just complain that I'm skimping out on what he considers perfection.

He's the kind of guy who puts chopped onion and an egg into the batch of meat because he believes it promotes better flavor and keeps it moist (personally I've always found them dry). I simply don't like raw onions and try to meet him halfway by asking the onions are fried or grilled so they can be added later, but he won't budge. Honestly it took some digging for me to even find a picture of burgers being cooked with chopped onions like I've described and he's not convinced that big successful burger joints don't do this for a reason.

What do you think /ck/? Are chopped onions in the meat a legit method or is it just meatloaf?

>> No.9022364

I prefer diced shallots and garlic to onions if I'm going that route.

>> No.9022373

> don't like raw onions
we ask them politely yet firmly to leave

>> No.9022377

Salt and black pepper are all you need.

>> No.9022380

I put a mirepoix or if I'm feeling feisty a trinity in my meatloaves
Never put chunks of anything in burgs. Just season with my proprietary seasoning blend of fine ground yellow and brown mustard, white wine vinegar, a teeny tiny amount of cayenne, salt, pepper, fine ground celery seed, Worcester sauce, soy sauce, and a bit of egg yolk plus a tiny bit of white to help it all bind together.
Always comes out wonderful and juicy. Don't like to add bread crumb because it absorbs too much liquid and makes the burgers a bit drier after resting. also makes the texture a bit bready if you know what I mean.

>> No.9022386

>if I'm feeling feisty a trinity
I don't like this board

>> No.9022389

This board doesn't like YOU sweetie
Get out

>> No.9022392

>shallots on the burger
hmm, that's actually a good idea, I must try it

>> No.9022396

Onions belong on a burger, not in a burger. You're making a burger, not a fucking meatloaf.

>> No.9022419

>teeny tiny amount of cayenne
why fucking bother then
either put enough in to really feel the impact of the spice or don't add it at a
>got my minuscule few specks of cayenne in here just so I can say I got the ol cayenne in here like all the big chefs do

>> No.9022424

Sorry you don't like it buddy
I just add a bit to tack on to the heat of the mustard. A little goes a long way, especially with something as strong as cayenne. I don't want super spicy burgs, I just want them to have a bit of zing

>> No.9022427

That's respectable, flew off the handle a little there.
Like the addition of the mustards and the celery seeds

>> No.9022541

You generally don't want to introduce any moisture into the meat as it will create steam and cause burger bloat.
If you like the flavor try onion powder.
If you feel you need a binder like egg try adding a fat instead like lard.

>> No.9023051

I like grilled onions, but probably wouldnt put them in the meat.

>> No.9023069


> Do onions belong in hamburgers?

Not in the patty.

The patty should be beef, salt, pepper. Possibly other dry spices if you're into that kind of stuff.

>> No.9023084

>Are chopped onions in the meat a legit method

Nope. The cooking time for the onions and the beef is totally different. When the patty is cooked the onions are still undercooked. They're at this unpleasant state halfway between raw and cooked. It sucks.

Either put raw onions on the burger if you want the bite and the raw texture, or saute the onions separately so they are fully cooked before putting them on the burger. Adding them inside the meat is silly because of the cooking time mismatch.

>> No.9023087

Are you my stupid faggot piece of shit brother? He makes burgers like that. Raw Onion, Egg and a little Soy. Knead the meat, form patties, and then cook. It's goddamn excellent you pussy. The onions cook while meat is cooking so maybe next time dont act so fucking priviledged and just fucking eat the goddamn thing and dont be a bitch about onions

>> No.9023089

>The only correct answer
>Not a single reply

>> No.9023102


What's the point of replying to something that's obviously correct? What else needs to be said?

>> No.9023108

>The onions cook while meat is cooking

If you were to cook that kind of patty long enough for the the onions were properly done then the meat would be charcoal.

I hope you enjoy your partially cooked soggy onions.

>> No.9023131

Quality meat? No. Shitty meat? Why the hell not?

>> No.9023168

It's a burger not a meat loaf you cuntbag

>> No.9023176

I hate onions myself, so I'd probably poison your roommate, and quietly dispose of the body ...

>> No.9023186

For me, that's pretty much a worse alternative in every way to grilled, caramelised, or even raw onions to the side. I'm a guy who likes options.

>> No.9023189

This Anon is right, however I like to season each patty with some garlic powder before cooking. It adds a lot to the flavor.

>> No.9023192

Onions make the burger fall apart when mixed in and loan little to the flavor.

>> No.9023202

I'm more concerned about why they're in the dehydrator. Do burgers belong in the dehydrator? No. You're not making burger jerky - with or without onion.

>> No.9023215

Just do what I do, use a cheese grater and grate an onion into the raw meat. It should achieve everything your friend wants, while avoiding what you dont.

>> No.9023217

>i try to meet him halfway
>refuse to put onions in my burgers
are you serious?

>> No.9023245
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>I simply don't like raw onions

Stopped reading there.

>> No.9023253

I do it, i like the taste and texture. I also seaso with a mixture of salt, pepper, paprika, and garlic powder. Everyone who's had my burgers has liked them, so w/e, my food my rules i guess.

>> No.9023306

onion and egg only if you are using low quality meat

and onion only minced ot pureed , chunks are retarded and you should tell him he should feel bad

>> No.9023379

Using straight up minced meat in for the patty is damn boring.
I always mix in an egg and chopped onions into the meat and let it sit for a 30-40 min in the fridge. If the meat wont hold together afterwards due to the onions, you just remove some of them.

>> No.9023426

I use dried onion and garlic, a little smoked paprika and some Dijon mustard in my burger mix.

I don't know how anyone likes plain mince for they're burgers, it's boring and bland.

>> No.9024103

>They're at this unpleasant state halfway between raw and cooked. It sucks.

opinion. not even arguing, i hate it to, but the reality about talking about food is the "better" foods are just the ones that appeal to "more" people, or just what appeals to you personally.

>> No.9024277

This. Anything else is extra to suit your personal tastes. Lately I've been using a combination of salt, mignonette pepper, garlic powder, ground rosemary, and dill with my burgers.

>> No.9024281

No they don't, this shit is an awful meme.

please see >>9022373 although grilled is also an acceptable answer.

>> No.9024290

For me its:
>wholegrain mustard

>> No.9024323

>teeny tiny amount of cayenne

Absolute madman, I limit myself to 1 single molecule of cayenne

>> No.9024438
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Are they dehydrating ground meat patties with onion?

>> No.9024443

I'm an onionfag
best veg

>> No.9024447

>not doing your burgers the patrician way
Minced meat, egg, onion, garlic, salt, pepper, breadcrumbs and milk.

>> No.9024455

No. Grilled or sautéed onions, or raw onions if you prefer, ON burgers - OK

Diced raw onion in burgers? I don't even get the benefit. I see them coming out somewhere between steamed and raw and neither sounds particularly good to me but no matter, I don't know of anyone who says "Oh I just love steamed onions."

>> No.9024466

I don't know of any successful burger joint that does this. For that matter I don't know any unsuccessful burger joints doing it either. Or any people who don't own burger joints. Your roommate is weird.

>> No.9024469

That's not technically a burger but I'd still eat it if he seasoned it well because it's free food. I love onions raw, boiled in a stew, caramelized, etc. Onions are the shit. If you bought the meat and he's doing this against your wishes, I'd be pissed though.

>> No.9024473

Onion belongs ON a burger, not in it.
Few rings of raw red onion, done, sorted.

>> No.9024495

>So me and my roommate are divided
You don't need to eat exactly the same things at the same time, nor do you need to try to control the other person's diet. Either take turns doing things different ways "just say, I want to do something new, not the same old thing every time" and then do what you want with your meals.

Pat out your 1-2 burgers for the grill, platter them up with a little rub of salt, pepper, olive oil, step aside and let him doctor up his hamburgers the way he wants. I do agree as another anon said that sliced green onion or shallot throughout a patty would be less offensive to you. I actually prefer to lay slabs about 1/4in thick of marinated sweet onions on the grill alongside whatever else I'm grilling. I love softened sweetened, grill marked onions straight up. Love them!

Favorite burgers? Ones rubbed with tons of cracked pepper, about a 90/10 fat to sirloin ratio, and I pat them a little thinner in the middle, but about 1/2 pound and pretty thick. I like them slightly wider than my bun. I only do thick burgers on a grill. The olive oil rub helps them get crusty good seared all over and that holds in the juices for even the most well done lovers. If your friend needs them juicy, add more fat, but the fat rendering out takes some juices with it, in my opinion, it's counter intuitive when grilling. For more flavor, throw some wood chips in a smoker box and add some oak or mesquite, or have that thick cut applewood bacon ready for one of your toppings, or bacon jam! I love a bacon, blue, black pepper burger combination. Get a good cheese for your roommate, a thick slice of melty good cheese.

>> No.9024522

Egg is an excellent binding agent and helps stop the burger from falling apart
Onion is subjective, I personally like chopped shallots and finely diced onion mixed into my burger.

>> No.9024565

Onions are shit and shouldn't be within 50 miles of the burger.

>> No.9024567

Your roommate is making tiny meatloaves, not hamburgers.

>> No.9024801

>Egg is an excellent binding agent and helps stop the burger from falling apart

If your burger's falling apart, it doesn't have enough fat. What are you doing using lean ground beef?

>> No.9024808

Onions are icky mommy I don't like them.

>> No.9024820

fuck off faggot
this board doesn't like fags like him either

>> No.9024854

Damn, quality roast senpai

>> No.9024857

>Oh wah wah I'm so mad It took me almost 1 day to come up with a shitty response to an ironic reply about an angry reply to an ironic reply
Does baby need a diapie? Maybe a binkie? WAHH WAHH, oooh mommy's going to have to put you in time out if you keep throwing a tantrum. Oh little baby maybe you should take a nappy nap in your beddie bye. Wahh wahh

>> No.9024860

Oooh, look, it's fried meatloaf.

>> No.9024875

I use it as an insurance policy. No reason not to, really.

>> No.9025145
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I personally like finely chopped garlic, salt/soy sauce, and pepper. If I feel fancy having things like eggs or certain herbs they go on afterwards. I wouldn't refuse a burger that was more like a meatloaf, but it's not ideal for me.

>> No.9025466

I find that onion makes the burger makes it fall apart easier and it takes longer to cook. So I do not put it in the hamburger meat.

Really I think the patty itself should be simple. Some seasoning of your choice at most.

>> No.9025473

no nothing belongs inside hamburger other than cheese stuffed in the middle on occasion. No onions, no wostershire sauce, no onion powder, no garlic/garlic powder, no hotsauce, no jalapenos, NO FUCKING NOTHING INSIDE THE MEAT. If you mix salt and pepper into the meat instead of sprinkling on the outside of the formed patty it will result in a tough sausage like texture and not hamburger texture. DONT FUCKING PUT SHIT IN BURGERS RETARDS.

>> No.9025481

I feel you, this board is full of liberals. Its a weird place to be sometimes.

>> No.9025536

What is the deal with people referring to others as "sweetie" on 4chan? Is there just one person being a condescending ass or is it becoming a trend? I realize lots of people do this in real life but I see it more and more here lately on 4chan.

>> No.9025559

>I simply don't like raw onions
Opinion discarded. Subhumans should be gassed.

>> No.9025568

I'm game for this.

>> No.9025597

Non-ironically this.

>> No.9025598

It's the liberals fault.
Some twitterbot kept posting sweety honey moochums huggy bobo bullshit at the President and became a meme.
Then he blocked it and now the operator is crying about the 1st amendment in a most ironic fashion.

>> No.9025683

That is so funny. They cry that hes violating the first amendment by shutting down their speech. Did they forget they can still mail him real letters and emails?

>> No.9025692

I love /co/, /ck/, and /mu/, but I fucking have how they're all filled with liberal cucks.

>> No.9025696

No. Growing up my mother was always the type to put onion, eggs, and breadcrumbs into burger patties but I always found them to have a gross texture and taste compared to just forming some seasoned meat into a patty.

>> No.9025699

yup it sucks. I do think that liberals are starting to realize that the current far far left liberals are out of control. Classical liberals like JFK are considered right wing these days which is a shame. What was JFKs favorite meal to keep it on topic?

>> No.9025702

We have not been able to verify President Kennedy's favorite breakfast, but he was known to prefer orange juice, poached eggs on toast, crisp broiled bacon, marmalade, milk and coffee.
President Kennedy was particularly fond of soup--New England Fish Chowder was a favorite. He has been described as a "soup, sandwich and fruit" man for lunch--always soup though.
Though we cannot verify particular favorites, President Kennedy did like lamb chops, steak, baked chicken, turkey (white meat) and mashed potatoes. He also was fond of seafood and baked beans. According to chefs who worked in the White House, President Kennedy liked corn muffins too---as did Calvin Coolidge. For dessert, if he had it, it would likely be chocolate. President Kennedy was a small eater and he often had to be reminded that it was dinner time.

>> No.9026072

I use onion and garlic powder and a raw egg. If you want it moist, just don't burn it to hell.

>> No.9026079

Your nigger roommate isn't making burgers, he's making meatloaf sandwiches.

>> No.9026089

onion is nice in thick patties where the patty is cooked med rare

>> No.9026180

Beef, salt and pepper. Anything else is not a burger

>> No.9026189
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Making a "burger" with onions, egg, breadcrumbs and all that is fine for a change of pace or if you don't have high quality meat or the proper fat ratio. But it should be considered something distinct from a proper hamburger which is made using ground chuck, salt, and pepper.

>> No.9026203


>adding anything else besides just salt and pepper

Only people from a lower class do this. It is because they are poor and come from a legacy of needing to add fillers to extend the portions of their meat. Additionally they will also in general over spice their meats because they are using a product of lesser quality. To support these claims we need only to look at Italian meatballs, and the black meme that white people's food is bland. Italians needed to add eggs and bread crumbs to make their meat go farther, so that they can feed their big ass families. Grocery markets in black/poor neighborhoods carry such appallingly low quality fresh ingredients that it has become commonplace for meat to be very heavily seasoned and cooked solely well done for sanitary reasons.

I will offer this caveat: if making very thin burger patties that are intended to be cooked well, it is acceptable to add grated fresh onion to the mince. This will add juiciness to the final product.

Tl;dr only poor fags add extra shit to burgers, and your roommate can go back to sucking dicks with diced onions and egg.

>> No.9026287
File: 1.73 MB, 3264x1836, 20170607_012405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. Half of this thread is too autistic even for me. For those who replied seriously, thank you for helping me confirm its just a meme followed by people who can't cook.

Here's the burgers we made that night. I knead 1 tsp of salt into 1lb each of chuck and sirloin to cook 8 1/4 lb patties. The buns I used this time were smaller than what I usually buy, so I got a little carried away when shaping the burgers to be smaller than usual, but having that much more juicy medium rare beef was actually worth it in the end.

This is my plate, roommates built theirs the same way but with ketchup.

>> No.9026300

buns not toasted
pickle looks fucking huge compared to the piss tiny burgers
dubious cheese
not enough onion, the way its layed out makes it look like more than it is.
are you eating of a file or some plastic palcemat? get a plate

>> No.9026342

>I find them dry

Buy fattier meat then. It's that fucking easy.

>> No.9026381
File: 26 KB, 500x500, tmp_12947-0008508184281_500X500-1203005107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't feel like toasting buns because I was flipping the burgers, roommate's gf was making the fries, and roommate was being a nigger and too busy playing video games to contribute. I just warmed the buns in the oven instead
already addressed the burgers being too small
Cheese is just Kraft American that I bought too much of and am trying to use up
fuck off with your onions, that's plenty on my burger for me
That is a plate

>> No.9026394

>He's the kind of guy who puts chopped onion and an egg into the batch of meat
That's how you make Frikadellen, but not burger patties. Tell your roommate that he's an idiot.

>> No.9026401

meatloaf burger. Oh, God no.

>> No.9026532

I do not understand this post at all. Calls his brother a stupid faggot piece of shit then goes on to applaud the way he makes burgers. I mean, if I were to take a shit on your pillow would you consider me a real cool guy? What the fuck...

>> No.9026571

fuck no, spices sure, but raw onions, nope.

>> No.9026580

No problem, bro. Just ignore the grilling morons. Looks good, though I would top with raw onions instead of cooked. Also the paddies are a little too narrow for those buns.

>> No.9026774

This. The meat should just taste like meat. Everything else can be added as toppings, but not into the meat itself. If it "falls apart" or "gets dry" it just means you are a shitty cook who can't even grill meat properly.

>> No.9026803

White castle puts chopped onions in their burgers.

>> No.9026804

No they put onions on top, goober

>> No.9026808

>salt and pepper mixed in makes a tough sausage
Well, you're wrong and you should feel wrong. Stop pressing your meat while making the patties/cooking them.

>> No.9026832

some jew bastard bitch kept condescendingly tweeting at the president like she had a mommy fetish and kept calling him "sweety" and other associated names, now everyone on /pol/ posts it ironically.

>> No.9026855

>I use it as an insurance policy. No reason not to, really.
A reason not to use eggs is the opposite to juicy, that's why. Firming up all juices into the cooked protein instead.
Eggs make your burger firmer and drier, that's a reason why not.

A burger that "falls apart" is simply your noob status as a cook. You need cold firm ground sirloin, which is 90/10, you learn to pat it while handing as little as possible, pressing with fingertips all around to seal sides, and depress centers for swelling. You rub them with olive oil. You don't attempt to flip them on the grill until they're actually fully seared on the first side. You have a firm thin edged metal spatula. If you grilled more fish, you'd be excellent at that understanding not to be so rushy already. If you weren't running your hands through the mince thinning it out with eggs and onions, it wouldn't be so hard to form proper patties. Durr.

Some technique and tips in this video but they cut the camera away at the fingertips and palm sealing the sides:

>> No.9026858
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Sweetieposting is the best thing to come out of /pol/ since Trump himself.

>> No.9026859

I agree with your post in general, but I in my experience a slightly higher fat content works even better.

If the meat is too lean then it can easily fall apart or develop a grainy texture, which is the motivation for adding egg in the first place. If the fat content is a little higher then there is no need whatsoever for a binder like egg.

Also, sirloin tastes decent, but other cuts like brisket or short rib are much tastier, IMO.

>> No.9026868

I use a gas grill, and grill 3-4x each week, so I am at times buying the storebought (Publix) choices. The 10% is because I like to reduce the drippings and size loss. I compensate by the olive oil rub which makes a nice char all around pretty fast over a hot grill, sealing in those juices effectively before they leave.
If I was really making a best burger in the world kind of day, then I'd be coarser grinding at home the brisket+chuck+ribeye blend. But, I've just found the sirloin 90/10 a good compromise on flavor, juice, shrinkage, and my drip pan not filled up with grease.

>> No.9026874

Lean isn't more apt to fall apart, it's the exact opposite to a more fattier blend. Graininess would happen from something too finely ground which could be a problem at your grocery. Stop leaning on the egg and get your technique down better.

>> No.9026876

>anything good coming out of /pol/

>> No.9026886

>Lean isn't more apt to fall apart,
In my experience it is.

>Stop leaning on the egg and get your technique down better.
I don't use egg or any other bullshit. I grind my own patties using the meat grinder attachment for my kitchenaid mixer. I use short rib meat, and I mix nothing into the patty.

The reason I mentioned the egg is because I usually see it in recipes that also call for super-lean meat. IMHO that's silly. If you use the proper fat content beef then there's absolutely zero reason to mix egg, breadcrumbs, or other silly shit into the patty.

>> No.9026923

Not to be memey, but I think you should just stick to using the best fresh ground beef as possible. Big fat patty. Salt and pepper right before it goes on the fire. Onions are cool for toppings among other things, but I want my burger patty to be meaty as possible.

>> No.9027106

Well, you're 100% wrong. Check out the book The Food Lab by kenji lopez-alt. He does experiments on food and this was the result he came to. Check out the online version if you don't believe me.


>> No.9027116
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See pic burger n00b. Do you really think I'm that naive to press burgers while they are cooking?

>> No.9027143

I agree 100%. In fact sirloin+shortrib+brisket is one of the best tasting burger blends you can make. I do it all the time.

Sirloin for the mild base, shortrib for rich beefy notes, and brisket for grassy and sour notes. They work together to make a great burger.

If anyone here doesn't believe me try it and grind up those cuts yourself. It will be one of the best burgers you'll ever taste.

>> No.9027185

I've experimented a lot with different cuts for burgers. I love both short rib and brisket, but I don't really care for sirloin. It just doesn't have much flavor. I don't want my burger to have a "mild base", I want it to taste rich and beefy.

I prefer to use straight-up short rib, but sometimes it can be too fatty. I try and gauge the fat content of the meat after I grind it by looking at the color. If the short rib alone looks too fatty then I add brisket (fat trimmed off) to lean it out a bit.

>> No.9027280

Nah, I know I'm right because I do exactly as I say I do and I don't end up with patties like that hack does. The burger that's presalted looks like he literally smooshed it as hard as he could to make it. Trying making it yourself instead of listening to someone online.

>> No.9027284

Yes. I also think you're just blindly following kenji instead of doing things yourself. I have never gotten that smooth look in any of my burgers.

>> No.9027328

waar de neuk zit er ui in mn frikandel?

>> No.9027332

>he doesn't grate onion before putting it in the patty

>> No.9027487

Ive done it myself, I dont blindly follow kenji and I have degrees in biology and chemistry so I familiar with the scientific method and experiments. Im sure if you dont put too much salt in the meat and use it right away it will be fine but mixing it thoroughly and seasoning enough to taste good will turn it into a sausage patty.

Should I blindly believe some guy on 4chan who hasn't given any info about salt to meat ratio or a guy who has a huge website and James beard award winning cookbook?

>> No.9028438

>on the burger
>in the burger
Kill yourself

>> No.9028547

Put raw bacon in blender, blend til pink slime, mix into beef, yum!

>> No.9028558

Hey question, how do you put red onions on a burg in a way that when you bite into it they don't fucking stick out the sides afterwards like a bowtie in a cartoon?

>> No.9028830
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>I have degrees in biology and chemistry so I familiar with the scientific method and experiments
can we turn this into the newest /ck/ meme?

>> No.9028834

If you have to ask, then no.

>> No.9028975
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>an egg into the batch of meat

Then your roommate is doing it wrong. You fry the egg then assemble it onto the burger. This is simple egganomics

>> No.9029089

you're a fucking disgrace

>> No.9029092

those are meatballs you fucking retard

>> No.9029105

There's a burger joint in Oklahoma which still uses a Great Depression-era recipe for their burgers, where they press a shitload of grated onion into one side of the patty to pad it out before it goes on the grill. It's pretty good.

>> No.9029138

Good beef, pepper, salt the outsides of the patties right before cooking. Add a little worcestershire sauce if you really want. Simplicity and good ingredients are the most patrician way, not your bastard meatball burger.

>> No.9029225

dont get jealous

>> No.9030059

That's how they do burgers in germany.

>> No.9030384
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>TFW you add a tiny bit of pickle juice to your burger just before assembling your burger ingredients.

Pickle juice intensifies the flavor of the meat a lot, also a little bit makes Bacon taste heavenly.

That's making Meatloaf sandwiches, not burgers, a burger should be treated like a steak.

>Form your gucking burger accordingly with your buns.
>Salt and pepper
>Some herbs or whatever you would use for a steak, hell, even steak seasoning makes it work
Add some olive oil

>Put it on grill or frying pan, whatever
>3 to 4 minutes, just let it cook itself
>Use a brush and smear some butter, you can smear herb butter, it taste even better
>3 to 4 minutes depending on how cooked you want it
>More butter
>3 minutes
>Salt and pepper, put your cheese if you want
>1 minute or 2 low flame with closed lid for maximum cheeseness.
>Get the gucking burger out
>let it rest for 30 seconds so that the juices can reacomodar
>Assemble your burger
>>Mayo + BBq sauce with a touch of honey on the base bun, place pickles.
>Place the fucking burger on this bed
>Place grilled onions on burger
>Place fucking tomatoes slices
>Spinach leaves because fuck lettuce
>Put a bit of mayo in the upper bun and place it on top
>There, your piece of shit is ready.

>> No.9030442

>the word "feisty" is liberal now
This is the real reason people fuckin hate /pol/. They have fifty new things to bitch about every day, and a lexicon of words to spout when you tell em to fuck off. No one gives a shit about your actual politics, just about how autistic you are about them.

>> No.9031126

hahaha wow triggered. Actually /pol/s worldview is the best and closest to reality ive found. If you are american, trump is your president. Hes not getting impeached, stop crying about everything, and kindly fuck off. How many words have liberals thought up that we arent allowed to say anymore?

>Please stop microagressioning me you are making me feel uncomfortable.

>> No.9031174


>> No.9031373
File: 63 KB, 600x811, image4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actually /pol/s worldview is the best and closest to reality ive found

>> No.9031412

>I don't like raw onions
>Complains about other people cooking

You need to grow up.

>> No.9031445

fucking NO

my parents did this all the time growing up, and i'm sure they thought they were culinary geniuses. the onions don't even fucking cook. the consistency of the burger is ruined. just. why? why would you do this?
meatloaf is the only acceptable circumstance to cook onions etc. in ground meat.

>> No.9032947

My point proven.

>> No.9033067

Dry onions yes.. fresh onions will dry the meat out the onions just suck up the fats and the water so you get a dry ass burger when you used dried onions or onion powder it just adds flavor

>> No.9033133


>> No.9034438

Your roomate is a horrible horrible human being.

>> No.9034541

Why dont you two turbo-autisimos just bang and get it over with. Clearly you belong together.

Just eat it and shut up. Not everything has to be your precise definition.

To further tick your tism, is onion powder and acceptable burger seasoning? If yes, explain the difference.

>> No.9034557

Thank you for explaining that for me

>> No.9034619

Oh.. Sliders. I thought you were making full burgers.

>> No.9034628

I don't understand it either. Glad I wasn't the only one.

>> No.9034660
