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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9020792 No.9020792 [Reply] [Original]

Instead of dead animals, where can a parent tell meat comes from?

>> No.9020803


>> No.9020806

Dead animals, don't raise a pussy

>> No.9020821

Don't lie to children, finding out the truth will be a really shitty experience for them if you made up some bullshit about something they have been eating for years

>> No.9020827

the store
>the inquisitive child will ask how it gets to the store
a farm
>the intelligent child will get it at this point

>> No.9020829

explain to your kid that not animals are the same and that the ones they play with were heavily socialised for thousands of years while there are also whild dangerous animals and animals raised for food
honestly more parents should do this, you dont want your kid trying to play with a street cat and gettting bitten

>> No.9021014

Fucking truth. To this day I don't like venison because my shit for brains father told me it was beef the first time I tried it. Kids will remember the dirty shit you do & the lies you tell for a lifetime. Don't raise an asshole like yourself. Raise an honest asshole instead.

>> No.9021018

Meat trees

>> No.9021029

Explain to your kid that not all humans are the same and that the ones they play with were have been heavily socialized for thousands of years, while there are also wild and dangerous humans and asians raised for slave labor.
Honestly more parents should do this, you don't want your kid trying to play with an illegal and getting stabbed.

>> No.9021041
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>Be 3
>At grandparents' house playing outside
>Starting to get dark, go to garage for light
>mfw see a dead, gutted deer hanging from the middle of the ceiling, blood dripping into a bucket
>Ask parents what was going on
>Learn a lot about hunting that night

>> No.9021051

>Kids will remember the dirty shit you do & the lies you tell for a lifetime. Don't raise an asshole like yourself. Raise an honest asshole instead.

I have to agree with this. You don't want to be responsible for raising a child with severe food issues. Tell them they come from animals, and that iit is natural to consume meat. Animals do it, and our teeth show we were designed to be omnivores, and science knows it's how we get our Vitamin B-12, etc.
Let them do a little bit of their pickiness, control their snacks and sugary drinks, so they come to meals utterly ravenous. Put your TV on carnivores that ooh and ahh about delicious steak on the grills. Make it all quite normal to eat meat, and not anything to apologize for, because you want to grow up healthy and then stop focusing on their food actually. Psychology to not make meal times about that controversy. If you need to get tricky for a while to make them things out of sheer hunger, do it. Grate some veggies into meatloaf, and serve only meatloaf. All in one dinner, kiddo. Then the next course when they did good. Literally have hot dogs or tenders if you need to do that, as long as they don't ignore meat in their life.
If they're at a certain age, exposed to vegans, present them with the ability not to mock their less intelligent friends, but let them know they will not exclude food groups or grow up to get cancer. Use Linda McCarthy as an example. Tell them about how low the birthweight is of vegan babies.

>> No.9021056


Okay, if I can't lie abut where meat comes from, can I lie about the animals having happy good lives on a farm and getting "harvested" with "magic".

>> No.9021061

No, go on /b/ and find that gif of a pig being cut in half by a chainsaw. After a breakfast including bacon and sausage, play the gif for them.

>> No.9021081

When my little sisters found out they went on a vegan strike that lasted about 24 hours.

They'll get over it.

>> No.9021143

Dead vegans

>> No.9021159

Just tell them what happens anon, you don't need to be graphic but don't bullshit your kids, it makes you seem untrustworthy and there is no point in lying. I grew up in a pretty rural area and most kids I grew up with saw someone butcher a pig or at least gut a fish before they were 6, I don't think there is any harm in knowing were your food comes from

>> No.9021167

>never been to a pig save in the fall when you butcher several of your pigs with neighbors and make sausages and begin curing hams and bacon, the women doing the cure prep and rendering lard after the men finish butchering and sit around drinking beer and corn whiskey while the children eat fried cracklings and frolic in the yard.

God, I pity you.

>> No.9021198

My daughter is 5 and has always been told the truth about meat and for whatever reason this has never been an issue. She even asks what different cuts are..."is that a cow part or pig part dad?" She likes going to the store and seeing whole fish...or live crab...big pork loins...its fascinating to her. She knows what it is and has no problem eating most of it. She has seen animals feed on other animals and understands we do the same.

>> No.9021207

>ywn chase the Thanksgiving turkey around only to have your grandfather lop off its head
>ywn continue chasing the now headless turkey until it falls over
Shit, I was just a kid. I didn't know any better. All I knew is this was the only time is was okay to play with my food.

>> No.9021208

My parents did this with my sister. The only meat she use to like was chicken, so whenever my parents cooked meat they just told her it was chicken.

now she eats beef, pork, and fish and doesn't complain.

>> No.9021209


This is the proper way to do it

>> No.9021213

This all sounds way too horribly social. Fuck that.

>> No.9021216

If you feel you have to lie to your kid or brainwash them, you should just stop eating meat so you don't have to make retarded justifications for it that will screw them up for the rest of their lives until one day they become a 4chan user.

>> No.9021225

Just stick the the facts.
Food animals live the best lives that they economically can. Starving or whipping them is counterproductive and ruins the end product so it never makes sense for ranchers/farmers to act in that way.

Instead of being mauled to death and having their guts torn out and eaten while they are still half alive and paralyzed (the standard way for most everything to die up until recently) food animals are distracted or shielded from disturbance as much as possible and killed as close to instantly as possible.

Are there sometimes extremely bad situations? of course. That kind of treatment is not only unethical but also illegal in most cases and has to be stopped but that is a more advanced discussion.

>screw them up for the rest of their lives until one day they become a 4chan user.
Better to be painfully honest, meatless or just kill the child now.

>> No.9021227

>Okay, if I can't lie abut where meat comes from, can I lie about the animals having happy good lives on a farm
You can tell the god's honest truth on this. There are laws. In the US, we humanely raise and kill our animals. They are stunned before slaughter and its done the way it should be done. Visit most any farm, and you won't be that disgusted at the conditions, just a few extra flies around. Tell them animals live full lives, are only raised and breed for food in the first place, and quickly killed without pain. Cows are stun-gunned.

It may or may not be too early for your sensitive child to get the gory details, only you know. I like that >>9021198
goes to the fish market with the kids. Goat cheese farming or ice cream dairy farms are pretty hospitable for kids to visit. A really good craft kind of place should enthuse a kid about farm to table stuff. Someone that keeps horses primarily, might have a little chicken coop or something to visit. Hopefully you can visit a local farm, maybe near Thanksgiving, those kind of harvest festivals or something you can travel to, and introduce them to little baby piggies loving their mommies or something cute and respectful to farmers, or maybe the wharf for a fish haul and watch some Fishing channel videos, some game fish dramas. I love watching Deadliest Catch and River Monsters :P

>> No.9021229

>"stick to the facts"
>spews out a bunch of lies

>> No.9021240

Oh my god you're an idiot. Stop typing.

They're stunned, but even in the absolute best slaughterhouses under the best conditions 2-8% of cattle return to their senses during the skinning and dismembering process.

That doesn't even account for the fact that most animals now come from high speed slaughterhouses where these rates are much higher. Pigs are scalded alive in the hair removal tanks. You have no fucking clue what you're talking about and it's making me angry because there's so much bullshit in your posts.

>> No.9021242

>talks about lies without specifics or cites

>> No.9021339

This thread just became useless without references and citations. Way too much bullshitting to take anyones word for anything.

>> No.9021349

when you can buy cultured meat,
you can tell your kids its comes from a giant vat.

>> No.9021369

Ugh, you people are the worst. What does it matter? They're just objects anyway, they don't know what's going on.

>> No.9021373
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Fucking kek

>> No.9021498

Lying to your children about the most basic of lifes mundanities like this will only cause them to either not trust you when they find out the truth, or cause a full psychotic break when they can't admit their parent was a lying sack of shit and that THE WORLD MUST BE THE WRONG ONES.

for details.

>> No.9022111

>Visit most any farm, and you won't be that disgusted at the conditions, just a few extra flies around.

>has never driven past a pig farm on a hot summer day

t. city-dweller

>> No.9024079
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>They're stunned, but even in the absolute best slaughterhouses under the best conditions 2-8% of cattle return to their senses during the skinning and dismembering process.

so roughly 92-98% of them die a faster, quicker death, while being housed, fed, taken care of and given medical attention till that point unlike 100% of wild animals?

and this is a bad thing

okay cow, you were gonna be housed, fed and taken care of and then had a 2-8% chance of being aware of your death, but fuck it. out in the cold, fighting for food and oops, looks like a lion disembowled you and you bleed out over a day as they ate you alive, or whoops, you starved to death over a period of months barely being able to find any grass. arnt you lucky

>> No.9024685

Dead animals.

Lying to your kids is degenerate, it just shows how little respect you have for them.

>> No.9024700

>Instead of being mauled to death and having their guts torn out and eaten while they are still half alive and paralyzed (the standard way for most everything to die up until recently) food animals are distracted or shielded from disturbance as much as possible and killed as close to instantly as possible
While true, tthey are also also being pumped full of drugs on a daily basis and living in a cage that is too small to move or even change position. The life of livestock is fucking miserable.

Hunting is as ethical as it gets. You are allowing the animal to live a free, natural life while also giving it an instant, painless death.

>> No.9025254
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Tell them it was donated by live animals?

>> No.9025266

The first thing you do to an animal during slaughter is to bleed them. How an animal without blood come to it's senses?

>> No.9025273

you meant to say muslims and i agree with this aswell

>> No.9026626

>believing the rubbish you read in Vegan Weekly

>> No.9026764

>He thinks that domesticated animals don't live longer lives than ones that live in the wild.
>He thinks that living with all the food you could want to eat and no risk of being killed and eaten is not preferable wandering for your food and having every chance of either starving or being eaten alive.
Throw your posting device into the ocean m9

>> No.9026822

the store

>> No.9026932

That's in the best slaughterhouses you stupid fuck. And just because something happens in the wild doesn't mean it's okay for you to be as evil as you want. Do you rape your brother because our ancestors used to rape each other? Do you skin people alive because it's happened before? You can literally justify fucking anything by comparing it to something else that's happened. You're a fucking retard.

Also, those animals are severely abused before they're slaughtered and/or scalded alive. They're also babies when they're killed. For something you don't need and that is actually bringing us to extinction. But I'm sure you don't care because extinction has happened to other species and you obviously aren't even bright enough to care about your own well-being.

>instant, painless death
I've seen deer with arrows stuck in their faces. There are few hunters who get a head shot every time, and you're also taking them from their families. It's likely you could also be sentencing their babies to a slow death.

>> No.9026942

>and that is actually bringing us to extinction

When you tell hysterical lies for parts of your argument, it lowers the credibility of the rest of the argument.

>> No.9026946
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All the advice you need is this: Don't lie to your kid, you imbecile.

>> No.9026958

This is how.

Also, cattle are hung up to be bled by their legs, and sometimes the process has already started. It can be difficult/dangerous to kill them when they return to their senses as well which is partly why slaughterhouse workers have such high injury rates.

>> No.9026959

Seriously though. Stop being a faggot. Let your kids know asap that this is where meat comes from and an animal was put down so you can eat. Foster respect for the process of putting meat on the table. Or raise a twink. I don't give a shit, but if you eat it, you should know what's involved in making it happen.

>> No.9026960
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Take them hunting so they can appreciate where their food comes from and not grow up to be a little bitch.

>> No.9026963

Except it literally is bringing us to our extinction. It's the most actively destructive industry on the planet.

>> No.9026965

Because killing defenseless animals for no reason automatically keeps you from being a little bitch...

Whenever I see a hunter the first thing I think is they're trying too hard to compensate for the fact that they're a retard by pretending it's something to be proud of.

>> No.9026966

>It's the most actively destructive industry on the planet.

But that's not even close to being true, foolio.

>> No.9026978

Actually I've read multiple studies on the subject, have worked with farmers (unfortunately), and known both undercover investigators and government inspectors. Again, those numbers come from the BEST slaughterhouses. The actual percentage of animals who return to their senses is much higher. But any amount is unjustifiable.

>> No.9026987

They literally don't live longer than animals in the wild. Animals raised for food die when they're just babies... And they're tortured in that small fraction of a lifespan.

God I'm so tired of idiots making shamelessly obnoxious assumptions.

>> No.9026990

Self-sufficiency is a trait that should be lauded, yes.

>> No.9026993

Read a fucking book.

>> No.9026996

If they're old enough to sexually reproduce, they aren't babies. I don't even know why I'd bother pointing this out, I don't care when we do kill baby animals. I have no particular empathy for non-humans.

>> No.9026998

>Because killing defenseless animals for no reason

1. Consumption is a reason. Teaching children how to hunt and appreciate where food comes from is also a reason. Whether or not you find those to be sufficient to your personal moral obligations is an entirely different matter.

2. Hunted animals have defenses. Escape is a defense against hunting, as is natural camouflage. It's ridiculous to assume that hunting is only valid if it's in some mutual trial-by-combat.

>Whenever I see a hunter the first thing I think is they're trying too hard to compensate for the fact that they're a retard by pretending it's something to be proud of.

You aren't the arbiter of pride. You're a shitposter on 4chan. Nobody gives your opinions weight.

>> No.9026999

>Animals raised for food die when they're just babies

What do you think happens to the overwhelming majority of animals in the wild, anon?

>> No.9027001

You could just grow food instead of being a degenerate mongoloid and actually choosing to eat the flesh of a dead animal. How do you people not realize how disgusting and pathetic that is?

>> No.9027007

We're not going to go extinct because of it. Cool your Chicken Little nonsense.

>> No.9027017

Hunting is much more efficient form of food production. I also don't know why it would be degenerate to eat the flesh of a dead animal. Quite a large number of species do that, why should we in particular avoid it?

>> No.9027019

>How do you people not realize how disgusting and pathetic that is?

Because it's neither disgusting or pathetic.

>>You could just grow food
How is eating a dead plant any different than a dead animal? Both are living things. Why do you consider one more important to the other?

>> No.9027020

Pigs are slaughtered when they're only 6 months old. Wild pigs live on average 4-8 years. Well cared for pigs can live for 20 years.

>> No.9027024

>Pigs are slaughtered when they're only 6 months old

A 6 month old pig is nowhere near market weight.

>> No.9027027

Tell that to Farmer John.

>> No.9027029

Pigs reach sexual maturity by five or six months of age. But again, even if they didn't I wouldn't care. I enjoy veal just as much as anyone, I attach no inherent value to an animal's life.

>> No.9027036

Being able to kill and process your own game animal is lost on most people anymore. Enjoy your burger somebody made happen for you. Or a bowl of foliage you probably couldn't cultivate for yourself. I've found that people who grow their own produce in a big way either hunt themselves or at least have respect for it if they choose not to. Most people here shitposting, would die without access to McDonald's or a supermarket.

>> No.9027038

Im vegetarian but my wife eats meat, I don't try and push my life choice on her though, she enjoys it. From an early age she told her son exactly where meat comes from, if he wants to become vegetarian as he grows up I'll happily teach him to cook but I won't force it upon him.

>> No.9027042

I grew up on a farm which is why I know that claim is bullshit.

>> No.9027044

>Most people here shitposting, would die without access to McDonald's or a supermarket.
There's nothing wrong with this from a societal standpoint. Specialization is one of the most powerful components of an economy. Individually, though, I do find worth in being able to do these things myself.

>> No.9027048

A) If you are asking 4chan for parenting tips you should have your child taken from you and you should be chemically castrated

B) your desire to raise some sheltered effeminate faggot twink child is reason enough for you to be chemically castrated

>> No.9027060

Believe it or not, you can also teach your kid how to cook vegetarian dishes without him being a vegetarian. It's not like he needs or will even want meat in every single meal.

>> No.9027083

I've been to Farmer John's and that's how young the workers said they are when they're killed. You can hear their screams from outside the slaughterhouse.

I don't give a fuck about your grandpa's farm. It's not representative of the industry as a whole you dumb fuck.

>> No.9027094

>Actually thinking being able to grow your own food or slaughter animals is something to be proud of.

You don't have to have a triple digit IQ to grow or slaughter. I'm sorry your parents think this is the only thing you'll amount to so they taught you it was something to be proud of. But they were wrong.

Also - I grow a lot of my own food. Takes few brain cells to do it. So many "country folks" act like being a farmer is something to be proud of because it's the only thing they'll ever amount to.

>> No.9027114

>my cherry-picked example is fact, your cherry-picked example is market data

Both of you need some statistics, here.

>> No.9027137

It's not something to be proud of because it's difficult or challenging.

Rather, it's something to be proud of because it's a useful skill to have. Is it easy? Sure. But that doesn't make it any less important--especially in this day and age in which many people (millennial) think it's hard or complicated.

>> No.9027141

this is the wrong website for you, and the wrong board too
try tumblr or reddit

>> No.9027147

No statistics are needed, anon. It's not hard to look up how fast pigs grow and what the standard market weight for a pig is.

>> No.9027155

Live animals

>> No.9027163

tell them it comes from Ron Jeremy the meat fairy.

>> No.9027289


>> No.9027400

>where their food comes from
>hunting for cows

I don't think this would work.

>> No.9027411

>bleeeding heart liberals actually believe this

>> No.9027449

>hunt deer
>throw away carcass
>buy hamburger

I'm sure there are hunters that do that, but I'm pretty sure that poster meant to eat the deer.

>> No.9027506

Found the little bitch.

>> No.9027526
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>There are few hunters who get a head shot every time

Holy fuck you are retarded, no Hunter aims for the fucking head you shit-brained nincompoop. You shoot deer in the heart or lungs, not the fucking face, and you don't shoot deer with fucking fawns either. Maybe ask an actual Hunter how they do things instead of making shit up for your argument's sake next time.

>> No.9027538

Unfortunately there are. During hunting season I routinely come upon carcasses where some scumbag took the head and maybe backstraps and left the rest of the carcass. As a hunter, that sickens me to no end and gives ethical hunters a bad name.

>> No.9027873

>my wife's son

Calm down with the stereotypes, kiddo

>> No.9028020

Also, at least in my state, the vast majority of fawns can survive without their mother at the start of bow season which is far earlier than even blackpowder gun. By the time the regular gun season rolls around which are by far the majority of hunters, there are no dependent fawns left. It would take an extreme lowlife to kill a doe with a spotted fawn. I know of no one who would do that.

>> No.9028032

Raise them vegan, unless you want them to develop early onset heart disease which you probably already have.