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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 44 KB, 1134x640, Industry-night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9020427 No.9020427 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone interested in making this a regular thing on this board? Industry anons check in, tell funny stories, talk about food/bev, talk shit about customers. Front of house,back of house, distributors, sales reps all welcome.

Manager of a bar & grill here.

>> No.9020434

waiter checking in

>> No.9020444
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It just got off the truck anon. You're going to have to prepare it yourself.

>> No.9020576

you ever come into my kitchen and talk to my staff like that and you'd be shit canned so fast. shut your fucking mouth and run my food, table jockey.

>> No.9020583

>another server runs your food without telling you
>Yell at the kitchen
The sous or the exec would probably take you out back to "talk" if you did that in a real kitchen

>> No.9020595

>kitchen is slammed
>"hey I need another ranch"
>"we're pretty busy right now you need to get it"
>"It's you're fucking job"

>> No.9020604

>kitchen is slammed
>waiter walks up to chef at expo
>"I need another ranch"
>We are busy there is more portioned in the server fridge and if there isn't go downstairs to the prep kitchen and portion more
>*Autistic screeching*

>> No.9020612

lel u know i'm playing

the only time i've ever raised my voice is when some other server has taken my shit and the pantry cook thinks i'm lying to him when I tell him I need another one. That surly cholo negro motherfucker with all the gangster hand tattoos wouldn't listen the first three times I asked him nicely so there you go.

>> No.9020615

"I need another side of fries"
"I don't see the ticket"

>> No.9020617

>we're busy you need to get it
>walk back to kitchen area where they keep the ranch

>> No.9020623

You just gotta go up and say "refire x"
The cook shouldn't question you at that point. If they do just say it touched the wrong table verbatim. They will probably get a little mad but if they don't do it then they are not a very good cook.
If someone tells you to go get something yourself chances are it's not on the line. It should be in the prep area or in a server area. Servers NEVER should be on the line, and deserve to be yelled at if they go into the line during service.

>> No.9020641

>*throws silverware into the garbage*

>> No.9020661

Everybody has done this at least once

>> No.9020666

>*dumps plate of food into your sink*

>> No.9020673

anyone in here ever accidentally threw the sauce or a big part of it down the drain when sieving it?

>> No.9020674

If you do this then you are satan (get related)
Especially if it's in the sink with uncovered drain

>> No.9020686

i work at a pretty shitty place
the cooks a good for the most part, the one pantry guy is pretty much the biggest problem. He always wants me to send another ticket through the system rather than say two sentences back and forth, but if it's busy and I only send another ticket through I know it's going to take forever and get lost in the pile of tickets he has spewing out of his machine.
really though it's usually not a problem and we get along fine, i've only ever once had an issue because I generally respect the kitchen staff. I just enjoy shitposting

>> No.9020694
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Mfw a closing bartender does this with the bin full of ice, lemon wedges and, straws

>> No.9020741

Closing bartenders always the worst
I actually yelled at one a few weeks ago so much they ended up quitting
I don't know if it's because they get wasted on shift, or if the only people willing to work the busy period for bar think they can escape the final leg of their shift because they had to make a bunch of drinks

>> No.9020761

At my work the bartenders are not allowed to drink on shift. What also sucks is no employee is allowed to sit at the bar regardless if you worked that day or not.

>> No.9020770

i don't think bartenders are ever really "allowed" to drink on shift
>not allowed to drink at work bar
who wants to do that anyway, would be weird

>> No.9020782

>not drinking at work
>in food/bev
havent worked a job where it wasn't normal to drink on job in food/bev except for the really nice and strict places (upscale-fine dining)

>> No.9020789

I mean yeah it's normal but it's not actually allowed if that makes sense

>> No.9020808


Here in Austin most of the nicer places do a round of family shots after everyone climbs out of the weeds.

>> No.9020809
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>"Anon I tried changing the keg"

>> No.9020822

Yeah, I'm talking like really upscale (reaching for star or better)
It's normal to drink a beer or shot after service or volume, but nobody gets drunk like they do in the places with a little less ambition

>> No.9020826

>"Anon the table over there walked out on their tab I didn't want to cause a scene."
>"What?! 10% tip!?!?" *chases them into parking lot

>> No.9020840

>"Anon somebody shit in the urinal again"

>> No.9020851
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>*knock knock*
>"Are you guys open? My car broke down in your parking lot can I come shit in your bathroom?"

>> No.9020882

>be only bartender on shift last night
>Thirteen seats at the bar
>5 table cocktail section
>in charge of to go orders, and service well for the waiters
>got absolutely slammed
>I'm two martinis and 5 wine flights behind
>Waiters all on their phones

>> No.9021286

Worked as a dishwasher at a family owned restaurant. They trusted me so when the owners left the restaurant so I could lock up, I would go into the freezer and stick my cock inside the container full of ice cream and fuck it. Came inside of it to and mixed it all around. It was pretty fun.

Also, if there were smoking hot babes eating in our restaurant and they didn't finish their meal, I would bring back the plates to the dishwasher area with their food and eat their half-eaten portions and suck on their forks and spoons to have a taste of their saliva. Lol.

Good times.

>> No.9021295
File: 22 KB, 500x375, 45678745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ask a guy who just had the dishwasher suck his dick in the back during both our breaks anything.

>> No.9021324

Used to train the newbies on cleaning up in the "plate" room where we store a bunch of useless shit. Had a really hot co-worker with me at the time and I had my phone on me.. Would secretly set up the phone to point at me and her and record and while her back was turned, I would whip my dick out and start fapping..

Shit was so cash

>> No.9021333

I work at a place that processes and packages frozen vegetables

>> No.9021344

Industry positions I've had, in chronological order:
>Wendy's fry bitch
>Steak n Shake server
>delivery driver
Each time I go back to food I keep getting better jobs, what will it be next time?

>> No.9021357

head chef at hells kitchen

>> No.9021359

why are you such a faggot? what part of south america was he from?

>> No.9021362

How often do you consider suicide?

>> No.9021380

maybe I should, kek

>> No.9021522

How do you get a dishwasher to suck your dick? Wouldn't the industry strength steam your dick off?

>> No.9021546
File: 48 KB, 540x960, 17813911_10208780310320948_1330784426_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna hear something fucked up? If not stop reading.

This fucking dude was working the fry station with sunglasses on his head...expensive ones like Oakleys or something. Anyway he bobs his head, I saw all this, and his glasses come off the top of his head and drop right into the fryer oil. This moran just shoves his hand into the oil to retrieve his glasses.

It took about 2 seconds before the flesh started to fall off his forearm and the screaming and pain set in. But it did. 9-11 call and an ambulance later and I never saw the guy again...fucking retard.

>> No.9021623

I stock the dessert section at my school's all-you-can-eat dining hall. My coworkers and all the customers are college students so everyone's pretty nice and chill. On my last shift of the semester I accidentally dropped and shattered about 6 plates but nobody really gave a fuck and I had a laugh about it with my manager before clocking out.

>> No.9021651

I've done this recently at a Chili's. They unlocked the front door, the absolute madmen.

>> No.9021686
File: 13 KB, 231x363, 0b1788632b5e6e2fb872d3cc187c461c8742f2be0b9d84e1cdbf0504308efc08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nigger wearing loose clothing/anything but his uniform
>Glasses/rings/necklaces at all, ever

He deserved it. I'm a fucking stickler for taking off loose clothing/tying my hair back/keeping my phone in my pocket instead of in my hands (if I have to wait tables).

>> No.9021851


>> No.9021868

>single bathrooms at our place
>in line behind a customer
>he's a short little awkward man like cotton from king of the hill
>asks me if I need to piss or shit
>"Here we'll both go in when this guy's done then."
>just use the women's bathroom instead
>later that waiting to use bathroom again
>him and some other guy walk out of there

Did some guys do this to reassure themselves their not gay? By pissing or shitting next to another guy and not doing anything gay with them?

>> No.9021881

It's locker room mentality, and actually efficient. Dudes can hang wangs but bitches need stalls and privacy to piss.

Most guy's don't give a fuck.

>> No.9022200

this. so unreal

>> No.9022257
File: 158 KB, 666x607, 1489185184199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>working as waiter in old school steak&potatoes joint
>gay host boy walks up to me
>"anon you have a togo order"
>it's scrawled in crayon on the back of some scrap paper
>enter the order
>"anon she called back in, can you double the order and add potato skins?"
>order is done
>order is sitting on the line ready to go
>order is sitting on the line ready to go for over an hour
>around the 1hr30min mark togo orderess walks in
>she's an overweight black woman with her head down in her phone, never looks at anyone and communicates largely in grunts
>30% chance she's a hooker
>part of the order is wrong
>have to void like $80 worth of food
>she has to wait 5min while her food is fired
>she's bitching to the host boy
>food done
>bring it out to her
>"here's your food miss, sorry about the wait"
>she grunts
>drop the check
>see to tables for a minute
>come back
>open checkbook
>$.35 for anon
>she left a dirty half chewed on chicken wing on the tablecloth