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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9019549 No.9019549 [Reply] [Original]

r8 breakfast
rare roast beef on cheddar jalapeno bagel with cream cheese
Fries cooked in extra virgin olive oil

>> No.9019558


>> No.9019575
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my harbor freight slicer just broke.
no more perfectly cooked roast beef

>> No.9019578

what is that NIN thing

>> No.9019611
File: 158 KB, 960x1280, c260954b-4b10-40d8-912f-b060c1e7565d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what nin thing?

>> No.9019676

almost perfect. thanks

>> No.9019791

I see you mashed your mum's vag and ass together. Good job with the cream cheese. very appropriate

>> No.9019828

oh. and scallions i grew

>> No.9019931

Why the fuck did you put that on your mixer?

>> No.9020020

41+66.6/Our loss.

>> No.9020129
File: 157 KB, 960x1280, 2c65c127-7ae2-4a8e-aa72-53924fd434ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not?

>> No.9020212

I love showing off my super identifiable mixer btw guys, along with my name it really makes me feel like a special figure in this community :3

>> No.9020235

oh yes. so special

>> No.9020239

We're all the dark lord naow

>> No.9020251

got nothing better to do than impersonate me?

>> No.9020283

namefags baka

why can't you just be like that dollar guy

>> No.9020306

I'd like to ask you the same question.

>> No.9020312

get a life

>> No.9020598

Not bad, Stan, but those fries look a bit gnarly and anaemic.

>> No.9020875

Sorry guys my little brother just killed himself. I can't post anymore.

>> No.9020917

>Harbor Freight

>> No.9020931

Looks pretty fucking good.
Not sure if...

>> No.9021099

its not

>> No.9021404
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what a sad excuse for a gyro

>> No.9021416
File: 428 KB, 1730x1728, WP_20170510_14_04_14_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spy a cheese cake in the making that we never go a fucking picture of.

Dont think that I've forgiven you, you mother fucker!

>> No.9021429

You really need to educate yourself on proper oil usage

>> No.9021449

What's the issue? The fries look decent. Barring the weird spots on the potato I don't see anything wrong. Do you think he cools them at too low a temperature?

>> No.9021461

Wait, I forgot in the other thread you said you got them for like $1 a bottle which is an insanely good deal.....with that said though, still seems too much falvorful oil for deep frying; but if you enojy, go for it

>> No.9021521

if I called you daddy would you shove a lightbulb into my dickhole Satan?

>> No.9021523

I'm not him, but you're right. He had like 15 bottles of the stuff. Was that olive oil?

>> No.9021537
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>> No.9021555

why don't you save that oil for correct usage and buy a more appropriate oil for deep frying?

Deep frying at or below the smokepoint of olive oil should only be done for shitty frozen cheesesticks and such......if you are deep frying food from scratch, you need to be about 450 or more typically

>> No.9021597
File: 195 KB, 960x1280, 3bf04896-b35e-4a86-8a01-e998b866e1f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the b8
but my fries are gr8

>> No.9022375
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lucky 7

>> No.9022390

because it's gay

>> No.9022432

What the fuck's going on here?

>> No.9022483

not as gay as the mlp stickers on your microwave in your mom's basement

>> No.9023050

yeah that's about how gay it is

>> No.9023118


Oh snap! Ya burnt!

Nice come back, for a 6 year old.

>> No.9023895

im not cooking today

>> No.9023907


>> No.9023920

Did you double fry them?

>> No.9023928

no. 3-4 times. idk

>> No.9023987


I'm making whole wheat pasta. Technically its 75% whole wheat and 25% semolina.

I added a little bit of spinach in the hopes that it would break up the brown monotony...

I am expecting the worst in terms of taste, so i may be pleasantly surprised.

But my wife got some bad blood sugar results back from the doc yesterday and we are trying some new things now. Doc says it is time to stop our carbo loaded and sugary ways.

>> No.9024181


>> No.9024468
File: 184 KB, 1280x960, 7ea7c22b-cea9-4296-b1bf-7018e7e4ce5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

green onions are good

>> No.9024706

I've never seen anyone do that before. I'm intrigued, but also repulsed...

Whole wheat pasta and chicken came out great. Didn't bother with pics because I had company.

>> No.9024871
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Trent Reznor approves of this breakfast

>> No.9025009

i doubt it. his wife probably cucked him into being a vegan