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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9019337 No.9019337 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9019338

I like pizza too

>> No.9019339

There's two kinds of posters on /ck/
>those who love a steaming hot slice of 'go 'za
>those who've never had it

>> No.9019349
File: 60 KB, 597x590, 1495534897897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Chicago gave the world pizza

>> No.9019361


>> No.9019589

>liking chicago nigger cheesecake which only exists because Jamal couldn't read the directions that said cheese goes on top of sauce
>liking the dumb nigger THICC meme
You realize this site is for middle class American whites, right?

>> No.9019592

I like tomato and cheese stew too.

>> No.9019594
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>> No.9019597

>tourist thinks it's 2010 and image macros are still a thing
Feel free to either lurk moar or go back to your home site.

>> No.9019607


>> No.9019613

Why do Americans embrace Ebonics?

>> No.9019617

Awesome comeback, outlander.

>> No.9019624

The jews have been pushing black people as "cool" for the past few decades. It's all to encourage white girls to race mix with niggers.

>> No.9019643

Viva le Chicago pizza fagot

>> No.9019647

It sounds cringey as fuck when whites do it.

>> No.9019687

From what I've seen they don't need much encouragement ;)

>> No.9019694

>hosting a cute Korean girl for a work training/exchange program
>ask her what restaurant she'd like to try
>picks Chicago style pizza

What the fuck?

>> No.9019731

I had never seen this in my life until 4 months ago, when I saw it on TV.
I thought "Chicago Pizza" just meant anchovies or something.

>> No.9019774

The majority of white girls don't like black men at all. There is a small subset of white girls who really, really like black men, but they are invariably sluts. You can't actually get a good white woman, only the rejects.

>> No.9019778


Being a europoor must really suck

>No Chicago style pizza
>Get blown up by terrorists
>Government takes all your money to fund the terrorists as refugees

I'll order two Chicago style pizzas for dinner tonight in remembrance of you

>> No.9019782

Fuck 'go 'za.
It's just bread, Kraft cheese and ketchup.

>> No.9019807

Chicago fag here, but try and talk shit about Europe while both the west and south sides are literal warzones the CPD is too pussy to enter

>> No.9019813

Does parroting opinions of things youve never tried make you feel superior

>> No.9019816

Is it really that bad?
I heard somewhere that the Latinos and beaners keep the niggers in check?

>> No.9019820

Does failing to use question marks make you feel hip and black?

>> No.9019832

But deep dish is what you get in white neighborhoods. Anywhere on the south or west sides, you'll mainly find square cut thin crust.

>> No.9019838

>blacks don't cook for whites
It seems like you missed a couple history classes.

>> No.9019842

>Chicago has white neighborhoods

>> No.9019849

Chicago is the most segregated city in the US you idiot.

>> No.9019852

it's not that bad unless you are literally in a gang. I'm a white dude and I ride my bike through the "bad" neighborhoods all the time, nobody even pays attention to me.

>> No.9019856

The implication was that no self respecting white would even visit Chicago, dumbfuck.

>> No.9019864

>chicago nigger cheesecake

>> No.9019867

why is the /pol/ trash out in force on /ck/ of all places today?

>> No.9019872

How is that the implication of there being no white neighborhoods? Goddamn you're stupid

>> No.9019875

>everyone who doesn't share my reddit beliefs concerning race is /pol/
This really isn't the site for you if you're going to continue having such a childish attitude.

>> No.9019879

Are you from Kenosha and visted once and got scared by the lady selling chocolate bars on Madison?

>> No.9019884

You have such a good chance of being shot in Chicago. No thanks senpai

>> No.9019886

Jesus, Jamal. When you get embarrassed like that, you really should just keep quiet and wait for it to blow over instead of doubling down.

>> No.9019887

>4Chan is srs adlt bsns

>> No.9019889

This is a thread about pizza on a board about cooking and food, what the fuck is the point of coming in here with your TEEHEE I CAN BE RACIST ON THE INTERNET memes?

>> No.9019896

Yeah because random white people at pizza places are the ones dying of gun crime, not people who live in gang warzones ten miles from downtown

>> No.9019898

Chicagoans attitude like this, claiming it isn't really a problem because a lot of the murders are targeted, is exactly why I'll be moving out of the city as soon as I'm done my master's. My neighborhood in Uptown is totally fine except for like 3-4 known families living over a few bocks that sell drugs and like to shoot up each other. Everyone I've told about how scary it is hearing gun shots, just shrugs and says a story about how it just happens all over.

The cities going to bleed talent from literally everyone not from the area til they actually take the issue seriously.

>> No.9019910

>triggered race traitors who don't realize they're to blame for not keeping the garbage thread on track

>> No.9019917

Uptown? You mean where they just bulldozed a huge homeless community to renovate the Red line station next to the brand new Whole Foods and shopping district? You mean the neighborhood on the lakeshore right next to fucking Andersonville? That Uptown? This is where you're scared to live?

It's a major fucking city in a redneck midwestern state with loose gun control laws, shots will happen. I lived on the west side of LA for years, in an upscale neighborhood in the biggest city of the state with the harshest gun control legislation, and I still heard gunshots at night. Nobody's shooting at you, what's your issue?

>> No.9019918

So feeling personally afraid is your idea of doing something? I can not feel targeted by violence and also support action to stop it

>> No.9019932

I mean the Uptown that had the first murders of the year and the one where there have been 5 shootings within the past couple months on or within 3 blocks from my apartment

Hearing gunshots should not be normal. I went to college in Philly and everyone told me how bad it was and it really wasn't that bad and crime decreased while I lived.

Then I lived in Tokyo and guess what no gun shots, not even once. Its not fucking normal to have to worry about catching a stray on your walk home from the train.

Chicago needs to get their fucking shit together

>> No.9019941

>first murders of the year
You realize that means absolutely nothing right? All the potential murderers in Chicago don't hold their breath at midnight on January 1 and wait for somebody to declare open season.

>Living in Tokyo is unlike living in Chicago
who woulda thought

>> No.9019942

Chicagoans seem resigned to the violence and don't really seem motivated to do much about it since they aren't being directly targeted.

>> No.9019945 [DELETED] 

It's pretty hard to get your city together when it's filled with niggers

>> No.9019949


>> No.9019952

>Murders don't matter
Fuck on out of the conversation

>> No.9019956

Stay mad cuck

>> No.9019982

Aww shucks Cleetus you done told him!

>> No.9019995

>All this Reddit

>> No.9020001

And even more, he gets replies every time!

>> No.9020005

This, look at all predominantly black cities and countries are failures

>> No.9020007
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i think goza has been flanderized.

it's original form was just a pan pizza with sauce on top. still completely recognizable as a pizza.

then hipsters took it to ridiculous levels.

>> No.9020009

Get the fuck out and go back to your Reddit containment board.


>> No.9020015

The cheese would probably kill her asian digestive system

>> No.9020018

Nah, I'll shitpost wherever I please since I got to this site before you did and I'm the one who actually belongs here.

>inb4 hurr durr belonging here

>> No.9020023

>"Reddit (t_d) and /pol/ are allies."

-t. board filled with newcucks

>> No.9020025

>what is white flight
>what is predatory lending
>what is redlining
Boy it just must be them nigs and not the corrupt Daily's that took all the money out of CPS and into their own pockets

>> No.9020026

Hoo weee we gon get em!

>> No.9020033

'go 'za was a ketchupy, Kraft abortion a long time before hipsters anon.
It's just flyovers being manipulated by the big food corporations in an effort to sell overly processed bread, ketchup and cheese byproducts.
Chicago was the perfect target as it's such a segregated city full of simpletons, blacks and other low IQ undesirables.

>> No.9020035

Nigger detected

>> No.9020042

She said she likes pizza, so I dunno lad.

>everything is the white man's fault


>> No.9020044

And he's calling other people reddit kek

>> No.9020047

T. Never had it

>> No.9020054

Nope, even better I'm a dirty jew

>Run city into ground
>Not my fault I imbezzled the state's budget! You niggers should really get your shit together like me

>> No.9020056
File: 32 KB, 220x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the scandinavian prefix originated on Reddit
Double retard.

>> No.9020061

That's from Ylilauta retard.

>> No.9020065

Great thread

>> No.9020070

>>the scandinavian prefix originated on Reddit
Anyone using it after the 2 weeks it was a meme here is reddit.
Don't know or care what that means since this isn't a debate.

>> No.9020071

Blaming one idiot mayor for all the city's woes is as dumb as blaming an entire race.

There's a lot of shared responsibility...

>> No.9020078

>it's scary

christ you're a faggot, why don't you jump in front of one of those bullets

>> No.9020088

You're not helping your argument against being a Redditor.

>> No.9020104

I never blamed all white people, that was the oversimplification some anon greentexted. The fact of the matter is chicago is in its current situation because of decades of corrupt politicians and bankers of various backgrounds intentionally segregating and neglecting the city. Then some schmuck comes along afterwards and sats "hurr durr niggers sure are inferior!"

>> No.9020140

Chicago is safe if you don't go to the ghetto or wherever niggers live

>> No.9020146

Reminder you are arguing with someone who literally thought there weren't white people in chicago

>> No.9020149

Lol people get jumped on navy pier every day

>> No.9020158

If I was a redditor I'd only refer to image macros as memes, moron. Keep quiet until you find your brain.

>> No.9020170

You seem to know a lot about Reddit conventions.

>> No.9020174

ITT: A redditor derails yet another thread

>> No.9020184
File: 42 KB, 540x468, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here

>went away from the thread for a couple hours to eat
>came back to see how it was doing
>Redditors and /pol/ ruined it completely

>> No.9020192

>a thread started with the nigger THICC "pizza" meme can be ruined

>> No.9020218
File: 31 KB, 396x385, ^DD2EE1BE7273D7F42526D2A9AEE9D726B0EF434954EAB45C04^pimgpsh_fullsize_distr_20170412_173421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual OP here. Fuck niggers and heil Hitler!

>> No.9020252

False. Girlfriend works there.

>> No.9020253
File: 51 KB, 395x513, 1458871700264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual OP here. I really fucking hate muslims lads.

>> No.9020260

Quality troll

>> No.9020275

Democrats are the party of the people! They can run anything into the ground while lining there pockets

>> No.9020278

Guy who made the second post of the thread here. What about female Muslims?

>> No.9020279

Back to facebook you go.

>> No.9020288

lol can you read I didn't even use the word there

>> No.9020289


See ya reddit

>> No.9020295

I'm sure becky tells you everything :^)

>> No.9020296

>cletus can't even read the things he types
>reddit spacing tourist is still spitting mad that anyone would dare tell him he's not welcome here

>> No.9020300


>> No.9020303


>> No.9020326


>> No.9020327

/ck/ is a vassal board of /leftypol/
fascists need to gtfo

>> No.9020332

Yeah, god forbid your quality thread that's just a picture of a pizza with the word T H I C C get derailed.

>> No.9020341

This, thread was better when /pol/ and Reddit got here

>> No.9020367

Yeah she's got a lot of reasons to keep secret muggings happening outside her office

>> No.9020376

He meant she's getting ploughed by niggers.

>> No.9020388


>> No.9020394
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>> No.9020396

>Everything is split right down partisan lines

>> No.9020403


>> No.9020408

Fuckin Based!

>> No.9020421

I don't live in perpetual fear of being cheated on

>> No.9020433

People who are getting cheated on rarely do.

>> No.9020442

That's what ladies like from a guy: paranoid insecurity and an obsession with black dick.

>> No.9020458

Why do you think 50 Shades of Grey had a scene where Mr. Grey punched a guy just for talking to his girl on the street?
>inb4 how do you know?
I saw the scene in a trailer
Anyway, if you're alpha enough, girls like a guy who acts like he owns them and gets really jealous.

>> No.9020464

I just let my chick bang black dudes. If it's not when I'm around how does it effect me?

>> No.9020492

I have a feeling that all these guys running around spouting about how everyones gf or wife is fucking around on the side had a gf that fucked aound on them because their cocks are too small to satisfy a woman.

>> No.9020663

forgive english, i am Russia.

i come to study pizza and cheese at American university. i am here little time and i am very hard stress. i am gay also and this very difficult for me, i am very religion person. i never act to be gay with other men before. but after i am in america 6 weeks i am my friend together he is gay also. He was show me American 'go 'za and then we are kiss.

wWe eat together. I never before now am tell my mother about 'go 'za because i am very shame. As i fock this American 'za it is very good to me but also i am feel so guilty. I feel extreme guilty as I begin orgasm. I feel so guilty that I pick up my telephone and call Mother in Russia. I awaken her. It too late for stopping so I am cumming sex. I am very upset and guilty and crying, so I yell her, "I AM CUM FROM AMERI'ZA" (in Russia). She say what? I say "I AM CUM FROM THE 'ZA" and she say you boy, do not eat emerican 'za, and I say "NO I AM CUM FROM EAT 'GO 'ZA, I AM IN CRUSTY TOP, I SWALLOW DAT 'ZA" and my mother very angry me. She not get scared though.

I hang up phone and am very embarrass. My friend also he is very embarrass. I am guilt and feel very stupid. I wonder, why do I gay wish mass produced cheese product? But I continue because when it spurt it feel very good in American 'go 'za.

>> No.9021002


>> No.9021026

You guys should get a dog/cat if you want companionship

Women are for fucking

>> No.9021031

"thicc" isn't ebonics

only white people say thicc

>> No.9021093

why the fuck is the sauce on top
this is heresy

>> No.9021169


Man, this pizza's fucking unreal. I've hated every doughy ass "chicago style" pizza I'd come across until having the real thing. It's like a cheese pie with an adequate amount of sauce ontop

>> No.9021263

>with an adequate amount of sauce ontop

just drink v8 while eating cheese sticks you fat fuck

>> No.9022937


>> No.9022940

>only white people say thicc


you people are hilarious

>> No.9022944


next, this fucking ignorant white kid's gonna claim ebonics isn't a 'real' language.

>> No.9022956

He meant still say it

>> No.9022986

>next, this fucking ignorant white kid's gonna claim ebonics isn't a 'real' language.

Sadly, "Ebonics" in 'merica is very real. In the 1990's so many black kids failed basic English, that they had to make Ebonics an official language just to get rid of all the 6th year 'seniors' stuck in school.

> On December 18, 1996, the Oakland Unified School District school board of Oakland, California, United States, passed a controversial resolution recognizing the legitimacy of Ebonics — what mainstream linguists more commonly term African American Vernacular English (AAVE) — as an African language. The resolution set off a firestorm of media criticism and ignited a national debate.

>> No.9022989


You ever wonder why America has so many black kids with "college degrees" who can barely spell or write?

Now you know.

>> No.9023184

You'd better be filling her up with YOUR thick white goo soon. Do us proud, anon.

>> No.9023242

>You realize this site is for middle class American whites, right?
It is? I thought it was for shitposters, traps, boipussy, faggots, and NEETs.

>> No.9023571


>> No.9023612

>chicago nigger cheesecake


>> No.9023619

>middle class America
No such thing son, we don't have your faggy yuropoor class system here.

>> No.9023629

Really it was made by shitty italian immigrants who won't stop talking about how italian they are four generations later

>> No.9023949

The sauce is on top of deep dish/stuffed pizza to prevent the cheese from burning due to the extra long baking time required.

>> No.9024042


>> No.9024075

Really love 4chan nowadays holy fuck @ these posts

Not being sarcastic

>> No.9024140
File: 40 KB, 900x900, angry_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to restaurant called "chicago deep dish pizza"
>slogan is "the house of chicago style deep dish pizza"
>description includes "we offer chicago style deep dish pizza"
>order "deep dish pizza"


>> No.9024544

>implying this whole website isn't just 3 blokes from Sydney endlessly samefagging & trolling each other.
You know damn well mate that this site is just me, you and that other guy. Stop pretending.

>> No.9024576

>Not being sarcastic
no you're just being a fucking faggot
reddit spacing or whatever

>> No.9024579

>Sadly, "Ebonics" in 'merica is very real. In the 1990's so many black kids failed basic English, that they had to make Ebonics an official language just to get rid of all the 6th year 'seniors' stuck in school.

Holy shit you 'mericans are fucking losers and deserve to fail.

> Catering to the lowest common denominators instead of the people who excel and produce.

>> No.9024585
File: 100 KB, 1024x972, Obamas Legacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You ever wonder why America has so many black kids with "college degrees" who can barely spell or write?

Answer: Affirmative Action & Quota Degrees

>> No.9024591

>Chicagoans attitude like this, claiming it isn't really a problem because a lot of the murders are targeted

After years of BLM Klan activities, Chicago is a murder filled shit hole nowadays... kinda like LA in the 1980's.

>> No.9024604

>After years of BLM Klan activities, Chicago is a murder filled shit hole nowadays... kinda like LA in the 1980's.

Wall Street Journal:

The Black Body Count Rises as Chicago Police Step Back

By Sept. 8, nearly 3,000 people had been shot in Chicago in 2016, an average of one shooting victim every two hours. Five hundred and sixteen people had been murdered. Gun homicides and non-fatal shootings were up 47% over the same period of 2015, which had seen a significant rise in crime over 2014.

“There is no way out of this shooting spree,” Mr. Angelo said. His despair is understandable, because Chicago is the country’s most-glaring example of what I have called the “Ferguson effect.” Chicago officers have cut back drastically on proactive policing under the onslaught of criticism from the Black Lives Matter movement and its political and media enablers.

The cops are just “driving by people on the corners,” Mr. Angelo says, rather than checking out known drug dealers and others who raise suspicions. Criminals are back in control and black lives are being lost at a rate not seen for two decades.

Chicago’s cops are responding to political signals from the most powerful segments of society. President Obama takes every opportunity to accuse police of racially profiling blacks and Hispanics. So, in turn, the police have stopped policing African American communities.

>> No.9024630

oh boo fucking hoo. maybe they should learn how to do their fucking job right then they won't have to worry about political bullshit

>> No.9024663


>> No.9024736
File: 5 KB, 275x183, its a pizza pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we putta tha sauce
>onna toppa!
>*crowd gasps*
>anda tha cheesa
>onna tha bottom!
>*Italian moaning*
>mamma mia that's a spicy 'za!

I gotta admit, I do like a nice ' '

>> No.9025291

It's ironic

>> No.9025635


there is no such thing as a black "friend"

any nigger would kill you for a quarter if they knew they could get away with it

>> No.9026484


>> No.9026722


>> No.9026849
File: 80 KB, 620x400, Milanos-620x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my favorite /ck/ subject because of all the triggered Chicago residents.

>> No.9026902

>board was built on shitposting
>faggot can't take it and spergs out on a pizza
Reddit is this way

>> No.9026909

>everyone who doesn't share my extremely edgy and racist point of view is a SJW
Get the fuck out

>> No.9026922

>Chicago residents

>> No.9027125


>> No.9027313

>You have already reported this post, or someone with your IP has already reported it.
Where are the mods here?

>> No.9027321

You complaining about the moderation policy now?

>> No.9027508


>> No.9027849


>> No.9029299
File: 73 KB, 640x640, imagination.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>middle class white american not wanting a stupid THICC niggerlovers cheesecake

>> No.9029880

I-Is it just cheese or is there stuff on the inside?

>> No.9030467


>> No.9031084


>> No.9032599


>> No.9033928

Fucking entry level

Get ready for real pizza


>> No.9034373
