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9012815 No.9012815 [Reply] [Original]

>This water tastes better

>> No.9012818

Why waste your time writing this obvious bait


>> No.9012822

>mineral and electrolyte content

Try drinking a reverse-osmosis filtered water with minerals readded like Dasani and compare it to a bottle of actual spring water

>> No.9012829

>eh lmfao I posted the black guy again mom XD tubular dude
Fuck off back to Africa faggot nigger.

>> No.9012838

As someone who tried both, I have to say that it tastes the same.

>> No.9012892

I'm sorry your palate is not good enough to recognize different qualities of water.

>> No.9012930

try firing a neuron

>> No.9012958

Dasani isn't water.

>> No.9012986
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>> No.9013230

Waco tap water proves that water can have a different taste.

There, it tastes like shit.

>> No.9013856

There comes a point where adding shit to water makes your beverage no longer water. Coca-Cola has managed to label such a beverage as "bottled water".

Adding magnesium sulfate to dehydrate you and make you buy more "water" is where they crossed the line.

>> No.9014116

>he doesn't know magnesium sulfate is a naturally occurring mineral found in water and that Dasani contains less of it than most tap water

>> No.9014128

Thank coke, I'll be sure to drink your liquids from now on.

>> No.9014149

Inb4 tap water isn't water because it has added fluoride.

Of course there's electrolytes added to reverse-osmosis water intended for drinking. Nobody would buy H2o that fucking pure.

>> No.9014167

Have you ever even tasted dasani? If you call this shit water, it tastes worst than most of the world's drinking water.

>> No.9014258

It tastes off because it's RO water with only trace minerals added back. It tastes off for the exact opposite reason >>9013856 was crying about. Reverse-Osmosis results in water that's about as pure as you can get and people are used to the taste of the mineral content in their spring and tap water. It literally tastes bad because it tastes like water.

>> No.9014428

But I kinda like Dasani because it tastes semi sweet

>Inb4 burger

>> No.9014743

I only drink Aquafina and Fiji.

I refuse to drink my local tap water because our lake is disgusting and Flordias water tastes incredibly bad.

>> No.9014748

>be from a country where the tapwater tastes amazing
>no one buys bottled water

Imagine living in a 3rd world country where you have to buy water from the store.

>> No.9014772

How do people in coastal towns stand their tap water? It tastes like fish and ammonia. I'm saying this as someone from central KY (fucking limestone water)

>> No.9014785
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>Living in a country so small you only have one type of water

>> No.9014810

i feel "greasy" after taking a shower when i go to the beach, so there's no way i'd drink that shit

>> No.9014815

>only have one type of water

When did I say that? We have a wide variety of bottled water on sale but they're pretty much only bought if you're on the go and want a drink, no one buys them to consume at home.

>> No.9014837

>Oh no, there is a little bit of bacteria in my water, better blow an obscene amount of money in getting rid of it
>I wonder why breathing the air in any other country gives me explosive dhiarrea

>> No.9014841

dasani tastes like fucking shite

>> No.9014858

I prefer WATER

>> No.9014888

>not realizing that mineral-deficient water will slowly kill you

>> No.9015097
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>This water tastes better
its fact when drinking out of one of these

>> No.9015309

I dislike Dasani but don't taste any difference between spring-sourced waters. My mother can taste a difference between Deer Park (her preferred brand) and others, though. I like my water very cold which may be why it all tastes similar.

I mostly drink filtered tap water, but I'm beginning to suspect the filter in the fridge at work hasn't been changed in some time.

>> No.9015331
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Voss is pretty good.

>> No.9015341

I bought a box of those just for the bottles
it's pretty good, but not $20 for a case good

>> No.9017107

>ITT: Hipsters who just can't drink water like normal human beings
And I thought arguing over steak rarity was bad.

>> No.9017281

>can't tell the difference in taste between waters
It's literally the most neutral tasting thing you can consume
Differences in minerals are really easy to detect, both in taste and mouthfeel. Pros can even tell what kind of filtering waters went through before being consumed. It's not hard, just develop a pallet lol

>> No.9017355
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>this water is more aesthetic

>> No.9018065
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>Dasani owned by the Coke Cola Company

really ripens those raisins

>> No.9018463

Fiji and Evian are the only bottled water I think actually taste bad

>> No.9018471

I prefer cooled tap water that has been boiled

>> No.9018473

do americans really say that?!?

>> No.9018507

Depends on where you live. I bought a filter and the water definitely tasted better than the bottled stuff.

>> No.9019451

>bottle tap water and sell it to retards by using a fancy looking bottle, label and buzzwords

works everytime

>> No.9019556

anyone know if the fluoride in the water causes brain damage thing is a meme?

>> No.9019569

>his palate is so bad it cant identify different qualities in different type of waters
i dont even need to ask from where you do come from

>> No.9019571
File: 91 KB, 640x534, black-water1-640x534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>melanin enriched water

>> No.9019655

this bait is shitty.

>> No.9019661

>bottled water marketed to niggers
Wew, that'll sure end well

>> No.9019675

>/pol/ image
>post is fucking retarded
Once again, no one is surprised. Fuck off back to your containment board, underage

>> No.9019683

I've been to Thailand for a week and every single bottled water tasted like shit and I thought I was gonna die there

>> No.9020107

White people have milk.

>natural, ultra clear spring water from godknowswhere
>bottled in the cheapest possible squishy plastic making the water pick up the chemical taste and all kinds of poisonous goodness

>> No.9020548

>tfw all bottled water tastes bitter