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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9010682 No.9010682 [Reply] [Original]

how bad is yours? what are you doing to fix it?

>> No.9010697

Got reddit open on one tab and /ck/ on another, just browsing and nursing a beer

>> No.9010741

Going to go for a walk and grab some pub food

>> No.9011014

kratom + xanax + vitamins + water

>> No.9011035
File: 8 KB, 299x302, 1488697498167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /stilldrinking/ here?

>> No.9011036

By not drinking in the first place you fucking degenerate

>> No.9011043

damn homie - where you live

>> No.9011046

knoxville, tn

>> No.9011049

bout to go grab breakfast until the liquor store opens.

>> No.9011053

being drunk in knoxville, tennessee is fucking lit. wish i lived somewhere less yuppie

t. dc

>> No.9011055

AYYY. PG county here. Cheers, friendo.

>> No.9011061

litty af
wish i had your food options though 2bh

>> No.9011070

>live in the south
>no alcohol sales on sunday

But it's absolutely fine every other day of the fucking week. Damn hypocrites

>> No.9011076

Don't blaspheme on the Lord's day, anon.

>> No.9011079

fuck that noise
i live in tennessee and we have berr at least on sundays after 12pm

>> No.9011101

How do you not plan ahead?

>> No.9011108

an 8oz redbull always takes care of about 85% of my hangover symptoms.
If it's particularly bad I have a mild headache and body weakness for most of the day but it has to be REAL bad for that to happen

>> No.9011120

drink plenty of water while drinking and you'll almost eliminate hangovers

>> No.9011133

I only get hangovers when I drink beer and I almost never drink beer

>> No.9011155

I usually go to the gym and cardio/lift it all out. Takes care about the worst of it, no more headache just being fucking tired.

>> No.9011181
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>dehydrate yourself by drinking
>dehydrate yourself further by working out immediately afterward
what could go wrong?

>> No.9011652

Howard county, friendos.

>> No.9011655

Gatorade next to the bed. When you wake up to pee, drink Gatorade. Makes an otherwise hard landing pretty comfy.

>> No.9011704
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I've never had a hangover, yet. I've heard that if you don't have it in youth you get it later in life.

>> No.9011707

I didn't get them in any sense until my late 20s

I didn't consider them worth avoiding until my mid 30s

>> No.9011728

Not bad. What a lucky bastard I am. Too bad I'm also robot.