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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.53 MB, 1024x706, raclette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9009477 No.9009477 [Reply] [Original]

Who else maintains a spice-free kitchen?

I only let the ingredients speak for themselves.

Drowning them in noxious spices is culinary sacrilege.

>> No.9009483

Yes. Sometimes I think people don't like the taste of food because they're always hiding it behind herbs and spices and salt and sugar? I mean a chicken tastes nice without all that doesn't it? What's wrong with the flavor of carrot? Seriously guys.

>> No.9009486

Spice is an ingredient

>> No.9009489

You're retarded.

>> No.9009490

I seriously can't believe that there are people bothered by people enjoying spices.

>> No.9009496

>white people general

>> No.9009508

>I mean a chicken tastes nice without all that doesn't it?

>> No.9009523

Carrot cooked in butter, agave, and honey is the most divine experience I have ever known

>> No.9009556

fly over state poster detected

>> No.9009592

>noxious spices
Spices were living things at one point, just like all the food you consume. You know what was never a living thing that people eat? Salt. It's a mineral, a brittle rock. Get that shit out of my kitchen.

>> No.9009603

>Eat a chili dog
>Slide a pound of cheese onto your dish from a wheel

>> No.9009623

I understand not using spices in certain dishes, like raclette, but not ever using ANY spices is just silly. I mean, what's the matter with adding some extra kick to a scrambled egg with some red pepper, or minced garlic to a chicken dish?

What's with this autistic meme of "NO SPICE IN MY FOOD!"?

>> No.9009629

Redditor anti-white fuck. This thread was bait to lure you in for wypeepo jokes

>> No.9009645

I assume you don't cook with water either, being non - alive and all

>> No.9009650

No it wasn't

>> No.9009704

put the bottle down anon, you've had enough for tonight. You are scaring the children.

>> No.9010850

When something is really good (like fresh, ripe fruits) you don't need to add anything to it. Some things (pasta, rice) are only good if you add salt, spices or sauce to them, to me it's a bad sign.
If something is truly good for your body, it should taste good on its own.

>> No.9010878


> If something is truly good for your body, it should taste good on its own.

I look forward to reading your article on this in the Lancet

>> No.9010884
File: 81 KB, 650x500, Raclette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aside from the fact that this thread is retarded shitposting and completely pointless how about we completely derail it and talk about how good raclette can be? I recently learned a friend of mine has a legit fireplace and am thinking of doing an old school raclette one night. I was thinking gruyere and maybe something with a bit of spice or smokiness to it to keep everything from being to bland.

>> No.9010907

salt is definitely overrated - using less salt will let the dish shine, it's more healthy and once you get used to it you won't ever go back
that being said, completely eliminating salt from your diet would be stupid and very bad for your health, so don't do it

>> No.9010918

Making stuff heavily spicy is only good when the actual food tastes awful and you have to mask it's taste. If I want to enjoy what I'm cooking and not just satisfy my hunger, I use only fresh ingredients and as little spices as possible - if you're black you will never understand because all the food you have access to in the ghetto is the cheapest trash.
For example: when you get fresh good bread that's still hot there is no need for even butter or salt. It can be eaten as is and it's heavenly.

>> No.9010920

>using less salt will let the dish shine, it's more healthy

Thanks for the broscience dude! I would have never known this very popular and false opinion otherwise!

>> No.9010946

how is it false? there are few things than can ruin a dish as easily as too much salt and most people nowadays eat several times over their recommended sodium intake

>> No.9010955

If you only knew how retarded that response it

>> No.9010968
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>> No.9011009

if by spice-free you mean using for example fresh garlic instead of garlic powder you're right and a good man

if by spice-free you mean you don't use salt or pepper you're retarded

>> No.9011024

I honestly hate the taste of carrot, but I still eat it just fine.
The two vegetables I cannot stand are celery and asparagus. I don't even dislike the taste of asparagus, but my piss smells really bad after eating it and I can't separate that smell from the idea of eating asparagus. Now I can't even look at asparagus without feeling nauseous.

>> No.9011025

if you only knew how retarded not expalaining why I'm wrong is
you really think I have some kind of anti-salt bias I'll never get rid of? has online discussion really made you this much of a brainless, cynical fuck?
maybe you just don't give a shit, but why even post then?

>> No.9011031

I nearly never use pepper
it's an overrated spice imo

>> No.9011034




>> No.9011039
File: 9 KB, 256x192, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You like spinach? wtf is wrong with you

>> No.9011051

This, I never understood why black pepper became the universal spice. It's not that good. White pepper is more useful but still not for everything.

>> No.9011060

I can't believe anons are giving you serious replies. Your logic could be extended to say, "Why bother heating food? It should be eaten raw to let the full flavor of the quality of the item speak for itself." Retard.

>> No.9011062

Probably because it was the first spice a lot of people were exposed to, or the only thing they had available. I get a little miffed when I hear someone say "salt and pepper everything!" when they're preparing a dish. Pepper is good for some things, but not everything.

>> No.9011065
File: 9 KB, 220x179, rare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It should be eaten raw to let the full flavor of the quality of the item speak for itself
>He eats his steak well done

Who's the retard now

>> No.9011089

>entire family knows how to cook
>worked in restaurants
>don't work in a restaurant but have cooking as a hobby since i was 13
>go to many expensive steakhouses
>always dislike anything less than well done
>get made fun of for it
>they don't realize cooking steak less than well done is recommended for lean and tough cuts of meat, i.e. lower quality
>higher quality steak can handle being cooked to well done
i prefer braised meats anyway, something super tender with fat that has turned into the consistency of butter

>> No.9011092

>Louis the XIV was a notoriously picky eater and preferred his food as lightly seasoned as possible—he considered seasoning a vulgar act. In fact, he banned outright the use of all eastern spices beyond salt, pepper, and parsley (deemed more wholesome and exquisite than ruddy cardamom). Black pepper's spiky, pungent flavor provided just enough kick to the King's meals without overwhelming the taste of the underlying foods to satiate his needs.
this made it the base condiment of french cuisine which in turn made it the base condiment of western cooking

>> No.9011102

I really don't understand white liberal's complete double standards in excusing Muslim hatred, bigotry, racism, & misogyny.

You whites aren't helping muslim women at all... in fact, you're only reinforcing our mysogynicstic men's habits by saying it's "ok."

>> No.9011103

You get made fun of because your opinion is completely backwards, if I took the logical negative of each of the sentences you typed then it would have been 100% truth

>> No.9011104
File: 113 KB, 1092x603, p-581-peppercorn-mix-4-pepper-whole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using pepper mix

>> No.9011111
File: 360 KB, 1200x897, louis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he considered seasoning a vulgar act

My man.

>> No.9011114

kill me now
pepper mix is fucking cancer in spice form

>> No.9011116

You're an idiot

>> No.9011119
File: 25 KB, 413x395, 1482430246906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea why that made me laugh so much

>> No.9011123
File: 110 KB, 500x276, 1493674024605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally /ck/ shitposting is evolving from McDonald's posting.

>> No.9011129

why? serious question

>> No.9011130

Another panzy ass white guy that can't handle spices. Have a vanilla ice cream you overgrown baby

>> No.9011135

Hello there fellow Caucasoid!

>> No.9011137

Food isn't that endless of a subject, however passionate you might be about it you're not that passionate. It's only natural that after a certain time when most of the user base has satiated their interest the main appeal of /ck/ will switch to shitposting and memes. It's been going on for a while, especially with the rise in popularity of the board.

>> No.9011144

How can an opinion be backwards? Someone's personal preference can't be wrong. And it's a fact that lean, cheaper cuts of meat are always recommended to be cooked to no more than medium rare, or they become too tough and dry.

It just seems like some people like to believe they're sophisticated just because they like medium rare steak, and anything that doesn't reaffirm this view drives them to a mental break.

>> No.9011147

bad memories, don't make me remember
it's taste is just so cheap and bad, nobody who pre-mixes spices is concerned with their quality

>> No.9011149

He doesn't approve of pepper-mixing. He's a White Pepper supremacist.

>> No.9011154

>cheaper cuts of meat are always recommended to be cooked to no more than medium rare, or they become too tough and dry.

This is wrong. When steak is well done all steak is equal. When it's medium rare the best meat shines through.

>> No.9011162

>When steak is well done all steak is equal
Here is your (You)

>> No.9011164

you do realise we're talking about whole peppercorns ground when applied, not dried, ground up pepper which is clearly inferior

>> No.9011185

Nah. Every time I've ever read about certain cuts of meat, they say if you're not braising them to only cook them to medium rare and slice thinly or it'll be too tough and dry. And then you have the people saying every steak should still be mooing, but they aren't talking about specific cheaper cuts.

Plus, I always feel like well done steak is more tender if it's a quality piece. I've had many high quality steaks at many different restaurants but the medium rare ones always seem to take longer to chew and have more of a gelatinous texture that I don't like. I've seen other people say the same thing too, and have seen one person who was an avid "medium rare only" person say that they were surprised upon eating a piece of well done steak that the texture wasn't bad like he imagined, just different, and he enjoyed it.

Again, it's all preference, so you eat steak however you want and I hope you enjoy it. But, there are legitimate reasons that some people might prefer well done steak instead, and to tell someone that they're wrong for doing so is a bit ignorant.

>> No.9011209

I bet you eat your well done with ketchup

>> No.9011234

haha you got me, you win :^)

I actually like peppercorn sauce made from the pan drippings.

>> No.9011250

That's because most people eat a shit load of processed or frozen foods that already have a fuck huge sodium content. If you home cook all your meals then you need to add like a full tsp of salt to get the same effect.

>> No.9011617

I'm not white so my tongue is capable of tasting spices, sauce, and the underlying food without "being overwhelmed"

>> No.9011623

>I'm not white

quit whining faggot

>> No.9011630

Seasoning is a vulgar act, no wonder it suits your species.

>> No.9011633

Do you live in the middle ages or something?

>> No.9011641

>middle ages
>no spices

this boy wasn't paying attention in history class

>> No.9011980

not him but in the middle ages spices were extremely expensive and unavailable to the commoners

>> No.9011981

>l let the ingredients speak for themselves

>> No.9012190
File: 71 KB, 183x267, 1430248702271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does everyone on /ck/ hate seasoning their food so much? Does everyone here just have zero taste buds or what?

>> No.9012210
File: 85 KB, 569x914, goy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this gay

>> No.9012440

They're too incompetent and lazy to properly utilise them.

>> No.9012575

it's ck, what did you expect, faggot

>> No.9012594

I've had to go to the hospital a few times when someone accidently put black pepper on my food, I really can't handle spices.

>> No.9012603
File: 71 KB, 600x450, ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically posting a rick and morty reaction image
>titled goy.jpg


>> No.9012606

Better get to work on drinking straight soy sauce then

>> No.9013772

What if its really good cheese.
Most of your cheese is in Europe considered as plastic.
Still you made me laugh

>> No.9013787


>> No.9013887

>He thinks flyover states don't take their cooking seriously

Cooking is a competition.

>> No.9013899

>Most of your cheese is in Europe considered as plastic.
That's because you're stereotyping like a retard. Good cheese is a huge fuckin deal here, especially in states like Wisconsin and Indiana.
I mean sure you've got a big chunk of the population preferring velveeta and shit, but you've got just as many retards in the EU doing the same.

>> No.9014185


Sub onion for carrot and put that little mix on a sweet potato.

>> No.9014202

I bought a small piece of raclette once but wasn't sure how to broil it without making a mess, ended up just slicing it and broiling the slices single-layer on a cookie sheet with paper, slid it off the paper onto some potatoes when it was browned. It worked well for an electric oven.

>> No.9014249

>no spices
/Pol/ fag pls go

>> No.9014277

While I agree, the method of treating food simply is the best way to go. Some spices has a way to bring out the natural flavors of ingredients.

>> No.9014283

> a spice-free kitchen?

i read that as spic-free kitchen and i was like no one.

>> No.9014311

>What's with this autistic meme of "NO SPICE IN MY FOOD!"?
It's exactly that. Some moron came up with it as a joke, and even bigger morons repeated it because they thought it was funny, and yet bigger morons, their idiocy vast as the Sun, looked at it and thought it was a good idea.

Remember to sage shit threads like this.

>> No.9014316

>Who else maintains a spice-free kitchen?
>I only let the ingredients speak for themselves.
>Drowning them in noxious spices is culinary sacrilege.
My people raided, murdered, raped and conquered half the fucking world in their quest for these spices, and now you want me to not fucking use them? Now THAT would truly be a sacrilege.

>> No.9014324

I bet you eat your steaks well done

>> No.9014802

I am Swiss. AMA.

>> No.9014833

>I only let the ingredients speak for themselves.

But... spices ARE ingredients.

>> No.9014940

Beat me to it.