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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 29 KB, 400x490, ramadan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9008664 No.9008664 [Reply] [Original]

Who /starving/ here?
>Tfw it hasn't even been 10 days yet.
>Tfw Iftar is in 5 hours.
>Tfw Tarawih is killing my feet.

>> No.9008666


eat my ass

>> No.9008675

Shouldn't you be driving a van into pedestrians in London? Gotta work off those hunger pains somehow

>> No.9008690

>You have to starve yourself for an entire month.

What a stupid fucking "religion"

>> No.9008692

I'd rather eat your mothers arse.

>> No.9008695
File: 173 KB, 700x468, What-is-Orientalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having a religious pretext to have an eating disorder sounds like my kind of religion. My coworkers all think I'm crazy because when I say no to another donut they roll their eyes and go "yeah because you're so fat and out of shape lol". Like that's bad or something.

But having to explain this constantly gets tiresome.

Also do you guys eat dates for iftar or is that just my orientalism/exotification fantasies speaking?

>> No.9008700

It's starting to wear on me, mostly thirsty. Feet don't hurt though are you fat?

also, you should probably include some actual food or cooking just saying you're starving isn't really on-topic

>> No.9008714

in your opinion

>> No.9008735

in you're opinion

>> No.9008742

>Starving yourself for an entire month isn't the definition of fucking stupid

No, that's fairly objective.

>> No.9008753

>fasting is hard guys
Meh it's easy if you're already on an intermittent fasting streak.

>> No.9008756 [DELETED] 

Only good muslim I ever met was dead...and I'm more than willing to go back to finish what was started...

>> No.9008759

in there opinion

Maybe if you're a fat fuck who can't go an hour without food like you

>> No.9008782

>Only fat fucks don't intentionally starve themselves like a 14 year old schoolgirl with an eating disorder and daddy issues.

>> No.9008785

No, it's even dumber.

>they call it a """fast"""
>they're allowed to eat every fucking day

>> No.9008788

Sounds like your typical college protest fast.
>if you're hungry you can leave and get food

>> No.9008790

yeah dates are very common, not a fan personally

>> No.9008794

can't you eat after sundown?
Explain the rules of ramadan to me. i'm interested. I've only ever fasted during lent
t. catholic

>> No.9008797

Kay. You guys like Vimto? My mom always pours a glassful for everyone and can't understand why I don't like the taste.

>> No.9008798

Halal chewing gum.

You're welcome.

>> No.9008805
File: 9 KB, 99x162, 1372658272141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>force people to fast
>fucking barbarians people could die

>tell people to go ahead and eat/drink if you feel like you can't make it
>fucking casuals aren't even trying

>> No.9008807

More like ramaDON'T
t. someone who regularly waterfasts two days every week

>> No.9008809

>Explain the rules of ramadan to me

1. Grow a beard
2. Change your name to Mohammed Abdul Mujahideen
3. Starve yourself for no fucking reason
4. Drive a van into pedestrians on London Bridge

>> No.9008810

You can't eat anything from dawn until sunset. Like here in South CA, it's from 4 A.M. to 8 P.M., but if you're in the Arctic, you'll only be able to eat for a couple of hours. This one guy had to fast for 23 hours for the whole month.

>> No.9008814

>Just don't attempt to starve yourself at all

>> No.9008828



>> No.9008830

and i know ramadan isnt at the same time every year, is it set on a lunar calendar? ts weird how muslims get shit on for fasting during ramadan but no one cares about catholics fasting during lent.

>> No.9008835

You get up and eat/drink what is called sahoor and then the fasting begins at the call for the first prayer, which is about an hour before sunrise (like 4:30 am here). You can't eat or drink anything during fast, nothing should pass your lips etc. You're also supposed to kind of fast against other things like no sex, no evil thoughts. If you break the fast then you can make it up at a later date. (if you break it accidentally then you are fine, like if you sip some water just without thinking)

The fast ends at sundown, the call for Maghrib prayer (around 8:00 pm here), and then the meal is iftar. A lot of Muslims actually gain weight because they feast after sundown, kinda like thanksgiving every day, especially if you go to the mosque there's tons of food.

>> No.9008836

don't catholics just not eat meat. on fridays. for 40 days?

>> No.9008838

no its a fast for 40 days plus no meat on fridays.

>> No.9008840

pretty sure they ruled that people in extreme situations like that are allowed to use the sunrise/sunset in mecca as their fasting time

>> No.9008845

No modern Catholic fasts for 40 days in the same model as Muslims do for Lent. None.

>> No.9008846

can you at least rinse your mouth out? like not swallow but just rinse and spit?

>> No.9008847

fast of what>?

>> No.9008850

but they can eat fish. wow. so hard
as long as it's semen

>> No.9008854

does ramadan mean theres going to be less poo in the streets

>> No.9008856

just a general fast don't be a fatty and eat less.

>> No.9008859

yeah you can. I think you aren't supposed to brush your teeth either but sometimes I do that coz your breath gets horrible

>> No.9008863

>merely eating less

that's not what a fast is, you fucking idiot

>> No.9008867

I swear to fucking GOD I wish every single one of you retarded religious cunts would just fucking die already. You're a plague upon this world, no matter christian, muslim, or jew.

>> No.9008873

>just a general fast

Fucking Catholics. At least the Muzzi's have some conviction of faith.

>> No.9008882
File: 30 KB, 500x500, εὐφορία.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9008883

what does general fast even mean?

>> No.9008888

Nothing at all.

>> No.9008939

>no evil thoughts
killing khuffar doesn't count as evil of course

>> No.9009033 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 417x500, cathofu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga you dont go to any traditional latin mass types.

90% of the normie catholics still dont know meat is banned unless you are doing an alternative sacrifice

>> No.9009036

>traditional latin mass

Like I said, no modern Catholic.

>> No.9009073

Have you tried not being an infidel anon?

>> No.9009085
File: 39 KB, 528x573, 1492613066711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Tfw Tarawih is killing my feet.

Oh no, you mean like the people you savages actually kill?
Or the ones you tried to kill fuckign today?

You better be in your own fucking country and not europe shitskin

>> No.9009093


>> No.9009102

>Its weird how muslims get shit on

Is it?

Is it really?

Name another religious group that's been suicide bombing civilians, burning people alive, lopping off heads, and stoning people to death like it's still the dark ages, and then you might understand why nobody gives a shit about Muslim "holidays", and why they get shit on.

Fuck Muslims, and their stupid holiday.

>> No.9009109

Mud people gonna durka durka

>> No.9009112

It's like a month earlier each year or something

>> No.9009114

>Name another religious group that's been suicide bombing civilians, burning people alive, lopping off heads, and stoning people to death like it's still the dark ages

Hey let's go for hard mode, name a religion which has done ALL OF THESE THIS FUCKING WEEK

>> No.9009116

And they can do it in their own shitholes and stay the fuck out of non-Muslim / normal people nations.

>> No.9009157
File: 261 KB, 1435x1404, u8u88u8u8u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ramadan is double xp weekend for muslims
prove me wrong faggots

>> No.9009373

Haram, dried dates have the same chemical that causes alcohol intoxication in them.

>> No.9009381

You can eat when it's dark, bro. A lot of Mussies in the first world actually gain weight during Ramadan, because they gorge like pigs in the night and have easy access to all those empty calories.

>> No.9009383

>History started within the last 80 years.

Islam is a little late but all religions have been killing people for the past 1000s of years and now that Nazis are back in the US the Christians here are doing it as well

>> No.9009407

It's not a fast, you just give up something you really enjoy.

>> No.9009414


>But Christians did bad things a thousand years ago
>Disingenuous inbred filthy shitskin islamist

Yeah name on Christian, Jew, Buddhist or Hindu suicide bomber, that's what I thought Ahmed

Yeah exactly, every other religion evolved, yet somehow you are incapable maybe its the severe inbreeding?
I am not religious and far past the point of being shamed or guilted, you are a disgusting backwards savage

Now let's play that game, name any other religion who has committed such atrocities this week, oh whats that you can't?
Really makes you ponder huh

>and now that Nazis are back in the US the Christians here are doing it as well

Good you deserve it, I hope they release a bio-weapon that targets your people specifically you are a plague on Europe and her children, we will wipe you from the earth, I hope you get aids and cancer personally and die of starvation on the streets

>> No.9009418
File: 62 KB, 702x442, Ramadan-bombathon-1024x645-e1437244791575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9009421
File: 176 KB, 1200x936, ramadan-bombathon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9009424

That's just modern bullshit to prevent casuals from dropping out of Catholicism. The truly devout have a proper fast.

>> No.9009427
File: 49 KB, 395x309, Ramadan-Bombathon-2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9009428

>same chemical that causes alcohol intoxication

So alcohol?

>> No.9009449

How are those stats compiled? They seem a bit inaccurate, considering that islamophobes have been literally bombing the middle east for the past two decades.

>> No.9009464
File: 200 KB, 411x391, ramadan_scorecard_2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Counting the dead over every terror incident in the news over every Ramadan.

>> No.9009473

LOL region of peace my ass we should kill them all and then the world would be better hey!

>> No.9009478


>> No.9009487

I know this is a meme post. But they also could convert to any other religion, or be non-religious.
That's opening another can of worms, since apostasy is also a literal death sentence.

Can't wait for this thread to get nuked for being off topic.

>> No.9009634

BBC news has just updated.

The terrorist driver in London was dyslexic.

He thought he was celebrating Ramavan.

>> No.9009644

We should let them all be refugees in the free world and then they could convert to the one true faith (atheism) without inviting death sentence.

>> No.9009662

>These guys are animals. Killing is bad!
>Its ok when I kill though

The point fucktard was that all religions bring violence and death when they get any significant numbers. All religions for the entire existence have been doing it and Christianity stopped committing genocide (atleast solely on the basis of religion) within the lifetime of people still alive.

You're obviously just as bad as the people you're against though. Suicide bombers do it because they are encouraged by people like you. White Christians commit mass shootings and random hate crime because they are encourage by people exactly like you.

>> No.9009678


>> No.9009700

stolen from /pol/ /10

>> No.9009708


Look at this little cuck bitch useful idiot spewing out his muh christians line like he's been indoctrinated to despite having no knowledge of history whatsoever.

>> No.9009717

Slavery and Manifest destiny were both justified because of the bible

>> No.9009724


3 halallalalalalals out of 4.

>> No.9009728

Go to the /pol/ thread you dimwits.

>> No.9009730

O i cant wait till we nuke the middle east.

>> No.9009750

why can't we have a muslim ban on 4chan? whether real muslims or not post here, anytime anything islamic is even brought up, it causes a shitstorm just like this thread. ban all the mohamedans and ban even talking about it here. get rid of all the shit.

>> No.9009762

Don't you have people to run over with trucks and stab at the moment?

>> No.9009770

But then 4chan would be totally unpopulated within 10 years because that's when the entire world will be following the One True Religion?

>> No.9009846

Fake as shit. There are dangerous Christian militias in some parts of the world, places like Burma that persecute non-Buddhists heavily, and numerous religions that still execute people for being heretical or practicing witchcraft or whatever. Every religion has a potential for violence (though Islam and Christianity more than usual).

>> No.9010022
File: 2.19 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_7824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because our culture has developed to kill people in formal wars, this other culture is barbaric for killing people in different ways.

islam is only 1300 years old, christianity maintained its "white man's burden" mentality well into the 1800's. completing ignoring the typical images associated with religions, id really rather just talk about ramadan.

usually i enjoy ramadan but this year has been kind of a drag. three years ago, we spent our ramadan in iraq, and 8pm-4am were so much fun in the streets. families pouring out, children playing in the streets, it was so lively!

our dinners have been the usual foods, although i feel like some of us binge more than appropriate. pic related was our first night. ive been craving yogurt drink for days. i think ill end up making some soon.

what do you guys make after fatoor? when dinner is all settled and you think to yourself, "well, i think itd be nice to make some french toast and have everyone gather around," do you usually end up just eating something light with tea?

>> No.9010041

no gum on ramadan either, fuck face

>> No.9010043

>eating on the floor
>newspaper "table"cloth
>no utensils
might as well be a bum. bomb yourself you shitstain.

>> No.9010045

Not even Sinn Fein sought to purposely kill civilians. Especially not women and children. Islamic terrorism is a new depravity.

>> No.9010053


Nothing new about it really. Same old shit except now they use rpgs and trucks instead of scimitars and horses.

>> No.9010056

Good goy

>> No.9010057


>No water

That is subhuman behavior and I'm not criticizing Islam at all.

Skip food, no juice, etc etc yeah whatever. No water? That's barbaric.

How much of your spit are you allowed to swallow?

>> No.9010066

try eating a bullet, ahmed

>> No.9010070


>> No.9010072

I live in Minnesota and when I went to Burger King at five today there were some Somalis in there eating burgers

>> No.9010076

eating in the ground is literally the comfiest thing ever, and previously we'd use a cloth but it became so pointless keeping it clean when we could just recycle the newspaper. also, do you not eat your soup with your bare hands?

i am honestly unsure if the colonization and rape of indigenious devil peoples was limited to only the men of the tribes, or if it also included women. i agree that modern-day acts of violence are unbearable.

do you guys have any food-related comments in regards to ramadan? yesterday my work had a potluck and i contributed baklava. they liked it!

>> No.9010077

>No modern Catholic fasts for 40 days in the same model as Muslims do for Lent. None.
Eastern Catholic Rites say hello

>> No.9010078

It's only 12 hours a day, and it's designed to engender awareness of your mortal fragility while honing your gratitude towards Allah. You can also do it for extra time to receiver a free pardon for all your sins, unless you menstruate during Ramadan in which case you're so disgusting that you have to do it for the extra time without any bonus.

>> No.9010092

also, i miss masturbating.

>> No.9010113

>id really rather just talk about ramadan.

Then go to a shitskin Muslim forum, you piece of human garbage. Your cult is a poison and a cancer to the planet, and I shit on you and your "holiday".

>> No.9010126

>even 4chan getting infested by this shitty death cult

What's the world coming to

>> No.9010140

looks pretty alright overall, what's the meat? in the center? Also I'd like to note there are far too few hot cheetos in this picture

>> No.9010145
File: 166 KB, 513x506, holy shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inshallah brothers and sisters! When I took my morning dump, it looked like this. Is Allah trying to speak with me?

>> No.9010161

>Being this angry at someone for wanting to discuss a holiday

Ramadan has been pretty tough, I have to walk a lot during the morning and I come home late (I live alone) so it's either take-out or something fast and easy like eggs or left-overs I guess.

Though I don't dis-like it, helps me moderate my calorie intake and I end up losing some weight which is pretty good since I put on a few pounds a while ago.

>> No.9010171

Just eat a BLT senpai

>> No.9010223
File: 20 KB, 480x532, 1496377388658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unless you menstruate during Ramadan in which case you're so disgusting that you have to do it for the extra time without any bonus.

>> No.9010238

>hunger pains
Hunger Pangs

Fixed that for you

>> No.9010323

get bombed on

>> No.9010341

i don't give a fuck what god they worship just stop fucking exploding

>> No.9010352


I petted a goat once, didn't go any farther though. So I guess I failed.

>> No.9010353

>Suicide bombers do it because they are encouraged by people like you
victim blaming huh

white people stopped slavery
muzzies still engage in slavery
muzzies are still engaged in conquering territories

the color of you skin is your ultimate uniform in the battle for the world.
it is not a contest of who is nicest
it is a contest of who kills who the best
and it's time for team white to wake the fuck up

>> No.9010383

These threads should be banned.

>> No.9010388

>be muslim
>be ramadan
>hungry during day
>jerk it and eat cum
>cum=self, so it's ok by koran
>just eat own cum until full
>best ramadan

>> No.9010407

but allaah sees this and denies your rightful place next to the skull throne
unless you kill some people, preferably kids, with nailbombs, stabbing or running them over with a truck

>> No.9010408

Why is islam the most consistently retarded religion out of all time?

And for all you gullible rapey terrorists in this thread; fuck muhammid he is a shit.
Your shitty prophet was not only a pedophile(well established), he was also, according to historical documents, a faggot. Yes; ironic I know considering your kind slaughter other gays, yet worship the dicklover muhammid. Enjoy starving yourselves death

>> No.9010426

We don't worship Mohammad. We worship Allah. Mohammad is just a prophet who brought us Allah's wisdom. We're not like the infidels who made a false god out of the prophet Jesus.

>> No.9010430

No reason to, it's mainly because people can't stand the sight of a decent discussion so they gotta shitpost which ruins the thread

Not allowed to masturbate while fasting, same with sex, the point of fasting is to make you appreciate the blessings which you currently have, like food, a wife, water and shelter among other things.

You deprive yourself of these blessings for a duration every day for a month and you will sort of come to understand what poor people go through.

Where is your historical document? The quran has many verses against gays which Muhammad himself read to his followers, you have 0 proof so stop lying and >>9010426
we worship the god not the prophet.

>> No.9010433

>No reason to, it's mainly because people can't stand the sight of a decent discussion so they gotta shitpost which ruins the thread
Funny coming from a bunch of insane barbarians who start riots and bomb people because of a couple drawings.

>> No.9010438

I'm pretty sure that not every muslim in the entire planet went up in arms for that drawing, not a single person in my family gave a fuck and we all just said that it's silly to draw someone whose face is not known.

>> No.9010439

that's hate speech
you're radicalizing mus---people, stop it!

>> No.9010451

>it's silly to draw someone whose face is not known
but killing someone for drawing said unknown face is reasonable?
fuck you and fuck your whole family, scum

>> No.9010453

How did you take that from what I said?

That was what everyone said after we knew of the whole drawing thing, not the riots you retard, but keep trying to make it like I'm trying to bomb you and your shitty country.

Protip : I couldn't care less about you

>> No.9010456


>it's mainly because people can't stand the sight of a decent discussion so they gotta shitpost which ruins the thread

No. This is a hobby board for people who like food and cooking. Starting anti-food/cooking threads is counter to the entire premise - regardless of socio-economic reasons; that means eating disorder threads, >people eat X common thing threads, fast food threads, does X country really threads, and I follow some stupid made-up bs so don't eat threads are all cancer.

>> No.9010458

This is a Bulgarian hat scratching forum

>> No.9010460

This thread would eventually end up in Iftar (The meal after sundown) and Sahoor (Meal before sunrise) discussion because they are important aspects, OP had a shitty start but for the most part I would be willing to share some middle eastern food recipes with other fasting or non-fasting anons here but now it's just political shit because everyone gets mad at nothing.

>> No.9010470

>but now it's just political shit because everyone gets mad at nothing
>at nothing
Can I come and kill your family then talk to you about one of my shit holidays?

>> No.9010475

you condemned the drawing but not the killings
pretty obvious where your sympathies lie

>> No.9010486

So OP killed your family?
Keep trying, but I just stated that the drawing didn't make every muslim out there cry out in rage, take it how you want I guess. If you want to make it so I'm fine with the murder of innocents then sure go ahead.

>> No.9010489

>So OP killed your family?
No, your shit religion did.

>> No.9010492

Then what you said doesn't make sense, try again.

>> No.9010494

Yeah, it does.
I don't kill your family and then go and talk about my shit holidays on sandchan.

>> No.9010496

OP didn't kill your family, he only made a thread on a public forum which you could have ignored.

What you're saying is basically OP killed your family and then forced his way into your house, tied you down and forced you to talk with him about the holiday.

>> No.9010506

that's not what he said at all you retard

>> No.9010507

Yes it is.

>> No.9010510
File: 224 KB, 960x567, notallmuslims.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9010511


>All white kids are school shooters
>All black people are thieves
>All asian parents abuse their kids and force them to become doctors

Do I sound silly yet?

>> No.9010512

shove your taqiyya and shove it up your ass

>> No.9010513

Consider suicide.

>> No.9010516

only the first one is incorrect

>> No.9010525

>>All white kids are school shooters
Asian school shooters have the highest scores, though.

>> No.9010564

I'm pretty sure it's called ramadan, "fast" is an English word.

There are quite a few in Murica.

Murica had bombs in hospitals that practice abortion a few years ago. It was only solved by cowardly agreeing with their demands and banning abortion. And it's not getting better.
Even Buddhist have some crazy fanatics with swords and bombs.

I was about to say something offensive about fast breaking in America with styrofoam plates, but
>That bag of syringes in the back.

>Islam is sexist and homophobic, just like white trash Murica
>Who fuckin knew

>/ck/, the only food forum where a thread about ramadan food don't have a single post about ramadan food
/pol/ killed 4chan

>> No.9010570

>>/ck/, the only food forum where a thread about ramadan food don't have a single post about ramadan food
>/pol/ killed 4chan
Don't blame /pol/, sandpeople doing sandpeople things ruined themselves in the eyes of civilization.
That's why there's only /pol-tier posting here and virtue signaling crap on every other website, rather than legitimate discussion.
They've ruined themselves.

>> No.9010580
File: 114 KB, 769x798, mohammad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that shitting in your mouth during Ramadan is Muhammad-approved way to provide nutrients for yourself before the sunset.

>> No.9010596

smdh so this is Trumps America

>> No.9010631

Did you just mash the keyboard or something?

>> No.9010898


My calorie intake during ramadan month is 500 above my TDEE, please tell me more about how l'm starving

>> No.9010986

Feels good to eat while these idiots around me starve. Everyone is so weak and grumpy because they've been starving and dehydrated the whole day. Enjoying being zombies, dumb muzzies.

>> No.9011091
File: 31 KB, 600x300, 1496533946256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The point fucktard was that all religions bring violence and death
>Comparing religions 1000 years ago to islam moderm day

So you're saying you are a backwards primitive savage?

Nice Taquiya, like I said name another this week, you fucking can't, I was tolerant not anymore it's over
You rape our women and children, you bomb our fucking children all the while you cry you're the victim?
No enough is enough we are taking europe back, you can leave now or die violence is the only action we have left

>Suicide bombers do it because they are encouraged by people like you

>I'm the victim wahhhhhh

I can't wait for the neo-crusades, my people haven't suicide bombed anyone, we are objectively better than you on any scale you can imagine

>White Christians commit mass shootings and random hate crime because they are encourage by people exactly like you.

I'll bite, name one this week

I hope you're not comfy muhammed, because you and your 4 underages wifes are going back

>> No.9011093

Fucking mudslims, s a g e d

>> No.9011117

>I can't wait for the neo-crusades

..and what a strange crusade it will be. Things are going to come to a head in China with the Uighurs in the coming years. Europe and Eastern Europe are going to have a showdown. Even the African states are going to have to do something about Boko Haram and whoever the new guy is on the block. Oh and the Philippines.

>> No.9011498

>someone hurt my feelings so I'm going to go murder some civilians

Truly a religion of peace.

>> No.9011613

>Claiming Islam and Christianity are equally shitty violent religions means you're muslim

Why do hate filled Christians think this? Is this their only way of justifying believing that some invisible person in the sky is ok with them killing people that believe in an invisible person in the sky but a little differently?

>> No.9011639


>> No.9011660


>Implying I'm Christian or even respect worshiping a dead jew on a stick

I'm an athiest

>Is this their only way of justifying believing that some invisible person in the sky is ok with them killing people that believe in an invisible person in the sky but a little differently?

Name one christian who killed someone this week because of their religion you muslim cunt

Nice taqiya

>> No.9011671

>my people haven't suicide bombed anyone, we are objectively better than you on any scale you can imagine
Yes, the decades-long campaign of terrorist bombings carried out by white people in Britain was better, because they weren't SUICIDE bombs.

>> No.9011697


The IRA called the police ahead of time so people could be evacuated so yes we are

>> No.9011706

>have to
No you dont


Oh no not eating for 17 hours???? Could there be a worse fate?? Fucking american fatasses

>> No.9011730

>fasting for a month because a book written by a magical pedophile says so

>> No.9011762
File: 490 KB, 1024x683, pBSiWJTAEoqreaA-zoVlNXorPAklzCKYvimzJWimqCU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9011881

>implying this hasn't been happening in the middle east for decades

>> No.9011893

Hey you'll finally get that employee of the month award, good for you

>> No.9011899

>Name one christian who killed someone this week because of their religion
Technically, the British cops who shot down the 3 terrorists. But that's on a grammatical approximation.

>There weren't any civilian death during the whole Ireland mess
Sure thing, kiddo.
>Brexit is going to make the Irish Wars great again.

>> No.9012126


>> No.9012136

It's not even September yet, what the fuck?

>> No.9012288

This. My local mosque in Siberia adheres to this fatwah

>> No.9012317

That's a really cool story! can you tell it again?

>> No.9012423

How do we get rid of the Islam menace, lads?

>> No.9012457

What's even the point of this? It's not like muslims experience enlightment or get anything out of starving for a month. We are weak biological beings, our bodies totally depend on nutrients and water. I see that extravagance, the missing respect towards it and the greedily consumption of food for the sole pleasure of it in western countries is a bad habit, but come on, even abstain from water for the whole day?

Muhammad was nothing but a genius it seems and a man to admire, when you consider millions of people following this and FREELY refraining from the fuel which keeps their existence going; which is totally contrary to common sense and something no animal (or "semi-animal") in wild nature would ever think of.

>> No.9012478

In Germany at least we can get rid of the Islam menace the same way we got rid of the Hebrew menace. All the camps are still there, complete with administrative buildings. And showers.

>> No.9012485

You don't. Suicide bombings play right into the hands of our overlords who use it as an excuse to establish militarized fascist police states in what were once democracies. Enjoy your brave new world.

>> No.9012490

You should have grabbed a knife and stabbed them for violating Ramadan, just like the Syrian in Germany a few days ago who stabbed a fellow countryman of his to death for eating ice cream during Ramadan. It is Allah's will.

>> No.9012508 [DELETED] 

reminder that islam is not a race so it's okay to say islamists are a cancer that should be wiped from the earth

>> No.9012552

You do have to, or risk being outed and shamed by your entire family and community.

>Oh no not eating for 17 hours???? Could there be a worse fate??
Literally, LITERALLY why there are so many inbred and mentally retarded people in middle eastern countries. Fasting like that just isn't fucking healthy, especially in countries where it often hits +35C and you're not even allowed to drink water. Can't wait for your filth to be cleansed out when the next big war hits.

>> No.9012580

From what I understand there's three things to it.
1. Historically, the fast would coincide with the last months of winter, grain stores were running low and people fasted to conserve food before the next agricultural season could begin. Over time the tradition shifted into the early summer months.

2. Social differentiation, muslims involved in ramadan couldn't easily eat or spend time with non muslims. It's an anti-assimilation thing.

3. Power wank, literally has the power to impose on people that they cant eat for a month.

>> No.9012601

Fucking hell. The Nobel peace prize has gone to this cunt and Obama recently. I would say that this statement is as dumb as Trudeau's "If we kill them, they win" but at least that was just dumb this is an outright threat. She should be banned from entering non-Islamic countries for trying to incite violence.

>> No.9012614

>trump's foreign policy

Ain't we been indiscriminately murdering whole villages with terrordrones since Billy "Blowjobs" Clinton though?

>> No.9012618

The one going to Obama was the final nail in the coffin. It's very obvious that the people in charge are fishing for some comfortable and high paying jobs once they retire.
It has literally become a joke, no one gives a single shit about it any more.
t. norwegian

>> No.9012620

I don't care if Christians, Jews and Hindus were terrorists till 1990. It has no bearing on today. I don't care if the Bible incites more violence than the Koran. There's only one group that actually tries to kill people who are not part of the group and that's muslims.

>> No.9012630

>It has no bearing on today

What's wrong with your brain, anon?

>> No.9012653

Nothing at all, which is why obscurantists like you are so troubled by it. Past violence does not justify present and future violence. The only justification of violence is self-preservation and defense. You can't be defending yourself from something that happened in the past.

>> No.9012657
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>future violence
Is that kind of like thought crime?

>> No.9012669

No, it's when I send someone a threat that I'm going to kill them and the police show up at my door.

>> No.9012700

Swatting people is a crime, neckbeard

>> No.9012703

>tfw living in a muslim family
>not doing ramadan because i'm an apostate
>eating in front of others
>bringing pork home
>being forced out of the house by my mom
>getting my computer thrown up outside my windows

srsly what have i done wrong

>> No.9012731

Don't be an edgy fuck when your parents are paying for your life.. Once you move out you can have all the pork during Ramzan you want.

>> No.9012746

>when your parents are paying for your life
They are paying to pass on their genes, it's not a selfless act.

>> No.9012766

It's not. And they'll regret pushing you out of their life due to religiosity once you move out and don't call them. Till you're living in their house you shouldn't be going out of your way to be a dick.

>> No.9012801

Interesting, thanks. I can add from my research that the "spiritual" answer to this seems to be that this is supposed to be a month where the body, unlike the other 11 months, leaves the spotlight and one specifically dedicates his time for the "soul". So basically in Ramadan, the "soul" is to be nourished, not the body.

I don't see why one shouldn't be able to do this throughout the year with self-control while on a water-only diet. Also, if one is not interested in "soul-work" the rest of the year, why that person especially under the drawback of malnutrition is supposed to now? And aren't they already doing enough "soul-work" with five daily praying rituals?

There is apparently a health benefit behind it too, but again, you can detox with "green smoothies" throughout the year.

The only explanation left which I can think of, is hope for a rewarding for their self-induced discomfort.

So basically they worship a God who rewards suffering. Neat!

>> No.9012810

Reminder Islam is a false religion and will be persecuted accordingly on the return of the one true God Jesus the Christ Almighty.

>> No.9012830

>partition the middle east as spoils of war and establish bootlicking sycophants as dictators after WWI
>steal land and forcibly remove people from a huge area because muh Hitler after WWII
>bomb and invade countries because they got uppity and muh oil
>establish a culture of perpetual instability to fuel our war machine
>we didn't do nuffin'

Yeah, the past doesn't matter.

>> No.9012869

There's nothing /pol/ about being aware that childfucker Mohammad wasn't a prophet of god. All it takes is an ounce of common sense. Fuck you brainwashed scum.

>> No.9012886

Yeah I remember how Sweden and Germany did all that.

And other countries got fucked badly by colonials. India was partitioned by Brits and Americans to set up an Islamic country which caused the biggest migration and millions of deaths. All to set up a buffer state between Russia and India. China was militarily forced to get their populace addicted to opium supplied by the Brits. Africa was raped by Brits, French Belgians, Dutch and Germans. So I guess if Africans, Indians and Chinese start terrorizing western countries it'll be justified. But for the most part (the non-Islamic parts of) India, Africa and China are working hard to make things better for themselves with varying levels of success.

Everyone has got their shit pushed in by someone else at some point of time in history. Some more than others. But it doesn't justify wanting to go back to the stone age and killing innocents.

>> No.9012934

>There's nothing /pol/ about being aware that Jesus wasn't a son of god. All it takes is an ounce of common sense. Fuck you brainwashed scum.


>> No.9013026

>sweden and germany did it

Good one. It still doesn't diminish the historical significance on today. I'm not justifying terrorism by any means, but the hypocrisy of the west really does stink. And if you think for one minute our fearless leaders don't relish the opportunity to establish a full fledged police state, you're naive. Same thing with the "war on drugs" in america.

>> No.9013041

>There is apparently a health benefit behind it too, but again, you can detox with "green smoothies" throughout the year.
Just 100% quanitifiably untrue. It is very unhealthy on the body, especially since not even water is allowed during the fast, and many muslim countries have temperatures around 30-40C during the period.

Tons of people die outright from heatstroke, but those are usually weak and/or old. The worst part is that you can see on birth statistics large spikes in birth deformities, retardation and so on a couple of months after ramadan. It is not healthy, and should be banned in western nations.

t. immigrant teacher, I see these retards passed out and sleeping and learning fuck all for an entire month every year

>So basically they worship a God who rewards suffering. Neat!
To be fair that is the core of christianity too. What set it apart from the older religions was the idea that being poor and suffering was a virtue.

All these issues were just passed on from Ottoman times. And there are actually somewhat functioning countries in the middle east, like Jordan. If the Iraqi or Syrians are unable to build a somewhat functioning state that falls on the heads of the people. Getting riled up like wasps and reading into the glory of islam like it was a thousand years ago will only make things worse.

>establish a culture of perpetual instability to fuel our war machine
The west didn't establish that culture, it's been present in the region since, at the very least, the mongol invasion. I'd like to think of the current shit going down as a formative period where more stable countries eventually emerge, like the iran-iraq war did for iran, but it'll be interesting to see what happens.

>> No.9013050

Eat pork Ahmed

>> No.9013056

Hypocrisy is a tricky word to use in a historical context. Any action taken by any country can be considered hypocritical. There's no doubt the west has blood on their hands regarding the middle east. But as of now there's one force of evil in the world and that's Islamism. Which goes beyond the middle east. It's a medieval form of anti-semitism and anti-paganism (read Hinduism) that's been weaponized and turned against the world. Traditionalism, misogyny and and homophobia are just symptoms.

I'm no defender of the west's atrocities. I even think that the Deus Vult LARPers on /pol/ are a fairly big danger to the world if they keep growing. But as it stands there's ONE big religo-political force that we have to worry about.

>> No.9013144

>It's a medieval form of anti-semitism
Arabs are semites, the vast majority of semites are muslim. Anti-semitism is a word that only exists because anit-hebrew or anti-jew sounds fucking stupid.

Other than that, demonizing islam the same way you people demonized the ussr isn't healthy. There's nothing inherrently wrong about Islam, just the position it holds in society and the way it is interpretated. These changes can't be forced on people.

Right now the west is in this awkward stage where it wants to dictate how other countries arrange themselves, but don't have the will to actually act on it.

We either need to let the islamists have their little democratically elected caliphates and hope they slowly change in the next couple of centuries, or go in and slaughter everyone and everything resembling being organized, and then displace the population with our own.

Pro tip; the imperialists and colonialists had the right idea.

>> No.9013210

But, see, it's not only the past. It's the present too. When you put puppets in place that do your bidding but not the will of the peoples of a fragmented country created through Balfour doctrine that even T E Lawrence warned against, resentment builds and explodes in suicide bombers. This thing doesn't end until astute politicians (an oxymoron?) negotiate a different policy. But as I said before, it isn't in the best interests of our fearless leaders who have the luxury of professional protection and welcome a police state supported by a public scared to death.

>> No.9013246

>Arabs are semites, the vast majority of semites are muslim
That's not the way the word is used though so I don't know why you bring that up.
>demonizing islam
No one's doing that, there are probably worse religions out there. I'm demonizing Isamists or pan-Islamists or whatever you want to call them.
>dictate how other countries arrange themselves
To some extent yes that's true. But for better or worse the world minus Islamic states has decided that Western style democracy with the social liberties that that it comes with is what we'll aim for. If you don't want that you don't want any interaction with the world. You can't have you cake and eat it too.

> hope they slowly change in the next couple of centuries
They're going in the opposite direction though. Look at Pakistan and Afghanistan. These places simply need to be told that either they work towards the ideals that the world has decided to uphold or tap out of any involvement in terms of trade or immigration with the world. And people wanting to flee these places should be allowed to after vetting. A democratic government in exile for these nations should be set up for them.

>go in and slaughter everyone and everything resembling being organized, and then displace the population with our own.
>Pro tip; the imperialists and colonialists had the right idea.
Fuck off with your edginess.
And the seeds of the second world war were sowed in the the treaty of versailles. Too bad, the world still came together to crush the forces of fascism. Even legitimate war criminals like Churchill were made into heroes. Better deals can be negotiated once these states stop undermining every aspect of the Geneva convention.

>> No.9013261
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This board is about food you stupid sandnigger. Nobody cares if you're starving or not, this isn't your personal Tumblr.

If you're eating something, post here about your food. if you're not eating anything, get the fuck out and stay out.

>> No.9013267


I wonder if there are liberals in India and Thailand who constantly seek reasons to somehow shift the blame for Muslim violence onto themselves, or if this is just a white people thing.

>> No.9013311

didn't he go black jew a while ago?
Snoop Lion of Israel or something?

>> No.9013330
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>mfw Americans call all muslims terrorists just weeks after their president strikes a major arms deal with Saudi Arabia, the home of the ultra-conservative Wahabbist sect that teaches Islam is incompatible with any other faith and that non-believers should be murdered. The same nation whose capital sponsors madrassas that pump out ISIS soldiers and whose citizens committed 9/11.

>> No.9013333

Can't speak for Thailand but India has a ton of them. To them constitutionally secular India with its 15% muslim population and constitutionally Islamic Pakistan with it's 1% Hindu/Sikh population committed equal atrocities during partition and Hindu terror is an equal threat as Islamic terror. They even think that a plebicite should be held in Kashmir after it was ethnically cleansed of Hindus to determine if it should be a part of India.

I don't know why Indians have some form of white guilt after being ruled and exploited by Muslims for centuries.

>> No.9013355

>they tried to make us use toilets

>> No.9013373

we don't make constant 4chan threads and goddamn youtube comments about it

"if you must fast, do it in private and don't look like a bitch nigga for you have already received your reward" etc

"shit it's hard to not eat amirite guys oil money kill infidels goddamn i'm hungry"

>> No.9013374


Yes, Pakistan is world-renowned for its plumbing infrastructure.

>> No.9013406

Actually you say that but even Muslims shitting practices were a huge source of grief to a lot of Indians. Traditionally it's been disallowed for Hindus to take a crap in running water. This is due to the fact that running water inevitably goes to a river that other people will be drinking downstream. And also shitting in the place where you live/eat was considered a very bad thing. So most of the population would go outside to shit. After the Islamic conquests the muslim population objected to the idea of their women shitting in the open due to the purdah system. This necessitated chamberpots and toilets without plumbing. This in turn required people to clean these things. The job fell to shudras. I'm not going to lie and say that shudras were held in high regard in Indian society prior to this but they were part of Indian society. Once they started handling people's shit they became shunned from society due to Indians' strong beliefs against feces. This gave birth to a new segment of society called untouchables. Now I'm not shifting the blame of the illtreatment of shudras by Hindu society to Islamic society but they certainly didn't make matters better.

>> No.9013438

Meanwhile in the civilized world people were using chamber pots and shitting indoors.

>> No.9013453
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Indians' strong beliefs against feces.

>> No.9013466

Unless you're being sarcastic I've never met anyone who though chamberpots were a good idea. I'd much rather shit in the woods than in a bucket I keep in my bedroom.
It's an embarrassment that this kind of thing is happening in the modern day. But the beliefs are against handling shit and shitting close to where you eat. Not against the concept of shitting in the open where other people do.

>> No.9013672

>not so subtle dawah thread

I hate Islam with all my heart. It is a false and destructive ideology. The world will be a better place once you're all wiped out. Your false prophet gets fucked by pigs in hell.

>> No.9013697

Man, the hicks ITT seem awfully butthurt they can't even drive muslims out of their redneck safespace forum. SAD!

>> No.9013783


>> No.9013807

It's just edgy children being racist, hopefully

>> No.9013935

>once these states stop undermining every aspect of the Geneva convention.

And the King David Hotel, Tel Aviv bombing in 1946, the largest death total of any terrorist act until quite recently, executed by the Irgun whose heads became presidents of Israel. Give me a fucking break you simpering hypocrite.

>> No.9013965

>my fairytale is gonna beat up your fairytale
easy there Kenneth, isn't today your church day?

>> No.9013978

It says he's rastafarian now, whatever exactly that means I have no clue

>> No.9013991


>> No.9014059

Literally lying on the internet, with so many ducking plot holes....


>> No.9014129

>Unironically defending an ultra-fascist and bloodthirsty ideology

Read a history book, snowflakes.

>> No.9014381

Ah. He smokes weed.

>> No.9014925

>starving self for the invincible man in the sky

What went wrong

>> No.9015068

Well, nearly all of those other religious killings are in retaliation to malicious Islamic activities that Muslims tend to bring with them. The few that aren't, are committed by the type of people who would eat albino Africans to gain magic powers.

Is Ramadan over yet? I was wanting to make some pork massaman curry and eat it while reflecting on how weak and ineffective the Muhammad's moon god is.

>> No.9015131

Hey fag, if something is tangetially related to a topic it's going to get posted

>> No.9015143
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>it's an inbred sandniggers starve themselves for no reason episode

>> No.9015778

These niggas have guacamole, flammin hots, pepsi, Tabasco, like what the fuck? Allah is gonna fuck you.

>> No.9015862

Shouldn't you faggots be off blowing yourselves up or something?

>> No.9015871

Don't you have some Hitler worship thread to post in

>> No.9016211

My friend is muslim, but not overly so as the only Islamic thing he does is observe Ramadan. He can only eat when the sun is down, and Ramadan changes with the calender, so winter Ramadan is more tolerable. He isn't that observant of Ramadan either, as he still drinks water.

>> No.9016234
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>> No.9016237
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>this fucking thread

>> No.9016259
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And here I thought /v/ was nu-/pol/

>> No.9016272

Fucking disgusting all these pathetic beta white cowards are all bending over backwards to make excuses for Muslim Racism, Bigotry, Mysogyny, and general fucking hatred of anyone/anything non Muslim.

Guess 'Merican Liberals are not very "woke" at all...

>> No.9016284

10/10 I responded

>> No.9016297

>Fucking disgusting all these pathetic beta white cowards are all bending over backwards to make excuses for Muslim Racism, Bigotry, Mysogyny, and general fucking hatred of anyone/anything non Muslim.

Guess why no muslims fuck with China?

Because we don't suffer politially correct bullshit and allow our citizens to be fucking murdered by shit eating cave dwellers.

We are literally keeping the Western China muslim population on a fucking leach...

Ever heard of "compulsory sterelization?"

In Western China, if mulslims want free shit and govenment handouts, muslim women have to be sterelized for "fast track" to citizenship.

Ever wonder why the murderous Pakis don't dare fuck with us even though we are right next door? Because we'd fuck them right back, 1000 fold, that's why.

>> No.9016302

Why, no anon I have not heard of that

>> No.9016306

>Ever heard of "compulsory sterelization?"
>In Western China, if mulslims want free shit and govenment handouts, muslim women have to be sterelized for "fast track" to citizenship.

Or... we just do shit like this.

> Uyghur Women Forced to Abort Their Babies in Xinjiang

Uyghur women in China's troubled northwestern region of Xinjiang have been forced by authorities to undergo abortions—one of them nine months into her pregnancy—under Beijing's brutally-enforced one-child policy, local officials and parents said.

They were among six forced abortions that had been planned over the last week in Hotan prefecture in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, home to some 10 million mostly Muslim Uyghurs who say they have long suffered ethnic discrimination and oppressive religious controls under Beijing’s policies.

"We had planned to perform forced abortions on six women. Four of them have already undergone the abortions," Eniver Momin, deputy chief of Hotan's Arish township where the mothers were injected with abortion-inducing drugs, told RFA's Uyghur Service.

>> No.9016315

Boy, I sure do love unwinding from my life by talking about my favorite hobby, food and cooking. What could go wrong?

>> No.9016316

I'd rather eat pork and drink alcohol than have multiple wives or fuck little girls.

>> No.9016317

>Why, no anon I have not heard of that

Why, Hello fellow anon!

Here's some more food for your brain.

> Metkurban Nuri, the husband of another Uyghur woman who was forced to abort her baby four months into her pregnancy, said he and his wife had been hiding in Hotan city for a week but local family planning officials located them on Saturday.

> He said he was detained at Arish police station for 24 hours and forced to agree to allow his wife to undergo an abortion at the Nurluq Hospital.

> The mostly Muslim Uyghurs in Xinjiang, which has seen a string of violent incidents in recent years, are supposed to be exempt from Beijing's one-child policy aimed largely at the majority Han Chinese, rights groups say.

> "In reality, they [the Uyghurs] are subject to strict population control," said the U.S.-based Women's Rights Without Frontiers, an international coalition monitoring forced abortion, gendercide, and sexual slavery in China.

>> No.9016326

>Uyghur women in China's troubled northwestern region of Xinjiang have been forced by authorities to undergo abortions—one of them nine months into her pregnancy—under Beijing's brutally-enforced one-child policy, local officials and parents said.

That's pretty fucked up. Then again, how many Chinese have died at the hands of muslim terrorists? Very few.

>> No.9016335

>> Metkurban Nuri, the husband of another Uyghur woman who was forced to abort her baby four months into her pregnancy, said he and his wife had been hiding in Hotan city for a week but local family planning officials located them on Saturday.

Literally Jews hiding from the SS... all over again. Those poor innocent muslims!

>> No.9016340

I think he was pointing out your spelling

>> No.9016346

Don't bring up the jews, food-/pol/ is all over the place

>> No.9016347

>> "In reality, they [the Uyghurs] are subject to strict population control," said the U.S.-based Women's Rights Without Frontiers, an international coalition monitoring forced abortion, gendercide, and sexual slavery in China.

Based chinese don't suffer Niggers or Terrorists.

China will be THE world superpower for the next 1000 years, while 'Merican liberals keep trying to destroy 'merica from the inside. kek

>> No.9016348

Hundreds. China suffers from hundreds of terrorist attacks a year.

>> No.9016440


The strength of 'Merican diversity has come to an end. Diversity in america is now code word for "acceptable racism" towards specific races.

There's something to be said for the strength of hegemony in a global economy.

Retarded 'mericans are too busy infighting and bending over backwards for their niggers nowadays.

>> No.9016462

Diversity is merely a symptom of the problem. The real issue is putting any ideology/ieda on a pedestal making it untouchable. You run a plan, monitor it, make modifications if need be, if it no good, abandon it and start again.

But no not here. 'We' are never wrong. No one will say, this plan has failed, we must change course! Instead we moved forward headlong into disaster.

Where would China be today if Deng Xiaoping never gave up on Soviet-style command economy? China would probably look like Somalia.

>> No.9016504

>There's something to be said for the strength of hegemony in a global economy


Why do you think the most productive countries in the world are all "uni race?"

>> No.9016509

Is it really a fast if you can still eat every night? You just can't eat during the day, right?

>> No.9016513

kill yourself

>> No.9016517

Yes and yes to both of your questions.
Night is defined as the visibility of a single thread of cotton so it's imprecise though.

>> No.9016528

How far away is the cotton from your eyes?

>> No.9016531

What about america

>> No.9016532

It's not specified in the Koran or Hadith so you can make your own interpretation.
Like I said, it's imprecise.

>> No.9016545

Are you a Muslim?

>> No.9016550

Third world country with pockets of rich miniature countries that do all the heavy lifting.

>> No.9016554
File: 181 KB, 645x649, Codex_Astartes_calls_this_manoeuvre_Feel_Rain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw its the truth

>> No.9016575

you religion is garbage and you are a garbageman

>> No.9016582

Damn, I've never met a genuine intellectual before!

>> No.9016586

>Theist logic
>Water is just one of the many gifts we take for granted in this life. Just think how many times we have recourse to water during the day.
One of the effects of fasting during Ramadan is that it brings all of these things into focus, helping us to remember all the many blessings we receive and take for granted, such as food and water, and the love of the people who are dear to us.

That's like praising God for creating oxygen producing plants and then holding your breath just until you turn blue to show how grateful we are being able to breathe in air, or holding hours of remembrance each day for that an asteroid impact didn't wipe us out, or start wearing an eye mask until unset so that we remember the miracle of vision that the hole universe fits in our brains and how much we depend on it, or praying to our heavenly father for making us bioligical beings who's body is to be sustained with nutrients, so we can be provided with this meal unlike those unlucky individuals in warzones or Nigeria

This just shows that God is merely the personification of hope and gratitude, a comforter in a meaningless and harsh existence of survival

>> No.9016588

*pockets of rich individuals that do all the heavy lifting
Cities are 95% minimum wage labor and 5% actual businesses.

>> No.9016592

happy ramadan op, hope you have a blast

>> No.9016608

Excuse me, sir? Would you mind if I quote you for an academic journal in writing? This is just the high brow caliber stuff I've been looking for

>> No.9016611
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>> No.9016612

>you religion is garbage and you are a garbageman

This is what muslims think about every other religion in the world.

:religion of peace:

>> No.9016620
File: 12 KB, 262x192, 'MERICA! FUCK YEAH!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What about america

About 30% of Americans actually produce all the work. The vast majority of 'Mericans are all leeches and parasites.

>> No.9016633

Real talk, does it count if you're a NEET and just sleep during the day during Ramadan?

Please respond

>> No.9016639

>The vast majority of 'Mericans are all leeches and parasites.

We call them millennial liberals.

>> No.9016649

Christ Americans get so fucking riled up when someone reveals they're a Muslim.

>> No.9016654

t. Mitt Romney

>> No.9016657

>we call them conservative meth addicts

>> No.9016659

More like entitled conservative boomers.

>> No.9016661

Americans are bullies and cowards at heart. Watch them come swarming when there's a chance to harass someone only to trip over themselves running if there's a possibility for actual consequences.

>> No.9016671

I still fail to realise why Americans are so stubborn in protecting the super rich who actively exploit and steal from the working class.
The amount of propaganda they've been fed is sickening.

>> No.9016684

I really hope it's just edgy children larping as racists and not actual racists, not that there's much difference.

>> No.9016699

Thank the Lord I'm leaving this cesspool. You're right, I had no idea how terrible this country is until I learned about the living standards in other countries.

>> No.9016713

I mean, a big part of it is the propaganda. But another big part of it is this fucked up belief most Americans have that they're all just temporarily inconvenienced rich people. So they don't see themselves as being exploited by the rich and powerful, they see themselves as co-conspirators. Once their ship comes in they'll reap the profits of their collusion. There's also the whole "winning is everything" culture. Americans have a belief that anyone can be successful, which ignores the fact that not everyone can. Someone has to be the janitor, after all. But because of the idea that winning is everything, if you're not successful you're a loser, and losers deserve whatever happens to them.

It's a whole mess of cultural neuroses which are finally imploding on themselves. I genuinely hope something good comes of that implosion, because I honestly pity them.

>> No.9016738

The people who say this kind of shit are often the ones who have worked hard doing manual labor for most of their lives, following their logic they should be receiving a reward proportional to their tireless efforts.
Instead they get fired since some fat fuck is able to earn 8% more if he moves his factories to India. America is a lost cause and should just be nuked.

>> No.9016749

Money talks and bullshit walks.

Go big or go home.

If you're not winning, you're losing.

All these sound nice until hundreds of thousands of morons put it into practice at the same time. Too man Ralph Cramdens with their get rich quick schemes.

>> No.9016760

>I still fail to realise why Americans are so stubborn in protecting the super rich who actively exploit and steal from the working class.

In America, the 1% super rich = Sillicon Valley Limousine Liberals

> who actively exploit and steal from the working class.

Musk, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Cook, etc... etc....

> The amount of propaganda they've been fed is sickening.

Absolutely. Sillicon Valley's new age Racism where "diversity" is more important than merit is fucking disgusting.

>> No.9016768
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Because you asked so nicely.

get a job

>> No.9016774

lol I agree with everything except "stealing from the middle class"

Those jobs are not owed to you, it is not your company.

>> No.9016776

>In America, the 1% super rich = Sillicon Valley Limousine Liberals

This. The 1% are all suprisingly wealthy liberals nowadays.

The idea of the Rockerfellers, Carnegies, and JP Morgans are 100 years outdated and ignorant.

The new age 1% are the likes of Zuckerberg, Meyer, Ellison, Musk, and Bezos.

And American liberals apparently love and worship the new age 1%ers while hating the old.

fucking ignorant lol

>> No.9016779

You really think that I give a fuck about the divisive identity politics of American politics? The political rambling of the filthy rich doesn't matter when they actively exploit their workers.
But keep thinking that this boils down to "hurr librals dumb, Americans strong"

>> No.9016788

>Absolutely. Sillicon Valley's new age Racism where "diversity" is more important than merit is fucking disgusting.

Agreed. In 20 years, the SJWs and "liberals" will grow up and look back in shame and realize they are on the wrong side of history, and are just as bad as the racist Klans of old.

>> No.9016794

Not to mention somewhere along the way America got it into its head that being recognized as a winner was more important than winning at the game itself. Which is why they just give a little wrist slap to companies that break the law and cheat the system - if you're not cheating then you're not playing to win, amirite?

>> No.9016797


>> No.9016799

Corporations and politicians get off easily in every country though, this is a global thing sadly.

>> No.9016803

Ignoring the retards in this thread citing Jewish sources (of course Jews are going to teach us everything about Muslims), it has been going good so far for me.
I don't really consider myself a Muslim but I thought ramadan is something that is compatible with Gnosticism (refusing the material in favor of divine) so I decided to try it out.
It's really personal for me but I do feel better overall.
I appreciate food and water a lot more, while shedding weight along that.
It isn't the first time I have fasted, but certainly the first time I have done nowater+nofood for 10 days straight. I hardly feel the hunger or thirst nowadays, I can imagine continue fasting after ramadan ends as well.

>> No.9016804

itt fat americans who can't comprehend even the most benign aspects of someone else's culture

enjoy being left in the dust

>> No.9016809

To be honest I'm actually at work at the moment and was more just curious, thanks though

>> No.9016810

>The idea of the Rockerfellers, Carnegies, and JP Morgans are 100 years outdated and ignorant.
>The new age 1% are the likes of Zuckerberg, Meyer, Ellison, Musk, and Bezos.

Big Money will always manipulate the masses to vote against their own interests. The oil men did it back in the 1900's. Now the sillicon valley 1% are manipulating americans to vote against their interests.

Money >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> plebs

>> No.9016819

>We call them millennial liberals.


>> No.9016851

I'm not sure which I hate more - whiny Boomers who think Millennials are entitled because we won't buy their rapidly-depreciating houses, or fellow Millennials who bought into the Boomer propaganda so they can feel special.

>> No.9016865
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If Christmastime is the season to be jolly, Ramadan is the season to identify the exits, watch one's back, and avoid crowded places.

>> No.9016870

500 of those are actually done by us bombs recently.

>> No.9016899

kys you dirty paki cunt

>CAPTCHA - select all images with bridges


>> No.9016926
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>Nice Taquiya, like I said name another this week, you fucking can't, I was tolerant not anymore it's over
Don't forget Aceh.

>> No.9016945

>thinks Clear Channel and Fox News aren't influenced and controlled by multinational corporations and convinced the easily manipulated and desparate troglodytes in red states to vote against their own interests

>> No.9016952

there was the guy on the bus who stabbed those two dudes

so that's two for kills done by other religions

>> No.9016955

>having ugly cousins
you're lose kiddo

>> No.9016959

>Hundreds. China suffers from hundreds of terrorist attacks a year.
Yeah but one european/american is worth like 500 chinese. Don't you guys have an overpopulation problem anyway. I mean really they're doing you a favor wouldn't you say?

>> No.9016968
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>All other religions

>> No.9016973

>millennials won't buy houses

I think it's more like you can't buy them. Now, I'm not saying it's your fault entirely. As a Boomer I accept the fact if you receive a 4 year degree, you're probably saddled with an astronomical debt that will take you years of slaving in a job market that has seen salaries stagnate compared with the cost of medical care, housing and everything else. And that's where I'll blame you. You had a candidate in Sanders who was offering real solutions to those issues with sincerity, and you were too lazy to turn out, or voted for a wench because muh woman feelings. Now you're going to see the result of that laziness and be able to measure precisely how bad boomers can fuck you over.

>> No.9016988

This. Islam is a perversion of religion in almost every way. Ramadan isn't a celebration of fasting, it's a celebration of gluttony.
You don't fast for the sake of it, you fast so that come sun down you can gorge yourself silly.
It's sick, and so are the people who practice it.

If you need an exemption from your religious activities for health reasons, your religion is doing something fucking wrong.
(medical exemptions like diabetes, or blood sugar, or whatever)

>> No.9016995

Catholic lent fasting means no meat on fridays, or perhaps no meat, i kind of forget.

It's never "don't eat".

>> No.9017009

Name one religion that isn't a perversion, moron, especially any of the 3 death cult Abrahamic ones of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Each one has the roots as a death cult to erupt in violence and destruction based on their "sacred" texts at any time.

>> No.9017010

what happened in Aceh recently? I don't see any news about it. I know they enforce sharia there

>> No.9017013

>there are dangerous christian militias in the world
>lists a buddhist one
good job dumbfuck.

And besides that, the burmese buddhists don't kill christians, they only kill muslims, because they recognize the muslim threat.

>> No.9017136


>> No.9017139

Oh do fuck off. America is the greatest nation ever conceived despite all its flaws. All the people bad mouthing it (especially the English speaking ones) apart from elitist Europeans in the top 10% would move immediately if given a green card. America is the bastion of Human Rights even at its worst. Where the best and the brightest from all over the world want to work.

>> No.9017184

>greatest nation ever
>despite all its flaws
What did he meme by this

>> No.9017196

>The vast majority of 'Mericans are all leeches and parasites.

Well... most of our millenials ARE living at home not entirely by choice.

We would have, you know, Jobs, if america didn't outsource all of our labor to the chinese and shitskins.

THANKS BOOMERS for moving all our companies to shitfuckastan.

We SHOULD be living on our own. But no, you want to get cheap engineers like fucking Pajeets & Wangs.

>> No.9017198

Are you Sunni or Shiit? Either way your are dumb as fuck for living the way you do and believing what you believe.

>> No.9017206
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>Oh do fuck off. America is the greatest nation ever conceived despite all its flaws.

sure it is.

A whole fucking generation of Millenials crushed by their own Shool Debt, and then by Obama's national debt.

'Merican Millennials = F U C K E D

>> No.9017208
File: 232 KB, 742x538, US GAO - US Interest vs Spending.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A whole fucking generation of Millenials crushed by their own Shool Debt, and then by Obama's national debt.

>> No.9017230
File: 447 KB, 245x175, mr_incedible.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this graph is terrible

>> No.9017237


'Mericans = fucked by 2040

with any luck, I'll be dead by then.

>> No.9017372
File: 299 KB, 880x1608, jewishtricks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you Jewish?

>> No.9017406

Strange how the slope decreased under Obama. Hmm, too bad the right doesn't understand the concept of slope and thinks it's some kind of devil worshiping magic trick, like fossils.

>> No.9017470

He's a typical inbred troglodyte who thinks waving a flag and supporting a group of NY gangsters hellbent on wringing every penny possible from the 90% will make him muh great again.

>as long as they give me muh gun, they can do whatever they want with me. I'se wants muh gun, goldarnit!

>> No.9017681

Firstly, me saying that "A" is bad, so you come in and say "yeah but B and C are bad too!" doesn't change what I said at all.

Now then, to address your actual post. Judaism has numerous texts describing gentiles as nothing more than cattle, as mere slaves put on this world for them. They have their own special word for us, goyim.

And islam has numerous versus about death to infidels, jihad, etc. etc.

Christians? Not really. And I do mean New Testament, as the Old Testament is part of Judaism still. I'm not a fan of Christianity for my own reasons, but they are not outwardly violent like judaism and islam.

>> No.9017688

Probably that every country has flaws, but in an objective look at things, there has to exist a number one by sheer virtue of everyone being on a list.

You can be number one and still have flaws. He didn't say America was perfect.
Not agreeing or disagreeing, but learn to understand language as it's used, please.

>> No.9017699

No, I'm not. Why would you ask me? I mean, i know the obvious "reason", but what part of my post made you think I was?