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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9003373 No.9003373[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

daily reminder that if you aren't vegan then you're a degenerate

>> No.9003376
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>> No.9003377

Sounds like a deal.

>> No.9003384
File: 178 KB, 500x411, heavy_breathing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y-yeah, that's what makes me a degenerate

>> No.9003392

>calls people on 4chan degenerate
>thinks that will be interpreted as an insult

>> No.9003394

Pull your front teeth, you won't need them anymore leafeater

>> No.9003403
File: 1013 KB, 500x375, 1496292027210.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If eating meat is wrong, then I don't wanna be right.

>> No.9003475

Did I post this and forget? Or are you my soulmate?

>> No.9003512

I vote we kill OP and turn him into jerky.

>> No.9003532


>> No.9003885


>> No.9004186
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we might need jerky

>> No.9004197

Vegans who spend more time hating non-vegans usually just end up turning people away from trying to help animals. I've seen many, many people say that hateful vegans made them continue eating meat because they don't want to be like them.

Veganism will be obsolete when lab-grown meat is perfected without bovine growth serum anyway.

>> No.9004361

Can I go vegan AND be a degenerate?

>> No.9004378

But bacon is so fucking good though.

>> No.9004384

Daily reminder that if you use the word "degenerate" and the ".org" at the top of your screen isn't followed by "/pol/", you've strayed from your containment board and nobody wants to deal with your retardation.

>> No.9004386
File: 3 KB, 101x125, AH HAHAH FAGGOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But eating flesh is the bomb yo

>> No.9004406

daily reminder that /ck/ is both a female and a vegan board

>> No.9004418

Daily reminder, you're a petulant child that doesn't have the life experience to make rational decisions for yourself, let alone others.

>> No.9004425

Daily reminder, I forgot.

>> No.9004431

Degenerate: having lost the physical, mental, or moral qualities considered normal and desirable; showing evidence of decline.

So by the literal definition, to be vegan is literally degenerative, as eating cooked meat is one of the things that contributed to human brain development.

>> No.9004436

Judging by your appalling punctuation you need to eat more cooked meat then.

>> No.9004538


>> No.9004585

>Veganism will be obsolete when lab-grown meat is perfected without bovine growth serum anyway.

Sort of agree, but would anybody even be developing lab-grown meat if it weren't for vegans/vegetarians?

>> No.9004596

>would anybody even be developing lab-grown meat if it weren't for vegans/vegetarians?

Of course.

It's easier to bring a lab into space then it is to bring cows and the food and water needed to support them.

>> No.9004613

That's true, in the end it's supposed to be more cost-effective (not to even mention the environment) than regular meat.

Anyway, I'm vegan and I'll be happy to go back to eating meat when there's cultured options available.

But don't you think there's going to be holdouts, people who are going to refuse lab-grown meat even if it becomes cheaper than regular meat? All other things being equal, of course - which will probably take quite some time to achieve.

>> No.9004615

>It's easier to bring a lab into space then it is to bring cows and the food and water needed to support them.

[citation needed]

>> No.9004650

She's so pretty! Who is that?

>> No.9004675

>people who are going to refuse lab-grown meat


Just because you're an idiotic, hypocritical, hypersensitive moron that puts the survival and welfare of animals before your own doesn't mean that everyone else is....

>> No.9004708

>skinny fat

Yup checks out for being vegan.

>> No.9004738

Daily reminder that youre not getting sufficient human nutrition