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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8994759 No.8994759 [Reply] [Original]

Has eating out become ridiculously expensive over the last 10 years?

>> No.8994767
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>> No.8994782

Not ridiculously, but more than I'm willing to spend usually as an unskilled 25yo Murcian

>> No.8994830

Not at the high end, but fast food seems to have gotten more expensive.

>> No.8995234

>1 tortilla 56 cents

If you're making more than one burrito, you could get that whole burrito under 70 cents TOTAL
what a bullshit chart

>> No.8995274

>A bacon burger at Five Guys in Chicago is 7.99 + tax

Shit is nuts

>> No.8995300

Wages haven't kept up with inflation. Kill the rich, seize the means of production, so on, so forth

>> No.8995306

That won't fix inflation anon. Learn some economics.

>> No.8995308

It's also become a lot better. As much as I fucking hate "social media" shit, review sites like yelp, and the ability for multiple people to agree something is shit makes it hard for shit restaurants to exist.

>> No.8995312
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We kill the rich without getting the government involved, too bad everyone tied themselves down with kids, spouses, mortgages, loans and shit.

>> No.8995322

yelp has only ever given me shit restaurant suggestions. every place uses cheap ingredients and serves shitty food i could just make at home. none of the 4-5 starred restaurants are ever good because they're the most popular and well received by the average person who has shit taste and wants everything for cheap.

>> No.8995326

>none of the 4-5 starred restaurants are ever good because they're the most popular and well received by the average person who has shit taste and wants everything for cheap.

this is the same reason why ratemyprofessor is shitty for picking classes

>> No.8995337

Fixing inflation is impossible with the entire economic situation to such a substantial degree that anything less than a total replacement is impossible. Raising wages in the same way that wealth accumulation and subsequent stagnation through wealth hoarding have been proportionate to inflation will alleviate the severe inequality and devaluation of work, however.

>> No.8995340

You have a good point, but everything is relative to price. Yes, the average idiot has shit taste, but a place serving cold pizza won't last long. I don't use yelp myself; I was only using it as an example. My point was, It's easy to find out if a restaurant is shit, without wasting your money there.

>> No.8995341

Everything has become ridiculously expensive over the last 10 years.

Thanks babyboomers!

>> No.8995347

Except that bankers will always be paid more than fast food workers? Wages are determined by market forces, and family wealth is built by people who realized how important it is to save and invest. If anything we should be focusing on raising the financial literacy of the population and steering our culture away from rampant consumerism that fuels bad financial decisions.

>> No.8995354

This too. I get so fucking pissed when they screech "MUH MILLENIALS". The stupid shit they did in their youth is directly responsible for the shit they bitch about now.

>> No.8995357


>eating out

it's literally putting stuff in a pan and taking it out.

meanwhile you pay 10x the actual price, wait an hour for your mediocre (if you're lucky) food, then wait a half hour for your bill, and then have to tip 15%

why exactly would anybody without mental retardation ever eat out again?

>> No.8995360

I usually only order dishes I don't have the expertise to make. Why go out and spend $30+ on something I can make cheaply at home?

>> No.8995365


>can't wait for the boomers to drop dead
>don't want to hire stupid useless millennials

Kids, I'm tired of throwing your resumes\CVs in the garbage. Step up your game, I'm running out of Gen xer's to hire.

>> No.8995385

>graduate from college
>slave away at an entry level position so that I can slowly build my resume for my dream job
>meanwhile most of my jobless classmates complain about not wanting to settle for anything less than their dream job when they have never worked a day in their lives
I hate my generation.

>> No.8995390

>I don't use yelp myself
great, just what we need, another shitposter on /ck.

>> No.8995396

There's no opportunity for career growth or advancement when you have a goddamn masters degree and you're working at starbucks to pay off your student loans because there's like 10,000 applicants for every open position in your field.

>> No.8995397

this is a reasonable attitude. though i also like to get salads out sometimes just because it's really time intensive and expensive to make a single salad at home.

>> No.8995402

>majoring an area that requires a master's degree and is over saturated
You dug your own hole anon.

>> No.8995413

The McChicken is still $1 dollar

>> No.8995418



>> No.8995421

It's like $1.45 last I checked.

also little caesars pizza is now $6 if you want the proper amount of cheese and tomato sauce.

>> No.8995423

>Except that bankers will always be paid more than fast food workers?
Cool strawman, but I'm talking about keeping the rise of wages proportional to the rising costs of living and other factors of inflation. The rising salaries of elite bankers others at the top of their foodchains have been disproportionate as well, regardless of any "saving" or "investing." Arguably I'd say such things are the biggest factors in said economic stagnation via income inequality contributing to inflation.
>If anything we should be focusing on raising the financial literacy
Uh huh. You show me one of said elite bankers willing to give away the valuable means and methods in a way that is achievable for wageslaves, IE not being surrounded by channels of nepotism or going to college for finance and economics (which is unaffordable or logistically impossible for somebody working 9-5 just to provide for their family while living in a dump owned by a recalcitrant, greedy landlord). Protip: there are none giving such advice, because advice alone simply does not provide the other means for opportunities such as becoming an investment banker.
>steering our culture away from rampant consumerism that fuels bad financial decisions.
While I agree about steering away from rampant consumerism, I highly doubt we agree on what those bad financial decisions encompass, or how to combat consumerism. Telling people "DON'T BUY STORE BOUGHT SHAMPOO AND SOAPS, MAKE YOUR OWN INSTEAD" does not work, will never work. Top-down deconstruction is the only course of action in this situation; elimination and wealth redistribution of those enormous corporations and conglomerates with strangleholds on the market forcing a particular consumer-oriented lifestyle.

>> No.8995431

>also little caesars pizza is now $6 if you want the proper amount of cheese and tomato sauce.

do you have to ask for it by a special name to get this?

>> No.8995434

Yeah, tell 'em you want the Greasy Sugary Cardboard Deluxe.

>> No.8995438

you have to ask for the "extra most bestest" pizza

>> No.8995448

Chain resturants have gone a shit ton like 80% or so

Locally owned shops have gone up 30% or so
Its actually not bad to go and have a nice lunch at a modern american pub assuming no servers to tip and drinks are resonable
Might run you 12-14 instead of 8-9 at a fast food place

>> No.8995450


So approx. $3 labour cost, time, and the use of another sites facilities?

That's not terrible actually.

>> No.8995477

>to cope with rising labor costs
says right there retard

>> No.8995495

>paying $8 per lb of chicken breast

>> No.8995504

Some of their prices probably jacked up so they did the same.

>> No.8995696

Fast food has gotten so much better though. 10 years ago "decent fast food" would be like maybe Chipotle or Five Guys. Now I can get a fast food meal literally made by Will Guidara for $13.

Also, I'm ok with this:

>> No.8995705
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>> No.8995727

>goes to grocery store
>"yes, i'd like to purchase 1 cent of tempeh"

>> No.8995735
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>organic black beans
As opposed to what? beans that come from my ass? Also, chicken breast where I live is like 4 dollars a pound, rice is cheaper than 12 cents a cup (5 cents), cheese is cheaper (33 cents), and tortillas are 12 for 2 dollars, making one 16 cents.

Total price would be
0.16 + 0.05 + 0.33 + 1.00 + 0.40, or $1.94.

>> No.8995739

>chicken breast where I live is like 4 dollars a pound
Do you only have one kind of store selling one kind of chicken?

>> No.8995809

I don't know, but it's sure as hell overrated. Almost every time I eat out with friends at a new place I can't help but think that for the price I pay for me alone I could have fed them all.

>> No.8995822

That's pretty fucking bad, it takes like 20 seconds to make it

>> No.8995845


One, stop saying 'elite bankers'

Two, ime, investment banking analysts have seen their salaries barely keep up with inflation with their hours soaring thru the roof while facing massive layoffs

Three, almost all of the wall St. Types are Democrats. Take a trip to the street once.

People do need increased financial literacy. It is incredibly easy to grow money if you save and invest in market indices which are extremely low cost, far beyond our extremely low inflation

There are people who are smarter than others and a cut above the rest, e.g. bankers and professors, who perform vital roles for the real world that many cannot do. Banking has done more to advance society than pretty much anything else on the planet

Whose labor will ALWAYS be worth more than that of others. We cannot ignore the truth that is IQ.

You talk of strawmen then attack a "recalcitrant, greedy landlord". Maybe it's just projection

Landlords are, by and large, people who have saved and not made financially crippling CHOICES such as having a child at a young age, marrying very young and using credit cards. They are usually self-made people in my experience and great people.

While I do agree that it is difficult to attend a decent school while working 9-5, and that by then it IS too late in the eyes of every school bar maybe Columbia's school of GS, their kids can just as easily get into top school's, all of which cover the entire cost of education.

I came from a poor background and, due to my classes and test scores , was able to get a full ride to a school that places many on Wall Street. I'm not saying this is as doable for someone living in gunshot-daily tier poverty (an absurdly small minority who live like this due to living under years of corrupt, Democrat-run, cities such as Chicago), but it is doable for the vast majority of poor children provided they have the intellect and work ethic.

>> No.8995851


Yikes, *There are always those whose labor [...]

Take away a few phantom 's my phone decided to place

>> No.8995865

Ok guy. Try going somewhere where the food isn't what you would typically make or wouldn't be able to make as well. Also try drinks/beers/wines that you aren't willing to shell 30 bucks for a whole bottle. Also have a friend or two.

>> No.8995872

The comparison is supposed to be as close to Chipoltle standards as possible for it to be fair. Just because I can find chicken thighs at the Chinese market for 39 cents a lb doesn't mean that should be the average or is comparable.

>> No.8995911

I find myself only going out to buy pizzas from dominos because i cant make a pizza for shit. I have a recipe book with my favorite foods and im content with having the same 10-15 things for ever.

Fast food is just a gamble, you never know if an employee is having a bad day and spits in it, if they hate you, if theres a fly, if they dont properly clean and sanitize, if theres soy, what the fucking chemicals they put in that shit is. Its addicting and satisfying because of how salty and carbed up it all is, but once you break away from it, you find yourself not really wanting it anymore. Price is also a factor, i remember stuff from the early 2000s being a lot cheaper. Bad wages and i guess inflation went up in a short amount of time.

>> No.8996042

That's actually terrible when you use the food is 25% of the cost of food model. You could've used much better examples than this shit. You also have to use utilities and wear and tear on instruments not to mention it shows little value of your time spent making it.

There's something to be said about this and I despise chipotle now but this is a dreadful example.

>> No.8996045

Lol it doesn't, every second even pulling the shit out of the fridge counts into the time. Then you have to wash the dishes there to, and that adds to making a load in the dishwasher(it's not free running a dishwasher) or more time hand washing them

>> No.8996059

Yeah I pretty much never eat out, but I do eat fast food a bit thanks to work. There's a quick Japanese restaurant near me that gives you huge portions for under $10 and the food is great, but most restaurants always disappoint me. When I want something nice, I'd rather buy a nice cut of steak and just cook it myself

>> No.8996222

>One, stop saying 'elite bankers'
>Two, ime, investment banking analysts have seen their salaries barely keep up with inflation with their hours soaring thru the roof while facing massive layoffs
>Three, almost all of the wall St. Types are Democrats. Take a trip to the street once.
I don't give a fuck what they are, they can claim to be bleeding heart Communists for all that matters. What they're doing is what they're doing, and what they're doing is helping to dig a deeper hole of wealth inequality that is gonna burst in their face as the middle class dissolves in favor of ever-expanding lower class that's sick of this absurd distribution.
>People do need increased financial literacy. It is incredibly easy to grow money if you save and invest in market indices which are extremely low cost, far beyond our extremely low inflation
Again, not disagreeing with you, but it's simply infeasible. What you're saying amounts to "why don't poor people just buy more smarts to make more money?"
>Banking has done more to advance society than pretty much anything else on the planet
kek I hope you don't actually believe that shit, bootlicker. In mathematics alone, I can think of way more valuable contributions that have come and will eventually come. Using economic speculation to hoard wealth does not advance society, if anything it is the primary deterrent to genuine academic research that could actually help people by keeping the next potential Einstein in abject poverty.
>Landlords are, by and large, people who have saved and not made financially crippling CHOICES such as having a child at a young age
No, they're idiots who purchase cheap land or inherit it, then rent it out. Holy shit you can't seriously believe that takes intelligence. If anything, it takes a disgusting lack of empathy and moral foundation. It's exploitation.
>I came from a poor background
There it is. I was wondering when this bit would pop up.

>> No.8996225
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> 'Mericans won't even be able to afford to dine out in 10 years

>> No.8996228
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>> 'Mericans won't even be able to afford to dine out in 10 years

Thanks to Barak Obama, you got the "Hopelesness & Change" you 'Mericans deserve.

>> No.8996230

This is why the poor shouldn't be allowed to vote. They barely contribute to society as it is, so the only value is their vote. We eliminate their vote and politicians have no choice but to finally cater to the middle class and the wealthy.

>> No.8996236

Careful with that edge

>> No.8996240

It's common sense.

>> No.8996245

Yes yes I was 15 too once, but I started reading books and stopped being a childish troglodyte.

>> No.8996271

>Careful with that edge

Actually, having an uneducated, group thinking population that "votes" based on what ever the media fed them that day is a pretty shitty system.

We got Obama "10 Trillion in Debt" who fucked us over, and now Trump.

Still happy with the ignorant masses controlling the vote?

>> No.8996274

You're not my mom!

>> No.8996277
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>We got Obama "10 Trillion in Debt" who fucked us over, and now Trump.
>Still happy with the ignorant masses controlling the vote?

Doesn't matter if Trump or Hillary won, retards... you're all fucking stuck paying off your School Debt and National Debt for the next 100 years.


>> No.8996281

Can you feel that death spiral? Even if they had a solid plan to reduce that debt the opened hands of the poor and uneducated are reaching out and locking the steering wheel in place.

>> No.8996288


Man that's a lot of billions. Imagine how much money and time we'd save if we could all figure out a way to just get along.

>> No.8996289

i barely eat out at all lately, its a scam, the food is gross and unsanitary.
Plus each time i eat at home i get better at cooking, all i get eating outside is bad service and an unreasonable bill
I wouldnt be surprised if eating home and then going out for drinks becomes the new normal

>> No.8996290

How do you know?
And, gee, who funds that media I wonder? The poor and uneducated people....... or the people who want to keep people poor and uneducated to further exploit them with this current lifestyle consumption and consumerism system? Hmm.
Why do that when you can be an emotionally-stunted manchild who licks boots and makes fun of the destitute while voting for walking orange creamsicles that make those destitute even poorer?

>> No.8996293

drive the rich away and take nothing because all factories are in china?

>> No.8996296

>Imagine how much money and time we'd save if we could all figure out a way to just get along.

Stop preaching to the chior & try posting that shit on a Muslim message board if you have the balls.

I'm sick & tired of 'Merican liberals cowards preaching to the choir but making double standards & excuses for Muslims

>> No.8996298

I had what was, after tax and tip, a half pound steak,salad and potatoes with rolls for under ten dollars. Considering I was an hour away from home I found it a good use of money and saved time

>> No.8996303

you can do wathever you want to potatoes and ground beef, its still potatoes and ground beef and im not paying a 500% mark up for that

>> No.8996304

>We got Obama "10 Trillion in Debt" who fucked us over, and now Trump.
>Still happy with the ignorant masses controlling the vote?

n......no? :`(

>> No.8996310

It's ok to admit you don't give a shit about what other people think for you have other priorities. That is a quirk of you though and does not influence yelp on way or another

>> No.8996322

If you weren't some tunnel-visioned shit-eater, you'd know that there are plenty of Muslims that don't want other Muslims to bomb innocent people to fuckin' bits just as much as anyone else. Anyone else with common sense anyway, a crowd you are clearly not a part of in your attempt to pin the blame on a single group, which is stupid as fuck, and makes you stupid as fuck.

>> No.8996332

Given enough tax breaks, the Chinese might bring some of those jobs back.

>> No.8996333

>rising labor costs
Kek, what a crock of shit

>> No.8996336

the only way the chinese are ever bringing any jobs back is when they the us place and they force you into slave work

>> No.8996341

i have no idea what you meant to say there

>> No.8996343

>I don't know what the cost of production is!

>> No.8996347

about 300 dollars a month per child slave

>> No.8996357
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>$10 tip

>> No.8996386

Who paid this motherfucker?

>> No.8996461

Its so tempting to see a potato and pea meat pie at a bakery but I always remember I can buy a 4 pack for less and make my own pies for even less than that.

I guess it comes down to how much effort you are willing to put in.

>> No.8996495


what about all the other fucking ingredients. marinade, oil, seasoning, aromatics.... these things are always so autistic.

>> No.8996509

>tfw local bakery is charging $7 for avocado toast
I hate this meme.

>> No.8996519

>We got Obama "10 Trillion in Debt" who fucked us over, and now Trump.
>Still happy with the ignorant masses controlling the vote?

It didn't help that every fucking illiterate nigger just automatically voted for Obama cuz "muh black brotha"

and every fucking blue collar flyover voted for Trump.

Allowing the "general public" to vote was a mistake.

>> No.8996530

As a French I feel a lot better now about what the Germans tell us.

>> No.8996533

The problem is that we have retarded entitlement programs in which benefits are concentrated and costs are dispersed, so every inbred moron who belongs to a group has "muh programs" and if a politician promises to get them some more gibs they'll vote for him no matter what.

>> No.8996576

>steering our culture away from rampant consumerism that fuels bad financial decisions
I agree this needs to happen but you do realize that the people at the top literally want tge opposite of this right? Rampant consumerism and bad financial decisions on the part of the general populace are why CEOs have gone from making an average of 20x their workers' compensation in 1965 up to about 300x today, and why huge corporations can rake in tens or even hundreds of billions a year.

>> No.8996586

>Using economic speculation to hoard wealth does not advance society, if anything it is the primary deterrent to genuine academic research that could actually help people by keeping the next potential Einstein in abject poverty.
Greed hurts scientific development in way more severe ways than that as well. Look at things like the ability to patent genes and how much it holds back genetics research, or how corporate funding of pure research basically pnly goes to things that will make rapid return on investment or high profit, hugely skewing what gets looked at.

>> No.8996602

>kraft """cheese""""
fucking garbage opinion

>> No.8996676

top 1 % nigger

>> No.8996855


If we're counting dish washing cost and time, then we might as well consider cost of gas and travel time when eating out as well.

>> No.8996857


I don't see why not.

>> No.8996910

Yes, labor costs haven't even really risen at all either so that's a bullshit explanation. The federal minimum wage hasn't gone up in years, and if you're a Big League Papa John's Jew you can just be like "lol you only get 39.5 hours so we don't have to give you healthcare or benefits" It's a cash in obviously because big wigs have realized that dumb people will pay more for meme foods and anything that sounds foreign. What I will never understand is how these 9 dollar burger ass fast food joints are so popular like bitch please I can go to the grocery store and get the best pound of beef I can find for less than that and make 4 burgers.

>> No.8996933


you think I'm being hyperbolic, but this is just the hell that is around me.

>> No.8996936

hurr durr it's da ebil corpurashuns an shiet

>> No.8996948

Groceries seem to be getting more and more expensive too. At least for fruit and meat.

>> No.8996980
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Well, the minimum wage sandwich artists aren't the ones setting the prices

>> No.8997032

Muh gib me free monies via wealth distribution so I can spend it all on tendies

>> No.8997106

Why do you post a question and the answer at the same time.
"become" is the questionable part I would argue that it has always been.

>> No.8997129

Local minimum wages have definitely raised labor costs in their areas, which affects the national average. The bigger issue, though, is probably the legally required benefits. The ACA was not cheap for any business, and the only response to new costs is to cut wages or increase prices.

>> No.8997167

>ACA is repealed
>the prices don't go down
>americans starve and die because they're too poor to eat or have decent healthcare

thanks, based Trump

>> No.8997175

The ACA wasn't what was requiring businesses to offer insurance benefits, it just made the plans more expensive for businesses by requiring more things to be covered. None of those is going to be gotten rid of under the new plan. The one thing that looks like it may be made optional is birth control, and that's not particularly expensive to cover.

>> No.8997198

Like I said that's a non issue if you only hire part time
Papa plz go

>> No.8997208

Every business has to have full timers, too.

>> No.8997239

>tfw used to work for a Jewish run bakery
>made me work 38 hours a week so they wouldn't have to give me benefits
Never again.

>> No.8997250

....and, hasn't drink prices shot up like crazy in the past 10 or 12 years? I can clearly remember paying less than 2 dollars for a Pabst in 2004.

>> No.8997287

that's way too many years since
>but it's not
>it's the correct number of years
fuck me sideways
anyway I wouldn't call it ridiculously expensive, although I never eat out and when I do I never pay #NEETlife

>> No.8997298

WOAH FUCK, what is this? Someone making sense, and using facts?

>> No.8997390

wtf someone telling me to get my shit together and actually work hard and save money instead of complaining and blaming others? must be a white male!

>> No.8997534

At first I was gonna say no.

But then I realized eating out just capitalized on people's instinctive desire to gorge themselves in a pack. Some people eat out weekly, some 3/4 times a week, some even every single day. Costing thousands a month.

So yeah, eating out is over priced. Also it's for NORMIE losers who wanna loudly talk in a group setting while paying too much for the privilege to do so
Turns out I actually hate eating out.

>> No.8997565

You sound like you ruin the lives of everyone who knows you

>> No.8997571

No clue, I actually stopped eating out 10-15 years ago, not really sure when it was. Now I eat what I farm or cook whatever I bought from the store, if I get anything from the store.

>> No.8997573

1.19 where I live.

>> No.8997590


Food and products are actually way WAY underpriced. America's love for cheap shit has kept real inflation at bay for over 50 years. If food and products were actually sold at their real value, a shit load of people would starve and be itemless. Meaning, the current economy is itself a massive bubble waiting to pop and pop badly, (like China stop playing and taking its ball home.)

>> No.8997599

$0.99 here plus tax if you take out, but no tax if you eat in.

>> No.8997600

>Banking has done more to advance society than pretty much anything else on the planet

I guess these forms of mental acrobatics are a necessity if you are a banker, just so you won't be paralysed by ethical doubt and despair on your deathbed. Even the janitor at my hospital has a job that brings more benefits to society, or at the very least, is less detrimental.

>> No.8997605

Impressively wrong. The price of food is higher than it ought to be right now, thanks to subsidies

>> No.8997609

You sound like I wanna kick your ass

>> No.8997616
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>people talking to each other in public anymore

I see you actually don't go outside anymore. The best you can hope for is interacting during a selfie then interacting when the image filter app adds dog nose and ears to the pic.

>> No.8997618

The market price is the real price. There is no other valuation option.
If I can fuck your mom for a dollar she isn't underpriced, she is worth a buck.

>> No.8997623

>The market price is the real price.

lol No.

>> No.8997624

How could it not be?

>> No.8997627

Drinking is fucking ten times worse outside of your place you autist. A beer nets me €2.50 while one at the store is fifty cents a can, however I can get a risotto with porkbelly and mushrooms for a tenner. Not to mention paying for scotch or spirits in general as opposed to getting a bottle at the store.


>muh cleanliness and bacteria

Grow a pair you hypochondriac faggot

>> No.8997629

>let's give out tax breaks like candy
>why do the poor not pay their taxes
>why is the middle class shrinking
>why are our roads and bridges collapsing
>why are our schools failing
>must be those lousy low class niggers again
>more tax breaks anyone?

>> No.8997630

>he doesn't know about subsidies

I bet you think electric is cheap too.

>> No.8997636

>Implying the subsidies aren't part of the market price.

>> No.8997637

Electric is cheap, though. Natural gas could replace all the subsidy-reliant tech with little to no change in price.

>> No.8997647

No, anon. Taxes are how you pay for subsidies.

All forms of power generation are government subsidized. That's coal, nuclear, NG, solar, wind, hydro, geo, and whatever else I am forgetting. They are actually fighting tooth and nail with the renewables now because they are loosing so much subsidies.

>> No.8997649

Poor people barely pay any taxes anyways. They get a shit ton tax credit, especially if they have children. It's the small business owners who get fucked sideways by taxes.

>> No.8997651

>All forms of power generation are government subsidized
You're just wrong.

>> No.8997658
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I hate talking with children online.

>> No.8997662

>must be those lousy low class niggers again

Nah, they share the blame with the handful of illegals that are doing jobs no white or nignog american could or would do for any amount of money. Hell, if they didn't give us fake scapegoats we might actually demand they do something helpful.

>> No.8997663

Not that anon but what if I generate the power with a bike?

>> No.8997665

yeah, but if you cut taxes for the rich they gotta redistribute it somewhere. So you'll kill the middle class while also overburdening the lower class even more, encouraging tax evasion

>> No.8997666

Then you can apply for a free hand out subsidy from the US government. There may even be some grants for you.

>> No.8997671
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>> No.8997675

People evade taxes because it's such a convoluted system that loopholes are everywhere. And by the "rich" that also includes small business owners who currently get fucked over by payroll taxes and healthcare costs. It's already been proven that tax breaks stimulate the economy since people then have more to spend. People don't just stuff money under their mattress, they invest and spend it on stupid shit.

>> No.8997677
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>> No.8997682

and when the infrastructure begins to crumble (even moreso than now) because there's literally no money to go towards anything after the tax cuts?

>> No.8997684

What a time to be alive.

>> No.8997686

Yeah which is why we should reduce government spending, but that's never going to happen.

>> No.8997689

I don't think you have a very good grasp of how the budget is divvied up, or how much of our gdp goes to the government currently

>> No.8997703

well we gotta keep that military-industrial complex a'spinning somehow

>> No.8997705

lol shut up you commie
most westen countries are predominantly service based institutes
there is nothing to seize

>> No.8997713


>> No.8997714

Good spot.

>> No.8997720

thats something my dad would say.

as long as you dont hang out with some vapid bitches people talk as normal

>> No.8997725

>lives in a red state
>wants to reduce federal spending
>most red states receive far more money than they contribute in taxes
>for example, MS current state budget is 44% federal dollars, @ $2.48/$1.00 contributed

You obviously haven't seen the sweat pooring down the faces of the midwest and southern state legislators and governors as they attempt to figure out how to keep their state from looking like northern mexico.

>> No.8997742


OMG, this guy doesn't realize that service industry workers are paid a wage that could improve if it was regulated, taken from the greedy capitalists, or was no longer subsidized by government handouts that allow for wages to be below poverty while not literally killing the people that work there.

You do realize that Wal Mart is the #1 reason that the number of people on welfare has increased in the country, because they literally train their part time staff on how to apply for government benefits so that they don't have to pay them a livable wage?

Keep getting your cheap chinesium shit from there tho, since its the only thing your stupid redneck ass can afford.

IT's game over, the coroporations already won. They control the president, the congress, and the lives of the people.

Rising up with your comrades is the only thing left to do.

>> No.8997744

Yes, I see it firsthand. It's bad for the state and should be done away with.

>> No.8997751

Finance people are douchebags, no exception, but he's not wrong
>wat are externalities
Lol, someone failed Econ 101 or more likely never took it
Spending on stupid shit would be fine if that's what really happened. What actually happens is that there's a tiny, tiny number of people who control such an astronomical amount of wealth (note, "wealth" is not the same as "money" or "muh salary") that it just ends up generating more and more wealth beyond what anyone could possibly use in their lifetime. And thus a new feudal system is born.
Because nationalization can only happen when it's a factory like in a 19th century Victorian novel

>> No.8997753

Explain how that would be better

>> No.8997754

Sorry are you still upset that Bernie lost? Just because Walmart and other corporations engage in shitty labor costs doesn't mean all of them do. Keep in mind they would have never been successful without people buying their products. Literally almost everything you consume/own is made by these companies you commie scum. Government isn't the solution for everything.

>> No.8997759

Lol, that will solve the illegal immigration "problem" since they won't want to come to a shithole worse than where they're leaving! Ironically, they were the states that voted for an orange emperor who is screwing them the hardest they've ever been reamed.

>> No.8997762

Government money raises prices and creates dependence. There are individuals who would suffer more if it were reduced, but for the majority, even in the lower class, it would be a benefit.

>> No.8997764
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Lesko would have been the biggest meme (along with pic related) if 4chan was around in the 90s

>> No.8997765

>Government isn't the solution for everything.
yeah but it's a better solution for most things than the free market can provide

>> No.8997766

Yeah, I sure would enjoy living in Venezuela right now

>> No.8997770

>feudal system
Nobody is forcing me under the penalty of death, who will probably rape and kill me anyway out of boredom, to sow and reap plants. Feudal lords were politicians. Businessmen brought us out of feudalism.

God I fucking love capitalism

>> No.8997773
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HuffPo is the only place I get my news, the post.

>> No.8997776

Hahahahaha yeah no. Government didn't invent electricity, cars, or insurance and most of the important things they do contribute come from the military (e.g. the internet and GPS). Love it or hate it, a free market makes our lives easier because people are in it for the money.

>> No.8997782

Store rent has become insanely expensive in the past 10 years.

Cooking staff wage has risen jack shit, but rent is so much higher, restaurants have to charge a lot more just to stay afloat.

>> No.8997783

A free market does not make *our* lives better, it makes the upper class' life better at the detriment to everyone else's.

A mixed market economy with free aspects accompanied by strong government regulation where it's needed is the best of both worlds.

>> No.8997787

Why is this so fucking funny?

>> No.8997790

t. phoneposter, posting while hanging out with friends

>> No.8997798

>A free market does not make *our* lives better, it makes the upper class' life better at the detriment to everyone else's.


go ahead, try and deny that capitalism hasn't brought wealth to more people than ever before. the average poorfag lives better than many kings of old thanks to capitalism.

>> No.8997802

You have an unbelievably poor grasp of economics. If you don't believe that capitalism has been responsible for the greatest reduction of poverty in history, then you just have a really bad understanding of the situation.

>> No.8997808

There's no sense in trying to talk sense to fanatics like that. Some people can only think in extremes. He'll just start babbling about the gold standard and flouride and ron paul memes now.

>> No.8997809

You're ignoring the fact where I say a free market is good. It just can't be 100% free or everyone gets fucked save for the people doing the fucking.

>> No.8997812

>Store rent has become insanely expensive in the past 10 years.
Huh, that's a factor I hadn't thought to take in.

>> No.8997821

Can you point to an example of a country where the free market made the lives of its citizens worse?

>> No.8997822


i keked

>> No.8997823

Where do you think all the free money Feds and other central banks printed went to?

Real estate, both residential and commercial. Investors bought the strip mall at $X million dollars with huge mortgage, so now they jack up the rent to cover that mortgage payment.

>> No.8997826

>what is the gilded era
the united states circa the 19th century
the united states circa around now to a lesser extent but it's getting near-gilded era levels of retarded

>> No.8997831

you're completely right. It's unfortunate they're the ones running the country now though.

>> No.8997834
File: 70 KB, 595x439, inequality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Even America's poorest are way better off than most of the world's. Too much regulation just increases the cost of products and services for everyone, though certain measures should be kept in place (like consumer safety laws and such). Corporate lawyers are always going to be able to fuck around new legislation whether we like it or not.

You sure got me there! Have a (you).

>> No.8997841

Yes, things were so bad that the average income rose 60% in 30 years and immigrants flooded the nation, desperately hoping to get fucked over. You're fucking dumb.

>> No.8997853
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people will pay $8 dollars for a beer if you attach that beer to an identity

>> No.8997869

$6-$8 is on the lower end here. Mixed drinks and wine go for $15+. This is why I just drink at home now.

>> No.8997893

>free marketers
>running America
Trump has turned Republican against trade. Are you retarded?

>> No.8997907

Do you not know where the term "Gilded Era" comes from?

a rise in income doesn't offset rampant monopolies, regulatory capture, near unparalleled concentration of wealth, graft, the spoils system, robber barons, social stratification, practical indentured servitude and serfdom, etc etc...
wait a second... this is sounding familiar, *very* familiar, but I can't put my finger on why...

>>free marketers
is that what they're calling themselves now?

>> No.8997914

No one is claiming that the Gilded Age was without problems, and certainly we have plenty today as well. But the lives of the citizens got better, even as all that was going on. Their access to the things they needed and wanted improved, and the rise in real wages reflected that greater access. Capitalism is not a cure all, but every system it goes into improves, and you can't say the same about strong government control.

>> No.8997917

Do you live in a big city? I pay on average $1 per beer when it's a typical macro brew. Craft brews $3 tops.

>> No.8997924

Dude, you're a fucking sophist. It's like you read every wikipedia article on these topics and act like you're offering sage advice when it's clear you haven't studied economics at all.

>> No.8997933

Yeah it sucks. Alcohol ends up as 50% of my restaurant bill or more. I envy your low prices.

>> No.8997934

Funny I was thinking the same of you, except instead of "wikipedia articles" it would be "infographics posted on 4chan".

Not the guy you're mad at btw

>> No.8997935

Yes but those problems ran amok until the government stepped in with legislation and regulation

Capitalism is the obvious best answer but it can't be allowed to operate without check.
There's no such thing as self-regulation.

ok mr free marketer

>> No.8997946

Well at least you've backpedalled enough that we now both agree the free market is inherently good for both the upper and lower class.

>> No.8997950

I was never disagreeing with you on capitalism, I think a /free market/ is bullshit but a mixed market economy is the best of both worlds

>> No.8997952
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>oh but I didn't mean a completely free market after all! I just meant free but with some government regulations, it is the other person who is backpedaling
Whatever you need to tell yourself to feel like you won

>> No.8997958

No, I'd take a completely free market. I feel confident in the statement that it's never made the lives of the citizenry worse, and the best example they could come up with was still a time of rampant growth and improvement in quality of life. I'm just saying that it's good we can at least agree on that much

>> No.8997960

Not that anon but I agree. Anything that's not the retarded "seize the means of the production pls gib free stuff" commie bs that is flung around these days.

>> No.8997968

I have a bachelor's of science in Economics. I know what I'm talking about because I studied it for years. Do you?

I'm not mad at this guy. I'm mad that he's been so wrongfully educated. Whoever ruined his worldview like that was a monster.

>> No.8997985

I'm open to hearing your ideas and being educated.
I just have a hard time believing a free market is actually best for everyone, and that a mixed market economy with strong regulation is for the best

Again, sure, it helped everyone by raising the wages of everyone and raising the quality of life but it still has the nasty habit of pulverizing the lower class and accumulating wealth in the upper class, again leading to class stratification and the disappearance of the middle class

>> No.8997988

Well be fair, they are getting less illegals.

>> No.8997992
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Yup, but what kills me is the price of beer these days either at restaurants or at gas stations.

Jesus it's hard to be a true alcky these days.

>> No.8998005

Can you point to the specific things a free market does that would destroy the middle class?

>> No.8998008

>ruined his worldview
I'm not an expert like you, but I'm pretty sure a large number of experts would agree that a mixed market economy is better for general prosperity as well as growth, if you're of those people who thinks growth is more or less inherently good.

>> No.8998029


He can't

He's too busy being indoctrinated by the MSM into believing that Islam is actually peaceful and that genetics don't exist and that Dodd-Frank is actually against the big banks, despite being written by them and pushed onto the Democrats, our most corrupt party.

I don't even go on /pol/ but you'd have to be wearing a blindfold to not see this shit these days

>> No.8998038

wealth concentration

>> No.8998080

$1.69 where I live but you can get the 2 for $2.50 here

>> No.8998093

I think dining-out has been underpriced for a long time and am okay with some overdue inflation there if it's attributed to increases in wages and benefits for the front and back of the house. It would go a long way toward pushing more people to learn to cook and eat better most of the time, and reserve restaurant patronage to a treat where quality and service matter and are rewarding for both customers and workers. US Foods is privately held so ??? is known about them, but SysCo consistently has had a ~20% gross profit margin and a ~2% net margin for several years but they have disgustingly-high volume.

>> No.8998218

>true alcky
>not having a bottle shop within fifteen minutes walk
Pick one, please.

>> No.8998496

>mouths the drumpf propaganda spiel verbatim
>b-but I don't go to /pol/


>> No.8998518

>being this dumb

Do you know ANYTHING about Dodd-Frank?

>> No.8998537

Do you honestly believe people invent shit because they think "boy this newly invented electricity is going to get me rich!"? Academics invent shit, mostly because of the government who subsidises the universities here in Yurop. They usually care way more about power or recognition than they do about plebeian stuff like money, even if they are closely related.

Now I will admit that certain major discoveries were and will be fueled by capitalistic incentive, and I am not opposed to the notion of capitalism per se. But you are shitting on your government, the institution that should - on paper at leasthe- provide you with health care, education, roads, electricity, water and a metric fuckton of other shit. If you believe that the government isn't to be trusted or taxes are theft you have zero logistic comprehension or are a paranoid narcissist. This retarded notion that the government is "out to get you" is a hillybilly cirklejerk of illiterate dogs who don't have a fucking clue what it takes to keep people in semi-acceptable living standards. It has to be the most thankless job in the world.

>> No.8998561

Assuming you're American

>for profit prisons
>health care provider oligarchy based on the Fee For Service system, partially due to doctors
>subdsidies that are out of fucking bounds in the US of A, HFCS being one
>pharmaceutical R&D limitations due to shareholder intereste
>unregulated housing costs due to private property that goes severly undertaxed

I could fucking go on and my country might be even shittier (Netherlands) in terms of government failures but there's fuckloads of mistakes made.

>> No.8998607

Yeah the US is horrible now. The rich via the people in government power know we're going to hell on a handcart and are out to take everything they can get before it falls completely. We're fucked.

>> No.8998614

>rising labor costs
Rather than rising labor costs, wouldn't the main culprits be:
1. high property taxes
2. higher fuel taxes and prices

>> No.8998623

Dodd-Frank was actually haphazardly written, and in some parts of it, exceptions and loopholes exist. Thing just got rammed through and people think it's all that great.

>> No.8998649

Property prices have increased lately haven't they? Wouldn't that be much more than labor costs?

>> No.8998684

>Democrats, our most corrupt party
lol no

>Do you know ANYTHING about Dodd-Frank?
It ain't Glass-Steagall, which is why it passed :/

>> No.8998692

>There's no such thing as self-regulation
This. Without government regulation, catalyst converters wouldn't exist and we'd still be putting lead in gasoline.

>> No.8998693

>not corrupt
They literally sold positions on their board to be highest bidder. Unless you think Wikileaks is all a giant conspiracy by ((((them)))).

>> No.8998707

What's the point of charts like this when they're so disgustingly wrong? Who are they supposed to help? What's the target demographic here? Or is it just disconnected elitist back-patting so they can feel smug about their privilege?

>> No.8998794

But Wikileaks most likely has ties with Russian intelligence services. Don't you remember the times:

>Wikileaks hand delivered information on dissidents to Lukashenko's KGB (not Russian, but the two work very closely)
>Assange asked for Russian operators/security personnel (translation: FSB) at the embassy
>Wikileaks consistently taking unmistakably pro-Russia positions
>hooked Snowden up with his trip to Moscow (note, you don't just waltz into an embassy and say you're an intelligence personnel and get invited to the capital in that short of a time frame)

>> No.8998809

That in no way nullifies the legitimacy of the information though.

>> No.8998889

>They literally sold positions on their board to be highest bidder

And trump's cabinet isn't made of corporate heads that donated to the GOP and trumps campaign.

>> No.8998905

drugs too. respectable small towns are falling to opiates. yeah we're fucked.

>> No.8999888

>Chicken thighs
>39 cents per pound
>Chinese market

I hope your neighbourhood doesn't have an issue with cats and dogs going missing often

>> No.9000931

i see grocery stores with chicken quarters for 59 cents regularly, but every time i get them, they are all bloody with the bones smashed up

>> No.9000960

>implying I voted for Trump
Nice projection. Anyone who doesn't think the entire establishment isn't corrupt as fuck is stupid.

>> No.9000967

Not really. People have been widening their tastes and wanting higher quality food though. There are more and more upscale trendy places popping up that I see, though they usually don't last long. There are plenty of places where I can go to get a decent burger for $10 or so, including fries and toppings. But, I once recently saw a restaurant charging $13 for a regular burger, and then underneath I saw "add 2.99 for fries". It was just kind of a gimmicky place with a quirky name, but they still get some business which is probably why it seems more expensive to eat out. As long as you know where to go and what to order it's not that expensive, but of course it'll still be more expensive than cooking food on your own.

>> No.9000969

China has enough chicken factories to blot out the sun.

>> No.9001095


>> No.9001120


hoo boy

>> No.9001133

well, conflict (weapons, prisons, etc) is very profitable in this country. It would be difficult to convince politicians that it would benefit them to not cater to the arms and penal corporations... they pay government officials back for spending so much on defense.

>> No.9001140

My work has a good cafeteria that I can eat for free.
So since most of my meals are supplied, I don't have a problem with eating out a 3-4 times a week

>> No.9001155

basically everyone is getting screwed by the current system except the top 5-10% wealthiest people in the country. This includes both the poorest and middle classes. It is baffling that the major argument you are choosing to have is whether small business owners are getting screwed MORE than poor people. Both groups are getting screwed so much that it greatly affects their ability to live with even reasonable comfort or security.

>> No.9001278

We don't actually have to kill them if we seize the means of production and make their stored capital worthless, desu.

It's not like the outnumber us.

>> No.9001320

Those times are long past. Hell, workers can't even organize a union anymore because the right has legislated a scab workplace. And the strength of arms the militarized police force, let alone the military, has developed precludes any kind of threat to rightfully return the fruits of production to the workers. No, the future is an increasing slave class doing the bidding of the 5%. It's 1984, but applied to capitalist "democracies."

>> No.9001323

No, don't forget the huge profit margin the business takes from each sale.

>> No.9001581

Eating out's always been more expensive than cooking at home. The fuck planet do you live on?

>> No.9001584

Medium McChicken meal is $8-9-ish dollars last I looked.

>> No.9001591

nah costs have been rising dramatically

>> No.9001658
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I like to blame the hipsters instead of landlords. It makes me feel better to fight with people like myself, who don't reap the profits from struggling restaurants, the majority of whose profits go to landlords.

>> No.9001757

Well, it does seem like a ridiculous idea to tie health insurance to jobs. It doesn't make sense these days, especially for low wage jobs.

>> No.9001762

That's practically every low paying job these days, except now it's about 26 hops a week instead of 38. Makes it so that you need two or three jobs if you can't escape the service industry and $8.25 an hour jobs.

>> No.9001790

Natural gas extraction methods are environmentally costly, and fracking has been connected to earthquakes in areas with Karst topography (the kind of areas where natural gas is often found).

I'm don't support our current methods of natural gas extraction morally, but I'm a geologist so I'll be taking any job I can get :'^)

>> No.9001844

You're like my brother. He develops software for a big agri meat company and he buys exclusively humanely locally raised organic meat because he knows the industry he supports, even with his limited time on the earth is abhorrent. It's not only that these fuckers compromise you economically, they also compromise you morally.

>> No.9001863

You get what you pay for, my guy.

>> No.9001890

>Utilities and wear and tear on instruments
Most people don't care about fractions of pennies.

>> No.9002076

>food prices tripled under Obama

thanks nigger.

>> No.9002466

eat shit and die worthless HR drone sorry we don't have 500 bulletpoints for your pencilpushing cubicle drone job

>> No.9002650

>tfw eating out is cheaper than making food myself here

I can get a hearty meal of mystery meat veggies and noodles/rice for basically pennies

>> No.9002662

>tie wage to inflation
>immediately, wages shoot up to match inflation
>this causes companies to raise prices without changing product/service
>each dollar is now worth less
>time to raise wages again!

>> No.9002677

No need to be so upset.

>> No.9002710


LBJ, our worst president, got rid of Glass-Steagall. Which Trump wants to reintroduce

>> No.9003249

>slope constantly increasing during bush era
>constantly decreasing in obama era

Really.... makes u think...... hmmm..........

>> No.9003544


And 14 years of that was with a republican controlled congress, which is who controls the budget.

The fly overs will keep getting cucked the fuck out until they start electing democratic congresswomen.

>> No.9003566

When in the history of ever have wages been tied 1:1 with inflation

>> No.9003797

t. Intellectual who has never opened an economics textbook.

>> No.9003819

Glass-Steagall was repealed under Clinton you dunce

>> No.9003941

don't expect Americans to know how their government works
a good chunk of them believe the president does everything

>> No.9003991

A good chunk of them couldn't name the 3 branches let alone tell you their basic functions.