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8992853 No.8992853[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ivanka says she only eats saymon fish and only drinks water. How is this possible

>> No.8992875


I'd give my left leg for a taste of her saymon fish

>> No.8992920

Maybe all women should only eat saymon fish and drink water, obviously it does a body good.

>> No.8992925

fuck hillary

also, safe

>> No.8992926


>> No.8992937

Hillary should go to jail

>> No.8992942




> obviously it does a body good.

Cosmetic surgery does even more good

>> No.8992944

giri giri seifuuu~


>> No.8993068

Water is good

>> No.8993076


>> No.8993077


>> No.8993078

i hate you hillary

>> No.8993150

hold the fuck up

>> No.8993170

Good I hate my mother.

Wait fuck.

>> No.8993268


fuck you if you dont reply to this you know what happens

>> No.8993280
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fuck drumpf and fuck white people

>> No.8993288

Well obviously she's a reptile like Trump and a number of others.

The signs of reptile uprising are all there sheeple, just open your eyes.

>> No.8993290

Fuck you

>> No.8993851

Fuck off Hillary. You lost.

>> No.8993857
File: 76 KB, 750x516, IMG_2325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing anything a Trump says

>> No.8993866

I love Trump soooooooooo much...

Let me correct that... I don't give a shit about Trump... I love that Trump triggers all the petty little liberals out of the woodworks...

All the liberal tears and butthurt provides endless entertainment day after day...

>> No.8993874

these gifs are like someone pooped

>> No.8993876
File: 429 KB, 1080x1920, HLnHYvY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8993877


>> No.8993894
File: 1.83 MB, 360x240, 1489341997062.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say hello to farage pls

>> No.8993895

>Let me correct that... I don't give a shit about Trump... I love that Trump triggers all the petty little liberals out of the woodworks...

In about 3 years, the dumb 'Merican public will be so fucking sick & tired of "hate trump 24/7" news that they will start to LOVE him.

The pendulum is going to swing back hard and very violently....

there is just waaaay too much liberal shenanigans & crying about Trump to not to create an equally strong counter-reaction.

>> No.8993898


>> No.8993901

yeah it's not like being president is a real job where there are real consequences for being a complete fuckup

>> No.8993905

We elected an austrian-born actor who speaks barely intelligible english as Governor of a state with the GDP of Canada.
We're not very fucking smart when it comes to this stuff.

>> No.8993925



Even if you're a Trump hating liberal and want to murder his family, you'll get sick & tired of the non stop media after a year or two. It's what americans do.

Hell, EVERYBODY hated OJ when he first committed his double murder... After 2 years of non stop media bullshit, OJ is a fucking hero now and there's a documentary of him on PBS and ESPN... lol

>> No.8993935

Arnold was a poor immigrant who embodies the American Dream(tm). He may not be a genius but at least he did something with his life

Trump managed to get trounced by the S&P 500, the only reason anyone even knows his name is daddy's money

>> No.8993954

fuck off OP

>> No.8993963


>> No.8993964
File: 739 KB, 698x787, 1483057380465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty easy to drink only water if you aren't a flyover or a rural and suburban retard

>> No.8994086

Fuck you

>> No.8994092


>> No.8994097

Because.. there's more alternatives in flyover and suburbia than the city?

>> No.8994122


>> No.8994142

Depends on what's in the water

>> No.8994189

At least switch up your posting style and learn how to use ellipses if you're going to pretend like you're not the same guy.

>> No.8994289

god bless trump

>> No.8994296

Oh ok

>> No.8994307

You cheeky fucker

>> No.8994315

fuck u

>> No.8994335
File: 35 KB, 500x491, CwlfdY7UcAIflLC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You clever little punk.

>> No.8994363

fug u

>> No.8994371

I love my mommy so pls keep her safe

>> No.8994373

Fuck off you faggot.

>> No.8994375

My mum is sick so it's not out of the realm of possibility.

>> No.8994379

fuck u

>> No.8994385

god bless trump's likely-obnoxiously-high cholesterol
