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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8992482 No.8992482 [Reply] [Original]

Why does CK use both oil and butter?

>> No.8992488

butter tastes good

>> No.8992491

The oil stops the butter burning.
This is a basic technique that you really should know.

>> No.8992492


>> No.8992495

You don't cook.
This board isn't for you.
Go away.

>> No.8992496

>Mayo on a grilled cheese

Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. Butter is objectively better

>> No.8992510

Who is CK?

>> No.8992514


Use a lower heat.


Louis C.K.

>> No.8992521

thats not mayo

>> No.8992522

>adding oil somehow makes the milk solids disappear


>> No.8992524

Jesus Christ Favreau, it's just a grilled cheese

>> No.8992527


What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.8992535


Different tools for different jobs.

That's as dumb as asking a mechanic if he uses both wrenches and screwdrivers.

>> No.8992547

A better comparison is a socket wrench and a spanner

>> No.8992553


You can split hairs and argue semantics all you like, but the point remains unchanged. They're still different tools with distinct pros/cons.

>> No.8992557


I'm asking in this specific case, why does he use both. Sure, okay, each has a different purpose. What is the purpose?

>> No.8992564

Butter and oil both do the same job just that one does better in different places, like spanners and socket wrenches a screwdriver does somewhat different job, mayo would be the screwdriver, you can use it on grilled cheeses and shit but it'll be all weird and fucked up, like if you try using a screwdriver on a hex bolt/nut

Pretentious faggotry so he can look like a "gourmet chef" to retard normies who watched that shitty movie

>> No.8992567


Thats not Louis CK

>> No.8992568


I have no idea about "he"; I was answering the general question posed by OP.

As for the Webm, this is just a guess, but it's very common to add oil to butter in order to improve it's resistance to heat. He might be wanting that buttery taste while retaining the ability to fry at a higher temperature.

>> No.8992576

The oil helps to stop the butter burning.

>> No.8992581

It really doesn't, I use butter and I cook the absolute shit out of my grilled cheese cause I like the cheese piping hot and I've never once had the butter burn on me, once I used butter and oil just to try it out there was literally no difference to just using butter.

If you're burning the butter you need to learn how to control the heat better

>> No.8992585


What's even the purpose of this scene? I haven't watched the movie, so i can inly conclude it's supposed to be "look at how passionate favreau is about cooking, he's making something as simple as a grilled cheese for his son and he's doing so much for it," but it just comes off as pretentious as fuck.

>> No.8992598

Yes chef!

>> No.8992605


How could it be pretentious? Who is he showing off to?

>> No.8992606

Normies who watched that shitty film

>> No.8992609


That doesn't even make sense.

>> No.8992619

He was being pretentious on screen so he could trick normies in to thinking he's passionate about food and is legitimately good at cooking, he's showing off to the fucking films audience you dense cunt.

>> No.8992625

But he's cooking alone. There's nobody present to show off to.

Methinks you don't really understand the true definition of pretentious and are confusing it with anything you find to be "fancy".

>> No.8992626

Stop repeating mom science you dumb faggot. Oil does not raise the smoke point of butter, go test it yourself.

OP, I think it's for flavor.

>> No.8992627

you are super retarded

>> No.8992638

He is showing off to the films audience, how many times do I have to repeat this you dense fuck

>> No.8992641

>a character is showing off to someone he doesn't know is watching


>> No.8992645

Why wouldn't you use both oil and butter? And as others have said, it stop the butter from browning, even though a little browning is good sometimes depending.
When I use a cast iron pan, I first add a little bit of oil to the pan and heat it up, then I add butter to say fry eggs with. It just works better that way for numerous reasons.

>> No.8992654

Favreau is showing off and being over the top about a grilled cheese for the film so the audience gets the impression that the character knows how to cook real good.

Is that really so hard to understand?

>> No.8992661

no, that's not what he's doing.

>> No.8992666

What do you think he's doing then genius?

>> No.8992671

>Is that really so hard to understand?

Nope. Makes perfect sense. But that has nothing to do with pretentiousness.

>> No.8992708

The pretentiousness of it is how he's being so over the top and overly finicky about a grilled cheese, a meal that you would make when you're hungry for something simple, quick and cheesy.

Sure you can make a grilled cheese really nice by using decent cheeses and decent bread but it's still a very simple dish and being so over the top about it is fucking stupid and pretentious

>> No.8992724

That's not necissisarily pretentious.

If he's making it over-the-top because he likes it that way, or because he's doing it out of the love for his son, there's nothing pretentious about that.

If he's making it over-the-top because he wants to make himself appear superior to another character in the same scene then that would be pretentious.

Pretentiousness, by definition, requires the element of doing something for the express purpose of appearing superior in the eyes of others.

>> No.8992728

I think he fucks his son's boipucci

>> No.8992753

Sure in the context and universe of the film, it could have been done with a lot less wankery that's for sure.

Otherwise I feel that scene was made to make him seem like a "loving father" and also to make the character seem superior to the audience (who are mostly facebook "foodies") in cooking, thus giving off the impression he actually knows something about cooking even though he's just over exaggerating the process, I feel that's pretty pretentious.

>> No.8992765

>I feel that's pretty pretentious.

But you are mistaken in that feeling. You don't know what pretentious means. The definition in your head is not the real one.

Again: Pretentiousness requires the element of doing something for the express purpose of appearing superior in the eyes of others. There are no others in this scene, therefore it cannot be pretentious.

>> No.8992769

I still reckon being a dickhead about a grilled cheese on camera to impress and look like a superior cook to a film audience (note how I'm saying film audience and not character) is pretentious

>> No.8992837

The character isnt being pretentious,the director/writers are you dumb nigger

>> No.8992980


It's just fucking grilled cheese. He's treating it like it's some fucking 5 star dish.

>> No.8992991


You didn't answer my question. Who is he showing it off to? Pretense requires a person to show off to. Where is that person?

No person to show off to = no pretense.