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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8987943 No.8987943 [Reply] [Original]

How are you gonna explain this vegans?

>> No.8987948

Why would they need to explain it? It's a diet, not a religion. Your trash analogy that you're typing up isn't going to be a very meaningful one.

>> No.8989418

most vegans are bullied into veganism by their peers, with their vegan peers gone, they usually get bullied back by their new meat-eating peers into eating meat or whatever those eat. humans are a social beast

>> No.8989454

Sounds like only weak-willed pansies become "most vegans" then

>> No.8989456

You go vegan because you want to live in a beautiful world where you don't have any blood on your hands. You quit because you realise veganism is like putting patches on roadkilled animals.

>> No.8989462

This kinda. Plus you have absolutely no energy as a vegan which was a turn off for me. And it's expensive.

>> No.8989488

I was a vegan when I wanted to fuck dumb, impressionable vegan chicks.

Now I don't, so I'm not.

Not that hard to figure out.

>> No.8989495

>Why do 100% of OP's suck cock?
Questions man.

>> No.8989563

>No energy as a vegan

Just because you don't know how to eat a proper diet doesn't mean it's the diet's fault.

>> No.8989575

>I was a vegan when I wanted to fuck dumb, impressionable vegan chicks.
>Now I don't, so I'm not.

This is pretty much *every* vegan male in existence.

>> No.8989593

That's pretty sad. It's like the guys that lift just to get nice biceps to impress women, instead of caring about physical wellbeing and self improvement.

>> No.8989598

Driving isn't vegan. Just think of all those dead flies! Same with riding a bike and even walking! You don't want animals to suffer? Kill yourself! I eat vegan because I like it. It's more fun to eat and to cook than just meat and this or meat and that. I don't like seing cows packed together before slaughter. I don't even like those who hunt their own meat. But if I was starving I wouldn't give two shits about any of this. Neighter would anyone else who claim to be vegan.

>> No.8989662

veganism is not a proper diet

>> No.8989666

>less variety in a diet is more fun

>> No.8989675

>It's more fun to eat and to cook than just meat and this or meat and that.
I don't understand how this has anything to do with being a vegan. Being a vegan only limits your options, it doesn't suddenly give you access to vegetables that meat-eaters aren't allowed to purchase.

>> No.8989680

>I cut off options from my diet
>this allows me to be more varied

This is some serious low IQ logic mate

>> No.8989689

we have this thread literally every day
maybe five times
can't just all agree that all people are terrible?

>> No.8989698

With some basic B12 supplementation it is. People will argue "hurr durr it's not natural therefore it's not a good diet" but this is a fallacy. Plant foods are by and large the healthiest for you, while meats and cheese cause heart disease and colon cancer.

>> No.8989704

It actually works when you're talking about your average mart sharter suddenly discovering exotic cuisines that rely on vegan staples, but not so much for anyone else.

>> No.8989713

>while meats and cheese cause heart disease and colon cancer.

Why make such inaccurate, sweeping, generalizations? Sure, there are CERTAIN meats that do that (processed ones containing nitrites), as well as certain conditions (over-consumption). But it's far from true that all meats and animal products cause disease.

>> No.8989717
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>Driving isn't vegan. Just think of all those dead flies!
Yeah, because vegans eat those flies don't they?

>> No.8989724
File: 89 KB, 630x472, Get well soon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or this.

>> No.8989725

Vegans are bad. Veganism is a Judeo-communist invention.

>> No.8989787

That's like saying over-consumption of cigarettes leads to lung cancer, or overconsumption of lead causes brain damage. There are no safe limits for these sort of things. The guidelines set by the USDA factor in that people are not going to accept a recommendation to eat vegan, they are basically tips to improve your diet instead of providing the OPTIMAL diet. The only animal product I occasionally eat is sardines because of the low levels of heavy metals and other organic toxins compared to other fish.

>> No.8989802

Fuck off retard

>> No.8989872

Threadly reminder:

>fish don't feel pain
>plants do feel pain
>plants are often eaten while still alive

>> No.8989971

b-but animuhl welfare!

>> No.8990006

99% of humanity is weak willed pansies tho

>> No.8990617
File: 14 KB, 235x235, 1463730301530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le i eat meat and i dont like vegans >:( episode XDDD

>> No.8990663


it's a biological fact that humans are omnivores this is grade school shit dumbass

>> No.8990674

I never said that humans aren't omnivores. Just because we have the capacity to eat many foods doesn't mean that all foods are promote health in the same way. If SHTF I'm gonna eat whatever I can get, suffering of animals be damned. But when I have a shitload of money available compared to the cost of food, there is a great incentive to eat in a way that prolongs my lifespan as much as possible

>> No.8990678

i make vegan food all the time and then add one non essential animal product at the end just to shitpost about it on /ck/

>> No.8990741

>Hey I started eating that thing that almost everyone eats again.


>> No.8990808


What percent of vegans go back to eating meat and what percent of vegetarians do? You can't combine the two. Especially since a lot of children have a vegetarian phase but give up because their parents keep buying meat.

>> No.8991666

It would be better if they did. Now they died in vein

>> No.8991814

This guy has it completely right. I never drink water either because too much can kill you.

>> No.8991819

thats retarded. stop wasting good food on vegan food

>> No.8992145

>It's a diet, not a religion.

tell that to the vegans

>> No.8992168


they're both mentally ill, thats good enough to lump them together

>> No.8992311

You need to improvise. Think outside the box so to say

>> No.8992314

Are there higher powers involved in this?

>> No.8992365

So what. It's still more impact than not doing anything. Also "eventually" is so unspecific it could mean years upon years of veganism.

>> No.8993022

>need to take supplement
>this is a complete diet

>> No.8993220

I never ate meat in the first place.