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8987892 No.8987892 [Reply] [Original]

I have theory that people who absolutely love milk also tend not to drink soda or other sugary drinks.

>> No.8987899

based on what?

>> No.8987906

Anecdotal evidence from a guy posting anecdotal references, but:

I hate soda. I literally only drink water and have been almost my entire life.

I also hate milk. Chocolate milk is okay if it's done well. But straight up milk tastes weird.

>> No.8987907

>he doesn't mix coke and milk

>> No.8987910

I like milk.

I don't drink soda or other crap.

I drink tea and coffee unsweetened.

I don't actually drink milk often, because as I've gotten older my digestive system no longer appreciates it. But when I was young I drank a ton of milk, and I suppose that's when my tastes and preferences formed relating to sofa and such.

Hope my data is useful OP.

>> No.8987915

I love milk, I love coke. Not a fan of fruit juice though.

>> No.8987928

Love milk, ok with fizzy drinks, love juice.

>> No.8987931

I drink milk, juice and soda. I don't know what correlation OP sees.

>> No.8987935

I absolutely love milk, I really like soda too. Don't drink it too much though except diet.

>> No.8987949

I drink a bunch of milk and I really hate soda. Whenever I drink alcohol I prefer just to do straight vodka or use some tea with a small amount of sugar in it and take tiny sips to ease it. I drink a lot of unsweetened green tea and occasionally with milk and I always have coffee with milk.

>> No.8987955

I love milk and drink it for breakfast almost every morning, but I never drink sodas. I might get some ice tea or juice once per month, as far as sugary drinks go. I don't sweeten my tea or coffee either. Might be some truth to OP's theory.

>> No.8987980

i only drink water milk and vodka

>> No.8988140

Hate milk on its own .

Stopped drinking sodas since they cost money and effort to go buy . After which I found out it's pretty bad .

I live in India we so we put milk in our teas , coffee.
We consume lots of yoghurt, lassi,chach,.
Our meats are marinated in yoghurt.

Milk is bad , milk products are awesome

>> No.8988143

this says nothing about people who love milk.

>> No.8988149

>if it's done well

how do you fuck up chocolate milk?

>> No.8988163

People who just sit down and drink a glass of milk are strange.

I don't drink sugary drinks.

>> No.8988176

Love milk. It is the only liquid with sugar in it that I will drink

>> No.8988302

Hate milk, hate soda, hate fruit juice, hate coffee, hate alcohol
love almond milk

>> No.8988311

I avoid sugary drinks like the plague, the only one I drink is tonic and flavoured water. Most often I drink plain water, juice or milk.

>> No.8988329

I drink milk purely because it's a symbol of white supremacy

>> No.8988336

I love milk of all types--cow, goat, almond, hemp, soy, coconut and cashew

I also have a distinct love for flavoured milk such as chocolate, strawberry and banana

I don't hate soda, but I don't really drink it often. Only when I have fast food or the very rare hankering I get. I'll get a 2L bottle of soda, finish it the same night and I won't crave it again for 6 months to a year.

>> No.8988337
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>friends give me shit for drinking diet soda
>they drink a liter of milk a day

Keep convincing yourself that shit's healthy and keeps your bones strong like a big boy instead of just being relatively empty calories.

>> No.8988371

I drink water almost 100% of the time, just plain water. Every once in a while though, maybe once every 3 weeks, I get a huge craving for milk from out of no where and can drink a half gallon in an hour or less before I am satisfied. I don't know what causes it but nothing else will work when I get the craving for it. I don't drink soda, coffee, tea or anything else.

>> No.8988372

wrong in my case at least. I drink absurd amounts of both. well I DID anyway

>> No.8988388


>> No.8988396

True for me. I drink about a pint and a half a day. The last soda I had was an 8oz complimentary cup of squirt last year.

>> No.8988413

>what is calcium

>> No.8988417

i fucking love milk and i dont hate soda tho

i dont drink it much either, but i do buy a bottle once or twice per week

>> No.8988422

Your theory is fake and gay.

>> No.8988438

I drink @ 1.5 quarts of milk/day and haven't had a soda in over 5 years. I never really got into soda since we only had it on major holidays as a treat when I was growing up. I do drink craft beer, though.

>> No.8988756

I knew this boogie tier fat guy who prepared himself with 3 glasses of chocolate milk before every meal, he refused to drink anything else.

>> No.8988841

yeah, I'm an Indian and I love milk and any other sugary drinks too

OP is full of BS

>> No.8988879

Fucking love milk and fucking love soda

>> No.8988882

I'm not a fan of either

Water, coffee, wine, and beer

>> No.8988895

I don't drink any of those

>> No.8989064

True in my case

>> No.8989093
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>not drinking milk
>not drinking buttermilk
>not drinking tea
>not drinking coffee
>not drinking yogurt
>not drinking soda
Why limit yourself? A cup of all these drinks is about 140-250 calories, why not enjoy a cup of something a day?
I have a theory that some people have a couple of bad experiences with a food item and then swear that food item off forever. I call these people picky bitches.

>> No.8989130

i hate sweet drinks. i never have soda. not for any health reasons, though it is healthy not to drink it, but because i don't like it. I like water, tea and coffee (with no sugar,; sometimes alittle milk or half and half)

>> No.8989134

badam i like the flavour; almond saffron, but usually so sweet

>> No.8989216
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Milk and coke or root beer is amazing

>> No.8989223

>milk and coke

what country are you from?

>> No.8989232
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Pepsi is good too, but it's harder to avoid curdling


>> No.8989243

I love milk (and when I was a kid I accidentally drank it until I puked a couple times)
I love soda. All kinds (to varying degrees)
I used to drink fruit juice most every day.

I probably just have a sugar addiction, but still. Checkmate, atheist.

>> No.8989249

USA probably

got i hate us

>> No.8989255

>going hook, line, and sinker for an advertising ploy to get literal infants hooked on soda from the 60s

>> No.8989261


I like rootbeer floats, pepsi floats, etc, and it's basically like that but with a fraction of the calories and much more refreshing on a hot day.

Also, it wasn't an advertising ploy, Penny Marshall liked it IRL:

>Besides the "Ls" on all of Laverne's clothing, the character was famously known for her favorite oddball drink, milk and Pepsi. Marshall said the strange concoction was a real-life favorite of hers from a summer she spent at a predominantly Jewish camp, where meals were strictly kosher.

>"I'm not Jewish and they didn't drink milk with meat. When I came home I said, 'Why can't I have soda?' and they said, 'Drink your milk first.' She didn't wash out the glass so she then poured the soda in," Marshall recalled. "I used to drink it a lot."

>> No.8989274
File: 86 KB, 420x747, jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking knew it.

Jew shill faggot ass bitch.

ill never give my baby cola. you guys can suck it, we will never be true goy.

fuck the zionists!

>> No.8989333
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why not both?

>> No.8989340

>Our meats are marinated in yoghurt
I'm very interested in this

>> No.8989369

Indian culture does this and its fucking ammaaazing

did you know Chick-fil-a marinates their chicken in pickle juice??

however, i still tell them to take the damn pickles off my sandwich.

>> No.8989732


I love milk. I dont drink soda or other sugary drinks.

>> No.8990105

I love milk to death, I once actually consumed an entire gallon in one afternoon.

I still drink the shi out of Soda when I can, but now I'm more cautious because recently a boy in my town died from a caffeine overdose.

Verdict: I drink the hell out of milk but would still go for my favorite Soda.

>> No.8990164

Milk, coke, pepsi, dr. pepper, energy drinks, fruit juisces of many varieties. Check and mate, fucker.

>> No.8990929

I drink literally fucking anything, I even drank bleach as a child. NO, I'm not American!

>> No.8990946

I once poured a Monster M-80 into milk, thinking it would make, like, pineapple flavored milk.

>> No.8991043

You haven't met my family then

>> No.8991067

I was told you die immediately when you do this

>> No.8991084

by not using ovaltine

>> No.8991185
File: 58 KB, 373x600, McDsMilkJugWhite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the McMilkJug. The best fast food beverage.

>> No.8991271

i drink tons of milk and soda sometimes i even mix them

>> No.8991304

True for me, but I love sweet foods
Cookies and milk, pancakes and milk, etc

>> No.8991319

I don't buy soda but if there's some about I'll drink it. I just drink water usually tho but would take milk over a coke

>> No.8991836

I drink a lot of milk and a lot of diet coke.

>> No.8991855

Only drink soy/almond/cashew milk occasionally.

Don't remember the last time I drank a soda.

>> No.8991862
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If my two 300+ pound co-workers are any reference, that would be wrong.
>mwf they argue over who's going to get up to walk 30 feet to the vending machines for honey buns, soda and milk at the same time.

>> No.8991865

I drink nothing but water, at least a gallon a day, but I'll still drink a soda if it's in the house and I don't like sweet stuff.

>> No.8992186

I hate soda and regular cow's milk but I like soy milk. I don't mind chocolate or strawberry milk if it's made with cow's milk, I just hate cow's milk by itself.

>> No.8992207

Sprite and milk is the truly patrician choice

>> No.8992374

I like milk more than soda (but I still like soda). I don't drink much of either because they both feel pretty unhealthy.

>> No.8992379


I fucking love milk. I always have.

Currently I don't drink any soda, and I haven't for several years. But for a long time I was a mountain dew fiend.

>> No.8992385

I like milk but I don't drink it in any insance amounts, however I do hate all kinds of soda becasue my stomach hurts a lot after any amount of them and I just dont think that they taste very good, very sugary watery feel

>> No.8992392
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i have conducted research

>> No.8992407

if somebody "absolutely loves" a food or beverage he will be less likely to consume an alternative.
Is it a theory or is it logic?
who knows

>> No.8992412

it's not an "alternative" though. you have milk with your breakfast or dinner, not soda. similarly, people drink soda at times when people are highly unlikely to even think about drinking milk. they aren't mutually exclusive and yet people who do love milk seem to also not drink soda at all.

>> No.8992421

I love milk and I love soda.

>> No.8992423

Wtf kind of autismo chat app is this

>> No.8992433
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>> No.8992437

I have a friend that does not for the hell of it drink any kind of soda, but would mix his alcohol with milk or cocoa preferably until he realised it gives him the shits. So kind of.
I myself rarely drink soda, on the one hand to stay healthy in some regard and water is also just as tasty. The amount of milk i drink is really low. But thats not comparable since its my decisions, not preferences

>> No.8992530

I hate milk and I hate soda and I also hate OP.

>> No.8992574

Spot on for me. I wouldn't say I LOVE it but it's good and I enjoy drinking it. Very good to drink with a meal.

>> No.8992675

I love milk and I don't drink soda unless I'm eating out. You win, I guess.

>> No.8992746

Do you hate yourself, too?

>> No.8992800

Weird, I also love milk, drink upwards to 500ml per day and dont drink any kind of sugary drink or soda.

Wtf is this sorcery OP

>> No.8992814

Milk with some flavored syrup works really well too. Red fruits or blueberry especially.

>> No.8993100

My niggah, I have the same setup.

I love milk, soda and juice. Water taste to plain so milk and kool-aid are my go to beverages.

>> No.8993207

i love plain milk and I used to drink soda like crazy until I stopped a few months ago and now soda disgusts me so make of that what you will.

>> No.8993343
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>not drinking sugar free squash


>> No.8993368

Yes, soda and sugary drinks make me feel bad, diet soda is ok. I love milk tho.

>> No.8993373

I drink diet soda too, but I don't drink soda every day, because it's still rots your teeth (very acidic).

So I drink this every day: >>8993343

It's probably bad for you (aspartame, the sweetener in it, was linked with rats getting brain cancer or something) but who fucking cares.

>> No.8993917

doesn't that combination literally give you diarrea?

>> No.8994309

I love milk and Coca-Cola, but can't drink both on the same day

>> No.8994573


Not drinking goats milk mixed with gin.


>> No.8994885

The only things I drink are water, alcohol, and milk. Only other thing is some gatorade sometimes if I get too dehydrated/hung over from the alcoholism.

>> No.8994892

You fuck it up by making it with chocolate syrup like a fucking pleb.

>> No.8994897

I have a theory that people who make milk hate threads come from a lineage of people who never learned to domesticate an animal, invent the wheel, a written language or devise a calendar.

>> No.8994929

Closer to truth than OP lol.

>> No.8994939

Kek I drink a litre of milk each morning for breakfast and also drink a litre of Diet Coke every day

>> No.8994950

I only like plain milk in cereal and I rarely eat cereal, I like chocolate milk but not that Nielson shit, one that actually taste like chocolate like Natrel and their dark chocolate one is godtier. I go months without soda but do get a craving every now and then I just think about the fizziness and sweet plus it depends on what I'm eating like Pizza or a burger then it'll click into my mind I a soda to go with it. I drink BLACKED coffee every single day around 3 cups. Tea I make like once a week or two. I used to be on a green tea binge for a good couple months but stopped ad haven't drank any herbal teas for a while now. Drink OJ and water everyday.

>> No.8994963

by electing the husband of Michelle Obama


>> No.8995499

I love milk and can't drink juice without completely watering it down

>> No.8995507


milk and vodka is alright

>> No.8995591

I drink gallons of milk per week, but I fucking hate soda. If I go to a fast food place I only sip the soda to wash my food down, then I pour the whole thing out when I'm done eating.

>> No.8995647

Jesus no wonder you guys poo everywhere

>> No.8995841

Anecdotal here but I love milk, and will go through about 8 pints per week spread across cereal, morning, post gym or just before bed drink.
Not a huge fizzy drink fan, maybe a can or two a month and sometimes not even that.