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8986325 No.8986325 [Reply] [Original]

what's the best way to make a proper grilled cheese?

>> No.8986360

Start with decent bread. Something stiff and firm that will hold up to being grilled. Ultra-fluffy Wonderbread types will fall apart. Ciabatta is my personal favorite. Spread a thin layer of mayonnaise on one side of each slice, and a thin layer of some hot or Dijon mustard on the other side. Melt butter in a pan, then place the bread mayonnaise side down in the melted butter. Then place the cheese on top of the sides with the mustard. Cheese is usually personal preference, but I like the sharpest stuff I can find. Usually a sharp cheddar and some aged Gouda. Mimolette and Parmesan is also good. You will want to grate the cheese to ensure that it melts more evenly. After the bread has gotten toasty and the cheese has melted, sandwich the two halves together and throw some more melted cheese directly into the pan. Let that cheese get nice a and crispy on the edges then put the sandwich on top. Repeat for the other side. The creates a crust of crispy cheese on the exterior of the sandwich, while also have a soft gooey interior. Also, the browning of the cheese creates some extra flavors. If you like those crispy cheesy bits, you can get even more by slicing your sandwich in half at the end and frying the slices edges for a few seconds to crisp up the cheese that oozes out.

TL;DR: Mayo + Mustard + Burnt Cheese

>> No.8986363

Step 1. Don't
Step 2. Make a quesadilla instead

>> No.8986381

How do?

>> No.8986385
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>> No.8986390

how is that butter so soft? whenever i add butter to the bread the bread fucking breaks

>> No.8986399

Maybe don't keep your butter in the fridge, fellow homosexual

>> No.8986419

1. It isn't in the fridge
2. It isn't in fucking Sweden or wherever the fuck you're from

>> No.8986424

it's called being "not cold"

dumb fuck

>> No.8986464

>what's the best way to make a proper grilled cheese?

Dunno about proper, but I like to butter the inside of my bread, brown both slices, then butter the outside, add cheese and finish cooking. Cooking the inside first makes it crunchier and more buttery, as well as speeding up how quickly the cheese melts.

>> No.8986495


It's fucking warm you stupid fuck

>> No.8986549
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>> No.8987408

Add bacon, jalapenos, and blackberry jam to it

>> No.8987472


>> No.8987758


2 slices white bread
2 cheese slices

Toast bread in a toaster until golden. Place slices of cheese between the two pieces of toast. Wrap sandwich in a paper towel and heat in the microwave for 15 to 20 seconds, or until cheese is melted.

>> No.8987893

I like a slice of grilled ham or a really thin hamburger patty in my grilled cheese. The additional protein really makes for a heartier sandwich.

>> No.8987896

Those are melts, not grilled cheeses.

>> No.8987921

Grilled cheese is not grilled

>> No.8987930

If it's pan fried in butter, it's a grilled cheese
In order to be a melt it has to be cooked in an oven or a press

>> No.8987939


I was going to say the way in Chef with the 5 unnecessary steps that no one in the real world would do. Alton Brown also has a lovely version where he cooks the cheese separately in aluminium foil because... reasons. He's so clever!


Butter outside of bread, cheese in between bread, low/medium heat. Turning after checking for your preference of brown on the underneath.

>> No.8987960

grilled cheese is just bread, butter, cheese.
when you add other ingredients like meats and vegetables it becomes a melt.

>> No.8987972

With bacon.

>> No.8987977

Mayo and mustard are a great way to ruin a classic dish. Good job, you are what everyone hates with cooking.

>> No.8988030

Why is Twilight Sparkle there?

>> No.8988045

I can spot a woman from a mile away. Alton Brown was a dumbass about that episode because he was running out of ideas.

>> No.8988047

I make my grilled cheese with ham and vegetables all the time.

>> No.8988059



>> No.8988064


sorry for offending your husbando

>> No.8988066
File: 351 KB, 800x600, dimpflmeier_bakery_schweden_brot_light_rye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rye with T H I C C cheddar slices from the block grilled with a generous portion of salted butter until the cheese is melted and gooey served with campbell's tomato soup

>> No.8989487
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>> No.8989496

Yeah, completely ruined something perfectly fine by adding mayonnaise and mustard.

Fucking millenials

>> No.8989498


>> No.8989507

No, when you use a press or anything other than a frying pan it becomes a melt, you thick fuck.

>> No.8989513

A light spread of dijon cuts through the taste of the cheddar and makes it way better.

>> No.8989526
File: 61 KB, 620x387, toast_2581811b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As the name suggests; under the grill
>pic related
Oh, and its actually called cheese on toast not grill cheese ya dumb yank.

>> No.8989531

back to plebbit with you

>> No.8989541

gb2gaia faglord

>> No.8989548

and how do you justify the mayonnaise? just your degenerate compulsion to add tasteless calorie paste to everything you cook?

>> No.8989764

Notice how he turns the heat down part way through to allow the cheese to fully melt without letting the bread burn. It's the little things.

>> No.8989767


>he doesn't know what a plancha grill is

>> No.8989790

Nice try. Nobody actually has one of those.

>> No.8989804


I fry both slices of bread on one side until golden, flip, reduce heat, then apply cheese on the toasted side. Then I put a pot lid over the pan to trap steam and evenly melt the cheese. Next I flip one slice on top of the other, press down, and continue frying on both sides until dark golden and the excess moisture from steaming has evaporated.

>> No.8989807

he already buttered the bread. why did he need the oil?

>> No.8989864

>put cheese in tortilla
>fold tortilla in half
>put in hot pan

>> No.8989895

> fold tortilla

Weird, whenever I've had them,. it's two tortilla with cheese in between.

>> No.8989909

>Wasting 2 tortillas on 1 quesadilla
fuck nah, thats the white boi way. Just fold it in half like a crescent moon. Put in leftover meat and whatever cheese you want.

>> No.8989923

to fatten his son

>> No.8989928


Where do you buy hyperbolic tortillas that can be folded into crescents, Anon?

>> No.8989935

your pic looks good op just do that

>> No.8989941

Hmm? Go to the store. Buy a pack of tortillas. Fold it in half.

This isn't hard.

>> No.8989943

i would have preferred better bread but this looks good

>> No.8989948

A normal tortilla folded in half is a semicircle. I want crescents like yours, Anon.

>> No.8989956

Lmao, my bad
Fold your tortillas in half so they become fucking semicircles

>> No.8989962

You have to warm the tortilla first to make it pliable.

>> No.8989974

I usually just leave it out for a bit to get room temp
Or just fold it when its still cold and baby sit it while cooking so it doesn't open up

>> No.8989989
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Just whipped this bad boy a few moments ago, how did I do?

>> No.8989991

>fold it in half
>fold it again but not fully folded

>> No.8990014
File: 31 KB, 370x371, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fried not grilled
Dumb Shart detected.

>> No.8990026

My tortilla is now a wedge.
I think I did something wrong.

>> No.8990036

this + add some shit to it if you'd like.

personally i like tomato, avocado, raspberry jam, faggy shit like that.

>> No.8990049

not enough cheese imo... but you already knew that and were just hoping I wouldn't notice.

>> No.8990059

As usual I didn't add a third slice of cheddar, but I figured two different types of cheese would be difference enough; I was correct. I even took the liberty of adding sun dried tomato sauce to the sandwich. Was pretty good but could have had more cheese 7/10

>> No.8990084


>> No.8990119
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>things cheese on toast and grilled cheese are the same thing

>> No.8990185


that's a lot of god damned cheese