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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 530 KB, 2000x1416, american mcdonalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8984201 No.8984201 [Reply] [Original]

What can we realistically do to fix obesity in the US?

As of March 2017, only 1 in 5 Americans aren't obese.

Only 1 in 8 Americans aren't overweight to some degree.

America single-handedly makes up over 63% of the worlds obese people.

The rate of obesity in American children is 14 times as high as the next highest country.

What can we do to fix this? It's a serious problem.

>> No.8984204

Dismantle capitalism

>> No.8984206

Cannibalism. I mean it.

>> No.8984208
File: 17 KB, 274x242, 1451941267236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just import all of Africa so that the percentage of fatties falls in America.

>> No.8984218

1) Stop letting big business decide what you you can eat (Seriously, so many chemicals are banned in other countries that are prevalent in American food)
2) Decrease portion size, American's just think you're supposed to eat a lot more than you actually need too
3) Make healthier food cheaper. Increase taxes for unhealthy food, use that to decrease healthy food costs

>> No.8984220

Ban junk shit from EBT
majority of american obesity stats comes from niggers

>> No.8984227

Get rid of liberals in congress.

>> No.8984235

Stop eating shit.


>> No.8984244

i used to care about obesity. but here i am at 152 lbs with stomach issues. while some fattie can eat w/e

let them be. processed food is the killer

>> No.8984267

>taxing/subsidizing behavior works!
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. But it doesn't. In a perfect world, sure. We should definitely subsidize the cost of healthier foods, but as it is they're still more expensive and all taxing cheaper foods does is hurt the poor idiots who can't figure out how to beans and rice.

>> No.8984275

Amerrriicaa! Fuck yeah!

Comin again to save the motherfuckin day-yeah!

>> No.8984277

Prevent foodstamps from being used for ANY food items that isnt a raw, fresh ingredient.
People in line that pay with foodstamps are also always buying nothing but a cart full of frozen trash.

>> No.8984279

>Stop letting businesses conduct business
>Forcibly reduce the amount somebody can be served
>Force people to pay more for arbitrarily defined "healthier" foods
theres a reason everybody keeps leaving europe that isnt dirt poor

>> No.8984280

Unhealthy food is already taxed (At least it is in other countries, AMERICA???), and people will still tend towards cheaper food anyway, whether relatively or absolutely.

>> No.8984296

>America has 63% of worlds obese people

can I have your source for that? i tried searching for that but just got flooded with fattie stats

>> No.8984302

>just got flooded with fattie stats


>> No.8984303

Found the fatty

>> No.8984305

all true. niggers are more likely to be on government gibs me dat and be obese

its so stupid they are allowed to buy energy drinks and junk food with ebt, they obviously dont NEED it if they waste it on that. ebt shouldnt even exist. If you really are poor and hungry, cant be on social security, cant get food from a food bank, cant get help from family or friends, or a church, that must mean the society youre in doesnt want to take care of you and shouldnt be forced to. I mean goddamn, is any able bodied person going to fucking STARVE to death because they couldnt get ebt? You dont need much food to make it through the day.

>> No.8984311

Our underclass is a bunch of obese 80-iq brown people. They're nutritionally illiterate. They think Sunny D is "healthy juice" because it's orange and in the same place at the grocery store.

Systematically, we need to make like the Australians and just take the kids from all the darkies and actually civilize them. In the meantime, drastically re-work the SNAP/EBT system to only cover rice, beans, veggies, flour, eggs, and meats. Let's make childhood obesity into a criminal negligence charge on the parents, as well.

>> No.8984320

>only 1 in 5 Americans aren't obese.
>Only 1 in 8 Americans aren't overweight to some degree.

Yeah this is complete bullshit. America might have a problem with weight, but these statistics are a crock of shit unless you're defining "obese" differently from everyone else.

>> No.8984332
File: 52 KB, 640x480, thanksmichelleobama-for-the-healthy-lunch-Mystery-Mush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop glorifying obesity and coddling fat people and their right to be fat.
We as a society shouldn't be afraid to tell someone that it isn't normal when they start going off about their condishuns and how it prevents them from walking to work instead of driving or taking the stairs or why they can't diet.
Nowadays being fat is becoming more and more accepted and people are afraid to call them out on it when they start bullshitting about their medical issues or about how someone called them fat earlier.
Lost on them is that weight is one of the things about your body you can control with effort.
The way things are going fat will soon be a protected class.

Ban shit like HFCS. Unfortunately the corn industry and farmers will fight it tooth and nail and too many in office are on the take.

Better early education. Expectant mothers should be grilled on this shit.

Consider adding obesity to things a parent can be cited for for neglect/endangerment/abuse.

Part of it is lack of school funding, though. Ideally, PE should be brought back, not eliminated from the curriculum. And we should absolutely ban vending machines from schools.

Michelle Obama had the right idea with healthier food in schools. However, the options served at lunch like mystery sludge just makes kids just want to throw it away and stop at McDonalds after school. This doesn't help, even if school lunch was never "good".

However there's no easy way to solve this without thinking about a hard fucking line approach to immigration what with so many kids of illegal immigrants taking resources from the system.

I've known too many people who would trade their EBT card with $100 on it for $80 in cash on hand. Though in fairness a majority of them legitimately needed the cash for rent or gas or bus fare or whatever, not soda or alcohol. Point being restrictions on EBT don't work.

>> No.8984339

That mush looks no worse than some of the pizzas they serve in school cafeteria.

>> No.8984355

"you are what you eat"

>> No.8984359

Denial is the wrong direction

>> No.8984361
File: 39 KB, 816x472, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are false statistics.

>> No.8984363

Jamie Oliver tried to help Americans eat a better diet but a bunch of fatties got upset and chased him out of the schools and out of the country.

>> No.8984367


Denial is the wrong direction, insecure chubbo

>> No.8984369

Enlighten me then, give me a reputable source for the 2017 statistics.

>> No.8984375
File: 167 KB, 298x472, Arugula Room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans are some of the most frightened people in the world. Yesterday there was a thread about how people should only name their kids "Bob" and "Mike" because otherwise people might get offended. I wish I was making this up.

>> No.8984386

I went to the US on holiday for the first time last year. I always thought this was a meme but holy shit. Never seen so many fatties in one place in my entire life. I mean, not even fucking close.

They're EVERYWHERE. And they smell too.

>> No.8984424

>american mcdonalds.jpg
>signs written in mkhedruli script
>paper tray mat also written in mkhedruli script

I'm gonna venture the guess that this is, in fact, in Tbilisi, and that those children are Kartvelian natives and not Americans because Americans

1) seldom travel outside their safespace and
2) if they did, they wouldn't travel to such a nowhere place as Tbilisi because no one travels to Tbilisi.

Also, those stats are demonstrably false.

>> No.8984430
File: 39 KB, 453x519, Mmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing, Burgerfriends just can't stop eating.

Can't blame them either, everything in America is delicious cheesestuffed/friend and supersized. I went there on holidays for one month and gained like 5 kilos without even trying.

>> No.8984444

It's in Ohio.

>> No.8984453

make soft drinks illegal.

>> No.8984457

You managed to pick one of the forty-seven US states with no significant Kartvelian population and therefore no reason to have anything written in Mkhedruli script.

Try again.

>> No.8984470

Work on your reading comprehension. It's in Ohio.

>> No.8984503

>As of March 2017, only 1 in 5 Americans aren't obese.
>Only 1 in 8 Americans aren't overweight to some degree.

I can't tell if I live in an area with average sized people, I ignore fat people, or if my perception of what is overweight has been warped by how fucking huge some people are getting.

Anyway I think junk/fast food should get the cigarette treatment.

>> No.8984504


Georgians in charge of being retarded

>> No.8984514

It - pronoun used when referring to a thing previously mentioned or easily identified
In - preposition used when referring to a location or thing that is or appears to be enclosed by, surrounded by or found somewhere amidst another thing
Ohio - one of forty-seven US states with no significant Kartvelian population.

Now, if you were referring to 'those stats' rather than 'this McDonald's,' using 'it' is the wrong choice as, again, the word refers to 'a thing' and not 'many things.' 'Those stats' is plural and therefore cannot be referring by the word 'it' so the only thing 'it' could refer to in reference to the post to which it replied is 'this McDonald's,' especially since it was noted that 'this McDonald's' is in Tbilisi (and not Ohio).

Try again.

>> No.8984525

Georgia is one of the forty-seven US states with no significant Kartvelian population. Georgians are retarded due to the longstanding American southern tradition of cousinfuckin'.

>> No.8984531

It's in Ohio, triggered fatty.

>> No.8984553
File: 154 KB, 1126x716, obesity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

easiest way is to let the south secede

>> No.8984567

Wtf, I live in one of the 4 fattest states. No wonder Walmart is always full of whitetrash hamplanets on scooters.

>> No.8984578


>> No.8984582

>change definitions for obese
>obese people no longer considered for any health treatment
>fatties die off
>problem solved

>> No.8984585

Kick out the fuckhead senators from the midwest forcing corn into everything in order to pretend we have a thriving agricultural sector.

>> No.8984587

Mexicans and niggers make up 85% of the obesity despite being 35% of the population. Georgians and Louisianans are on average 90 pounds overweight.

>> No.8984589

>What can we realistically do to fix obesity in the US?

Make people pay for their own health expenses.

>> No.8984609

>preventing people from getting insurance nobody uses until their 30s will stop obesity

Hello /pol/tard

>> No.8984613
File: 72 KB, 239x202, 1482338757787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I live on a planet with both a starvation and an obesity epidemic

>> No.8984622

>not knowing that Blacks are statistically more obese than Whites in America

>> No.8984628



>> No.8984630
File: 126 KB, 796x936, being_alt_right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off libertarian trash.

>> No.8984632

Wrong, white trash.

Black - 47.8%
Latino - 42.5%
White - 32.6%

All adults - 34.9%

http://stateofobesity.org/disparities/ adults

>> No.8984640


pick one

>> No.8984642

Those kids aint even American. They're fat little Turkish kids or something.

>> No.8984659

1) Soda Tax. Yes, it works, stop making excuses fatty.

2) Get HFCS out of food. Unless you can suddenly get Bannon and Trump to get /fit/ this isn't going to happen quickly so make it like a ten year venture to give farmers plenty of time to diversify their crop yields and let congressmen reshuffle their investments/corruption. Yes, it's shittier than letting the people responsible be shat on by the hammer of justice, but it's better than nothing.

3) Give schools more control over what they do. Lunch ladies should be making food, not just warming up garbage and selling it. Let the kids pack their gullets with chicken breasts and ghoulash if they want to, at least it's better than doing so with pizza and fries.

4) Teach nutrition in school. Make Home Ec a requirement, cut out "Current Events" or whatever garbage sociology they're trying to shove down kids' throats.

5) Fix schools in general.

6) Start moving towards Car-Free cities, start getting rid of large scale Fast Food.

>> No.8984668


>> No.8984680

You seem like a big fag stupid homo

No offense

>> No.8984719

Honestly not sure. Im just glad i live in denver. Aside from the black community people are skinny here.

>> No.8984738

This. Low income families are the worst. To get on food stamps one should be required to take a cooking class to learn to make cheap healthy meals.

>> No.8984753

>people are poor because they don't know how to cook
Or maybe it's because organized labor doesn't exist in the service industry, full time jobs with benefits have been phased out, and 3 part time jobs separated by a 40 minute bus ride leaves not a whole lot of time to cook dried beans and render stock out of ham hocks like in your fantasy world?

Also, at my local grocery store there are signs next to some of the fresh ingredients saying food stamps are not allowed to be used for this. You wouldn't know of course, since you've never set foot in a mixed income neighborhood let alone a poor one.

>> No.8984758

Huh, i guess my dad was right. I AM a pussy.

>> No.8984802

this nigga knows whats good

>meat tax
>sugar tax
>better physical education
>reform draconian building regulations
>better road education for both drivers and cyclists
>stop subsidizing house ownership
>stop subsidizing auto/gas lobby
>prioritize bike/pedestrian/public transit infrastructure

>> No.8984806

As a europoor who have lived in the US periodically, I see two solutions to the obesity problem in the US.

1. Put a higher tax on unhealthy food, and in particular, fast food restaurants. Fast food is much, much cheaper in the US compared to most places in Europe.

2. Raise the price of gas. Just like how fast food is much cheaper in the US, gas is ridiculously cheap compared to the rest of the world. I always snicker when one of my american friends complain about how expensive gas have become. Meanwhile you pay one third of the price that the rest of us pay.
This change would force americans to walk, run, and use a fucking bike to get around.

There, I fixed the amerifats.

>> No.8984814

dude i'm starving here-- food is too expensive.
don't kill me off because i'm too stupid to get job and everyone else around me is fat

>> No.8984824

How would americans get by without others cooking for them 4-7 days a week?

>> No.8984828

>What can we realistically do to fix obesity in the US?
Teach people that if you eat more calories than you expend daily you will gain weight, and vice versa to lose weight, regardless of your diet. I didn't know this until I was 20 and I lost 65lbs by the time I turned 21.

Until that happens people will always be fat because of genetics/HCFS/Transfats/big boned/some other bullshit excuse

>> No.8984829

What about people who can't/shouldn't prepare their own meals due to physical and/or mental disabilities?

Where's that? I've never seen any grocer which accepts SNAP for one fresh ingredient but not another. You must be getting it confused with WIC, because that's how WIC works.

I live in the US now, but my home country has socialised healthcare, as do most places. How are we remaining thin even though our healthcare is socialised?

Who defines what is 'junk shit?' How should 'junk shit' be defined? Half the stuff I see people buy here, I'd categorise as 'junk shit,' like Hamburger Helper and other boxed dinner kits, frozen ready meals and heavily processed foods.

I'm not purist, mind you. I enjoy convenience foods and snack foods as much as the next guy, but I don't kid myself into thinking it's anythng other than junk.

>> No.8984831

But anon, taxes are literally the devil! Also why the fuck hasn't the city fixed all the potholes yet?

>> No.8984843

>suggesting children eat chicken breast and Bela Lugosi
I refuse to allow my child to eat undead Hungarians, you cad.

>> No.8984845

Poverty and working 3 jobs is not exclusive to the US. Somehow poverty has led to obesity in the US, while in the rest of the world poverty leads to starvation.

>> No.8984858

Sure, just let me ride a bike 35 miles to my job, that'll work.

>> No.8984863

A) take public transit
B) don't live 35 miles away from your job like a retard

jesus christ are you helpless

>> No.8984871

Was that a serious response to my post?
Motherfucker take the bus.

>> No.8984872

No public transit, and it's a good job, so no. You really have no idea about how spread out America is, do you?

>> No.8984873

>Somehow poverty has led to obesity in the US, while in the rest of the world poverty leads to starvation.
Not really, poor people in other countries eat whatever the market demands. In some countries that means a healthy diet, in some countries it means an unhealthy diet.

Whereas poor people in the US eat HFCS and meat slurry because food production is determined by cold-war era earmarks so shitmeat and "corn snacks" are the cheapest possible food even though that makes absolutely no sense from a free market point of view.

We have the ability to make our poor eat healthy food, we just choose not to do so because corruption gets people re-elected.

>> No.8984880

How would taking a bus help me loose weight? That has absolutely nothing to do with food. How would taking a bus help me with my 35 mile commute besides taking twice as long?

>> No.8984881

see option B, retard

>> No.8984885

Then move. If it's such a good job you surely must have money to move.

>> No.8984888

It's a good, well paying job, and I have a nice house I don't want to sell in a great area. No.

>> No.8984889

>Get HFCS out of food
It's literally just liquid sugar you soccermom retard. It doesn't magically make you fatter by some science breaking miracle. If you eat 3000 calories a day of HFCS you'll gain as much weight as eating 3000 calories of celery sticks because that's how thermodynamics work you stupid nigger

>> No.8984890

The word's lose you fucking retard.
You lose weight, loose is a term pertaining to your mother.

>> No.8984891

No, taking the bus to your job wont make you thin, but I would bet that whenever you need to go somewhere, to work or otherwise, you take the fucking car. You lazy fuck.

>> No.8984894

Yeah, just move to satisfy some autist on the internet while uprooting my family. Sound great.

>> No.8984897

Is there a source OP's numbers? I watch a lot of obesity documentaries and those numbers just seem a little farfetched.

>> No.8984898

Invest in an electric pressure cooker. Beans cooked from dry, no soaking required, in 45 minutes (5 to reach pressure, 30 to cook and 10 to depressurise).

1lb of dry beans should cost no more than $1 unless you buy fancy, gilded, truffled beans. That provides 8 meal-sized servings. If you pressure cook your dry beans plain, you can add them to dishes to have a variety of bean-based meals taking only 10 minutes to cook rather than eat the same chili for a week.

Also, multitask and make better use of your time. If you have time to check social media or post to 4chan, you have time to prepare meals. For example, I make my own sausages because it's riduculously cheap ($1.19/lb v $4.99/lb for sausages of similar quality). I stuff the casings while sat in front of the TV, watching 12 Monkeys or whatever.

Also, get friends. You think I cook for myself everyday? Nah, dude. I have friends and neighbours round to share meals and, likewise, I go round theirs for dinner as well. You combine socialising with sustenance. Helps a lot with time management if not costs.

>> No.8984903

you can't have your cake and eat it too
If you want to have a nice rural life that's fine, but don't plan on being able to have your nice city job at the same time

pick one or the other

or spend 4 hours a day in bumper to bumper traffic, that's fine

just don't expect me to subsidize your destructive and degenerate lifestyle, retard

>> No.8984907

No, that means I make enough money to have the luxury of deciding when,where, and with who I will travel. You are just so mad someone can own a car and not be forced to take non-existent public transportation.
Well it looks like I made a grammatical mistake, so you win this discussion, I suppose.

>> No.8984911

Ban sugar and high fructose corn syrup.

>> No.8984912

I don't spend 4 hours a day in traffic, for starters. And you are advocating for exactly that, subsidized public transportation. Public transportation is for poors and coloreds. Which one are you?

>> No.8984916

>I sit for hours in front of the TV LARPing as a poor person
Look buddy, I like netflix binging and having a lazy weekend cooking incredibly time consuming stuff more than anyone, but that's because I got lucky and my good choices in life and good fortune put me into a nice well paid job after some hard work and study. But I wouldn't lecture a poor person on being stupid and dumb because they don't have a goddamm sausage maker from the Orvis catalog with which to grind primal cuts during their ample spare time.

Grinding your own grains and shit seems relaxing and fun to you because you probably are a student or a white collar employee who doesn't work with his hands. A poor person who works with his hands all day wants nothing to do with more manual labor at home. He wants to open a pre-packaged meal and do nothing. I know because I've worked those kinds of jobs.

>get friends
Holy shit you are condescending, does Gwynyth Paltrow post on /ck/?

>> No.8984918

>No, that means I make enough money to have the luxury of deciding when,where, and with who I will travel. You are just so mad someone can own a car and not be forced to take non-existent public transportation.

Neger please. I live in one of those "socialist hell holes" in Europe. I have more than enough money to own a car. Why don't I buy one you ask? Because that I can easily just take the bus and subway to work. Not owning a car also forces me to walk, bike and run. That is the exact reason why my people will live longer than your people.

>> No.8984927

So you are advocating for a option that is non-existent for me, and I'm the retard? As usual, you have no idea about how spread out America is.

>> No.8984932

So shitskins do make up like 75% of fat fucks thanks for proving him right retard.

>> No.8984942

People who are more educated tend to live healthier lives. Seeing as how a large percentage of Americans are not college educated and are hilariously retarded it is no wonder they are also fat as shit. This is coming from an American who is disgusted by the slobs who surround him. One of my friends from swedistan told me Europeans learn critical thinking in elementary school. That is only the case in America if you went to a really expensive private school. Americans are too hedonistic and only seek fast and easy pleasure. Thinks like healthy living and educating yourself are too hard for the majority so they opt for fast food and ignorance. Which is key in a consumer driven society/economy. They make perfect sheep. Keeping people fat and uneducated is another way of keeping people insecure and fearful consumers.


>> No.8984946

Rather than your 3000 calorie hyperbole, let's go with something believable: 50 calories.
50 calories of celery is just under a half pound. Ain't nobody gonna sit around, chewing on a half pound of celery, the equivalent of half a sleeve of the stuff.
By contrast, 50 calories of HFCS-sweetened (or sugar sweetened) soft drinks is a half US cup. Or unsweetened fruit juice, for that matter. The problem isn't that HFCS in your diet magically makes you fat, it's that it's easier to consume in extracaloric quantities than are other foods. Even bacon isn't as easy. I dunno about you, but I can't really eat more than a few slices of bacon at a time. One cooked slice is 50 calories and I honestly don't think I've ever eaten more than four in one meal, even at AYCE buffets. Not because I'm avoiding it, but because I just get sick of the taste after that many, even if I like bacon on the whole.

However, I can fuck up the soda machine if it's got free refills. One large soda from most fast food joints is over 300 calories and I'm liable to get a few cups, at least, plus one for the road.
See what the issue is?

All that said, HFCS is not some bogeyman out to make you fat, it's just easier to do it that way.

>> No.8984947


You can extrapolate it isn't going to be four out of five from that you dense shit.

OT: ban hfcs, soda and serving sizes reduced, more mockery

>> No.8984948

Cook meals as opposed to heating convenient foods. That's the biggest start right there. Prepackaged convenience foods and fast food are the worst. Fast food has become the norm and it's saturated dining in the states. I'm old and can remember that going to McDonalds etc as a kid was a once in a while treat, not an every day occurrence. These days, adults and children eat there on a weekly sometimes daily basis. It's the norm to eat and drink convenience these days with no regard for health. Look at how many people start their days with a huge plastic cup full of fat and calories at Starbucks.

>> No.8984957
File: 254 KB, 1024x704, l82OaA1HfYOcRc9bPLQjFyD215G72kqmclhypFz6yx4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're right, this is disgusting degeneracy
look at those cucks taking public transport and walking! ha I bet they live and work in the same community...

>> No.8984961

>However, I can fuck up the soda machine if it's got free refills
Then drink diet soda which has zero (0) calories, it exists for a reason.

>> No.8984964
File: 63 KB, 668x400, mall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS is peak civilization

>> No.8984972

>he thinks people in 1222AD Hungary used sausage makers to make sausage
Just buy pork mince and a pastry bag, faggot. Put the mince in a bowl, add seasoning, put it in the bag and squeeze that shit into casings. Ain't nobody using a sausage machine sat down on the couch, you blithering mongoloid.

>> No.8984974

No one is stating the obvious. Wages have stagnated for the last decade. Women work outside the home now. The destruction of the white nuclear family brought about by the jew has devastated the country. More overweight brown people live in America than any other time. The more minorities that spawn in America will only exacerbate the issue. The only solution is to eliminate minorities, flush the jew, restrict female working rights, and return to traditional values.

>> No.8984983

No one wants to raise a family in New York City. I have a nice house on acreage, my children go to a great school, and I don't deal with minorities either. I make enough that my wife works for an accountant 3 days a week, just because she is bored. She has a masters degree also, by the way. Life is pretty good.

>> No.8984987

I'm just saying I can drink it. Not saying I do. If I'm gonna drink soda, I'm not gonna drink diet garbage. I want the real garbage.

>> No.8984989

Unironically this

>> No.8984993

Nuke America honestly, do we really need them around?

>> No.8984999

Or people could just eat less. You can eat fast food every day and still not be obese if you don't overeat. But poor people don't have much self control do they?

>> No.8985001

Obesity rates exceeded 35 percent in four states, 30 percent in 25 states and are above 20 percent in all states. The lowest rate was 20.2 percent in Colorado. [Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey, 2015]
Only off about 50%

>> No.8985002

Drain the swamp

>> No.8985010

>In the meantime, drastically re-work the SNAP/EBT system to only cover rice, beans, veggies, flour, eggs, and meats.
So you can't become overweight with eggs and meat? And flour?

I think there has to be a better technological solution. Or, people just need to be given time to learn on their own how to be healthy. Cooking/nutritional classes should be included in schools, maybe. Not as an elective either. Had a cooking class in middle school, just made boxed brownies and stuff like that. It was basically busywork and they didn't teach anything.

>> No.8985013


>> No.8985016

Cut down the number of illegal immigrants.
Encourage more women to stay out of the workforce.

a) By reducing the number of laborers in America, employee wages will rise.
This is why you saw the cushy pensioned factory jobs back in the 50s, because the job market was not flooded with low-skilled labor.

b) If wages rise enough, more women will feel financially comfortable to stay home. The main argument for poor person obesity is 'convenience'. If the wife is taking care of cooking, then the husband will become a healthier more productive employee (which will help with future job promotions, further financially supporting the married couple)

c) Reducing illegal immigrants will have positive benefits on the health care and public school systems. With far more resources available, schools and hospitals can better focus on the health and education of legal citizens.

If obesity is a consequence of our current societal and economic issues, then I don't think taxing/subsidizing certain foods is a good long-term solution.

>> No.8985020

>Cooking/nutritional classes should be included in schools, maybe.

This. Also mandatory PE and recess. A higher budget for better, healthier food also but that's unlikely to happen.

>> No.8985025

>let me just try to turn this into a discussion of my meat grinding hobby
No I'd rather talk about home coffee roasting. Did you know if you roast your own beans by hand you can save $2000 a year? Obviously poverty is because nobody spends hours stirring green coffee beans in a cast iron pan. And stop being such a shut-in, you can barter the beans for fresh hand pulled noodles from your Hokkien neighbors and delicious curry-filled hoppers from your Sri Lankan in-laws, I'm such a sophisticated poverty LARPer lmao poor people r dum :^) :^)

>> No.8985026

>If obesity is a consequence of our current societal and economic issues,
It's not. It's what happens when you take animals that evolved to go through periods of abundance and famine, and take away the famine part. It's not the fault of women and immigrants.

>> No.8985027

FF is designed to be addictive. It's constantly advertised and pushed on the population as a viable alternative to a home cooked meal. It's no coincidence these same companies that have no regard for the health of the citizens that are also advocating more (((progressive))) political and social change.

>> No.8985035

Holy shit, do you date? Modern women have no idea how to cook. Both men and women work long hours just to get by. There is less time and money to be able to cook well. Ain't nobody got time to can green beans and make everything from scratch anymore.

>> No.8985036

(((Fast food))) is (((fine))) if you (((order))) the right (((things))). Most (((fast food))) places sell (((salads))), which would go better with a (((burger))) than (((french fries))) and a (((jumbo soda))). The (((problem))) is what (((people))) order(((.)))

>> No.8985042
File: 114 KB, 726x698, 1491776036099-k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fire the surgeon general
Fire the head of the FDA
Ban all fast food restaurants
Incentivize home cooking by providing $150/mo, scaleable with income bracket, to families that cook meals at home. No idea how to test for that.
Insure the populace is educated on how fat does not make you fat, sugar fucks your body, and other things that will have large portions(kek) of the populace yelling that the administration is fascist.

Launch public programs encouraging use of workout equipment. Ban miracle pills, 7-day fat loss programs, and other things which harm health for profit.
Enact legislation requiring all individuals in the obese category to visit gyms 4 times a week, allowing employers to schedule around these times, and if they show no improvement, tax their food purchases. Place heavier taxes on empty carbs and things high in sodium ala chips.


>> No.8985044

Most people don't know how to cook, from either gender. It takes a while to learn. There are plenty of things you can make that don't take that long though.

>> No.8985046

No, it's not ok. Just don't eat there, ever. And eating a salad at a FF place may actually be worse for you than other options.

>> No.8985049

>Modern women have no idea how to cook
By "date" I assume you mean "casual sex hookup"?

If you want to meet women with life skills, get the fuck off Tinder and get on a dating site that matches algorithmically. You're going to the digital equivalent of a seedy bar

Or not, I mean hey it's up to you

>> No.8985051

>Both men and women work long hours just to get by.
Yes because (((they))) tricked the latest generations into going 100k in debt to go to college for an arts degree and now they can't get a real job

>> No.8985052

>This change would force americans to walk, run, and use a fucking bike to get around
you have no idea what you are talking about.
not everyone can live within 5 mi of their work or even the store.

>> No.8985053

The post literally says to buy ground meat and stuffing casings while watching bad sci-fi to save time and $$$. Roasting coffee beans takes a lot of time, I'd imagine.

>> No.8985055

It's totally fine if you just order a burger for most of your meals, plus it's cheaper. It's when they tack on fries and a large soda that they end up fat and poorer than ever. I have no sympathy if they can't control themselves.

>> No.8985057

Make overweight people pay more taxes

>> No.8985058

I live 15 miles from work and I ride my bike, what's the problem? Too fat? Get a rigid 90s MTB with slicks and leave early. When you get stronger you can switch to a real bike for grownups with drop bars and 700x28s

>> No.8985060

Mate I'm from Amsterdam so there's literally no reason for having a car and I love it here but the man is right in terms of the US of A being so spread out. There's fucking vast amounts of land, if you're not living on the coast chances are you'll see like two trains when travelling for hours. They need their cars. They just don't need Hummers.

>> No.8985064

It takes awhile to learn because their mothers and fathers were working outside the home, and had to time or desire to teach them. It's now generational. Divorce has devastated the family, and now we have a situation where one parent is now forced to work and care for the children. Besides, cooking is extraordinarily easy. Now you are just making excuses for stupid, lazy people.

>> No.8985066

They make up 2.3% you uneducated dog.

>> No.8985068

>Divorce has devastated the family
This is what happens when you marry a white woman. As a white male an Asian wife is your best bet

>> No.8985070

He's likely never been here and is unaware of that fact. As you imply, that change is wholly impossible in the US.
lol that one always gets me

>> No.8985071

Many countries have an abundance of food, but not nearly as much obesity. Can you explain that?

If we want to explore your evolution argument, we can also argue that humans 'detect' possible famine by how much stress they are going through.

Most humans won't just mindlessly eat for no reason. Usually it's because of mental health problems, boredom, depression, anxiety, being over-worked, being over-stressed, etc.

Having a spouse at home, and freeing up more health and education resources is a better (not perfect, but better) solution than artificially creating a famine, as you seem to suggest.

>> No.8985074

No, I said date, not whatever you are projecting on me now. I'm already married with children. Quit assuming everyone acts like you. Smartphones and tinder weren't a thing when I got married. Fucking millennial.

>> No.8985078

Weather is not conducive to that. Sure, if you work manual labor, and can show up to work dripping sweat, smelling like a hog, like most europeans.

>> No.8985080

>I married the first woman I stuck my dick in
>here's my opinion on dating, fellow kids
So when you say "here's my opinion on modern women" what you really mean is "I have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about"

>> No.8985082

Fuck off with your beta racemixing. You are literally the problem.

>> No.8985083

It's called a shower you fucking slob, holy shit how greasy are you right now?

>> No.8985089

can't believe no one has said it yet,
fucking educate people/kids about proper diets and the consequences
teach kids in school the dangers of a bad diet, most people who are fat don't even realize how bad their diet is, they think its genetics or whatever

preexisting conditions for health insurance should be denied too, fatties don't have to watch what they eat and can get help whenever. that'll make them accountable for their actions.
>I can eat whatever I want whenever I want. And if I do get sick or whatever from being overweight, pssh and I know I'm not cause I'm just THICC and curvy, I'll just get on health insurance and fix that shit.
If you don't put into the pool of health insurance, you shouldn't be able to take anything out just because you get sick one day

>> No.8985092

And here you are again, projecting all your insecurities and misconceptions on me. Fact is, the more sexual partners you have, the less happy in life you will be.

>> No.8985093

Teach people about CICO. It's not what you eat, it's how much you eat. Inb4 that moron from /fit/ comes in with his Dr. Fung videos.

>> No.8985096

Change up welfare programs. Instead of food stamps that allow poor people to buy hot pockets and soda, give them a voucher for exactly what they can buy.

The way it should work is that per family member you get a weekly ration of fruits, vegetables, meat, and carbs. Not enough food or its food you don't like? Tough shit, go out and find a job.

Exceptions to be made for food allergies and religious preferences, obviously.

>> No.8985097

So my work has to provide me with shower facilities and time, because I'm too poor to afford a car?

>> No.8985101

Enjoy being divorced while she takes half your stuff and moves in with Tyrone

>> No.8985103

I'm from southern Europe, where biking to work is a bad idea for exactly this reason. We bus it or take the metro.
Amsterdam is cold enough where biking everywhere is just fine, but not doable at all in Zagreb, especially not in July, when temps reach 40C.
Even walking to work in such heat is a bad idea.

>> No.8985105

At least you tried

>> No.8985107

teach people how to cook. a simple cabbage, onion, potato, meat soup/stew is extremely easy to make, costs fucking nothing, and takes 5 minutes of active preparation, 10 minutes of passive cooking. its infinitely healthier than mcdonalds at a fraction of the cost. im a fat fuck and ive eaten heaping servings of this shit for the past year. ive been able to eat until im stuffed every meal and lost 100lbs. granted i still have another 50 or so to lose before my bmi is not obese, its incredibly easy to lose weight eating that shit

>> No.8985108

This is the solution. We, as a society, are enabling, and subsidizing, this horrible lifestyle we have. There is also no shame in recieving snap benefits. This should change.

>> No.8985109

>le HFCS bogeyman
>Soda tax
>Igblyin that banning anything will make people less fat

>> No.8985111

What the hell are you babbling about? Has to provide you with time for what? Is it "providing time" when you wash your hands after taking a dump too?

>> No.8985115


My girl brings in like triple the cash I do, her being a doctor and me a writer. I'd rather have her work while I'm cooking at home.

>> No.8985118

She worked in a state welfare office in college. She is red-pilled to the negro. She always makes fun of the "where muh foodstamps" attitude of minorities. Once again, you are projecting your fears and insecurities on strangers.

>> No.8985129
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Change from sweaty cloths to proper work attire. I can't show up dripping with sweat to meet a client. Have you ever looked at a map?

>> No.8985131

He's right, you know. The only sensible alternative for an american male is to marry an asian. They focus on strengthening the family unit, not going out partying with friends and hooking up with Chad. That's why they don't often divorce and children from such a family excel in school and enter a profession. Combines the physical strength and reasonable intelligence of whites with fierce loyalty, sacrifice and superior intelligence of the asian.

Tl;dr asian women make a superior partner for american males.

>> No.8985133

It's called timing your morning so that you can be ready to meet the client already clean and dressed. Why does this even need to be explained to you? Do you not understand time management?

>> No.8985134

...and succeeded in getting what I wanted.

>> No.8985135
File: 499 KB, 451x676, ReiHiroe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She is red-pilled to the negro.

>N-No way anon her and Tyrone are just friends
>they met in college when her hymen broke from horseback riding

>> No.8985136

>What can we realistically do to fix obesity in the US?
Make bariatric weight loss surgery and gym memberships coverable by all insurance.
Would also help if sugar and corn weren't so heavily subsidized by government to be added into everything.
If people are serious about being concerned about a stranger's weight, then we need to target the main issues of modern obesity which are overeating and no physical activity.
>inb4 whining about muh tax dorrars
Be calm, Jews. We cover patches, gums, pill medication, and therapy for smokers who want to quit and absolutely nobody has to smoke to survive.

Now, to address shit that won't work:
>junk food taxes
Not a deterrent.
People WILL pay. How do we know? The NY soda tax is a failure. They also did the same thing with cigarettes, and, well, that also doesn't work as any smart person knows from books.

>increase gas prices
I know it's the Eurocock logic to assume everyone lives within a 10 mile radius of anything they need, including their jobs, but that's not the case. People who still have to commute to work for 15+ miles aren't going to be ditching their SUVs for bikes.
If anything, raising gas prices would probably coerce families to choose more fast food out of cheapness and convenience. As what happened a few years ago when prices reached almost $4 a gallon.

And no, most Americans don't have public transit.

>teach children about nutrition in school
These programs often suck and don't offer the structural guidance a child would need also in their homes.
It's one thing to teach a child what a proper serving of meat is, it's another to send them back to a household that won't be cooking healthy options or give a fuck about portion size.

>> No.8985138

>What about people who can't/shouldn't prepare their own meals due to physical and/or mental disabilities?
They'll be in the care of someone else in that case so it's a non-issue.

>> No.8985142

Sure, bike 35 miles to work in 90+ degree heat and 70% humidity, then shower and change everyday. Sounds plausible.

>> No.8985146

Not my fault you chose to live 35 miles from work in some slave state shit hole.

>> No.8985148

How is that a fact? I'm happy as shit when I land a bird and for a good while afterwards. Who wants to be in a relation before their 30s?

>> No.8985150

Cigarette taxes have been shown to lower rates of smoking. Soda tax doesn't go far enough. You are ill-informed.

>> No.8985151

Are you a fellow Floridafag?

>> No.8985152

>America single-handedly makes up over 63% of the worlds obese people.
Do you even know how to read stats, or did you really just make this one up?

>Today, nearly one third of all living people — a whopping 2.1 billion — are either overweight or obese
If Americans made up 63% of that number, that would be 1.323 billion people. There's only 321.4 million people in America.

>inb4 2013 statistic
In the article they even state that no country have made any improvements on obesity.
>In the last 33 years, not a single country has made serious progress in the fight against obesity.
That means the total is going to get higher and as the years progress.

At least we aren't the worst.
UK, Canada, and Mexico are right behind us.

>> No.8985154

t.hasn't been to New York

There never was a soda tax, the HFCS astroturfers brainwashed Staten Island hambeasts to riot in the streets

The cigarette tax caused just about everyone I know to quit smoking save 1 or 2 holdouts

>> No.8985156
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You sound like a man-child.

>> No.8985157

>Cigarette taxes have been shown to lower rates of smoking
source, cause I've heard the opposite
the nicotine habit keeps people paying regardless of price, smokers are not penny pinchers when it comes to physical dependency habits

>> No.8985164

If it's a half assed tax, like in most places, then yeah it won't do shit. Just punishes poor people for having "no self control"

It has to be draconian, like $10 a pack

>> No.8985166

Sugar consumption has been on the decline in the US for 2 decades. Of course fat intake is still ridiculously high as always, and Americans get more empty calories from oil and butter than from sugar, but Americans are also immune to education and think that the earth was created 6000 years ago so it's not surprising they think sugar makes you fat and oil and chicken are healthy.

>> No.8985167

Ironically, I am also the female bread-winner.
My husband has decided to stay home with the kids.

As long as one spouse supports another, there will be more time and effort that can be put towards traditional efforts like home-cooking and better child rearing.

>> No.8985170

I think you've got me confused with someone else buddy

>> No.8985171


You heard it, or read it?

>> No.8985176

Larping isn't healthy

>> No.8985177

You sound like a religious faggot, with your family matters source. That you weren't able to dip your dick in some prime pussy before getting "ye olde ball 'n chain" doesn't magically result in your lack of options being morally superior. Read some Kierkegaard you paternalistic moralist.

>> No.8985180

Lol, yeah, that's a bullshit tax

WHO recommends minimum 70%, combined with stronger monitoring and controls to minimize tax evasion

>> No.8985181

I can feel the shockwave from your fedora all the way over here

>> No.8985182
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>fucking educate people/kids about proper diets and the consequences
Ain't nobody gonna tell me what to eat. This is AMERICA

>> No.8985183

Facts hurt, bro.

>> No.8985187

Finally some sense ITT

>> No.8985192
File: 391 KB, 2278x968, absorb dna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want a used up slut to nurture and care for your children?

>> No.8985194

I can attest to this. Lived in Korea for over a year.
I took some Korean language classes while I was there, and the teacher told us she was divorced over a year, husband decision cause she couldn't have kids I think.
Her mom knew about it but no one else in her family knew, she was too ashamed and didn't tell anyone.
Its not just a Korean thing, most Asians are extremely devoted to the family and horribly ashamed if they think they did anything to make the family look bad.

I dated a Korean while there, and I knew I had to go back home in about 6 months. I asked her if we got really serious would she want to move back with me. She said it doesn't matter what she wants, its the husband's decision where we live.
That blew my mind.

>> No.8985200

American obesity issues are a byproduct of our culture and the over abundance of cheap, calorie dense food.

We, as a culture, don't like being told what we should do with our own bodies and actively work against our best interests.

>> No.8985204

I can color a map too
find a real source next time

>> No.8985209

this map could be states with the poorest grammar for all we know, what is this shit?

>> No.8985220


>being this insecure

No wonder you're all suffering this impotent rage, you faggots can't get your dick wet. Call me Chad because by all accounts I am one and your jealousy only fuels my powers. Have fun jerking to your waifus, faggots.

>> No.8985245
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>> No.8985286

I have known plenty of poor people. Poor people have expensive habbits. I make shit money and work long hours and you wont find any of that processed shit in my house.
Btw, dried beans take 30 minutes in a pressure cooker. I got mine cheap at a goodwill.

>> No.8985328

It got the people going though so hey

>> No.8985351 [DELETED] 
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That's my wife and son though, one of 3 sons factually speaking. I want to know why YOU are willing to settle for an ethnically diverse lifestyle when you can have and keep your own culture. Making concessions for people is pathetic and indicates weakness. Profound weakness. You turned your back on tens of thousands of years of tradition to "fit in".

How awful.

>> No.8985355
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>naive people who can barely feed themselves giving insight on socioeconomic issues

>> No.8985368
File: 588 KB, 1440x810, nothanks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saving pictures of black men to your hard drive

>> No.8985376

Let your husband handle the racism, he's funnier

>> No.8985379
File: 594 KB, 1280x720, You.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling a black man black is being racist

>> No.8985394
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>beleiving /r9k/ fake shit.

>> No.8985442

Some of r9k's shit is well grounded in real things that actually happen

>> No.8985457

We should do nothing about obesity. Paternalist cancer should stay in Europe.

>> No.8985480

Telegony def. is not.

>> No.8985487


>> No.8985489

>Can you explain that?
>Usually it's because of mental health problems, boredom, depression, anxiety, being over-worked, being over-stressed, etc.
Stigma of being treated for mental illness, then?

>> No.8985496

>Poor people have expensive habits
This can be true, but it's usually because they legitimately don't know any better. They're trying to figure out how to save money in a culture that tells them that they need to spend as much as possible in order to be happy. I can't really blame them for irresponsibly choosing some immediate pleasures every now and again to have a somewhat enjoyable life. But this is more about poor people than fat people.
>Make bariatric weight loss surgery and gym memberships coverable by all insurance
We still haven't even agreed on whether or not we want poor people to be insured, so I'm not sure how much this would help.
I used to spend a lot of time on /r9k/ and they have a way of interpreting every dubious statistic in the most pessimistic way to support their worldviews. Nobody there actually wants to be happy, they just want to make everyone else as unhappy as they are.

>> No.8985535

>they just want to make everyone else as unhappy as they are.
While this is true much of what they say about women is statistically correct. I didn't believe it myself until many of my friends went out into the world and saw it first hand.

>> No.8985539

Any source is good.
Telegony is valid for fruit flies and a few nematode species, not humans.
They propably didn´t read the original paper at all because no one ever talked about the exchange of DNA through telegony.

>> No.8985554


>> No.8985558


This for example.

>> No.8985579

You tryna kill me, nigguh? English please, four eyes.

>> No.8985589

Do you prefer a crappy dailymail article?

>> No.8985598

More like FAILY mail haha.. am I RIGHT? lol.

jk, breitbart or something would be nice though.

>> No.8985606
File: 1.87 MB, 480x360, January 2017.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How to /pol/-troll a cooking board - A Tutorial

>> No.8985607

It's sad.

>> No.8985614

In all seriousness just give a fucking summarised shit like National Geographic, you gotta be well versed in a very specific section of biology to understand a journal pertaining to it.

Also, they're much lengthier than they usually need to be because they need to be fully unambiguous so as not to misconvey any of the results. Science magazines and the like generally can get away with using more casual language, since the UTMOST detail isn't required.

>> No.8985617

>falling for the bait bait.

I wasn't baiting you, only pretending to bait you so that you'd accuse me of being a troll.

TFW people are getting dumber by the second.


>> No.8985620

If you really believe a lot of what's spouted over there then there's not much of a point in me disagreeing, but for every bad experience with women you and your friends have had, me and my friends have had good ones. The problem with the interpretations of statistics they'll throw at you (and with most statistical data captured by the social sciences) is that they're trying to explain extremely complex phenomena with more variables than they could ever hope to control, and then the audience treats it as some strict fact in the same way they treat something like the quadratic formula. People spend long periods of their professional lives trying to develop trying to develop and critique these models and then the public seems to think it can all be digested as is in a couple hours on Google and Wikipedia.

>> No.8985626

tl,dr substances in the previous male flies sperm alter gene expression in the offspring of the fly with another male.
DNA is not involved, therefore the genome of the fly is not alterted by other males sperm. Just the way it is read.

>> No.8985627

Follow the money.

>> No.8985629

>me and my friends have had good ones
Then you're a normalfag who doesn't belong on this website. Go back to Twitter

>> No.8985632

btw I don´t generally disagree with /r9k/ statistics but just the telegony stuff includes a lot of fantasy.
How is this related to the topic?

Epigenetic reasons why Americans get fatter every generation?
Science has a lot to offer.

>> No.8985634

>for every bad experience with women you and your friends have had, me and my friends have had good ones

"ME and MY FRIENDS have had good experiences which invalidates the fact that YOU'VE had bad ones!"

Same logic as "Oh? You think your problem matters? There are people who are DYING!"

>> No.8985636


>> No.8985638

Get rid of niggers and spics. Force welfare recipients to have a job. Get rid of high fructose corn syrup.

>> No.8985639

Stop trying to argue with someone who considers this website Edgy-Reddit

>> No.8985640

I'm a cooking anon, but not a science one. What's the difference between DNA and genes? Thanks.

>> No.8985646

DNA is the substance that carries your genetic information.
A gene is a sequence of your DNA that has a specific function, like coding for a protein.

>> No.8985648

You're right, I'll stop.

Also, thanks for summarising why people like that are so garbage. Something about >>8985629 didn't really make sense to me, there's plenty of normal people here, especially on /ck/, but that's just such a perfect way of describing that kind of idiot. I hope you don't mind me quoting you without your name to go with it in the future.

>> No.8985656
File: 457 KB, 707x678, You'reAnIdiot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hah! Fucking nerds!
>I'm so much better than you fucking virgin losers

What is this, highschool? Are you such a low member of the normalfag ladder that you need to come here and parade how much better you are? Its like being proud of beating up someone with down syndrome. Fuck off

>> No.8985665


People eating too much food makes them fat, not le scary meme sugar. Doesn't matter whether you eat HFCS as long as your diet is mostly healthy and the right number of calories.

>> No.8985668

That's the exact opposite of the argument I'm making. I'm not trying to invalidate anyone's individual experiences, I'm saying that those individual experiences aren't cause to make vast generalizations. He has every right to be upset about whatever has happened to him but his experiences are nowhere near universal.
And this is exactly the type of thing /r9k/ does too. Obviously since I'm not as miserable and cynical as you guys, I'm some normie Chad with an amazing social life and no clue how the world really works because that's the only way you can keep your worldview in tact and not have to challenge what you believe.

>> No.8985678

>1 in 5 not obese
>80% of the population obese
That's just not true
>"More than one-third (36.5%) of U.S. adults have obesity"
It's still a terrible number and needs to get fixed but burgerfats aren't at 80% obese just yet

>> No.8985686

They mixed overweight with obese.
Around 70% of Americans are overweight, which means their BMI is above 25
And 37% are obese, BMI over 30

>> No.8985688

What? Did you reply to the wrong person? I'm confused as to how your reply could be directed at me.

You retard. I'm not calling you a normie, (Not calling you a normie is the exact point I was trying to make in >>8985648), I'm saying you're the kind of person who sees 4chan as "Edgy Reddit."

>> No.8985697

Well I'm lost. What does seeing 4chan as edgy Reddit even mean?

>> No.8985700


>> No.8985703

Maybe if you lurked for more than 5 minutes you'd know

>> No.8985709

I've been here since before people were even complaining about Reddit and with the state of the site for the past few years being "call anything and everything I don't like Reddit to discredit it" I'm genuinely confused by what it is you're trying to express.

>> No.8985710

More believable and probably true, though they still don't sync up with OP's post even reversed. Those numbers in the OP are most likely made up for cheap (You)'s unless I see something otherwise convincing.

>> No.8985715

Are you telling me to go back to Facebook because I said normie? If so, lurk more. If not, it's *normiebook.

Either way, this isn't r9k. Newfag cancer like you that think having a social life makes you worthless in a culinary debate are scum.

>> No.8985721



>> No.8985722

Nobody is saying that you're Reddit because you're a """""normie.""""" You're being called that because you're talking about all your GREAT experiences with EMPOWERED AWESOME WOMXN!!!!!1

>> No.8985733

Yes, they´re too high, except for obesity which is given as 37,9.

Maybe obesity rates seem high for every country because fat people go out less often and the average person outside is already pre-selected.

>> No.8985735

Why do you keep rapidfiring the word normie? Did you just learn it today from the
>epic meemz xD
page you have liked?

>> No.8985744
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>Food says it's "rich" in some vitamin
>Read the nutrition label
>1% daily value per serving
>Pic related

You could start by telling food companies to not bullshit us

>> No.8985753
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So then my point still stands that you or whoever it was that originally replied to me is created some hyperbolic image of me to try to avoid what I'm actually saying. All I was doing was making the point that the original guy I was replying to was taking his and a few other peoples' experiences as evidence of some objective fact when there are plenty of other people who have had different experiences. Again, that's not to say that his experiences are somehow invalid or making some grand statement of praise for women because there are plenty of shitty ones out there too.

>> No.8985757

You're retarded. Also he's correct. Blacks and Latinos have drastically high rates of obesity.

But surely it's just a coincidence that the rise of obesity correlates directly to floods of Mexicans, etc. entering the country and then having 8 fat kids.

>> No.8985759

>Know several wives at my job
>All day they're hearing ay yo lemme holla guh from coworkers and customers
>Their reactions range from changing the subject to cooperative and flirtatious
You're a brave man sending your wife to work with other men

>> No.8985760

I'm only rapidfiring because I've got a shit memory so I can't think of any other words.

>> No.8985767

Your reply makes you sound reasonable but I'm getting a real bitter vibe from your pic related.

>> No.8985770

Holy shit please jump off a cliff.

>> No.8985780

nope. That's just one study. The bulk of the research proves otherwise.

>“Human studies, though short-term and small, consistently show no different impact on measures of health compared with other sugars. Though it’d be nice to have more research, we can confidently say people’s health will benefit most from limiting all sources of calorie-containing sweeteners,” says Cindy Fitch, a nutrition professor at West Virginia University and co-author of an Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics position paper on the topic.

This finding comports with the well-known fact that your weight is mostly dependent on the amount of food you eat, not types of food or genetic factors.

>> No.8985794

>obesity in the US
>uses a picture not from the US

>> No.8985797



>Based on current evidence, most meta-analyses and reviews drawing from multiple studies conclude that moderate fructose consumption is not harmful [6-8].

>If we look more closely, however, the arguments against HFCS begin to crumble. The sweetest form of HFCS, with 55% fructose, has only 5% more fructose than cane sugar. HFCS containing 42% fructose is much more commonly used, and it contains even less fructose than cane sugar [1]. The problem is not HFCS, but rather too much total sugar consumption. Natural cane sugar is not a healthy alternative to HFCS. Despite their different origins, these two sugars have fundamentally similar properties, and both have negative effects on our health when overconsumed.

HFCS is le scary meme for people who read pseudoscience blogs and think detoxing is a legit health aide.

>> No.8985799

I do get bitter when I want to actually try and have a discussion with someone and they do what's shown in that image.

>> No.8985804

What can I say, broseph?

>> No.8985859
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You Europeans know nothing about America.

It often takes thirty years to pay off a house here. 2-bedroom homes have been flipped by real estate agents one after another for decades such that they cost $250,000, and that's just the developing communities. If you're already invested in a house, you don't want to "just move" and reset the timer on owning your home. You want to reach ownership as soon as possible so you don't have to keep working until you die. We don't want that, because work in America is hard as fuck and finding a job that rewards it beyond $10/hour is hard. In Europe you guys get months off for vacation and this and that, but that isn't the reality here. Everything you do in insured and subsidized... Everything we do insures and subsidizes investors for our corporations.

>> No.8985899

>2 bedroom house
Lol, where the fuck is that? Detroit? That doesn't even get you a 2 bedroom apartment in a lower middle class neighborhood.

>> No.8985960

I love living in Chicago, but after getting accepted into UIUC, and being forced to drive through three hours worth of corn and soy fields, I'm fuggin ashamed of it. Most farmers are bought out by larger farms that then grow the most profitable cash crop instead of food. Our vegetable prices are way too high in grocery stores. There needs to be less fuggin corn and soy subsidies. This is insane.

>> No.8985980

250k will get you a very nice house in Michigan and several other places in the midwest. Obviously mind you, its the midwest.

>> No.8985992

Shit compared to the coasts, but still better than the South

>> No.8985996

We don't have the infrastructure to support that. We live in a car based infrastructure, where the sprawl in most places is too great to allow for people to commute by bike or on foot. It's obnoxious. I hate it. Our minimum wage in many states is also far too low, and is incredibly difficult to get a full time low income job. Your insurance is tied to your employer, so they'll cut costs by having people work 28 hours or less a week, so they don't have to pay for insurance. Hence the popularity of Walmart and fast food.

>> No.8985998

If I moved away from the coast I'd move to somewhere like Southeast Asia or Costa Rica, not the fucking midwest. Rather be an actual foreigner than feel like a foreigner in my own country

>> No.8986002

Depressed/stressed people eat more/are more likely to develop bad eating habits. America has ridiculous rates of stress disorders. Look it up. Fuggin sucks.

>> No.8986008

cut welfare

>> No.8986013

Land is cheaper outside of residential areas, so businesses tend to be in those areas.

>> No.8986019

>Our minimum wage in many states is also far too low
Because you're not meant to live off of minimum wage. For fucks sake I had a job that paid well over minimum the summer I left highschool. People are just too lazy to look outside working fastfood and shitty retail

>> No.8986020

Cheap HFCS means you can put it in more products at greater quantities. People's sugar tolerance rises, so they get used to that level of sugar.

>> No.8986029

>because its everywhere that must be a good excuse to eat it in vast quantities
>i-its not my fault I can't control myself!

>> No.8986031

Accept the right for people to live as they want, but to to educate them on what can be better for their overall health. Some people just don't care.

>> No.8986039

Is nobody going to point out that this picture is older than the internet and those are Mexican kids in and from Mexico.

Build wall.

>> No.8986049

The text in the ad and on the tray sheet is not Spanish

>> No.8986059


stop women working. the main reason shit food is so popular is because people work so much that they cant be bothered to cook up stuff. I know you can cook simple meals quickly but most people prefer some depth and flavor.
Women stuck at home means they have the time to spend buying and cooking the food, as well as impetus like trying to impress the family with cooking skills etc.

>> No.8986085
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>People who are more educated tend to live healthier lives
That's bullshit. Every other liberal I meet looks like a sickly gazelle about to die of malnutrition.

>> No.8986093
File: 1.06 MB, 1056x708, Screen-Shot-2016-08-16-at-2.26.48-PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being so cucked that you recognize languages other than american
explain to me why I should apologize for supporting my own culture?

>> No.8986101

Remove taxes
Privatize roads
Remove commies (including you)

>> No.8986118

You don't know how things work on a large scale, do you. If there's a trend in both food manufacturing and consumption, then there's a likely connection between the two. It doesn't help that large companies that make massive profits off of using cheap HFCS have the ability to afford targeted marketing campaigns.

Maybe study statistics and a sociology class above the 100 level (100 level soc is tainted by racial politics in my experience)?

>> No.8986124

>attempting to justify his shitty argument by showing off his liberal arts degree
Hows that Starbucks job treating you?

>> No.8986157
File: 304 KB, 800x600, 7429841090_7e57a527dc_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The south is terrible"
-Someone who has never been to the south, typing in a $1500/month dilapidated studio apartment in the Noo Yahk, trying to derive some oxygen from his smog-engorged

>> No.8986162

the fuck is that pile of goo on the left?

>> No.8986168

Whoever said liberals were educated? STEM, educated. Literature, educated. The courses liberals take? To call it indoctrination is an understatement.

>> No.8986171


>> No.8986174

Not him, not southern and not even American so I might be wrong here, but I think that's a fucked up lookin' version of AmeriSouthern tomato gravy.

Google 'southern tomato gravy' to compare pics.

>> No.8986175

>What about people who can't/shouldn't prepare their own meals due to physical and/or mental disabilities?
Then those people are usually under a caretaker who can, or aren't receive SNAP benefits at all but rather full-on cash welfare, in which case they can do whatever because that shit is pretty hard to get.

>> No.8986196

>"american mcdonalds"
>sign in back has moon letters

>> No.8986263

That's not moon that's Neptune

>> No.8986280

>only 1 in 5 Americans aren't obese
>America single-handedly makes up over 63% of the worlds obese people.

I don't eve have to look it up to know you pulled these "facts" out of your ass

>> No.8986308

>Ideally, PE should be brought back, not eliminated from the curriculum
thats a thing? i had pe every year in school 5 years ago

>> No.8986320

veggies are cheap as fuck. go to aldi, cermak fresh market or some other mexican grocery store instead of jewel and marianos

>> No.8986335

>hurr durr people shouldn't be able to buy shit food with food stamps

wait till they just shoplift it instead of buying it, either they don't get caught and the businesses lose profits, or they get caught and we just subsidize their prison meals instead

shortsighted fucks

>> No.8986411

Well, when you have politicians who whore themselves to the privatized prison and "drug rehabilitation" industries, what do you expect?

>> No.8986570
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>> No.8986585

Wow, that's a few nice colors but there's no fucking data.

>> No.8986621

You're not even trying.

>> No.8986641

One thing I hate about universal healthcare is that sin taxes are totally fine to talk about.

>> No.8986666

>having the reading comprehension of a third grader

>> No.8986749

>6) Start moving towards Car-Free cities, start getting rid of large scale Fast Food.
I would love this. What I was looking to do when I was looking for work. But found a job in a city that only has buses. Took that for a year, took me away from home 12 hours/day instead of 9. Couldn't afford a house near where I work so now I live over an hour by bike. At least I can walk everywhere in my small town.

Sucks being too poor to live where you don't need a car (and still have enough space for kids, renting would have been more expensive than buying this house).

>> No.8986766

This. Look at Venezuela as a beacon of shining hope to obese people everywhere. The average Venezuelan has lost 19 pounds in the last year because of food shortages.

>> No.8986868

Totally unlike Britain and Germany, where people are now being arrested and charged with crimes for posting comments on Facebook saying "I don't like being raped by Muslim refugees!"

>> No.8987228

>Things that never happened outside the delusional ramblings of Alex Jones.

>> No.8987936

Lmao cuh the thing is that New York was actually white back then, and thus bearbale

>> No.8987947

Individualism was a mistake

>> No.8987953

But corn is massively subsidized in America and HFCS in every food is the result of that.

>> No.8987984

>1) Stop letting big business decide what you you can eat (Seriously, so many chemicals are banned in other countries that are prevalent in American food)
Has nothing to do with obesity, and everything to do with EU protectionism against more efficient production methods.

>2) Decrease portion size, American's just think you're supposed to eat a lot more than you actually need too
Portion size is a function of market forces. The side sold is the size people want.

>3) Make healthier food cheaper. Increase taxes for unhealthy food, use that to decrease healthy food costs
You mean make food with lower nutritional value cheaper by subsidy.

How about if we actually cared about obesity we legalize over the counter weight loss drugs and ignore the heart attacks they cause in a minority of users?

>> No.8987992
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>New York was actually white back then


>> No.8987995

as someone who was obese, then not obese, then obese again I would say find a way to make people not eat to cope with stress. that's my downfall. however, im currently conquering stress so this won't be a problem for me personally in the future. so, find a way for people to conquer stress.

>> No.8988004

>you can't have your cake and eat it too
Actually I can, because I'm American and we don't try to solve social issues by just taxing the shit out of things and saying THERE, DONE, THAT SOLVES IT FOR EVERYBODY!

>> No.8988013

In a perfect world we wouldnt have an obesity crisis.
The problem is we are seditary more than anything.
To fix the problem.
Education on actual nutrition. Not dr oz. Or david wolfe style advice.
Also more activity and instill discipline

>> No.8988018

We've seen that work before with booze and drugs Poindexter.

>> No.8988022

taxing food more will only hurt the poor

tax "junk" food

>> No.8988080

I eat very little, usually oatmeal or some bacon/eggs for breakfast, then a homemade hamburger or burrito for dinner every day. Maybe a can of beans or a few chips later if i get hungry. I run 3 miles 4 times a week and yet i cant seem to get under skinnyfat. Its hard losing weight

>> No.8988085

Every highschool in the country has an actual weight room and exercise machines and shit.
Just make kids use that every single day for an hour to get them used to the idea of working out as a routine, instead of half-assing it and saying "okay run a mile in under 20 minutes" and then playing kickball.

>> No.8988090

>You have to pay more to eat this because its bad if you eat it every single day for 10 years
"sin" taxes are stupid and so are you.

>> No.8988114

Seeing as skinny people are the minority, maybe we should get rid of you!!!

>> No.8988161

You just need to force kids to be active. I was overweight when I joined football in middle school and by the end of the season I was ripped as fuck because they pushed me so hard.

This is what we need


>> No.8988297

I love this thread so much

fuck the fatties

If you read this comment and you're fat, fuck you tubbo.

>> No.8988465

Ban video games, and television

>> No.8988536

are you obese now? I think there's much merit to what you're saying, I think the main reason I'm skinny is that I'm addicted to porn, no lie. When my roommate is around and I can't fap as freely, I eat so much more.

>> No.8988566

See I like this but then you get the people saying

>Hurr durr HFCS doesn't make you fat all calories are created equal durr

The thing about liquid sugar is that there's no fibre to slow digestion so as soon as it hits your guts it goes to insulin faster than you can fucking imagine, and then you become a fat fuck.

Open a book on health science instead of another coke, lardasses.

>> No.8988818

Are you the same guy from /fit/ who claims that weight is tied to insulin more than calories?

>> No.8988891

Nice quads

>> No.8988984

lol this guy

>> No.8989007

why would I live in the slums just to ride a bike to work?
also, our streets don't have room for bikes, and you can't ride on the streets when the speed limit is at least 45 mi/hr (72 km/hr)

>> No.8989028

u got rekt m8