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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 360 KB, 750x3000, raw onions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8970138 No.8970138 [Reply] [Original]

Who was in the wrong here?

>> No.8970140

>has the palate of a child
>chef & restaurateur
Oh my

>> No.8970152

It's understandable to not like the taste of something, but he shouldn't be vocal about it if the ingredient enhances the dish.

Just let one of the other judges talk about it.

>> No.8970156

The onions.

>> No.8970162


>> No.8970166
File: 682 KB, 540x540, 1493811202344.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>japanese show:
>personally I rather dislike onions, so I am afraid I can't help but deduct points, just for my own preferences. It's a little unfair, but part of being a good cook is adjusting for preference.

>american show:

>> No.8970192

>i'm a weeb pls rape my face

>> No.8970212


>but part of being a good cook is adjusting for preference

But this is fucking wrong. Catering to the audience is the where the death of any art begins.

Go to any quality restaurant, not even talking about Michelin-starred ones. You do not tell the chef your fucking preferences, you eat what is presented to you.

>> No.8970230

If art holds no appeal to the audience then it is already dead.

>> No.8970240

Do they still choose the winner by the dessert dish? That's the reason I dropped chopped

>> No.8970243


No, I completely disagree. A good chef composes a dish with the ingredients in mind to control multiple aspects of how you will perceive it. Flavor, texture, acidity, appearance, etc. should all be considered by any good chef when they compose the dish. Altering the aspects for someone else's preference disturbs this balance. If you're gonna be that picky just cook for your fucking self.

>> No.8970246

>food is art
food is to eat you stupid fuck
if you want to art then build a house with your smelly turds

>> No.8970262

The chef is. That guy has a really good point, and I'll never forget what he said on another episode is that too many chefs add raw red onions in order to add a level of crispness and freshness, when all it really does is overpower everything else. When you add raw (especially red) onion it gets rid of any subtlety of flavour because it's so overpowering. That was his argument anyway, and I agree with it. They should at least be sweated in the majority of these cases. Especially on the dish on the OP. Probably caramelized.

>> No.8970268

>A good chef composes a dish with the ingredients in mind to control multiple aspects of how you will perceive it.

And if it is done in a way without regard for an individual's preferences, it will be perceived poorly.
It will be a shit dish.

>> No.8970276

Hey, retard. This is a competition, it isn't a restaurant. The judges don't get to choose from a menu based on their preferences. If a judge has a preference then it is your duty, as a contestant, to work with that. In a restaurant you have a choice. There is no choice here. You either comply or fail. And before you say "you don't have a chouice" because lots of fancy places don't have menus you still have the choice to go. I really don't think the judge in OP is going to michelin restaurants when they are serving raw onions.

>> No.8970278

No it will be objectively good because the audience is retarded

>> No.8970286

>why am I on 4chan

>> No.8970289

And the lowest common denominator prefers McDonald's. They serve the best dishes apparently.

>> No.8970298
File: 23 KB, 181x226, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks 4Chan is an anime website

>> No.8970299

This is a fine line. I agree with you that I choose to eat at a place because I like what they do, and I want to eat food they particular way they do it. But for a lot of people being able to exercise their will over exactly what they get is important. Back in the 70's Burger King gained ground against McD's with the Have it Your Way campaign. Today CYOA restaurants like Subway, Chipotle, Five Guys and various Mongolian grills are popular because the customer chooses every detail of their meal. Personally I think that's bullshit, but many customers seem to expect it even in places obviously not geared for that kind of experience.

>> No.8970303


The lowest common denominator BUYS McDonalds, you 'tard. If you seriously can't understand the difference you need to, I don't know, take a Psychology class or something? I don't know what would correct that misunderstanding, really.

>> No.8970309
File: 36 KB, 511x509, 1489288523650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i think chan is an english word

>> No.8970312


If you present to other people a way to get you bootybothered don't be mad when they take it, you spaz.

People post all kinds of image garbage everywhere on this site. You can learn to deal with the most common types of garbage or you can get the fuck out. Either is fine.

>> No.8970313

then move the onion out of the way you manchild!

>> No.8970322

>I don't know
>here's a half-assed suggestion?

>> No.8970360

>create something nobody likes
>'anyone who doesn't like it is retarded, this is objectively good'

>> No.8970366


These are good points, but I have to fall back to the OP and that the show was Chopped.

Participants are expected to compose a dish with random ingredients and the three criteria are taste, presentation, and creativity. The latter two are virtually only present in high level cuisine.

The show isn't Guy Fieri driving to shitholes that make easy food loaded with fat, sugar, and salt to have universal appeal. They're specifically asked to be creative.

I think the criticism is ridiculous if this competition is to be taken seriously at all. I understand the ingredients are randomized and that destroys much of the credibility as far as a merit of skill, but the comparison between fast food and this is moot.

>> No.8970389

From the image, it is clear that the contestant put raw onions in their previous dish, it fucked up the flavor and they told him. Cut to this dish, he pulls the same shit again.

A Chopped competitor is expected to take criticism from one round and bring it to the next.

>> No.8970397

>I think the criticism is ridiculous if this competition is to be taken seriously at all.
I don't think the competition can be taken seriously at all. It's a silly gimmick: give cooks a set of seemingly unworkable ingredients and see if they can make something delicious out of them. That's kind of ridiculous. Most dishes arose from finding the best ways to show off what was available in a particular region during a particular season. That gave the cooking a coherence. Cooking with random ingredients makes for entertaining television, but not particularly good or interesting dishes simply because they have no coherence. The show qualifies as decent entertainment, but its premise is antithetical to good cooking.

>> No.8970446

>me be like funny gord ramsdale if i say raw haha

if he made a point about why raw onions didnt work then fair enough, but being a baby around certain foods is stupid

>> No.8970534

> competition is to be taken seriously at all
>A fucking TV show

>> No.8970570

...which brings us to the point of OP's pic. Glad you finally got it.

>> No.8970574


Can't tell if joking but being a competitor on chopped is a really good accolade for a lot of chefs resumes, even moreso if you win.

It has its merits. Filming cooking doesn't make it any less legitimate unlike other shit. The only real gimmick is the random ingredients, other than that they give you full access to a gigantic pantry.

>> No.8970585

they never have, the winner is always looking at all 3 courses

>> No.8970586

How is the contestant supposed to know the judges preferences? Those are never given. Are you just trolling?

>> No.8970592

>How is the contestant supposed to know the judges preferences? Those are never given.
you might want to look at the picture again, it literally said they told the chef. they clearly told him in the first round not to throw raw onions on the top and he came back and threw raw onions on top again

>> No.8970617

>it literally said they told the chef

The guy saying "after we told you" is looking at the sperg with concern.
If anything he's trying to tell the fat manchild "look buddy we've been over this" but ambulocetus here is already on a roll.

>> No.8970621

you're wrong, stop posting.

>> No.8970653

Bull fucking shit. It's what they say they do but they just go with best dessert. I should know, I stopped watching chopped

>> No.8970665

Contestant should have readjusted but that guy is the worst fucking most biased judge. He always finds fault with any pasta dish unless the contestant is literally from Italy. He is so up his own ass

>> No.8970669


That's complete bullshit and you don't watch the show.

I've seen people kill it in dessert and lose for a weak appetizer or main course.

>> No.8970680

>doesnt like onion
>judge in cooking contest
next im getting a retard to judge a math competition

>> No.8970877
File: 57 KB, 584x960, 1472326062577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weeaboo cancer

>> No.8971071

I just watched this episode last night. You're fucking retarded. The guy that gets cut off was trying to tell the other judge to calm down.

>> No.8971102
File: 5 KB, 130x97, mr horse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This show fucking sucks, and so does this thread.

>> No.8971260

>butthurt yanks detected
have fun living in a third world country

>> No.8971451
File: 61 KB, 500x573, 1495616680958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filthy gaijin should bow down to his nip overlords