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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 274 KB, 500x350, 7th-Sep-Salami-Day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8967734 No.8967734 [Reply] [Original]

Why do americans call this "pePPeroni"?

>> No.8967740
File: 40 KB, 640x353, 1457624375-peperoni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are actual peperoni.

>> No.8967755

It's a test to see how much other people are paying attention to us. Thanks for letting us know, we'll move on to something more subtle.

>> No.8967759

>w-we're just pretending to be retarded!
Well, I hope so.

>> No.8967761

Thats not pepperoni -USA

>> No.8967767

Yah looks like a sopressata or something to me

>> No.8967775

Because we take great pleasure bastardizing not just Italian cuisine, but the language as well.

>> No.8967786

>cultural differences should not exist because I am a class a autist and can't handle people saying different things then I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.8967797

>calling an apple a pineapple is just a cultural difference, sweetie

>> No.8967809

>calling an pineappple a pineappple


>> No.8967816

what did he meme by this?

>> No.8967819

those are bell peppers you piece of shit

>> No.8967842

are you really so obsessed that you willingly take an obvious joke as a serious statement just so you can talk shit? You people really need to stop breading with third worlders.

>> No.8967846

pepperoni is a type of spicy, processed salami made in America.

>> No.8967847
File: 118 KB, 600x400, NOT a pePPeroni 'za.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is a pizza al salame you blob of vomit

>> No.8967848


Pepperoni is a type of SALUMI, Salami is also a type of Salumi.

Go away.


>> No.8967860
File: 104 KB, 650x487, 29316-pizza-ai-peperoni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and pic related is a pizza ai peperoni

>> No.8967864

It's something about Italian words in English. We insist on using Italian plurals as singular. We take pleasure in mispronouncing or just plain misusing Italian words. In America we love Italian food, but we show it zero respect for the most part. We turn it into Pizza hut and Olive Garden. It's less a cultural difference than an outright disrespect for Southern Europe we probably picked up from our English forebears.

>> No.8967865
File: 118 KB, 768x1024, 1483815087027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Salami is
Salami are*

The word is plural, singular is salame.

>> No.8967872

not in America
every country bastardizes the languages of others countries. You people need to get out more.

>> No.8967880


>> No.8967885

>not in America
In reality yes and that's what matters.
>every country bastardizes the languages of others countries
Not as much as in the land of the fat.

>> No.8967888

In the US, you can get pizza with both pepperoni AND salami on it, you dip.

>> No.8967889



Salami is a specific type of SALUMI.

>> No.8967901

If you don't like America, then stop consuming American culture and using American websites and relying on American military protection.

>> No.8967905

>Salami is
Salami are*

The word is plural, singular is salame.

Plural form of the word salume.

>> No.8967911

That's how you say it in Italian, not in English. Do you also get mad when people refer to Italia as Italy?

>> No.8967918

>every country bastardizes the languages of others countries.
Absolutely true. But the popularity of Italian food in mainstream American culture meant that their food words got as rough a treatment as many of their dishes did.

>> No.8967921

>in English
The words aren't english, they're italian.
>Do you also get mad when people refer to Italia as Italy?
No because it isn't a grammatical error, it's a translation. "Salami", "salumi" and "pepperoni" are NOT translations.

>> No.8967924

I don't care when gooks make some fucked up interpretation of an American dish, so why does Pasquale get so bent out of shape about Americans doing the same to an Italian dish?

>> No.8967929

>they are not translations
yes they are

>> No.8967935


Salami is a type of Salumi.

>> No.8967943
File: 810 KB, 1000x667, BabbadaBoopie).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



No, they're Latin.

>> No.8967946

>yes they are
hot-dog ---> perro caliente = translation
hot-dog ---> hott-dog = error

hamburger ---> hamburguesa = translation
hamburger ---> hammburger = error

>american education
Italian is a neo-latin language.

>> No.8967954


Latin= official language of the Roman empire. LOL.

Pepperoni is a type Salumi, so is Salami...or any other pork based cured meat from "your" country.

>> No.8967967

That literally says Salami in your pic you dumb monkey.

>> No.8967969

>Latin= official language of the Roman empire. LOL.
Vulgar Latin = language spoken by the roman populace
Italian = language evolved from the Vulgar Latin spoken by the roman populace of the italian peninsula
>Pepperoni is
Peperoni are*

>> No.8967971

no no its more like


>> No.8967974

Many words in English are borrowed from other languages with their spelling and conjugations changes along the way. That's just how language works; presciptivism is laughable.

>> No.8967978

Italian immigrants came to America and bastardized their own language. Just like the English and Germans did.

>> No.8967980


>> No.8967987
File: 189 KB, 900x900, 1495345381031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8967993
File: 1.21 MB, 2560x1440, 20170104_135919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relax, have a homebrew. True Pepperoni is a fermented semi-dry salume in the US. A far cry from the corporate mass produced chemically injected crap that you get in restaurants and groceries. Stop being a butthurt bitch and accept the fact that some americans make salume (pic related top).


>> No.8968004

whatever, I'm drunk and doing my best

>> No.8968008

>Don't ever say things differently than I do, you'll trigger me and I'll need to go to my safe space!

>> No.8968009 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 1328x1140, 1487860496851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>americans make salume
Americans are not creative, they do not "make", they copy or imitate.

There is no such thing as american cuisine.

>> No.8968016
File: 89 KB, 1328x1140, 1487860496851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>americans make salume
Americans are not creative, they do not "make", they copy or imitate.

There is no such thing as "american cuisine".

>> No.8968017

They're capsicums you idiot

>> No.8968018

>frogposter thinks he's an authority on creativity

>> No.8968022

You still don't get the difference between grammatical errors and translations, huh?

>> No.8968023

I love how some of you /c/ucks pretend like fat obnoxious Americans just invented these words or names because they were too dumb or lazy to learn its actual name. I have no idea (or give a shit) about the origins of the word pepperoni, but I can guarantee the word traces back to someone of Italian descent that was selling this product.

>> No.8968026


>> No.8968034


The way Yiddish us just gutter German but mentioning that fact makes the Gordita mod angry and earns a ban? Too right Lorenzo. Too right.

Salami is a Salumi though, there is no arguing that.

>> No.8968036


i call it peperon

>> No.8968043 [DELETED] 

>Salami is
Salami are*, last time I'm correcting you.

That's okay.

>> No.8968052

>Salami is
Salami are*, last time I'm correcting you.

It'd be okay if you call this >>8967740 that.

>> No.8968059


>> No.8968065


Salami is a type of Salumi though.

>> No.8968075

I just call it all Gabagool to be safe.

>> No.8968092

I just call it polish sassage

>> No.8968100

I came back to this post just to point out my own stupid mistake. I appreciate you taking the time to do it for me.

>> No.8968220

You just described every Western European nation with the exception of Germany and maybe
France. Congratulations.

>> No.8968224

shit-tier bait desu

>> No.8968226

nah nope objectavley wrong salty ameridumb

>> No.8968235

No that's paprika you fool.

>> No.8968243

Pepperoni was invented by Americans, and we'll call it whatever the fuck we want.

As far as the opinions of europeon fuckwits, we really don't give a shit. You can suck the piss right out of our dicks.

>> No.8968251

I think that says more about America's lack of respect for culture in general than Italians' being overly precious about their own.

>> No.8968262



>> No.8968266

Basically every language calls it an Ananas, not pineapple

>> No.8968270

Why should we give a shit about other cultures? Everyone in Europe could drop dead tomorrow and nobody here would care.

>> No.8968289

We don't give a shit about culture in general, beyond pop culture. That's my point.

>> No.8968298

I don't anymore