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8964744 No.8964744 [Reply] [Original]

who the fuck eats white bread in 2017

>> No.8964749

People who use it in deep frying desserts, as a bread that sweet should be.

>> No.8964762


A lot of people eat sourdough...

>> No.8964763


>> No.8964766

What in the hell involves white bread and deep fried desserts? Do you mean like elephant ears and funnel cakes?

>> No.8964768

I don't care anymore. I eat what tastes good and is cheap. Example: white bread, bologna, kraft cheese single, miracle whip.

It's delicious.

>> No.8964773

Are you fat

>> No.8964775

>white bread
>kraft cheese single
But those aren't delicious...
Are you too retarded to use punctuation like a white person?

>> No.8964784

overweight but good blood pressure and heart rate, cholesterol is good too. i walk a lot.

>> No.8964811

My whole country eats white bread only, as G*d intended. Other sorts of flours and breads are seen very, very rarely and are generally regarded as newfangled memes.

>> No.8964828

This is a blue board, anon.

>> No.8964838

I do. AMA fellow redditors!

>> No.8964847

white bread
broken yolk fried egg
hellmans mayo
eaten over a sink

Perfect fucking busy saturday lunch.

>> No.8964859

forgot; you have to wash it down with a tall glass of cold whole milk.

>> No.8964868


Christ, what kind of subhuman would type that on 4chan. Were you home schooled by evangelicals?

>> No.8964872

mayo and eggs? how about ketchup on that puppy instead.

>> No.8964873


>> No.8964910

The same sort of people who ate it in previous years I would presume.

>> No.8964919
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>he doesn't know about whole wheat sourdough

>> No.8964929

>be kid
>super excited to wear my Digimon costume to Halloween
>Day of Halloween mom takes me to Target
>Lets me have a hot dog from the counter
>it's served in a piece of white bread
>throwing up all night, miss halloween
>Mom: I knew it was sketchy when they didn't have real buns



>> No.8964946

Patrician taste desu

>> No.8964953


>> No.8964974

Where's the mayonnaise, fatty?

>> No.8965407

lol what?
what dessert are you eating?
what white bread are you eating?

its the same difference as brown rice and white rice
do you eat white rice?

>> No.8965412

saw a recent study (can't find it, don't care that much)
if an obese man was healthy in every other way possible other than being obese, he still had a ~70% of dying early because of his obesity.

not saying that's you, just reminded me of that

>> No.8965414

Please capitalize that 'g,' our Lord and Savior is a proper noun.

>> No.8965415

well that sucks. starting to think life aint fair n stuff.

>> No.8965418

Miracle whip is mayonnaise for all intensive purposes

>> No.8965421

>intensive purposes

>> No.8965488

Anon you don't understand, his ravenous maw can only be described as "intensive".

>> No.8965516

I don't see a lot of people messing with bread because they've learned it's very fattening and hardly nutritious, and the ones that taste okay are basically sweets on par with tarts

>> No.8965585

Mate I went to Italy recently and all their bread is whiter than paper. And crustless too. In their chilled sections of supermarkets they have ready packed sandwiches all so white it's blinding and no crusts on at all. It's like they're all 5 year olds.

So, Italians.

>> No.8965590


>> No.8965639

White bread is best with
>kraft slice or cheddar cheese
>EXTRA mayo
my nigga
The extra mayo gives it a real flavor KICK

>> No.8965667

uses for white bread

>grilled cheese
>baked pudding
>bread crumbs for meatloaf and meatballs
>feeding asshole geese
>insulting white people

that's about it

>> No.8965709

PB&J is only good with white bread.

>> No.8965890

>eating any mayo other than winiary majonez

>> No.8965898
File: 100 KB, 940x529, kielecki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually prefering winiary over kielecki, the polish mayo with the best ingredients, longest tradition and greatest taste

>> No.8965899

White bread is delicious. It is is also neutral tasting which benefits a lot of dishes.

>> No.8966207

i would ONLY trust a sausage sizzle if they had white bread, it's as mr. Bunnings wanted it to be.

>> No.8966215

would love to look at the study, if you ever remember or find it.

>> No.8966349

It's the only bread to properly serve a turkey club on

wheatfags please go

>> No.8966354

but white bread is made of wheat

>> No.8966363

kętrzyński is the best
kielecki is okay
winiary is shit

>> No.8966379

kielecki is very similar to kętrzyński, but much more readily available
winiary is flat-out inferior to both, worse ingredients, worse taste and generally only fit for babbies who hate the subtle, vinegar tang of superior mayos

>> No.8966385

generally, i agree with you, but availability depends on where you live.

>> No.8966392

the "artisan" bagged bread molds in like a week, and I dont eat a sandwich everyday. I cant afford to throw out half a loaf, so I get the "old fashioned" white bread that is kinda yellow. Takes at least a month for that to mold.

>> No.8966486

What about deep fried camembert? with some cowberry and white bread, anytime

>> No.8966491

where do you live? Miracle whip is expensive as hell here. Tasty, but expensive

>> No.8966668

>"artisan" bagged bread
can't you just go to a decent baker and buy good non-bagged bread? I've eaten rye and whole wheat bread from local bakeries my entire life, and I've yet to see it mold after a week

>> No.8966718


u sownd fat

>> No.8966737


I do this, use two slices of bologna, spread mayo on the white bread and yellow mustard in between the bologna. Wa la

>> No.8967158
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>he doesn't eat tijgerbrood


>> No.8967307
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From what I gather (NJ resident here) it's common in the south to eat a stack of plain white bread with BBQ stuff, I have no idea why

>> No.8967417

Southfag here. It is a standard practice. I always toss it because it's garbage.

>> No.8967422

Have you ever seen a tiger?
That's jaguar bread, dummy

>> No.8967466

Ever use them as a napkin?

>> No.8967480

fucking disgusting, białuty is where it's at, all other mayo tastes like shit

>> No.8967543

I can't speak to the mayonnaise, but Winiary stock/broth is legit. Because we have so many Polish working here nowadays, there are shops catering to them. I bought some Winiary stock once on a lark because it was way cheaper than our stuff. I was surprised by how tasty it is, so it is now my brand of choice if I'm not making stock from scratch.

That's the stuff we use to make Ameribritish-style sandwiches (called tramezzini in Spaghettispeak, meaning 'in betweens' because the ingredients are sandwiched 'in between' two slices of bread).
It's not something we eat as daily bread. Our daily bread tends to be some sort of sourdough or other, but it varies a bit region to region and city to city, with some areas eating breads other than the typical sourdough.

>> No.8967553

you're supposed to mop up excess sauce and delicious crusty meat bits with it so yeah kinda.

>> No.8967560

Can confirm as well. Both in GA and TX. It's for people who like ruining the texture of the meat with a shitty sponge.

>> No.8967564

Texas. Id guess 8 oz of miracle whip is around 3 dollars.

How much do you pay?

>> No.8967664

Take your bread like your women, with bleach of course

>> No.8967682

polish products are generally quite good for the price

>> No.8968630
File: 72 KB, 599x717, well now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
