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8964306 No.8964306 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best instant ramen brands? How do you like to jazz it up? Me? I like to use the flavor packet.

>> No.8964573

Indomie Mi Goreng if you want something cheap

Nongshim Shin Ramyum if you want something more expensive.

>> No.8964683

I haven't done much exploring outside of the classic chicken maruchan ramen so my word doesn't mean much. But I think Neoguri spicy seafood ramen is really good in terms of instant ramen

>> No.8965224
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>> No.8965275

I jazz mine up by putting an egg in it, red pepper flakes, ground ginger, and soy sauce. This makes it pretty dank.

>> No.8965281

I cook it in stock with some water to dilute it. Plain water makes for a weak broth, and pure stock is too rich.

>> No.8965299

Ichiban is my favorite, closest you can get to traditional ramen from a package. More expensive, but worth it. I spice mine up every now and again, chili, paprika and cayenne.

>> No.8965401

Shin Ramyun

>> No.8965424

Are you the same person who keeps remaking this thread as soon as it falls off the board?

>> No.8965485
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I just tried Ichiban ramen the other day and thought it was great

>> No.8965947

Sapporo Ichiban. I like to add a beaten egg.

>> No.8966009
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>> No.8966012
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>> No.8966016

>still thinking sage matters

>> No.8966134


I usually go for Shin Ramyun but tried that the other day, got a 5 pack. You have to drain most of the water so you get less broth which sucks but it's otherwise pretty good.

>> No.8966192
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Sometimes I take raw beef and cut them into thin slivers. After everything in the pot is done cooking and still near boiling temperature drop in the raw beef and stir it around until it looks cooked through without being chewy.

Other than that vietnamese broth bases are really good subs for the flavor packs in most ramens.

>> No.8966240

Best is Prima taste, but not worth buying as a regular thing because of how expensive they are.

Nongshim Shin Black are definitely the best for the price.

Soft boiled eggs, small cuts of meat, and green onions are the best things to add.

>> No.8966266

kys chicken is the worst one
it leaves awful after taste

>> No.8966324

they also have a cheese version of this now, and a stew one, with more broth for >>8966134

>> No.8966334


Maybe I was making it wrong but I disliked how slimy it was

I tried stir frying it and not stir frying it.

>> No.8967001
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Best flavor, noodles are actually decent

>> No.8967018

How I do it:

boil bite sized carrot pieces til soft
add seasoning
add ramen
pour in bowl
add can of tuna


>> No.8967194
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I've been looking for which one has the best noodles. I don't even use the broth anymore. I just use a combination of Mirin, Soy Sauce and Dashi stock. season to taste with whatever I'm making.

Pic related isn't the most glamorous meal but it was cheap filling and good.

>> No.8967199

look pretty glamorous to me

>> No.8967212

buy a nicer bowl and that would be fantastic

you can get great cheap noodle bowls like they use in restaurants online

>> No.8967219

I've since gotten two. I didn't realize at the time how much food I had made, which was a problem that just kept happening and sucked because I needed that bowl for prep. I haven't taken pics of anything I've made in my new bowls though

>> No.8967226


>> No.8967231
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My favorite

>> No.8967236

This one's a brothless one iirc.

>> No.8967254


This has been ruined since they changed the recipe to make it less spicy for Americans doing the fire noodles challenge (don't want kids buying this to do a youtube video and getting an asthma attack)

>> No.8967409

Shin Ramyun are best in my opinion. High quality noodles, a nice solid shape to throw in the pan, hot and spicy with a nice amount of veg. I put roast chicken in mine or some mock duck with curry sauce and I drink the soup separately. Got 6 packets in my cupboard right now.

>> No.8967430
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I enjoy this a lot, the noodles are nice and thick. I'm too much if a weenie to try the spicy kind though.

>> No.8967546

i love these. I barely add add any of the flavor packet and use dashi, soy sauce, salt, sugar, ginger, garlic, red pepper flakes and some white wine. fucking delicious.

>> No.8968995

here is my ramen shtick

i go buy ramen at the asian market, cheap and way more and better choices

I tend to eigther get thr korean udon packs fro shin(seafood or kimchi), the indomie sate flavoured dry noodles, or thai mama noodles( duck soup or sour pork)

then i go buy eggs, swing over to frozen and buy a pack of fish cake sheets(theyre flat and you can cut em up like noodles), pick up some choy sum in the produce section, and at home i eighther have home made kimchi or home made chinese pickles

with the spicey korean stuff i enjoy adding cheese

ususaly i boil the noodles with the cut up choi sum, then part way thru add the slced fish cake(its cooked allready and goes to much if in too long), once its about done ill add in home made pickles(right now its a mix of nappa, carots, daikon, and chilies) and then i stir egg thru and call it a day

>> No.8969002

they make a 2x version tho, and if you buy it at nicer asian marts its still pretty good

>> No.8969262
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Mexican here

Cook then drain
Put half of seasoning packet, with lime juice and pepper
Stir and eat


>> No.8969274
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Why has the GOAT not been mentioned yet?

>> No.8969312

>May 2017
>Still thinking it's 2016

>> No.8969347

jazz it up? garlic salt.

>> No.8969358

i like to put eggs in it and make a egg drop like ramen soup

>> No.8969369
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You fucks dont even know

>> No.8969375

>>8969002 did mention it...

>> No.8969381

i do know...>>8969369

>> No.8969382

>Everyone itt makes noodles like real food
>tfw I just empty every packet into a bowl with the noodles then pour boiling water on top

>> No.8969612


I used to love that shit, but I ate too often (particularly while drunk) and now I can't eat it without feeling sick. I think it's the oil sachet - it's incredibly filling, but makes the whole dish a bit too greasy.

>> No.8969625

You'll get sick of any instant noodle if you keep eating the same brand/flavor, especially salty/oily ones.

>> No.8969808
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neoguri udon mild

these ruin my life 2 hours at a time
too bad they are so addictive

>> No.8970157
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Too bad they do not produce them anymore.

>> No.8970432

Nothing wrong with just rehydrating the noodles, but they do make cup versions specifically for that, if you're not adding additional ingredients.

>> No.8970537
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You guys don't even knoe

>> No.8970546

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this shit vegan?

It's really low calorie too, for something so fucking delicious.

>> No.8970626

No, it's made with animal fat.

>> No.8970707


>> No.8970738
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Definitely one of my favorites. Anytime I see cases of them I stock up.

I tend to go a little crazy when I go to like an H-mart and buy about 40 bucks worth of instant ramen, but somehow that artifical pork is probably still my favorite.

>> No.8970758

ichiban literally states it in its name. Original flavor.

>add a bunch of green onion
>add a 7 minute egg
>add something spicy

>> No.8971500

the shrimp is better

ichiban is literal pig shit

>> No.8972934


>> No.8972966
File: 133 KB, 800x593, Nissin Demae Five Spice pk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else has had this? It's my favorite by far with steak and scallions added

>> No.8973789

it's 400 fucking calories for a tiny bowl of noodles

>> No.8973989
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and pure sodium

>> No.8974010
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Ive always swore by Sapporo Ichiban. The noodles are just higher quality than most brands. As far as best flavor packets go. I always loved top ramen spicy, but its hard to find anymore.


>> No.8975766


>> No.8976315

Did that with some bok choy and shredded carrot added to that, was delicious. I also find boiling some cheap pot stickers into it when you can't afford decent meat is good too.

>> No.8976693
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This is the hands down best

>> No.8976882

me on the top left

>> No.8976938

The sweet & spicy flavor is fucking great, I just wish there was more to a package, they're really small servings.

>> No.8976944

Is there just one dude who finds out every single instant noodle brand there is and posts them in every Ramen thread claiming each is the best?

>> No.8977035
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Since we're talking about instant noodles in general and not specifically Japanese ramen. This is my favourite as of now.

>> No.8977275
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No one's mentioning this GOAT?

>> No.8977391

I've never tried this brand despite living in Singapore. At the price they are sold at, I might as well walk 5 minutes to my nearest hawker center and order an actual bowl of Laksa. The price is about the same if you consider the additional proteins and veg.

>> No.8977418

had this the other day, i love it stirfried in sesame oil

>> No.8977421


>> No.8977426
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Tried this brand for the first time recently. Tasted pretty amazing, so I stocked up on them. No regrets

>> No.8977684

I found that one online after I got extremely bored with the selection I had locally. It was very highly reviewed so I bought a case off of Amazon. Best ramen I've ever had. I dig the flavor of sesame oil and it's so easy to pair with proteins and vegetables. I realize it's not the most talked about brand around here but it's definitely popular.

>> No.8979302

Put the noodles in real soup.

>> No.8979357
