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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8963684 No.8963684 [Reply] [Original]

Do you notice a difference?

>> No.8963689



>> No.8963712

barely. I feel like the spicy nacho is just a more heavily seasoned nacho, like they just put more of the same powder in

>> No.8963741

Definitely. Spicy Nacho isn't as tangy, tastes a lot better.

>> No.8963743

>Not buying cooler ranch

Who does that?

>> No.8963769

>"nacho cheese"
>red packaging
Really, U.S.of.A?

>> No.8963797

Are you colorblind?

>> No.8963883
File: 294 KB, 879x1427, doritos-jalapeno-cheddar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zesty Cheese is objectively the best plain-cheese Dorito but all Doritoes are second-class to Jalapeno & Cheddar

>> No.8964807

>reddit spacing on 4chan
Who does that?

>> No.8965007
File: 558 KB, 1506x1800, Screen Shot 2017-05-23 at 03.36.59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



(These are the ones available in Britain)

1. Chilli Heatwave (absolutely fucking delicious, one of my favourite crisps of all time, hands down. I get these all the time)
5. Lightly Salted (simple but tasty, great with dips)
100. BBQ Rib (yeah not bad, I've bought these while drunk from many a Paki shop)
1,000. Nacho Cheese (pretty disgusting, although if there's some around and I'm hungry then I'll eat them)
9000000001. Cool Original (absolutely disgusting, I genuinely never eat these because they're disgusting)

(There's other flavours available here but I've not had them)

>> No.8965113

Fuck yes....spicy nacho is spicy, it has a peppery kick to it

nacho cheese is just your average cheese powder flavor

>> No.8965117

Of course. I'm a white so I have an actual palate

>> No.8965917


>'it's reddit'

The last defense of a man with no argument and nothing to say.

Or just a poor shitposter.

Does this spacing piss you off?

Too bad.

Don't give in to your autism.

Eat a dick.

>> No.8965924

>redditors get THIS mad about being called out on using reddit spacing
does sticking out like a sore thumb make you that angry? here's something that'll make you even angrier: President Donald J. Trump

>> No.8965954
File: 40 KB, 569x389, Picture_15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Reddit spacing is a myth created to bait redditors too young to know 4chan has always double-spaced.

>> No.8965964

Full of shit.

>> No.8965969
File: 42 KB, 580x599, mootsnax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's moot himself doing it on post #50.

>> No.8965973

Wow and there's also people saying "win" and using emoticons, two things we stopped doing a long time ago, just like reddit spacing. This is some hardcore damage control, I know you're insecure over being called out but there are plenty of things that used to be done back 2003/2004 that have been considered cancerous for a long time now.

>> No.8965980
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>4chan is one giant hivemind


I came for the shitshow gents, carry on.

>> No.8965982

>moving goalposts

Just know that every time you cry about "reddit spacing", you're only ousting yourself as a newfag.

>> No.8965992

>things we stopped doing a long time ago, just like reddit spacing

>> No.8966020

Anyone notice that they seem to add less flavor to Cool ranch doritos? To me they seemed more flavorful back then. Now it just tastes like a regular tortilla chip

>> No.8966272

Have they ever tried to make a spicy cool ranch?

>> No.8966337

Dude, back when they had 3-D doritos in the 3 different flavors, I would get a bag of Jalapeno Cheddar ones all the time. They were 100% the best chip I have ever had.

I sometimes order a bag of that flavor off Amazon. Its like 20 bucks for one bag, I think it comes from Canada.

It isnt quite as good as it used to be but its still top tier.

>> No.8966352

just as god has struggled to make an unstoppable force push an immovable object, so too has frito-lay struggled to produce the spicy-cool ranch dorito

know that they do not struggle in vain

>> No.8966369
File: 222 KB, 334x483, cheetos-crunchy-xxtra-flamin-hot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you notice a difference. I didn't

>> No.8966422

This is true though, "reddit spacing" itself is a newfag meme. Reddit probably got it from 4chan in the first place honestly.