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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8962457 No.8962457 [Reply] [Original]

>boiling potatoes
>go back to my room to use the computer while I wait
>scared that the gas will start leaking or a fly will fly past the fire, catch itself on fire and end up burning my entire kitchen down
>baking something in the oven
>go back to my room to use the computer while I wait
>scared that the oven will explode
>always have to manually check every few minutes

How do you stop worrying when it comes to cooking?

>> No.8962460

It sounds like you have an anxiety disorder. I'd reccomend a psychiatrist.

>> No.8962466
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Dont worry i relate to your problem. I usually switch to my laptop and just chill on my kitchen table till the food is ready.

>> No.8962469

I know it's a meme machine, but fuck me if the Nintendo Switch isn't perfect for this. No better time than while you're boiling potatoes to knock out a few games of puyo.

>> No.8962855

>he fell for the gas stove meme

just get an induction range, it was specifically made retard proof for children and spectrum weebs like you

>> No.8962902

get an electric stove dumb dumb

>> No.8962955

Yeah, you definitely have an anxiety disorder. See a therapist.

>> No.8963031

"Don't worry, have a homebrew."

Charlie Papazian

>> No.8963038

Just accept death as something that could happen at any moment

>> No.8963079

me is opposite ,i burn my food half the time ,shit sucks

>> No.8963840

I stand by the oven and browse the Internet or watch stuff on my tablet, or read.

>> No.8963902


The rule of thumb is don't leave your kitchen until you're completely finished cooking your meal. My mom walks away from the stove when she cooks and forgets about it all the time. I don't know how many times i have covered for her so my dad doesn't blow a gasket.

>> No.8963908

How about don't leave the fucking kitchen when you're cooking

I use my phone, read a book, but I don't leave stuff unattended unless I'm doing some really low and slow cooking like lamb shanks that'll take hours

>> No.8963916

Are you the anon who was scared to make pizza?

>> No.8963924


I once left a frozen fish and chip supper in the oven for several hours. Put it in, turned the heat up, then walked away and sat at the computer and forgot about it. I went back into the kitchen some time later for a drink, wondered why the oven was on, turned it off and had a look inside. Couldn't see anything but could smell something. On closer inspection I noticed that the bottom oven tray was in so I took it out. It was literally charcoal black, so much so that it had camouflaged itself with the oven interior.

I also once made a crude steamer for some chinese buns I had. I put a pan of water on the cooker top, a metal colander above it, and covered loosely with foil whilst putting it on medium heat. Again, walked away and forgot about it. When I came back the water had all evaporated and the bottom of the pan had heated up so much it had gone a bluish colour it was so hot.

Sometimes I wonder how I haven't burned any houses down.

>> No.8963943

>finish cooking something
>check at least 10 times to make sure I turned the stove off

>> No.8963945

>not wanting to die


>> No.8963960

Maybe if you could go twenty minutes without using the computer you wouldnt have so many problems.

>> No.8964268


Fucking this, desu.

You're worry about that is either entirely unlikely (random gas leak) or actually impossible (a bug that flies into the fire, which they wouldnt, would go up in flames immediately and not go as far as an inch before their tiny diaphaneous wings go poof). This is not a healthy brain state. See someone about it.

>> No.8964361

What's the one where you deliberately don't check anything hoping for a random gas leak that puts you out of your misery?

>> No.8964378

Doesn't deserve it's own post and this is as good of a thread as any.

When I'm prepping, my body gets extremely tense and my heartrate maintains itself around 140-150. When I actually cook, it's actually very meditative and all that stress goes away. Did the years as a line chef permanently fuck me up? Is there a fix?

>> No.8964399
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>have taped up fire alarm because it rings whenever I'm trying to stir fry stuff
>be boiling water on stove for tea
>get a Skype call from boss
>go back to room
>talk for a few hours regarding article resubmission and running some simulations
>room starts to fog up with water vapor
>think nothing of it, continue talking
>pot dries up, fumes starts coming out
>taped up fire alarm doesn't catch it
>pot starts to melt
>recipe books near the stove catch sparks
>entire kitchen is on fire
>I run out and turns on the water sprinkler
>short out most of the circuitry in my apartment
>insurance doesn't cover water damage
>mfw (now on a more metaphorical sense)

>> No.8964413

that's called OCD

>> No.8964604

>visiting parents for holiday
>dad is roasting a big slab of beef in the oven
>he leaves the house to do something
>I chill on the couch playing video games with headphones on
>suddenly for no reason at all my spider senses tingle and I look over at the oven
>the inside is glowing white
>open the oven
>the heating element on the bottom of the oven has cracked, but instead of turning off it just started fucking arc welding itself sending burning hot sparks of molten metal everywhere
>turn off the oven
>stand there and watch it
>30 seconds after I turned off the oven, the sparks finally stop
>put roast in toaster oven because it still has like an hour left to go

>> No.8965338

i leave the kitchen while stuff is in the oven or simmering on the stove
but im not a fucking idiot

>> No.8965916

set a godamn alarm any decent oven or phone will have one

>> No.8966036

being a 4chan poster

>> No.8966085

For a moment there I thought you meant that you put the beef in the molten ruined oven to finish cooking

>> No.8966098
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>Make coffee every 4 hours or so
>Double check I turned the burner off every time I leave the kitchen with my cup
>Go back to the kitchen 5 minutes later to make sure it's off
Every time

>> No.8966770

don't say that too loud.

>"anon, how does your range work?"
>"wtf? Just put the pot on it, press this and that button and thats it"
*five minutes later*
>"Anon, it smells bad"
>"...what setting did you use?"
>"p, for potato"
>"that's 'power'. You just used the highest possible setting to cook some potatos. You burned the water. How do you even..."
>"your range is dumb, anon. Can't we just use this instant-stuff I tried at home?"

Never say an induction range is fool proof. You haven't met my cousine

>> No.8967609 [DELETED] 
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And wait till you meet this guy's tangent!

>> No.8967644

buy an egg timer