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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8953979 No.8953979 [Reply] [Original]

A few months ago I got a blood test done and had a blood sugar level of almost 350, right now with medication I have one around 90-120. I'm getting pretty bored of chicken and salads all the time, so I was wondering if you guys had any helpful hints or ideas.

>> No.8954464

Levels as in mmol/l or something else? Serum concentration?
Type 2 diabetes?
Need more details.
Are you using meds or diet to regulate glucose levels?

>> No.8954465

*which meds to regulate

>> No.8954469

>so I was wondering if you guys had any helpful hints or ideas.

see a nutritionist. recent studies seem to point that a lifestyle change including regular exercise and proper diet can reverse diabetes. so rather than wind up chained to a dialysis bed later in life, take the initiative and work out a life plan that makes the best of your situation.

>> No.8954479

Just 750mg of metaformin, I only have t2.
>Are you using meds or diet to regulate glucose levels?
Both, I've essentially cut out all sugars and carbs however I did see a large improvement even before I started taking the drugs. I've had cake and candy but even an hour or so afterward my glucose levels were rock steady at around 100.
I don't really feel the need to see a nutritionist. I've made some major improvements on my own just by using commonsense and not eating like a glutton anymore. As I've said, I don't eat much if any carbs or sugars during the average day.

>> No.8954485

The term nutritionist isn't regulated by federal law so technically, anybody can call themselves a nutritionist.

It is better to see a dietician instead.

>> No.8954494


derp your right, i ment dietician. >>8954479 seriously OP, don't think you can google-fu some shit. seeing a specialist will help you set out a concrete plan and point out any not so obvious pitfalls you may have overlooked.

>> No.8954495

I myself am a nutritionist.

I say go wild. Eat what you want when you want.

>> No.8954500

/ck/ pls

>> No.8954634

Get it together you fat fuck jesus

>> No.8954672

Must be an american thing with those numbers, here a normal blood sugar level sits between 3-7 mmol/l.
Not sure which units you are using.
I second consulting a dietician or find a forum more catered towards diabetics for tips or suggestions.
Sounds like you got things on lockdown.
Do you have an limit on your glucose levels when you need to take insulin or are you purely using metaformin?

>> No.8954676

Try doing keto. I know it's a meme diet, but it actually is proven to be good for epileptics and diabetics.

>> No.8954684

>meme diet

>> No.8954692

What's this from?

>> No.8954696
File: 119 KB, 680x454, zoodles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you gotta learn how to make non-starchy vegetables tasty.

experiment with lots of green beans, squash, eggplant, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, peppers.

there's lots of tricks and recipes that can make them taste really substantial and satisfying.


i personally love french-cut green beans with sour cream and melted cheddar cheese. it's really comfy like macaroni and cheese, minus the carbs.

>> No.8955093

I'm only 204lbs anon, I'm barely overweight.
Thank you for the tip.

>> No.8955107

Probably some kind of manga...you should check out some anime centric forums to see stuff like that...

>> No.8955116
File: 269 KB, 870x1246, Lewd potato elf adventures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elf-san wa Yaserarenai.

>> No.8955136

I hope you're 6'11"

>> No.8955165

6'2. I'm not a hulking behemoth or anything like that, I just have a little bit of pudge around my mid section.

>> No.8955176

dont eat hormones filled chiken, try geese, duck, rabbit
and also eat salads

>> No.8955286


The US is so fat and diabetic they had to make a bigger scale

>> No.8955300

Type 1 diabetic here.
Look into low glycemic foods, carbs that take longer to be released into your body rather than high glycemic foods such as starch. Yams are pretty good.
Also do you have to test your blood sugar? I usually do it pretty often to control it.

>> No.8955309

A bullet

>> No.8955361

I have blood glucose of 6,78 mmol/l, which is bigger with a whole 1 mmol/l than it should be.
The HbA1c 4,50% and HbA1c IFCC 25 mmol/mol is worrying too. I try to eat minimal sugar, but everything has some in it.
Am I gonna die? There is still so much anime to watch out there.

Btw I hate veggie shit.

>> No.8955528

your hemoglobin a1c % is pretty low. Are you diabetic?

>> No.8955566

I think I'm diabetic a little (borderline values), but anemic for sure.

>> No.8955580

looks like you've had a lot of low blood sugars.
As a type 1 diabetic I was always told by endocrinologists that my a1c should be around 6.

>> No.8955591

I find that unusual, though I'm not a doctor. That's borderline the maximum accepted. "Non-diabetic, e.g. watch out" values are between 4 and 6, above 6.5 you need treatment.

>> No.8955622

Be careful with sugar-free stuff. Some artificial sweeteners can drive up blood sugar like sugar does. Look for sugar alcohols.

>> No.8955643

This, supposedly your body still recognizes it as sugar even though there are no calories, so it responds the same way. You might be better off with agave or something.

>> No.8956229

It's just more precise anon.
I did for a few months but that was just to see how well the metaformin was working and if I needed insulin or not. I still have about a hundred test strips left so I occasionally check to make sure nothing weird is going on.
I don't think lead acetate is a very good sugar substitute anon.

>> No.8957053


That's what decimals are for

>> No.8957192
File: 86 KB, 222x497, braveman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using small effeminate european measurements
I bet you don't even consume 3/64ths of a teaspoon of caffeine everyday.

>> No.8957231

>artificial sweeteners affect blood sugar
>sugar alcohols do not

That's... the opposite of correct. That is completely backwards, anon.

>> No.8958221

Artificial sweeteners are worse than sugar. There are even a warnings on them to avoid feeding them to people with diabetes.

>> No.8958227

> 350

I'd go extreme. Either cut carbs entirely and go the keto route so that you don't need insulin at all, or do the full whole foods vegan and hope to heal your poor pancreas.

>> No.8959422

T1 here, that sounds needlessly retarded.

>> No.8959528

I'm mostly doing keto but it just gets bland, you can only have chicken salad and baked chicken and bolognase sauce before you want to shoot yourself. I've gotten my blood sugar levels down into a normal range with medication however I find myself cheating a lot, some cake, some bread, sometimes a little bit of candy. I want to completely give that stuff up, still I've managed to lose roughly 10lbs since I started last month.

>> No.8959558

>you can only have chicken salad and baked chicken and bolognase sauce before you want to shoot yourself.
be thankful faggot. im dealing with acid reflux and its literally just egg whites and crackers

>> No.8959711

3 is a bit low. My pump warns me when I'm at like 4.4. But then again, I can't be as precise with my bs as healthy people.

>> No.8960452

How has no one asked this yet?

What was your diet like before you made the change to your eating habits?

>> No.8960481

All kinds of fish dishes, pretty sure you're allowed those. Low on calories, high on protein, lots of variation possible.

Also look into vegetarian dishes, many of them should also work.

I would also consider getting various exotic spices. That way you can at least mix up your chicken.

>> No.8960520

204lbs at 6'11" would look like a fucking skeleton, I'm 200 at 6'2" with relatively low bodyfat and I just barely look like I lift.

>> No.8961021

Incredibly shitty. Mostly bread and soda. I've switched over to a mostly chicken/greens based diet.

>> No.8962148

Are octopi considered as fish?

>> No.8962203


>> No.8962764

What is your reasoning behind it?

>> No.8962923

Dark Elf > High Elf
Putting that fact out there.

>> No.8963321 [DELETED] 

Because you have to go pretty far back on the evolutionary tree until you find the common ancestor.

>> No.8963331

Because you have to go pretty far back on the evolutionary tree until you find the common ancestor. Fish are more closely related to humans than to octopuses.

>> No.8963423

stopped reading right there

>> No.8963430

Okay. God made fish more different from octopus than from human. Sorry to disturb your bible study class.

>> No.8963433

You are not the pope to make such claims.

>> No.8963474


I think we need to talk about how octopi compare to fish as a nutrition source.

I imagine both are healthy AF.

>> No.8963912

>blood sugar level of 350
Are you referring to your HbA1c?

Because if so, that's fucking insane.