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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8943853 No.8943853 [Reply] [Original]

>it's a "sister takes you out for mochi ice cream" episode

>> No.8943860

pics of sister?

>> No.8943859
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>tfw she doesn't put out at the end of your date
my sis is such a tease

>> No.8943865

Why the fuck is the ice cream so wet ath the top row and the bottom row it's shaped like my bath bombs

>> No.8943885

What's so bad about mochi ice cream?

>> No.8943886

mochi is stupid

>> No.8943895


>> No.8943896

mochi fucking sucks dude

tell your sister i think she has shit taste.

>> No.8943906


>> No.8943907

Why don't you google what mochi is anon?

>> No.8943911

Boy you sure are stupid

>> No.8943912

No lmao

>> No.8943915

>the bottom row it's shaped like my bath bombs
American knowledge is outstanding

Do you really not know what mochi is?

>> No.8943918

That's what happens when you get your nutrients from fast food.

>> No.8943933
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lo iq nutrients heh

>> No.8944025

>tfw she doesn't pull out at the end of your date
my trap bro is such a bitch

>> No.8944032

mochi is pretty okay

>> No.8944074

do I get to have sex with said sister? the internet has caused me to desire this

>> No.8944078

You foreigners are something else I'll tell you what.
Nice to know you guys know English. That'll help you.

>> No.8944095
File: 280 KB, 900x900, dont be mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks the only English speaking country is the US

Nice to know you burgers are keeping the dumbass americant sterotype alive, that won't help you.

>> No.8944103

I'd definitely try the pistachio. What does lychee taste like? It's fucking everywhere in Asian things, like orange or grape for Americans.

>> No.8944104

you guys are ruining the mountain towns of Canada and abuse cocaine like no other.

>> No.8944110


lychee is a like a really sweet and tangy pear. Very watery/juicy.

>> No.8944117

Frozen mochi isn't ice cream

>> No.8944140

you can buy mochi at fucking walmart

don't be so defensive about being dumb

>> No.8944143

>mountain towns of Canada and abuse cocaine like no other.

>> No.8944597

But the filling inside the frozen mochi is ice-cream you dumb fuck.

>> No.8944699

Why is Mochi so expensive?

>> No.8944719


outside of japan i have only seen jap culture in usa.


>> No.8944732

nah I live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere in US and we have Mochi ice cream here

>> No.8944748

Post sister.

>> No.8944998

Literally never heard of it 'til now. Doesn't even look like ice cream so who the fuck woulda guess otherwise?

>> No.8945003

Basically the idea is Mochi is a kind of rice dough made by pounding rice. It is then shaped and icecream put inside.

I'd see it much less likely for a european to know what it is honestly. I've been around europe, never saw japanese food/culture as a common thing just around. On the west coast of the US you'll find a lot of this stuff, plus even more in hawaii.

>> No.8945006

I no longer have a car due to living in the a big city and not wanting to spend 400$ a month on parking. So generally to visit my family I take a train ride and get picked up by my sister. As payment I generally buy her lunch from the same mexican place we've been going to since we were kids.

Damn they make good burritos.

>> No.8945039

Because they can.

Also because hammering on rice grains until you get a rubbery substance is kind of tedious.

>> No.8945453

It isn't bad, it just isn't particularly good. But for some reason the people that like it think it's God's gift to food

>> No.8946540


You can just buy a box of Mochiko from a grocery store for under 2 dollars. Can't you just use a machine to pound rice ?

>> No.8947740

I used to live above an asian import store in germany. From what the family running it told me, mochi with green tea or red bean paste filling were pretty popular and one of the things they had to keep ordering frequently.

Sure, you won't find many older people knowing it. But for younger generations, it should be at least somewhat commonly known.

>> No.8947754

I love these but they're too expensive here in France

>> No.8947891


it is everywhere
there is even sushi in CROATIA

you probably live in a very huwhite place

well i spend my time living between eastern europe and the west and jap culture is in many places

>tfw i know highschoolers in norway who watch hentai unironically with their friends
i dont know how i sleep at night

>google is hard i know

>> No.8948045
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>chink ice cream
>not gelato

Ayy, the balls on dis fuckin' prick. Fucking Medigans wouldn't know proper food if it bit 'em in the ass

>> No.8948046

>mochi ice cream

Seems pretty stupid. You have to bite trough the outer layer to get to the ice cream, and then you will end up biting your ice cream as well. You are not supposed to bite ice cream.