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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8941330 No.8941330 [Reply] [Original]

>no sticky

This is like the most obvious board to have a sticky, and it would be easy. What the fuck is going on?

>> No.8941334

>wanting to help others

>> No.8941336

It should just be a link to the food wishes blog and a bunch of links to wikihow articles of how to cut various vegetables

>> No.8941337

What do you need a sticky for, quick links to every fast food franchise "find a store near you"?

>> No.8941340

Our moderation's a joke. There's a /ck/ booru and wiki, just refer to those.

>> No.8941342

>What the fuck is going on?

We don't need a sitcky. We know how to read cookbooks and use google.

>> No.8941348

fuck i'd love that. just for aesthetic reasons

>> No.8941359

That word doesn't mean what you think it means, anon.

>> No.8941373
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Here's your fucking sticky you ass pirate.

>> No.8941402

>We know how to read cookbooks and use google.
Funny because most OPs apparently don't.

>> No.8941407

>sticky for cooking
Ask 4 chefs how to poach an egg and you'll get 5 different answers.

>> No.8941414
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>tfw /ck/ fuck face mod is too much of a faggot to do anything cool like this

Feels bad man.

>> No.8941430

What about rules for Jack threads, what will get deleted, McChicken threads, etc?

>Trash like /soc/ and /r9k/ have better stickies than this blue board

>> No.8941435

Jack threads do get deleted.

>> No.8941447

For good reason

>> No.8941453

They shouldn't exist in the first place.

>> No.8941461

Please go back to those boards

>> No.8941467

>Trash like /soc/ and /r9k/ have better stickies than this blue board
This board doesn't have a sticky, anon. That's the whole point of this thread.
Try and keep up.

>> No.8941477

If you've browsed this board for more than 5 minutes you know everyone here has a terminal case of aids and literally anything to do with actual cooking gets torn to shreds for 8 hours till the thread is deleted for not containing a sponsored fast food advertisement as its original post

>> No.8941480

i dont think u understand my aesthetics, anon

>> No.8941819

That's the point, ya git.

>> No.8941825

I know Jack threads get deleted but not all the time. And "what gets deleted" is a separate point altogether, which is why I used a comma to separate it.

>> No.8941856

>going to either of those boards
>any year
Please go away you are a lost cause

>> No.8941863

"What gets deleted" Is up to some fat, chairbound heathen of a female that likes fast food more than cooking.

>> No.8942000
File: 54 KB, 670x409, Greggs-Logo-Google-Bomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suggested knife
>suggested frying pan
>steak cooking methods

/ck/ will never agree on any of this and most other things

>> No.8942051

>>suggested knife
>>suggested frying pan
>>steak cooking methods
Bring to room temp
Season with salt and pepper, rub with vegetable oil
Pan nice and hot
Cook 4 mins
Cook 3 mins with liberal amounts of butter and rosemary
Cook 30 seconds to 1 minute in side
Let rest 10 mins
Cut and plate

>> No.8942061

>>suggested knife
Walmart ceramic with colors handles

>>suggested frying pan
Walmart teflon

>>steak cooking methods
Microwave (preferably Walmart microwave)

>> No.8942096

man i can't wait until /ck/ gets a sticky so we can be just like /fit/ where 70% of answers are

>read the sticky

great posting, wonderful board

fuck those guys

>> No.8942104

>Flip steak once

WRONG! It should be flipped every min

>> No.8942106

That's because people ask retarded questions constantly on /fit/ and the sticky answers those questions.

>> No.8942108

+1 [ONE]

>> No.8942122
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>proper way of making carbonara involves cream and bacon
Sounds like a great idea.

>> No.8942124
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>> No.8942130


You can't even ask a simple health question on another board without some /fit/fag saying "go to /fit/ and read the sticky."

I've read the sticky, but it's fucking long, and it's a one-size-fits-all approach to everything, assuming someone wants to be jacked and shredded and dedicate their life to health.

It's like asking a specific question about Christianity and just having someone yell "READ THE BIBLE" at you instead of taking 30 seconds to explain it.

I lost 60 lbs not following the sticky, which is why it makes me mad.

>> No.8942136

>How do you make ramen better thread number 4337A1F2
It would certainly free up some threads for more fast food and alcoholism

>> No.8942137

As opposed to having the catalog filled to the brim with fucktarded threads made by OPs who can't be bothered to do the least bit of research themselves?

>> No.8942140

/fit/ has been dead for years along with a bunch of other boards

>> No.8942156


Thank God, more room on the catalog for boypussy, incel, and manlet threads! You know, instead of talking about getting in shape.

>> No.8942179

Yeah, better have 10 threads about people asking the exact same basic shit.

>> No.8942191

A sticky about what?

>> No.8942224
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>but it's fucking long
You can't sum up everything we have learned about physical exercise and nutrition in three paragraphs, yeah. There's chapters, though so it's not a very good criticism.

>one-size-fits-all [...] assuming someone wants to be jacked and shredded
This might be the only legitimate problem, especially about the emphasis on weight training. But still, if you don't want to do that, don't read that part.

>and dedicate their life to health
If you do want to be healthy, you will have to spend effort and time, and if you stop doing it, you will stop being healthy. This is not the sticky's fault.

But then, you probably never had a period in your life when you decided to help your fellow anons in qtddtot threads, only to have to repeat the very same answers over and over and over.

>> No.8942230


The problem is, the sticky over there is a BUNCH of shit that might not be relevant to your question.

Literally, the entire exercise section is "LIFT WEIGHTS." I went in there to ask once for bodyweight exercises I could do from home, and got about 5 replies that said "READ THE STICKY" and it fell off the catalog. There's nothing about body weight exercises in the sticky. So, thanks for nothing. I didn't have access to weights to lift with.

The diet section is just as shitty. There's 4 huge-as-fuck sections about macronutrients and vitamins and what to eat before the "counting calories" section, which should be first.

It's too much overwhelming information to just say "read the sticky."

>> No.8942248

A sticky about what? See >>8941407

If you need the hows and whys of not being a retard on 4chan explained to you maybe you're too retarded to cook.

>> No.8942252


>dedicate life to health
If you want to stay in average shape, you don't need to spend the day obsessing over micronutrients. Sure it's better for you, but some people don't have the time and don't care.

>if you don't want to weight train, don't read that part
There's practically no other advice in there about exercise. It's either lift weights or nothing is going to happen and fuck you.

>there's chapters
Super long chapters that are filled with bloat and do a very poor job of laying out the simple early steps or pointing you toward answers to smaller questions.

>repeat the same answers over and over
I'm a regular poster on /adv/. It's pretty much all I do.

>> No.8942255

It should have some printable food available for download

>> No.8942270
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The reason there's no bodyweight routines in the sticky is that they are a lot less efficient at strength and conditioning than lifting weights.
However, if you ask in a qtddtot thread, someone will eventually come along and post a few images that sum up routines.

>The diet section is just as shitty. There's 4 huge-as-fuck sections about macronutrients and vitamins and what to eat before the "counting calories" section, which should be first.

I...I mean that is your problem? That the clearly and concisely collected and labeled information is not in the order you would prefer? Come on, now.
It's long, because nutrition is fairly complicated, and it's hard to express everything you would need in a few sentences.

>> No.8942274

what would you put in it?

>suggested recipies
>suggested cooking utensils
>suggested seasonings and amount used
>methods to cook meat

/ck/ and most people would never be able to agree on a specific set or answer for these

it would be a more dysfunctional and retarded version of /g/'s sticky that no one would agree on and using a "one size fits all" approach to cooking is dumb because of how radically different people are

>> No.8942278

I bet you're an agnostic too. Grow a pair kid

>> No.8942300
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>you don't need to spend the day obsessing over micronutrients
Yes, exactly. Let me quote the sticky real quick:
>in general, most people do not need to heavily supplement these [micronutrients]
>Remember, they're called supplements for a reason. Researching and buying supplements is not something for beginners to concentrate on.

>There's practically no other advice in there about exercise.
There is a cardio section, but yes, I admit that's short. This is your only legitimate concern. Although, I would like to mention that adding other sports would make the sticky longer, and it's already way too taxing for you mentally.

>Super long chapters that are filled with bloat and do a very poor job of laying out the simple early steps or pointing you toward answers to smaller questions.
Just gonna have to disagree with you on that one. I find it to be very well constructed, never had a problem understanding it, and english isn't even my first language. Still, you can't just indiscriminately remove things, because what you don't find important, others might very much do.

>> No.8942305


I'm just saying it's an overwhelming document when you have some specific, or even beginner questions. I don't have any problem replying "read the sticky" to someone who just generally asks how to lose weight or get in shape, but dropping them into the middle of the ocean on the subject where their answer might not be found is a valid complaint, especially when it leaks to other boards.

When I was getting started losing weight, I asked for some low calorie food ideas and got a ton "go to /fit/ and read the sticky, you need to lift to get in shape" replies.

>That the clearly and concisely collected and labeled information is not in the order you would prefer?
I mean, yeah, that is kind of my problem. Sorry to keep throwing out analogies, but it's like trying to get a kid to learn math but chapter 2 after "counting to 10" is complex polynomials. You're gonna scare the kid away from math because you decided to save "simple addition" until chapter 4, and they don't know any better.

>> No.8942311

>/ck/ and most people would never be able to agree on a specific set or answer for these

Yep. Not only do you have the usual personal preference bullshit to worry about, but those things also vary radically depending on where a person lives and what style of food they are cooking for.

>> No.8942313


Don't get me wrong, it's not really the sticky itself I have the problem with. I do think it's a good resource in general. But I don't like the posters that handwave away legitimate questions with "read the sticky," because you're not guiding anyone where to look or acknowledging that everyone is different and might need to be talked through it. See my math example above.

>> No.8942342
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Well, I cannot really respond to that. It never really entered my mind that anyone could be intimidated by the sticky.
Also, if someone abandons the whole health thing because it felt like too much after reading a few paragraphs, well so be it. I ain't gonna shed no tears. The sticky is general, by its very nature, it can't please everyone.

Not to mention that there's people who pay other people considerable sums to be spoonfed this sort of information.
The sticky is free.

I still think though, that if someone is interested in fitness and nutrition, none of the information in the sticky is superfluous, but that's it.

>> No.8942354
File: 436 KB, 1024x768, F1DC1247-9340-4654-AC37-389A54801C7E-17986-00000C12FAB21AA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/o/'s sticky is a chart of cars you can get for under $5000. Maybe /ck/ could have something similar but food related? Like instructions on how to cook a week's worth of cheap but tasty meals for yourself if you're a poorfag? This board gets like two threads a week from broke college students who want to learn how to cook.

>> No.8942377

>Like instructions on how to cook a week's worth of cheap but tasty meals for yourself if you're a poorfag?

As we've stated multiple times in this thread, the answer to that question is going to vary greatly depending on where you live and what cooking appliances you have available to you.

There wouldn't be one answer to that question, there would be dozens.

>> No.8942387


Health is a huge mountain to climb when you've gotten fat. You look at yourself in the mirror one day and you're like "holy fuck, how did I get here," so you go for a jog. You used to be able to do this shit in PE, right? But now your body hurts and you can't breathe and there's sweat everywhere and you've barely made it around the block.

So you're already frustrated. You look for the easy way out - who doesn't most of the time? Especially if you've been lazy enough to pack yourself with pizzas/beer/soda/whatever enough to get to a point where you look and feel like garbage. So you go to your anime frogposting forum and think "gee I'm gonna ask for some tips to get underway" and think maybe you'll find some other fat weeaboo nerds who will help share their success stories. Instead, you get "read the fucking sticky" and you open that shit up.

Here's all of this shit about OATS and LIFTAN and MACROS and it's a solid 30 minute or longer read. You basically just assume it's hopeless. There's already months and months of work in front of you before you even look acceptable, all of this shit that's been thrown at you is confusing and foreign, you feel that familiar sense of hopelessness bubble up, and you jerk off for a bit while getting your easy order from Dominos and giving up on the whole thing.

It's why whenever anyone asks me about how I lost weight I just start them with the most simple layout of counting calories and encourage them to look into a few more things after they see progress.

>> No.8942393

>You basically just assume it's hopeless

Why would anyone make that assumption? Especially while looking at a document which explains exactly what to do?

>> No.8942397

Fucking oats and liftan.
I spent a few YEARS doing a cycle of "go to gym, do squats, do deadlifts, do ohp, go back to gym 2 weeks later when back stops hurtng."
I started making progress when I went on a fucking walk 3x a week. Not C25k, just a casual 1 hour walk.
Going 0 to 65 discourages SO many people.

>> No.8942410
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>come to /ck/ for some cooking advice
>sticky tells me I'll be banned if I make a thread about the McChicken

>> No.8942415


Because it's a lot of fucking work? Because anyone fat is probably already depressed and unmotivated? Because it's literally something that is painful? It seems complex and hard to remember? It means cutting out the things you enjoy and never looking back at them?

It all depends on your motivation level, and what you really want. Let's look at it like saving up to buy a new car. Sure, a Porsche is top of the line, and looks great, but you're going to have to put in a lot of extra hours at the office and probably skip that vacation you were looking for. Really though, a Camaro is probably the nicest fit - it still looks nice but it won't be as hard to get it, and you can still go on a vacation.

The sticky is the guide to get the Porsche and really you want the lesser option, but everyone is telling you the Porsche is the only way to go.

Yep, that 0 to 65 kills people.

>> No.8942419


I can see someone thinking that losing weight might be a pain in the ass or "a lot of work". but since when does "a lot of work" equate to hopeless? Hopeless would imply that it is an impossibility. Work implies that there is a clear path to success. They have nothing to do with each other.

>> No.8942429

So I have to leave my steak out for hours to bring it up to room temp? I can't imagine it would make a difference.

>> No.8942437


I said they feel a sense of hopelessness. I'm guessing you haven't been fat before. You do believe it's hopeless because you have a lack of faith in yourself and your own willpower. Or, some other excuse like "why get in shape? I'm still going to be ugly/dumb/boring/insert self-esteem killer here."

I would say that in the vast majority of fat people, it's some kind of self-esteem issue that holds them back.

>> No.8942450

>I'm guessing you haven't been fat before

I haven't been a landwhale if that's what you mean, but I certainly have been overweight due to my beer drinking habits when I was in college.

I know well the feel of being overweight and out-of-shape and then visiting the gym. Yeah, it fucking sucks being sore as shit the next day. But to me, that soreness was proof that what I was doing was working.

But I get your point that the mindset is not logical!

>> No.8942476


I mean, even when I say "fat" in reference to myself, I was 225 at my peak, which could be worse.

But it's not even that next day soreness. During actual lifting, my joints used to KILL me. Running burned my lungs so bad that I thought I was going to die or have an asthma attack. The gym took two hours out of my day that I could be comfy at home after a long day's work, watching TV and swilling beer while playing video games.

Basically, lifting on day 1 and trying to buy new foods and cook healthily were super hard habits to maintain, and I just gave up because I was tired of being uncomfortable all the time and unhappy and tired. "Why am I doing this?" was what I said every time I walked in and out of the gym for the first two weeks, and I quit.

It wasn't until I took some better advice than "read the sticky," which was to take it a little slower. Count your calories but still have the foods you like in better portions. Work out at home while you watch TV. Build some general good habits and build up to the bigger ones.

So I did that, and eventually made it back to the gym some, and I weigh 170 now. You have to build people up to this.

>> No.8942484

It has a seperate wiki, it's called like..ck.booru or some shit like that.

>> No.8942488


What I did was to ease myself into the exercise. It was blatantly obvious to me that I wasn't going to be rocking the weights like a bodybuilder given that I had been sitting on my ass slamming beers for a few years. I knew I was going to be in for a rough ride & soreness along the way.

As for the food, all I did was to set a calorie limit and stick to it. I ate whatever I wanted--same as I had been eating before--except I counted calories.

>>Work out at home while you watch TV.
That's good advice too. I bought an exercise bike and planted it in front of the TV, then rode it every other day while watching DVDs from Netflix.

>> No.8942560

Part of the problem

>> No.8942565

>obvious board to have a sticky
lol nope. At best it's a loosely food-themed /b/, just like /v/ is a vidya-themed /b/.

>> No.8942615

Are you a woman? Because I've never met a guy that struggled with weight loss like you said. I was well over 200 at one point and I just decided to go jogging and swimming over the summer and dropped below 200. I think for girls you just have to not be a disgusting slob and slowly ease into exercise. Myself and all my guy friends just work out heavily when we noticed we were overweight

>> No.8942652
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For me it is the McChicken. The best fastfood sandwhich.

>> No.8942684


Well, I was also an alcoholic. Most of my weight gain was from drinking.


>jogging and swimming over the summer

...makes me think you're still in school, and trust me, it's easier at that age, and easier when you have the time. When you're sitting at a desk 8-9 hours a day and only have 4 to 6 hours of time to yourself every night, spending two hours at the gym is a pretty big investment.

>> No.8943848

Yeah I'm still in school. When I start working I'll probably jog in the mornings and work out at home every other day. Also as a guy I pretty much lose weight passively lugging things around and playing sports and stuff. Helps to have equipment at home too, I have a punching bag and lemme tell ya second best investment I ever made, besides betting on brexit.