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File: 130 KB, 1024x624, 25-gins-1024x624_2c08d653e1ee60d55cd0da551026ea56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8939253 No.8939253 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favourite spirit and how do you drink it?

Beerfags can fuck off

>> No.8939630

I don't drink spirits, I drink liquor, because I'm not a faggot.

>> No.8939635

gin tonic w slice of lime
vodka straight from the bottle

>> No.8939654

Glenlivet 16 Nadurra. I add a teaspoon of water and sip on one glass for over an hour after long days at work.

>> No.8939683

Brandy a besto. Asbach 8 year old is my favorite, 3 year old is my usual.

>> No.8939688

Gin and tonic?

Do those mix?

>> No.8939741

vodka on the rocks, preferably titos

>> No.8939819
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what's wrong with beer?
I prefer vodka or whiskey on the rocks, but neat is fine too because I stop giving a shit after a few glasses.

>> No.8939849

Redpill me on these memes?

>> No.8939857


>> No.8939878
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This neat or with a big cube.

>> No.8939903

Cheap: Crown and Coke
High end: a good straight rye
cocktail: Mojito

>> No.8939904
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Bourbon. Usually neat.

>> No.8939922

rye whiskey, usually neat. I also enjoy bourbon and rum a lot, also neat, but sometimes mixed with iced coffee, soda or juice

>> No.8939948

Rum and coffee is boss

>> No.8939950


gin and t is my go-to

not even brit either, im asian american.

after that, baileys, then cuba libre.

>> No.8939960


oh and i also do this thing with amaretto and southern sweet tea.

then again amaretto could mix well with week old donkey piss, and i love it for that.

>> No.8939962

Favourite of the moment?

Rum, either Daiquiri if it's a white rum or lighter rum, old fashioned if it's a dark rum that isn't worth sipping, and neat if it's a sipper.

>> No.8940002

Gin with orange juice.

I like Tanq no 10 and Hendricks the most, Bombay Sapphire is alright though.

>> No.8940053

Yes. I prefer to mix my gin with buckleys - it gives it an added kick.

>> No.8940135

Whisky with 3 ice cubes (usually inch large)
Vodka straight from the bottle room temp, from freezer on rare occasion
Hate the pine sap taste of gin
Hate the aloe vera sap taste of gin
Hate the rice taste of sake
Rum is ok
Bourbon is ok
Moonshine is ok
Wine (which isn't a spirit) tastes like expired Welsh's grape juice
How into not shit taste buds?

>> No.8940193


>> No.8940249

Bourbon with lemon juice. I am a sick fuck, I know.

>> No.8940266

Gin, usually West Winds, usually with tonic water.

Sometimes Gordons and lemonade if I'm trying to get maggoted.

>> No.8940283


prove me wrong

>> No.8940732

>Vodka straight from the bottle room temp
omg why and how
It's hard for me to appreciate that. I'm just now at the point where I'm drinking whiskey straight and tasting everything and can enjoy it, even some cheap whiskey. But there is still a fear in me in just drinkign vodka straight from the bottle like a hardcore Russian.

>> No.8940747


my nigga

shit is straight up candy

>> No.8940755

Dark rum. Often and lots of it.

>> No.8940765

Bourbon or Whiskey
Usually drink it with a bit of lime or lemon juice and honey

>> No.8940808

Men drink beer. OP is a faggot as usual

>> No.8940838

Bombay Sapphire in lemon juice with a slice


Hendricks with tonic and a slice of cucumber

Runner up:

Svedka in pitcher orange juice with a couple tall boys of natty poured into it. Lunchboxes are elder god tier.

I went to college in the states, obviously.

>> No.8940844

Kirkland's Signature whatever I'm feeling.

>> No.8940852
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>> No.8940905

Sljivovica or Rakia since i can make those at home...

>> No.8940930

straight vodka for getting drunk, good beer or dry white wine otherwise

>> No.8940941
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warm, straight out the bottle sometimes

>> No.8940966

Depends on the season

>> No.8940978

If you're going to be autistic about the flavor profiles and certain 'characteristics' of what you are drinking, then you would have to be a complete moron to not realize that Whiskey is pretty much the only "spirit" worth drinking.

Vodka and Gin are defined as neutral grain spirits meaning the end goal is just the most odorless and tasteless ethanol-based concoction possible. These drinks have no character to them.

Whiskey is a different story. There are just so many variables to consider. The barrel, the level of char, the elements in the water (limestone, peatmoss, etc...), etc...

Whiskey is just more interesting. Simple as that. I don't know shit about how they make rum so I wont comment on that

>> No.8940980
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This, neat. A perfect rum in my opinion.

I also enjoy a good Kentucky Mule made with Maker's Mark Bourbon. That's about as expensive as I'm willing to go for a mixed drink.

>> No.8940981
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Jaloviina, Finnish cutted brand. Tastes great warm and cold. Tastes even better mixed with Sima.

>> No.8940998

t. has never tried gin.

Srsly, what are botanicals m8?

>> No.8941001

you probably shouldn't comment on anything

>> No.8941007

Well, at least he admitted to having no clue about rum. Just has to stop ignoring *everything else" and learn what gin is, and he's right.

A pretentious faggot, but right.

>> No.8941013

In order:
Whisky neat. Leaning towards sherried Islay whiskys like Lagavulin Distillers Edition or a Kilchoman Madeira. Closely followed by high corn % bourbons, Hudson, Woodford, Eagle Rare etc Pappys aren't over rated but fuck me if they aren't overpriced.

Gin, either in a martini, or neat if its ice cold. Can't go past a good Collins either.

Tequila/Mezcal, again neat. I never pass up a paloma though

Rums for people who want to drink seriously but can't get past their sweet tooth.

Vodka is for children.

>> No.8941019

You must have diabetes.

>> No.8941022

Eyy Ausfag

>> No.8941023

with vodka

>> No.8941024

Really, truly retarded. Try Monkey 47 next to Sipsmith and come back.

>> No.8941324

Sky vodka the birthday cake flavor mixed into purple koolaid

>> No.8941335

I like moonshine

>> No.8941347

Sutter homes red cabot in a tall, fat fucking wine glass

>> No.8941360
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Smirnoff neat out of a tin cup.

>> No.8941368

Kid Rock/10.

>> No.8941380
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smirnoff out of the bottle

>> No.8941408

Cinnamon whiskey, the spicier the better.
Drank with cloudy apple juice.
Tastes like cinnamon apple pie.

Love aniseed flavoured stuff like Pernod also.

>> No.8941413
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This, and at room temp. My stomach is rekt enough as it is dealing with litres of 40% erry day, don't need to freeze it at the same time.

>> No.8941469

There is a craft cocktail bat in my home town that serves a drink like that. It is bourbon, Meyer lemon, and simple syrup. It is fantastic.

>> No.8941486

Guys I almost died a few years back from actual alcohol poisoning because I didn't know my limit. Now I'm in college and I can't take shots or wine or even stromg beer because it brings back those horrible memories. And I can't just "suck it up" because I gag and almost throw up if I try to take a shot of anything. Is there any hope for me?

>> No.8941494

just drink fruity girly drinks and if anyone calls you gay bend them over and fuck them in the ass to assert your dominance

>> No.8941521
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Try vaping alcohol, or try disgusting girly drinks in which you can only taste sugar/creaminess, like sheridans Irish coffee cream (hive mind, was typing this when >>8941494 )

>> No.8941537

Whiskies, Armagnacs and Cider + vodka.

>> No.8941543

I know people who make it themselves and it is divine, genuinely the clearest drunk I've felt. Its almost stimulating whilst being sedating. I have nothing but praise for moonshine

>> No.8941560

vanilla stuff. vanilla vodka, vanilla rum, vanilla coca cola.
also beer is nice if you've got a dozen of them so you can actually get drunk. who doesn't like tasteless drunk water?

>> No.8941586

how many fedoras do you own?

>> No.8941600

It's like water, but bitter

>> No.8941633

You obviously are biased and don't know anything about vodka or gin. There are so many different types of vodka, for example look up zubrowka and read about it. It tastes completely different from other vodkas. Then how can you even mention gin when the only base ingredient is juniper and everything else varies from bottle to bottle.

I understand why you love whiskey, it's the most well known a manly drink that people get pretentious about. But your post was really off. Your bias blinded you.

>> No.8941643

That would be called a whiskey sour in a non-meme bar

>> No.8941647

I'm sick of this "fedoras are bad" meme. They're a classy and functional piece of headwear.

>> No.8941655

they're only classy if you're above 50, Italian and only wear them with suits

>> No.8941659

0 out of 3 ain't bad

>> No.8941661

If you're picky about what you drink you're a fucking faggot.

It's okay to like some things more than others but actively disliking shit makes you a child

>> No.8941670

here is your (you). keep practicing, you might get a real reply one day

>> No.8941678

Kraken black spiced rum.

And I either mix it into mixed fruit cider or swig it straight from the bottle.

>> No.8941686
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>> No.8941693

I fucking barfed on my porch.

>> No.8941705

>that font
I wouldn't even look you in the eyes to decline a drink of that

>> No.8941709

Can you find this rum on Etsy or Pinterest? :^)

>> No.8941711

silly anon, girls don't make alcohol

>> No.8941815
File: 19 KB, 300x409, Spyritus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be freshman
>Goody two shoes boy scout that literally turned down pot with "gee whiz, father o'harris said that stuffs bad for you"
>Living with three polish students
>Start drinking with them cause everyone i know drinks anyways
>Think pic related is what all alcohol is like for the first year of college

>> No.8942199

>Etsy or Pinterest

You're a faggot arnt you?

>> No.8942202

children under 18 are not allowed to post on 4chin

>> No.8942206

There are some really cool gins being produced in America right now. Try Barr Hill or Leopold's if you can get your hands on it.

>> No.8942210

I'm polish and I don't know a single person who drinks pure unadalturated spirytus outside of one-time party nonsense

>> No.8942245

There's a difference between the glorified slushies you get a bars and real daiquiris. Read a book, you stupid faggot.

>> No.8942622

That sounds absolutely disgusting to me. Mix it, serve with ice, but warm out the bottle? To each his own, I just have to tell you that the thought of that literally makes me shudder. And I'm not one of those people who honestly think a liquer should always be mixed or anything, I could drink Irish creme out of a bottle, just this never bode well with me.

>> No.8942701
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I love rum the most outta all types of alcohol, its lit as hell! Whiskey is a close second though. I dont really drink anything thing else unless its at a party or sombody offers me something different.

I drink this appleton estate rum, room temputure right out the bottle or if im feeling crazy 2 cubes of ice

>> No.8942729
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pic related neat

>> No.8942730

There really isn't

>> No.8942736
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>> No.8942759


Had some Bulgarians friends while I lived in the Netherlands and they always brought some Rakia to me. At first I was uneasy drinking it, but after a while I got addicted.

One day I drank Rakia with a coworker, it was aged for like more than 5 years and tasted absolutely amazing.

I'll miss drinking it as much as I miss those guys.

>> No.8942763

you are an alcoholic, i am too

i would with ice. rusty nails for when i get a good paycheck, they are easy to drink

>> No.8942783
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Iv saw that in the store and was allured by the picture of a turkey and the high alcohol content. But is it actually good?

>> No.8942798


>> No.8942824
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>> No.8942828

I think it's great. Tastes a little cleaner to me than other bourbons -- maybe bc of the rye content. But other anons seem to think it's disgusting so I dunno.

>> No.8942836
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I usually drink pic related with an ice cube.

>> No.8942870

People sperg out on WT because it's sweat af, and technically a liqueur, not bourbon.

>> No.8942881

>technically a liqueur
Really? What makes it so?

>> No.8942946

Try making a gimlet next time, it's like a G&T++
-Lime juice
-Simple syrup

>> No.8942967


Make sure to have good ice (clear, large chunks), though. If you can't get any, I'd recommend you shake *without* ice and then stir *with* ice, so as to not dilute it too far. Good luck anon.

>> No.8942989

Ok I started googling this because your reply made me concerned I was a pussy who drinks a liqueor.

I think you are thinking of WT American Honey, which would probably be sweet af and is a liqueor. WT 101 is different.

>> No.8943331

>for pussies

Liqueurs just increase your options. Adding things after it's distilled is adding flavours that aren't oak. Oh no.

What exactly makes it for pussies? The taste? The sugar? Oh no, they're tasty. They're sweet. For shaaaame.

But anyway, my preferred drink is butterscotch schnapps, but hot. Like, hot coffee style hot. Or ginger wine, lukewarm or warmer. It's winter here, so warm drinks are the go right now.

>> No.8943413

ok but drinking a liqueor by itself?

>> No.8943457


>> No.8943495

People drink straight 80% absinthe. Drinking liqueurs straight is hardly a concern for me.

>> No.8943518

Jager and rootbeer

>> No.8943530
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Real talk man, thats just kinda gay. Im not one to make fun of anyone for drinking girly beers or like Malibu coconut rum or anything, but your drinking shit thats supposed to be mixed like why dont you just drink beer? Or grow a pair and get some actual alcohol.

>> No.8943550

Rum. Either straight or mixed with ginger ale/beer.

G&T is a close second.

Brandy is also becoming a favorite of mine.

>> No.8943570

I just drank a a whole bottle help

>> No.8943579

Malibu makes me feel like a pretty princess and I can drink it like water, normally I like to drink old spiced J but my taste buds are fucking knackered so maybe its awful

>> No.8943618

Are you a finn or do you know how to getthos outside Finland?

>> No.8943701
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not my favorite but I don't think this has been posted yet.
This (or any cinnamon alcohol) + hot cider is delicious in cold weather

>> No.8943705


this is correct answer.

>> No.8943717

Underage B& are not welcome here.

>> No.8943741

Are you a 15 year old girl?

>> No.8943771
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For me it's J&B Rare

>> No.8943776

Took a shot of it once and pussed out hard for the next 15 minutes, thought my throat was bleeding.

>> No.8943787
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Tequila is the only hard liquor that actually tastes good. If I mix it I usually just use ginger ale or a lemon-lime soda.

You'll never be able to beat a tequila and sprite, shit's delicious.

>> No.8943815

Usually Drambuie, Jager, Sambuca, or Dock 57 if I come across it.

Yea I said it, I drink sugary shit from the liqueur section.

>> No.8943842

have you ever tried don julio?
I love that shit

>> No.8943855

>english cucumber

>> No.8943867

I drink everything bruh, I just like what I like.

Why are you so butthurt about my preferences? Did the liqueur touch you inappropriately at some point in time?

>> No.8943877

Rum. Rum is good

>> No.8943938

Fuckin love it, it's too expensive for me to drink all the time but I like to get a bottle once in a while. It tends to last me a long time, I enjoy every drop

>> No.8943994
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>> No.8944001

Jack daniels & coke

>> No.8944024

>activated almonds liquor
>coffee liquor
I guess thats it, i bet would love gin but never tried, ia it worth it? And share some gin cocktails aside of gin and tonic

>> No.8944214

>me: vodka straight out the bottle is icky icky
>you: "it's like water but bitter"

I'm pretty stupid. I think the reason I have an issue with vodka straight out the bottle is because of the flavored vodkas I've had. Oh, and distilled vodka from the grocery store. Absolutely disgusting stuff.

>> No.8944226


Mescal shooters
Irish Whiskey on the rocks
Scotch with a tablespoon of water
Bourbon neat or in an Old Fashioned

>> No.8944229


Gimlets would be up your alley. They're the intro to gin. Simple to make and quite tasty.

>> No.8944265
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gin with orange juice or gin w/ soda and sliced fruit.
Currently looking for a new one to try, the kinobi gin has been really nice with grapefruit slices

>> No.8944283

Sounds good but I'm Australian mate, we don't get much of the American gins in our stores down here, I'll have to get some shipped over at some point though.

>> No.8944318

Nolets gin is my favorite

>> No.8944342

Yeah i am finn. I don't know how to get it abroad. I tried to search webstore for you. But didn't find any. Try if alko.fi works i don't know if they gonna ship abroad.

>> No.8944377

I recently stumbled across the Emerald Isle. Gin, Bittersd, and Crème de Menthe (Mint Liqueur, you can make it yourself really easily). A bit dry, a a Martini Variation, really, But I enjoy it.

A Tom Collins is really easy, too. Just lemon juice, simple syrup, gin and soda water. And it's forgiving towards shitty ice. I haven't tried it, but the Ramos Gin Fizz variation sounds nice as well.

Also, I'm looking forward to making a Grasshopper. Mint- and Chocolate liqueur with cream.

>> No.8944406
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Honey pepper vodka with some ice.

>> No.8944746

Pepper in vodka is nasty af imo

>> No.8944992

I see this in the store all the time but never tried it, is it good?

>> No.8945015

>this entire thread full of people praising whiskey and gin
Is this board full of Brits or something?

Personally, I prefer brandy, rum, and schnapps. Never had tequila.

I used to drink cream liquors when I was a kid out of my grandma's cupboard. I also used to put Frangelico, Amaretto, Absinthe, or Cointreau on my ice cream. Somehow Fernet has grown on me because I drank that as a kid when I was sick. Kahlua is also fantastic. And goddamn I love cold lemon liquor.

Grappa on the other hand tastes weird and I still don't like it.

Gin tastes like pine needles and regrets, I have no idea why my girlfriend likes it.

Whiskey tastes like I'm drinking a warm, slightly sweet oak tree (I've only had Jameson's), makes me want to hurl.

Vodka tastes like nothing, I guess its good if you just want to get drunk.

I really like Sidecars. Gin&Tonic seems overrated.

Jägermeister is also good.

>> No.8945021

personal favorite

>> No.8945026

What the shit is this abomination

>> No.8945089

A good cognac neat or with Cointreau is pretty hard to beat.

Good Scotch is up there as well, obv.

>> No.8945101

Good taste, I go through several liters of this a week.

I am very arguably an alcoholic, but lately I've been drinking a lot of Tito's + Vitamin Water Zero and it seems to be near impossible to end up with a hangover.

>> No.8945239
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Member's Mark Kentucky Vodka (i.e., it's corn vodka)

+ Unsweetened Kool-Aid and Splenda

>> No.8945326

tequila and lime lacroix

>> No.8945353
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Fucking A