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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8937032 No.8937032 [Reply] [Original]

Indian food is the best cuisine. They have the best powerful flavours, and the most exiting spices. Indian cooks know that presentation is bullshit and the only thing that matters is a bold, exiting flavour. Other cuisines are boring and subpar compared to delicacies such as the goan fish curry with roti, the flavourful samosa, and the aromatic biryani. You literally cannot argue with this.

>> No.8937044 [DELETED] 


>> No.8937046

>the most exiting spices
Is that why you guys splatter shit onto your roads?

>> No.8937064

I agree OP. There are few things more delicious than a lamb dhansak ordered extra hot with a fresh hot naan from the tandoor

>> No.8937072 [DELETED] 

I'm a latent homosexual.

>> No.8937076

In with you bro. White britbong here and Indian food is miles above everything else. Sure other cuisines have great dishes but virtually all Indian food tastes fucking orgasmic.

>> No.8937080

Memes aside, Indian food is fucking delicious. I'm always going to have a sweet spot for Italian food but there's a serious case to be made for Indian cooking.

>> No.8937089

mostly vegetarian, about strictly no-beef.

Pretty good results given the severe limitations on primary ingredients.

>> No.8937096

I'm making a green lentil curry tonight. Indian food is amazing on a budget.

>> No.8937256

All great cuisines are borne out of limitations. You just have to play this the strength of the ingredients you do have. That's why indian does spices and aromatics well and German does sausage well.

>> No.8937330

As much as I would like to say my ethnic cuisine is the best, I have to say Indian food is superior to all other cuisine.

>> No.8937347
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Indians are the most powerful race in the world

>> No.8937350

What is the limitation of German cuisine?

>> No.8937352

damn bro be careful, this gif is so high resolution that it nearly crashed my browser......... IN 1995 THAT IS!

>> No.8937358

I found it on Google images and just assumed that Pajeet's 56k modem couldn't handle large filesizes. A cute gif nonetheless.

>> No.8937361

Nice joke, Dad

>> No.8937364

I know I've become a proper old fag coz I literally lol'd at this.

>> No.8937384

>indian food


>> No.8937385

Always too burnt, use too much gas

>> No.8937390

Waynes World tier joke.

Not funny.

>> No.8937413

>What is the limitation of German cuisine?

Same as most of Northern Europe: fairly cold climate with a short growing season. That means a relatively limited selection of herbs and spices.

>> No.8937486
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The presentation of Indian food isn't even bad, a nice spread of curries, rice, naan, dosa, samosas, etc, is very aesthetically appealing to me

>> No.8937492

I want that on my table right now. Looks amazing!

>> No.8937527

It is spice sludge with no finesse, and starts to repeat itself in a week. Boiled food everyday.

>> No.8937565

If you're white and British it's the law to love Indian food!
Give me a fucking vindaloo any day of the week any time of day!

>> No.8937606


oh wow, sauces with 50% oil content taste good

>> No.8937621

>most exiting spices

Quicker to poo in other words?

>> No.8937626
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>50% oil

Ok retard

>> No.8937678

Part of the reason people think Indian cuisine doesn't have the best presentation is because restaurants tend to do large portions of curries and rice presumably meant to be shared. Traditionally food is never shared off the table in India (except of course at home) and you have multiple small portions served together in a thali. Even a humble home cooked meal will have a dal, a vegetable dish, a raita or plain yogurt with a pickle. Sometimes with both rice and rotis.

That kind of presentation works for Indian food and I wish restaurants did that rather than the almost middle eastern style of big portions which are plopped on to the plate by customers.

Pic related is a thali that would be served in a restaurant.

>> No.8937681
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forgot pic

>> No.8937682

Bland and boring. Much like the krauts themselves

>> No.8937703

Leave this place and never return. Also kys

>> No.8937707
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>> No.8937715

Good Indian lentil recipes?

>> No.8937805

This is the first one I ever tried. It's fairly easy and tastes great.


>> No.8937819

If you like intense flavors and the dal to not be mushy (al dente is too strong a word for it, you need it to be cooked through but not falling apart) go with >>8937805

If you want something smoother and with more mellow flavors go with
Although I disagree with using peanut oil for the tarka. Use ghee and if you like a little bit of heat add red chilly powder to the tarka after switching off the flame and immediately before putting it in the dal. You want the oil to take on the color and flavor of the chilli without it burning.

>> No.8937845

Thali is nice but I don't mind the giant Amerifat portion way of doing it either. That's how Chinese food is done, big family style portions on a lazy susan and it's great.

>> No.8937855
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Cuisines from the Indian subcontinent are literally God tier. Personally I'm a big fan of Kashmiri curries

>> No.8937868

Whats it like having an inferior digestive system?

>> No.8937877

Haha ikr. Also turmeric is amazing for the digestive system. His guts must be fucked.

>> No.8937903

I like indian food very much, its a shame I don't know of any indian restaurants despite having a very large indian community in the next town over. They are very secretive though and keep to themselves

the only frozen dinners I buy are indian so I can have foods I otherwise am unable to try.

I'm always impressed at how some of these dishes can be so creamy despite not containing dairy

>> No.8937915
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I wouldn't call it the Amerifat way. It's also the New Delhi restaurant way which spread to most of north India and consequently the world. My belief is that the tradition started post-partition when a ton of Punjabi refugees came to Delhi and didn't have kitchens so would eat at roadside restaurants. These restaurants would obviously not do 6 dishes immaculately arranged in little bowls when they had to feed 100s of people every hour. So they would serve large portions. People probably got used to these and it evolved into the current style.

When you've been out drinking with friends and want to eat some Indian the big pot is the way to go. I just don't think it does any favors in highlighting the sophistication of Indian cuisine.

>> No.8938022

NY times is keeping me from seeing that recipe

>> No.8938039

This too?

>> No.8938060


>> No.8938066

>all this samefagging

>> No.8938070

Here. Archived as to not give NYT ad rev.


>> No.8938076
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>44 post 26 unique posters


>> No.8938077

Yes exactly

>> No.8938102

>How dare people discuss a topic in a thread. You must post once then leave the thread alone.

>> No.8938109

Whatever you say, samefag

>> No.8938150

So much love for indian food.
Made me feel happy in a generally depressing day .

>> No.8938153

Nah, India's just really crowded.

>> No.8938163

You can thank the one person samefagging praise

>> No.8938176

How many times have you posted now retard? More than the average. So please just take your autism somewhere else.

If you don't like the thread just go somewhere you do enjoy ....assuming there's actually things you do enjoy in life.

>> No.8938177


>> No.8938185

Ahh yes, the mildly flustered response I was waiting for

>> No.8938186

Are you really this triggered because this didn't turn into a /pol/ thread from the off? /ck/'s a slower board pal, give it some time.

>> No.8938194
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So you just get your kicks out of trolling. Way to go big boy!

>> No.8938204

As long as I made your day even just slightly less pleasurable it was worth it

>> No.8938210

Haha like I'd let a retard like affect my mood. Just curious why you were acting so autistic. Case closed.

>> No.8938218

I know you got upset

>> No.8938229

It's probably been 6-7 years since I let anyone upset me on 4chan brother. Nice try though. Good game.

>> No.8938235
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nice to know i broke the streak

>> No.8938239

>You literally cannot argue with this.

>> No.8938243


>> No.8938258

Number of unique posters goes up by one from this post


You're funny anon. I like you. Please stay.

>> No.8938267

who said i was going anywhere?
>implying you didn't just post from your phone

i can do it too

>> No.8938274

We'll do it then kek still same amount of unique posters.

And I'm genuinely happy you're sticking around. It's like a realtime conversation which is rare on /ck/.

>> No.8938279

I wuv Indian food! :D

>> No.8938287


>> No.8938292

Fuck off niggers

>> No.8938312

I see your doing the rounds on a few thread so I'll leave you to it.

Have fun retard.

>> No.8938346

Stop giving him replies you retards.

Can't wait to go to my favorite little Indian place in town later this month though. Their aloo gobi is out of this world.

>> No.8938399


>> No.8938453


>> No.8938518

Indian and Mexican are indeed my two favorite cuisines.

>> No.8939323
File: 143 KB, 462x599, tism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be gentle on him, he's autistic.

>> No.8939389

Yeah! Check out my blog!

>> No.8939414

Where is the blog? I've been trying out lots of Indian cooking over the last year. Would love a great bhaji recipe.

>> No.8939421


I'm just not that big a fan of stewed meats and vegetables

>muh spices

its not everything

>> No.8939443

Spices are a game changer when used right and most curries aren't stewed. They actually cook really quick but a slow cook beef curry can be spectacular.

>> No.8939451


>> No.8939458


meh you're just arguing opinion at this point

I'd take American barbecue over Indian food 7/7 days of the week

>> No.8939485

Oh don't get me wrong. If I had the choice between those two for dinner I'd probably go for a big meaty professionally done BBQ. But that's never going to happen in my home in the UK.

>> No.8940305

Have you had indian /Persian kebabs before

>> No.8940780

> hired as cook at indian restaurant
> have had indian food once in my life

Here we go

>> No.8940806
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I just made curry for the first time and it came out great.

I couldn't have done it without my friend Navi. She's teaching me to make homestyle Indian food.

>> No.8940902

i thought you were funny anon :)

>> No.8940910

wtf i love indian food now

>> No.8940948

>Tuna and Mayo
>Add Curry powder, turmeric, cumin, and coriander

Indian spices sometimes make things 100x better.

>> No.8941037

That actually sounds decent.

>> No.8941062

I love lamb biryanis.

Curries are fine too.

>> No.8941088

Sounds a bit like coronation chicken anon. Nice.

>> No.8941091

I want to say that looks nice but something at the back of my mind is saying that's just a microwave curry.

>> No.8941120

i heard your people came up with a method in wich your last meal gives flavour to the new one. Is that true?

>> No.8941173

>you literally cannot argue against my specific tastes and preferences
I will say that Indian food is one of the best if you're either really low on cash or want to go vegetarian for a while.

>> No.8941653

is this that post-ironic thing I keep reading about?

>> No.8941657

Yeah just mix a little poo into your next batch of curry and it seasons the dish a bit

>> No.8941668

Fuck off, summerfag.

>> No.8941684

Veggie korma is my shit. I am just getting the hang of it. It's missing something still though, I use roasted cashews, roasted almonds for the paste, pineapple, those kumato meme tomatoes for the curry (they're the same price as regular ones where I go), frozen mixed veggies, cloves, fenugreek seeds, coriander seeds, and one serrano chile. I can't find fenugreek leaves anywhere.

>> No.8941689

A korma by definition contains cream or yoghurt, anon.

>> No.8941698

Yea all the important stuff is in there too, coconut cream, vidalia onions, garam masala, etc. I even throw in a little maple syrup.

>> No.8941710

Is Indian food from India or is it from the Indians in America? Like the native Americans?..

>> No.8941738

>from India

Native American cuisine is extraordinarily rare in the culinary scene.

>> No.8941759

Indian curry is the best
absolutely nothing can top it

>> No.8941812
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It is harder to make than Wendy's, taco Bell or ramen so I guess that explains why this board hates it so.

>> No.8942431

It's cause we took all their ingredients and made it part of our cuisine so their's not much new Native American cuisine can offer at least in the US

>> No.8942482

I think corn should at least count, they domesticated it.

>> No.8942491

It's more like they were too busy obtaining food, shelter and clothing to care very much how it was seasoned. That's like saying, gee whiz, I wonder why we don't have any paleolithic man recipes. They had roasted and stewed meats and vegetables, flatbreads, dried and smoked meats and dried fruits. They used wild herbs like sage, sorrel, etc.

>> No.8942494

I made garlic chili oil today and holy shit. Way too spicy, I used fresh serrano seeds on top of red pepper flakes. Cloves, fenugreek, peppercorns, I can barely eat this.

>> No.8942496

Yeah, but corn is an ingredient, not a dish.

I suppose that things like tortillas (the Mexican type) are technically Native American, but AFIK that's more central American than it is "American Indian" like most people think of when discussing the term "Native American".

>> No.8942499

I've tried making a lot of different kinds of Indian dishes over the years. Both western restaurant style dishes as well as "authentic" Indian ones. However almost none of them turn out as tasty as some of the Indian restaurant dishes I've had.

Sometimes it feels like they're lacking richness, but that might just be that they use more yogurt, cream, butter or ghee than I do, but often it's less distinct. As if my dishes are just lucking something fundamental. Perhaps I'm just fucking terrible at making Indian food.

>> No.8942500

*referring to North American native americans, not mesoamerica or south america.

>> No.8942528

That's what I'm trying to say though.
We ended up taking sage, corn, tomatoes etc and started making them part of our culinary culture like cornbread grits spaghetti smoked salmon or an even more recent addition buffalo. Not saying they didn't have their own type of food it's that we took their food and claimed it as ours

>> No.8942529


I love you all.

>> No.8942532


You're talking about ingredients, not dishes.

>> No.8942599

Well, you guys convinced me. Definitely gonna get some Indian this weekend after payday.

Used to work in an Indian restaurant. It was a horrible experience (an Indian restaurant where the owners were an Indian chef and his Jewish wife. Stereotypes are true, I had to fight to get my paychecks) but the food was fucking spectacular.

>> No.8942664

I'm only really a fan of Madras curry, don't like the taste of much else. Maybe it's because i've only tried store bought but I thought Tikka Masala stuff was awful.

>> No.8942666

It's because its too glossy and smooth. Curries made at home are usually chunkier cause who'll go through the trouble of blending and straining the onion-tomato grave before adding the meat and/or veg.

>> No.8942668

if it's the best food why does it make them all smell like shit?

>> No.8942739


>> No.8942773

i agree, indian food just proves that complex spice mixtures do wonders. had my first authentic indian curry in japan where an indian guy had this small business at the train station. sounds bad i know but its norm over there to have good food in weird areas. i digress. it was amazing.

>> No.8942878

curry lingers, a lot

pair with cheap incense and you're pretty much fucked

>> No.8943415
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if i could cook one cuisine at home consistently well, it would be indian. i love how healthy a good saag dal is, or how spicy a vindaloo can be. plus, as a white boy, many of the flavors taste alien to me. i totally get why the brits conquered half the world in search of better chow.

>> No.8944264
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>maple syrup

>> No.8944358
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Naw, I made everything from scratch..

Im trying to get as close to restaurant quality so I took the time to get a good even consistency. I'm very picky about texture.ls.

Here's a pic of my leftovers. Don't mind the measuring cup. My ladle was dirty.

>> No.8944419

>just walked out of an Indian restaurant
>had some glorious butter chicken rice and naan
>cost $23 AUD
>mfw I looked on the menu after I paid and saw they had this special called the "Boss Special"
>two currys, two naans, two rottis for $23.50

Those motherfuckers.

>> No.8944437

It's better than sugar, more nutty

>> No.8944438


Must be samefag
it's all overspiced shit, spiced so strong to hide the dead meats/rotten legumes
try harder faggots

>> No.8944444

As if cloves, fenugreek, pepper, etc are bad when you put them on fresh meat? Stupid fag

>> No.8944469


>> No.8944536 [DELETED] 


>> No.8944554
File: 329 KB, 700x525, currynaan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or is curry 100 times better when it's served in those metallic bowls with the handles?


>> No.8944566

I like meat, don't care for beans and don't like spicy food in the hot sense, how does their food appeal to me?

>> No.8944653

Checked, faggo-boi btfo
Indian food best food.

>> No.8944673

The only cuisine that comes close to Indian is Ethiopian. That shit is cash.

>> No.8944682

>spicy food in the hot sense

Isn't that sort of backwards, or redundant? I don't know that I've ever heard someone say spicy and then get confused as to whether they meant temperature or pungency.

>> No.8944706

I want to try Indian food. What's the best way to be sure that there won't be any feces in my meal?

>> No.8944711

Dad stop posting here and go back to drudgereport

>> No.8944712

he might mean spicy in terms of "having spices/seasoning"

white plain chicken breast eating 20 something motherfucker

>> No.8944724

Wash your hands

>> No.8944801

Indian food is shit. It smells like shit and it also looks like shit.

Most of the time it looks like mexican food AFTER you have already shit it out and plated it up.

To insinuate that Indian dishes are anything BUT third world level is an insult to the superiority of the potato.

>> No.8944805

Love you too anon.

>> No.8944810

>I have no taste buds: the post

>> No.8944816


>I've never actually tried an authentic curry: the post

>> No.8944837

Bitch please. I've been buying and making curry since before your damn balls dropped.

>> No.8944843

Someone's mad they live in a flyover shithole with no real options beyond Pizza Hut and Arby's.

>> No.8944846

Why would you be buying and making it if you think it's so bad?

You're a bright one anon.

>> No.8944852

I thought you were the shitposter responding to my post and saying authentic curry was shit.

>> No.8944857

No I was backing up that fact the other anon was talking shit.

Breath brother. Not everyone is out to get you.

>> No.8944863

I will poo all over my enemies and there is nothing you can do to stop me

>> No.8944865

Haha I got nothing but love for you brother.

>> No.8944890

Looks like you're doing a good job then. Keep at it.

Once you get bored of restaurant style Indian I'd suggest trying dishes that are more rustic and only use a few spices. One of my favorites is kadhai paneer. Before starting dry roast some coriander seeds and dried red chillies. Coarsely grind and set aside. Cut bell peppers and onions into big cubes. In a hot wok add grated ginger, garlic and cumin seeds. Before the garlic starts to brown add have the spice powder and immediately after add tomato puree. Let the tomato cook a bit and add the peppers and onion. Cook them to the point where they've still got a bit of crunch to them but are cooked. Turn off the flame and add cubed paneer. Taste for salt. Finish with the rest of the spice mixture and cilantro. Optional: finish with a knob of butter or some cream.

This dish and similar dishes with one or two spices really helped me understand what each spice brings to the dish.

>> No.8944949

Don't forget the best rice.

>> No.8944952

Dayuum, you made me remeber my old '98 machine. I thought I was soo cool with a bunch of sonic gifs on my desktop (not the files, they were looping indefinitely). Really made the computer run slow, could barely run Little Fighter 2

>> No.8944959

Are Vindaloos spicy in england?
I hade one in Sweden and it was one of the hottest thing I've ever ate, but I assume its a western word like tikka masala and therefore subject to the chef in spiciness.

>> No.8944983

>no subtle dishes
>little to no variety in texture
It's good, but most certainly not the best.

>> No.8944986

why do you think they shit in the streets? their food is fucking up their bowels and they can't hold it

>> No.8944990

shots fired son

>> No.8944994

plenty of people shart in the mart in the west.

>> No.8945000

burgers aren't exactly known for having a good diet either

>> No.8945001

Keep telling yourself that, anon.

>> No.8945004

I've seen it first hand my man.

>> No.8945008


>> No.8945010

Plenty of subtle dishes if you go beyond the regular fare. Stuff like Yakhani pulao or any awadhi dish for that matter can be very subtle.

I don't even know where the texture complaint is coming from. Have you only had meats in gravy with naan? You have everything from crispy to buttery. It uses everything from lotus stems to liver. You have breads that range from pillowy soft to crumbly and made out of millet flour. And appetizers even in the most whitebread Indian restaurant have plenty of texture.

>> No.8945013

must have eaten indian food

>> No.8945036

Indian food ain't big in the USA, anon.

>> No.8945038


>> No.8945086

indian food is good but nothing compared to nepalese

>> No.8945698

they shit in the streets because there's no irrigation or toilet system that is available to all people in the country, you fucking dope.

>> No.8945914
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>> No.8945984

Wh-Where's Henri

>> No.8946162

I love Indian food so much!! Traveling to India in July until October and my partner has planned for me to take a cooking class in every major city or each region!! Im so excited to learn

>> No.8946177
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>buy American paneer
>it's trash
I hate India but it's the only place I can get good paneer and mangos

>> No.8946487


>cook food in sauce
>spill said food and sauce on rice or naan

I like the taste of some dishes but far from the best

>> No.8946539

Mangos are a legitimate gripe. But you can just make paneer at home. The simplest of any cheese to make. And you can probably buy Alphonso right now. At a ridiculous price albeit.

>> No.8946978

How can you master spices but not the toilet?

>> No.8948428
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>spices aren't everything

Did you even watch shokugeki no souma?

>> No.8948568

So glad I have an Indian gf who taught me the ropes on things ranging from basic curries to dosas and keema.
She recently said that she'd never make goat meat curry herself again after tasting mine the other day. Taught me well.

>> No.8948583

So many whites getting mad ITT because /ck/ prefers indian cuisine over their overpriced, bland food. I love this.

>> No.8948618

You know I have the same problem. I can never get my curry as thick either and I still don't understand seeds in all honesty.

>> No.8948682

Lots of whites pro Indian food in here too anon. Just saying.