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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8936852 No.8936852 [Reply] [Original]

Assuming that your food was handed to you by someone who was retarded, cooked by someone who was retarded, or had someone otherwise mentally handicapped working with your food anytime during production, would you still eat it? Would you be concerned about biting into a booger sandwich?

>> No.8936859

why do you see us retards like that

>> No.8936864

no, of course not, but we usually end up getting our meals made by niggers anyways so what's the difference?

>> No.8936880

There's a cafe in my town that is staffed entirely by mentally disabled people, from autismos to downies. The managers aren't retarded, but the chefs and servers are.

The food is legitimately good and so is the service. I'd go there regularly if it was close to my home/work, it's a really good program to get them contributing to society in a real way.

>> No.8938564

>eating food handled by retards
>not wanting to ingest fecal matter

pick one

>> No.8938570


I'll have an extra large fart storm, a side of suicide pills and a clit sammich please. hold the homo fries please.

>> No.8938648

Doesn't that describe the staff at the majority of restaurants?

>> No.8938697


>> No.8938912

No. I consider retards actual subhuman filth. I dont even like being in the same room as them let alone letting them touch my food

>> No.8938983

Well, I'll bite. Time for a short story.

> A Zaxby's opened up within thirty minutes walking distance.
> Most of the people working there are kids I knew from high-school.
> A lot of them are either dipshits or mentally ill, or both.
> Walk thirty minutes to Zaxby's, open the door.
> There's an ongoing debacle of catastrophic proportions with one of the 'tarded employees.
> Manager is trying to get him to admit that he pissed in a woman's chicken.
> 'tard will not admit he pissed in the chicken.
> Close the door, go next door to Wendy's.
> He did in fact piss in three meals, and was not criminally charged.

>> No.8939158

That sounds nice, but I don't think I'd eat it. Not because I'm an edgy faggot like the guy above, but beacause they probably don't understand food safety rules and their importance.

>> No.8939167

I wouldn't :(

Nothing against them and not because of booger sandwiches, but for as long as I can remember I always feared that eating something touched by a retard would turn me into one.

>> No.8939184

Tards are pretty good at following a routine, think of them as fleshy robots that will not fuck with your food because they are bored or having a bad day.

>> No.8939247

When I visited Australia it seemed like all fast food restaurants employed only retards.

>> No.8939329

We just call them Australians.

>> No.8939432

Not trying to be edgy here, but I live in a rural area where there's quite a bit of wildlife. When, for example, a goose is injured or defective in behavioral norms he is shunned by the flock as a liability that increases danger to the flock in terms of predators' willingness to attack the weak. Why are humans less intelligent than wild animals?

>> No.8939459

Thomas at Taco Bell was an autistic kid that just wanted some friends (and I mean real autism, not this aspergers shit), so he used to always slip us a ton of free food and would sometimes sit down and show us his Pokemon cards or whatever.

It got to the point where it was getting ridiculous - like four of us would go and end up with like five extra burritos and tacos, way too much to eat or even take home for later. He didn't understand that we didn't need him to give us free food, so we had a serious debate with each other about whether or not we should tell his manager and maybe cost him his job or just stop going for lunch/after school, so we stopped going. I bet the poor guy wonders what he did wrong... definitely sad.

That's the same Taco Bell where we're pretty sure we saw a homeless guy ride off into a storm to his death.

>> No.8939469

I used to work for this food packaging place and if we had more work than we could handle we would send a pallet of some sort of food up to this place that employed down syndrome and other special people to package our food for us.
I think there was government incentives to send them work as well.
I never ate the food they packed but the people buying it would never know.

>> No.8939489

Honestly, you sound like a fucking faggot.
>beta millenial pussy can't eat all the food and are too pussy to take it home so they ponder over getting the autistic kid fired for trying to be nice

You should have died in a school shooting, anon

>> No.8940288

Because we don't live in hoards and we don't have predators either.

>> No.8940310


We didn't tell his manager you fucking moron, we wanted this poor guy to stop fucking his own shit up and decided to bail after we told the kid straight up multiple times to his face that he didn't need to drop us 20 bucks of free food every time we walked in.

>> No.8940314

I feel like you could've made light of this kind of situation, though. Too much food? Go give it to some homeless person asking for help outside of a Walmart. Share the wealth. That kid really isn't costing T-bell dick, they use the same 5 ingredients on everything anyway so their profit margins are always going to be through the roof thanks to stoner college kids.

>> No.8940321

well you sound like a way bigger faggot than he is. Eat shit, nigger.

>> No.8940324

>justifying stealing

sure is dark in here

>> No.8940326 [DELETED] 

I would never knowingly ingest food made by a downie. If I ordered food and then noticed one of them in the kitchen I would just leave and never come back to that establishment. Let them sweep floors. Let em lick stamps. But do not let them near fucking food that will be served to others. Regardless of how trainable they are.

>> No.8940327

we live in non-darwinian society

>> No.8940338


You're not understanding - we went to Taco Bell almost every day during or after school for some food. Five days a week we couldn't go to a place where there were homeless people to drop off a bounty of burritos. And eventually this dude was gonna get in trouble. He didn't realize he was going to lose his job, and this went on for weeks/months.

>> No.8940340 [DELETED] 

Nevermimd downie losing his job, its possible by admitting you received "free food" you couldve got some form of theft charge.