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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8933868 No.8933868 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone actually had their food tampered with as a result of not tipping, or is that just a myth?

>> No.8933869

You tip after recieving the meal, how the fuck could it be tampered with?

>> No.8933873

You tip after the food gets there though

>> No.8933879

after working in the industry a long time, you can tell who will tip and who won't

>> No.8933880

imagine a person who habitually orders out and doesn't tip

>> No.8933883


I would suppose this comes as a result of never tipping but always going to the same resteraunt.

As to the question, no.

>> No.8933901

What thought process would lead to this theoretical situation? If tipping is obligatory, then how could they frequent a place without doing it? If it's not, how could staff get pissed that they're getting paid the full price?

Is it blacks

>> No.8934443

did this really need to be explained

>> No.8934478

Very few people fuck with good for any reason, because if you get caught, you get fired. Most people working in a kitchen cannot afford to get fired.

>> No.8934803

I used to deliver pizza back in highschool and I kept notes on regulars who didn't tip.
Spit, snot, and a bit of dandruff for good measure on their zas made up for it.
Never had any complaints, quit after two years when I left for college.

>> No.8934816

>is it blacks

>> No.8934836

No you didn't.

>> No.8934841

I would never tamper with someone's food anon. Even though people piss me off a lot, I still wouldn't do it. Those people are pieces of shit who do it. Granted, I'm not a waiter and I work at a place that pays us good. Whether you're a dishwasher or the head chef.

>> No.8934876

Oh, well if you say so.
Guess you know my life better than me.

>> No.8934896

On the other hand, how often do tippers get better service? When I go to food carts, I always drop a 1 in the tip jar when I order just in case it would make a difference.

>> No.8934900

I doubt people intentionally tamper with it. But I worked slinging pizzas in the kitchen of a major chain through college and I can assure you my sweat dripped onto them during busy periods. Also, if one was dropped onto the floor coming out of the oven, it was served. Needless to say, I don't eat out much.

>> No.8934901

>Is it blacks
Even antifa weirdos who have worked in service industry long enough will tell you black people don't tip

>> No.8934915

guess black people are red-pilled then.

>> No.8934925

This never happened

>> No.8934944

Did the entire bus clap?

>> No.8934958

>major chain
>if one was dropped onto the floor coming out of the oven, it was served
Major bullshit alert
>t. worked in food service through college

>> No.8934966

I-is that girl going to get dicked? My instincts are screaming "yes"

>> No.8934977

Family member of mine works for a large pizza company as a driver. You know the people that do and don't tip. The non-tippers (i.e. blacks) either get their pizza improperly cut (not cut through all the way) and get their pizza placed above the fan of the driver's car so it's cold.

My rule of thumb is under $15 order = $2 tip, $15+ = $3 tip, $20+ = $4 and up.

>> No.8934984

she's 13

>> No.8935167

>Major bullshit alert

Lel, may have been true at your place, not mine. The manager would say, take care of everything and leave between 6PM-10PM on a Saturday night and I was a part time worker but I was fast and competent. Sweat was dripped, pizzas were dropped and a waitress that I was fucking had a pitcher of beer for me in the walk-in. Fun when you're a kid.

>> No.8935174

The people who don't tip are the ones that are also most likely to fuck with your food - completely indecent trash.

>> No.8935185

>how often do tippers get better service?

My pizzas are also 15-20 minutes ahead of schedule. I always tip around 30% in cash (rounded to the dollar).

Coincidence? Could be. I've never asked. But when a delivery guy has 3 orders in his Geo Metro and 1 of them is know to be a good tipper and wasn't a crazy distance away, wouldn't you go to them first?

>> No.8935190

Okay but is she getting the D?

>> No.8935193

>pitcher of beer
well that explains your brain damage

>> No.8935196

>wouldn't you go to them first?

I'd plan my route so I delivered to the one nearest the store first and then minimised my route our and back, you fucking loon.

>> No.8935201

>jim henson.jpg

>> No.8935203

>Is it blacks
Shitty people don't tip. I've gotten a hundred dollar tip from a black guy and I've gotten a shit load of nothing from other black people. I've gotten a shit lot of nothing from redneck fucks, too. IMHO you can tell right away if you're going to get a tip and act accordingly.

>> No.8935215


No, you wouldn't. It's a rule of potential. If you find a good tipper, you give them good service because they're potentially worth more money than the other 2. If the good tipper gets shit service, then you end up with 3 mediocre tippers and you lose money. Only a complete idiot would risk losing his big tipper just because it takes 2 more stop lights than the other person.

>> No.8935216


only cucks tip, if theres something wrong with my good i wont hesitate to talk to a manager as well as corporate and give them the name of the wage cuck that delivered my food

>> No.8935224

>I'm just going to drive right across town to this guy first because he'll give me $1 more than the other guy.

You're delusional. Utterly insane.

>> No.8935227

>you can tell right away if you're going to get a tip and act accordingly.

It's not always race. But also party. A man and a woman 21-25 will likely be worth decent money since the man has to impress his lady friend. A family of 4 is going to get out a calculator and get the exact percentage. A group of 12 ladies that just got out of church are the worst possible table you can get, because you aren't going to be tipped and you'll be busting your ass for 2 hours tending to them.

As for delivery, there's also neighborhoods to consider. Once you get their, the condition of their lawn and flowerbeds are fantastic indicators. A well maintained landscape is always a good sign.

>> No.8935231

it sucks because i like to tip well but the dominoes guy every once in a while fucks up, like last time it had no buffalo sauce on the wings and i ordered extra blue cheese. i like to help the guys out but fuck them if they mess up half of the order. and i cant give a shit tip next time, it might be a different person and theyll probably be perfectly fine.

>> No.8935235

>redneck fucks
aint no black man, no asian, no jew ever treated me wrong. rednecks though are fucking scum

>> No.8935236


Across town? You realize that most pizza places don't cover more than a 5 mile radius at most? Because there's another store 10 miles away (usually 5 miles away). Orders are usually not more than 10 minutes apart, and there's a good chance that no path or priority you take will be quicker than another.

>> No.8935245

>this thread
americans are bloody insane

>> No.8935251
File: 41 KB, 540x294, deliv01-W5401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Across town? You realize that most pizza places don't cover more than a 5 mile radius at most?
Bruh. Half the people on this board think Starbucks is a fancy gourmet hipster coffee shop. 5 miles is probably well beyond the city limits.

>> No.8935279

>you can tell right away if you're going to get a tip and act accordingly.
>give shitty service
>doesn't get tip because of shitty service

No wonder you people get suck in the jobs where you work for tips

>> No.8935329
File: 77 KB, 300x188, mfw (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me at 15
>stay at friends house
>his older sister is smoking hot
>took soup in flask to work
>kept it in the fridge
>used to sneak into the kitchen and bust nuts in it
>im probably going to hell

>> No.8935362

I always tip

>> No.8935480

If I had a dollar for every grocery item I farted on or in, I could buy a boat.

>> No.8935507

>You better tip! God forbid their employer actually pays them an actual;l wage!

>> No.8935770

This thinking is what gets you stiffed on tips, incidentally.

>> No.8935894

Old enough to bleed, old enough for seed.

>> No.8935902

She looks early 20s to me

The pizza delivery guy though is way too old to be delivering pizza, what went wrong with his life I wonder

>> No.8935926

No i just deliver to whoever ordered first

>> No.8935929

Had food fucked with more by moron friends refusing to take of <easily removable topping> than tipping

>> No.8935941

I don't tip if I know I'm only going to be getting shit from that place once, IE when I'm on business I never tip

>> No.8935959

When you're a regular face at a local bar or restaurant and not some stingy uppity dickwad you get treated well. Doesn't matter where you are; doesn't matter your race or the type of establishment. They appreciate good business, you (presumably) appreciate good service. Generosity begets generosity. It's actually that simple.

>> No.8936026

At my local bars I get great service. First to get my drink in a heavy crowd. Extra pours, free drinks, not being hassled on last call, and my inebriation is much easier for them to overlook.

Always, ALWAYS tip your bartenders well.

>> No.8936034
File: 10 KB, 186x271, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So do religious customers really give you a Bible or a pamphlet instead of a tip sometimes?

>> No.8936048

yeah but desu I've never fucked with food

my main thing when I can tell someone is gonna be an asshole or foreigner is just to get them out fast. Got your drinks out fast, got your food out fast, got your check printed before you ask, etc. Worst thing they can say is I'm too fast which isn't the worst complaint about service one can have.

I just want their asses out of the seat for someone that isn't an asshole to be in.

>> No.8936739

None of the cooks will care
the only peopel who tamper with food ar entitled ass servers

>> No.8936755

you have never delivered pizzas ever

>> No.8936757

>not getting a christening on every delivery and being called michael joshua isaac franciscus anselm

>> No.8936758

they are obviously related.. the pizza guy and the girl...

>> No.8936762

It definitely matters in a bar situation, I used to go to a bar fairly frequently after work and always tipped well, and pretty soon the bartender that usually worked when I was there would throw me free drinks and was super nice to me. I walked out there drunk one night only having paid for a single round.

Back in that time, if a server came back and told me "hey, this dickhead at table 5 is a massive dickhead," or if someone called from their boar at five minutes to closing and demanded we stay open (it was a yacht club full of entitled idiots), yeah, there food would've gotten fucked with.

On the line we also constantly snuck beer and liquor, my cohorts would go down during lulls to "organize the freezer" (get baked) and the chef was an ex (maybe?) Meth head who was generally half a fifth of gran Marnier in the bag. And this was "fine dining." So I guarantee that there are places where your food is getting fucked with if you are a repeat bad tipped.

I would like to say, I was a shit person then, in a shit job, and I'd kick young me's was in a heartbeat for that shit.

>> No.8936770

Clearly this does happen sometimes. There's video of delivery guys and waiters fucking with people's food. I don't know how common it is but 100% it has happened before.

I guess most people probably don't notice. If someone spits on a pizza and spreads it around I don't think you'll notice.

>> No.8937356

good man

>> No.8937393

why even fuckin live

also, last week i had a table of blacks leave a tip and a table of whites not do it
must've been a freaky friday

>> No.8937589


If you order at same place often they will. Whenever my father would order pizza,he wouldn't tip much, if any. We usually got the same delivery drivers too, I think it was one if the owners sometimes, our house wasnt even 5 mins from the pizza pizza. Eventually, instead of large brown bags with the company logo on it too deliver our drinks/dips they would give it all in a small brown paper bag that would be ripping from how wet the outside of the cold pops were. Other times the toppings on the pizza seemed too be placed half assed and the pizza was a mess however still edible. Sometimes the pizzas were normal, whenever I paid I tipped but that's just because I'm socially awkward.

However I always chose dominos over all else, that branch where I lived made damn good chicken wings

>> No.8937998

I want to do things to that girl

>> No.8938175

>work at a place
>disgusting male co-worker looks at me through bathroom stall
>we constantly get call backs from customers complaining about him being creepy
>find out he placed an order
>go into the fridge to find the cook with his hands in his pants
>says he's trying to get pubes to put in this guy's food
>I put my hand in my pants and effortlessly rip a couple of mine out
>we watch him eat the entire thing
Felt liberating

>> No.8938207

>work as delivery guy for chinese takeout place run by a black chinaboo
>Just doing this job so I can buy F-zero for my supernintendo
>Big order comes in
>"These guys don't tip", he warns me
>Opens styrofoam container of food and spits in it
>Big shit eating smile
>"Go on now, don't want it to get cold, eh?"

>> No.8938213

Sounds like the kinda guy who would get off to someone watching him eat their pubes tb h

>> No.8938347


As a pizza driver I shook the fuck out peoples drinks if they repeatedly didn't tip. If it was slow and I'd get a shitty run I'd go on an errand or grab a drink somewhere on my way and let the pizza get cold. Never spit in anybody's food though.

Literally zero regrets. The tipping shit in the US is kind of shit and places should pay their workers a living wage. But the tipping system isn't going away any time soon so if you stiff me, you're just shitting on another working stiff and are an asshole and will be treated accordingly.

>> No.8938355

It's almost like you are the asshole, friend

>> No.8938361


To the 5% of my customers who didn't tip I was.

Everybody else got great service.

Don't care if you think I'm an asshole.

>> No.8938382

>Don't care if you think I'm an asshole.

It's almost like you're the exact kind of person you're complaining about.

>> No.8938386


I still tip though.

>> No.8938406

And he volunteers at the soup kitchen on off days.

You're perfect for each other.

>> No.8938430

/ck/ is garbage

>> No.8938435

>waaaaaaah they don't give me tons of dosh they're assholes
go get a real job if you want real money maybe?

>> No.8938448

> man drives 5 minutes, walks 5 seconds to my front door and hands me a bag of food someone else cooked
>expects me to tip him for having an easy job requiring the most basic skills you learn in life

>> No.8938458

Underrated comment