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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8933346 No.8933346[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>comfort food

I'm sick of these pussy numales and their faggot ass cumfy wumfy fewd :333

Stop sucking dick and grow a sack bitch. Eat food for men or go get a side of balls to suck along with your fucking "comfort food", oh my god.

And before you dick sucking turd burglars post your docile cuck replies, shove it up your ass and suck my gooch. Knowing you degenerate pussies, you'd enjoy that anyway.

Fuck """comfort food""".

>> No.8933349

I was on your side in the other thread, but you're way too upset about this and I cannot side with someone whose butthurt is so strong that he made a whole extra thread.

I hereby switch sides, comfort food is good.

>> No.8933353

Holy shit, you're SO buttmad.

Maybe you need some comfort food?

>> No.8933363
File: 122 KB, 800x1071, 800px-Aristotle_Altemps_Inv8575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If one ingests something without deriving comfort from it, then by definition it is not food. Therefore, all food is comfort food.

>> No.8933370

Damn man, why are you so mad? Whats your favorite "man" food? Probably "manly" stuff like steak, eggs, beans, hearty thick toast, dark coffee, and bacon and mashed potatos or home fries right?

Guess what you repressed faggot, thats just as much "comfy" food as it is "manly" food. The idea of comfort food is to fill yourself up and relax a little while youre eating to relieve a little stress from your day or to give yourself that boost of energy/confidence/whatever you want to call it for the stress to come.

Eat what you want and stop trying to label shit for no reason, alternatively, kill yourself.

I will agree that the classification of "comfy food" has taken a wrong turn somewhere and devolved into a meaning of "gorge yourself on nasty, overly fatty/cheesy/etc shit" instead of the original meaning.

>> No.8933375

Drunk idiot

>> No.8933376

I eat bad tasting food because I'm not a faggot that needs to feel good.

>> No.8933380

>be manly
>no fun allowed
>be depressed all life because no fun
>too manly to deal with depression
>live life like a sad depressed loser

wew really fires those neurons

>> No.8933383
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>> No.8933412
File: 554 KB, 1256x1107, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me comfort food is all about the mouthfeel.
It helps with depression to eat really nice, home cooked food.

>> No.8933440

please tell, what exactly is "food for men"

>> No.8933445

for op maybe cocks but you cant never know what they mean,.

>> No.8933452

oh, so food for men is actually men

>> No.8933465
File: 88 KB, 717x880, BackToTheDonald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling people "cucks"

Fuck of back to /r/The_Donald, faggot.

WARNING, LADS! /pol/ has lost containment of the reddit cancer, and it has spread here. Prepare to execute Operation Tango.

>> No.8933486
File: 130 KB, 1025x935, IMG_0248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're not
this faggot, then I'm Jesus Christ.

I know, right? The best these nutbars can come up with is, "UR WIFE FUCK OTHR MAN N U LIK IT"