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File: 135 KB, 800x754, fuck off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8930197 No.8930197[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there a worse gastronomic phenomenon in recent years than "craft beer"?

I cannot stand these pretentious cunts

They make me want to mow them all down with an AK-47

>> No.8930202

Look, I like my Molson as much as the next guy at a party, but it's much nicer to have a flavourful craft beer with your meal.

>> No.8930209

anon, you just hate people and want normies to feel bad. Stop lashing out at things and start lashing out at people.

>> No.8930212

>enjoying anything other than pisswater swill is pretentious

Flyovers need to be gassed.

>> No.8930215

it's ok anon if you have bad taste. question: do you purchase good coffee like Peets or do you just drink Folgers? if the latter is true for you, you are pretty much a tasteless pleb.

>> No.8930225

Grow a sack and make your dreams come true.

>> No.8930230

It doesn't necessarily have to be pretentious

It's just a new generation of people who are into brewing beer. Some of it is actually quite good and has found its way to menus at world-class restaurants.

>> No.8930232


>8.5% of craft beer drinkers have a Ph.D.

come on

>> No.8930233

>eats healthy
>majority are college-educated
poorfag detected

>> No.8930241

>mfw drink burnt instant coffee and cheap beer
I'm also a student so I have to save. If you have disposable income, there's no reason not to drink better beer.

>> No.8930242


You're the sort of guys who get pegged by your girlfriends because you're so progressive and so sophisticated, aren't you?

This is why I hate you faggots

I will drink whatever beer I like

Because I'm not a prissy faggot who demands approval from other people, you fucking faggots

>> No.8930247

alright Cletus

>> No.8930248

So they're faggots. Confirming what we already know.

>> No.8930251

Why do you think people who drink craft beer give a fuck about your opinion then? Let people drink whatever the fuck they want you faggot.

>> No.8930252

I'll take projecting for 500, Alex.

>> No.8930259

That's the point. I'll drink whatever beer I like. If someone likes Colt 45 and OE it's none of my business.

>> No.8930261

>I don't care what you think about what I drink!
>I want to murder you because of what you drink though!

>> No.8930264
File: 367 KB, 1261x800, heineken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Better beer is beer that I like

I will buy this because I like it

Who the fuck wants to drink strong, hoppy beer when you're just out with your mates having lagers? Who the fuck wants that? Pretentious fucks, that's who

I'm not there to swill some fucking strong-tasting beer around my mouth and make a fucking journal of what it tastes like

I'm there to have a refreshing lager with the lads and have some bants

Maybe it's because I'm a socially well-adjusted human being, while all these "craft beer" faggots are autistic losers who are desperate to indulge this fantasy that they are better than normal people?

>> No.8930267

>not forcing your views on others in a hypocritical manner
It's like you aren't even white trash rednecks

>> No.8930268

This is bait, right?

>> No.8930295


Let me tell you a little secret anon

Nobody cares that you're drinking an IPA

In fact, people just think you're a weird loser because you're trying so hard to be different

>> No.8930308

reddit spacing, fuck off

>> No.8930311

sorry you're poor anon. given all of these irrrelevant statistics, i think it just comes down to income.

>> No.8930312

Stop caring about what others enjoy you faggot
>UGH you're drinking a budweiser? Grow some taste and try this triple hopped organic IPA
>UGH you're drinking a triple hopped IPA? Grow some balls and just have a budweiser

Literally no difference, you're both pretentious.

>> No.8930316

>I'm not a prissy faggot

Reminder that the Founding Fathers brewed their own brew and the men that built this country with blood, sweat and tears drank microbrews. Every town and most bars brewed their own beer. In 1850 there were more than 4000 breweries in the US. It was only the defectives who couldn't fight in WWII and women who demanded adjunct lager pisswater.

Checkmate, pisswater macro drinking feminized defectives.

>> No.8930340


I gotta agree here.

I don't like most commonly available lager, that's all there is to it. This guy would have me believe I'm some sort of turbonerd as described in the OP image. But that's common when an overly judgemental dipshit jumps into any hobby and starts assuming everyone fits into his imaginary stereotype.

Hey dude, tell your lads about the pedophile loli aficionado board you're posting on right now.

>> No.8930373

this infograph is an incomprehensible mess.
the age category is a mess. what do the bars stand for? what do the numbers stand for? why are they different, and what is their difference trying to communicate?
about the total beer industry, is it trying to say men are 75% of all beer drinkers, and 95% of craft beer drinkers?
or is this industry workers?
why say industry when the subject of the infograph is drinkers?

>> No.8930388

Found the data scientistfag

>> No.8930392

>divorced guys trying to be cool think craft beer makes him seem young because actors in tv drink it

>> No.8930396

I just don't understand it. Guinness is better than any "craft" beer I have tasted.

>> No.8930401

What is the sample size? this appears to be done in the uk

Why does the bar for 26-34 year olds extend out further when the 35-49 year olds are the bigger demographic?

>> No.8930403

I drink it because it's better than adjunct lager shit. You realize the American beer industry was total dogshit after WWII and before craft right?

>> No.8930405

Hey OP, your McChicken is getting cold and your lager is getting warmer.

>> No.8930408

I'm actually a nogf virign /pol/ fag. What is wrong about craft beers? I don't drink them to get drunk but because they taste really good.
>oh you make your own burgers? just get them at mc donalds like everyone else fucking hipser

>> No.8930417

why dont' the craft been industry numbers add up to 100%?

if you don't like craft beer, don't drink it.
what's wrong with trying new beers to find ones you like?

>> No.8930425

Is just another case of "I don't like X's fanbase so I'll pretend I hate X"

It's literally more pretentious than hipsters

>> No.8930430

>i don't have an argument

That's all you had to say anon :-)



If you drink pretentious shit then you're a pretentious fag

If you drink normal shit then you're a normal person


Yes but those beers weren't mass-marketed with the idea that they were "edgy" or "alternative" were they?

>people who drink normal beer are feminized

Ahahahaha alright buddy, go into your local bar and pick a fight with the biggest dude there - chances are he'll be drinking normal beer and not your fag shit :-)

>> No.8930436

>if you drink pretentious shit then you're a pretentious fag

>> No.8930437


No it's not

Normal people drink normal beer

The only people that drink pretentious beer are pretentious people

I know that you don't like facing reality anon but it's true whether you like it or not :-)

>> No.8930443


Wow you really convinced me not to believe my own eyes there, anon

Very convincing

>> No.8930446

if you don't have any arguments. don't reply to my post

>> No.8930452

>Normal people drink normal beer

What the fuck is "normal beer" to you? If you're European, I can imagine you're fine drinking widely produced beers. But widely produced beers in North America taste like piss. No way I'm going back to Budweiser.

>> No.8930454

Yeah, clearly you're the normal one lad

>> No.8930461

>go into your local bar and pick a fight with the biggest dude there

I will be the biggest dude there and I'll be drinking my craft beer, manlet.

>> No.8930471

>I hate thing, look how edgy I can feel about things that don't involve me.

I also think it's kinda faggy.

>> No.8930476


Stop me :-)


I've not tasted American "light beers" like Bud Light - I'd like to though.

But what about Heineken, you guys have that don't you? That's one of my favourite lagers 2bh.


More normal than hipster faggots who drink hipster faggot shit


Sure you will be buddy, I bet you're ten foot tall.

>> No.8930482

heineken is swill only old women like

>> No.8930485

Heineken is alright.

Why are you so mad about 'pretentious' shit anyway?

Did a hipster diddle you as a small child?

>> No.8930495

>I liked lagers when they were still cool
face it lagerfag, you're just trying to be on the edge of the next fad. kys

>> No.8930505
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His wife left him for a barista with a manbun

>> No.8930532

I don't know if you've ever been to /mu/ but there is a popular RYM article called "100 albums hipsters love" which is a 10,000 word tirade against the dreaded hipster and all things he pretends to enjoy for validation

No one labels themselves as a hipster, it is almost always a way to attack the credibility of someone else's taste. Calling someone a hipster is saying, "your interests/tastes are not genuine, you are pretending to enjoy these things for the attention or social brownie points." It's a way to affirm your own genuine-ness, but also a way to project your dislike of something onto an entire population. "Since I do not enjoy this thing, surely these people also can't actually enjoy this thing, they must do it to appear popular." This is of course projection in the extreme, and reveals one to be self-centered and even lacking in empathy, for not being able to recognize how someone may enjoy something you don't.

Sorry for the autism it's been a slow day

>> No.8930552

idk I like all kinds of beer. hope this helps

>> No.8930557

It doesn't

>> No.8930561

oh ok

>> No.8930581

Thanks anyway

>> No.8930606

To be fair, some of the stuff on /mu/ makes me wonder.

Except death grips. Legitimately enjoyable.

>> No.8930643

>why dont' the craft been industry numbers add up to 100%?
The remaining 0.4% declined to fill in an answer and are currently in litigation and/or in therapy following a recent wave of sexist attacks by pollsters.

>> No.8930661

>26.4% longer than 41.5%
really fires up my neurons

>> No.8930687

Most Ph.D.s aren't picky about beer. Wine and liquor, maybe

>> No.8930690
File: 69 KB, 350x504, 26528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sucking dicks doesnt make you homo

>> No.8930697

you'll understand after you turn 21, which according to my math is in 5 years

>> No.8930703

What if you're in a POW camp and they'll torture and kill you if you don't?

>> No.8930704

>sexual congress is the same as purchasing consumer goods
only when i visit your mom are these the same

>> No.8930725

The disconnect between the bar size and percentages on the ages really bugged me

>> No.8930730

>those beers weren't mass-marketed with the idea that they were "edgy" or "alternative" were they?

No they weren't, just like most microbrews today. Most are produced in small locally owned brewpubs or breweries. The breweries sell kegs to local or regional bars and growlers from the brewery to walkins. Sounds just like 1850 doesn't it, Cletus? The mass marketing is done by the largescale macro adjunct brewers whose feminized tit you suck at, and a handful of large craft brewers.

Are you retarded or were you just homeschooled?

>> No.8930742

>negative connotation to homeschoolers
why tho? homeschooled students perform in the top 15% of all students on average. they're significantly more well prepared for university coursework than public school retards

>> No.8930784

Keep your fantasies to yourself anon

>> No.8930787

Craft beer is more a flyover thing. New York and LA are way behind the curve

>> No.8930801

>Most Ph.D.s aren't picky about beer. Wine and liquor, maybe
The data says exactly the opposite. People with PhDs make up 1.77% of the US population over the age of 25 (and nearly 0% of those younger than 25), yet they make up 8.5% of craft beer drinkers, suggesting they very strongly favor craft beer relative to the rest of the population

>> No.8930817
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americans will defend this

>> No.8930820

>do you purchase good coffee like Peets or do you just drink Folgers?

I drink Cuban coffee. You know, the good stuff.
Not some diluted American bean water.

>> No.8930822

The chart is about Britain though

>> No.8930827
File: 13 KB, 480x360, visible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bar for 26.4% is bigger than the one for 41.5.

>> No.8930829
File: 11 KB, 380x35, Screenshot from 2017-05-13 15-21-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will defend this

>> No.8930833

People who care about coffee are the worst. Its a low tier beverage in any of its forms

>> No.8930835

coffee isn't a bean

>> No.8930843
File: 21 KB, 535x336, fuck off euros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8930852

Where I'm from it's cultural. Everyone brews their own coffee in the morning. I grew up drinking coffee.

>> No.8930875
File: 25 KB, 243x159, vP0Gk[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not about Americans.. We all know they don't like to excercise.

>> No.8930887

Yeah, I guess that's true when they attend Oral Roberts University where the fundamental basis of the science department curriculum is that the earth is 6000 years old.

>> No.8930891

i bet $1 you fact checked my claim, saw i was right, and decided to throw a tantrum instead of conceding.
just stop posting if this is the best you can come up with.

>> No.8930905

>why tho? homeschooled students perform in the top 15% of all students on average
Probably because poor people don't home school

>> No.8930942

91.5% of Ph.D.s are not craft beer drinkers.

>> No.8930943
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>> No.8930954

that's not what the numbers said

>> No.8930959

Most euro beers taste like piss too.

>> No.8930973

i exclusively drink craft beer and even homebrew myself, but if i ever saw someone who looked like that in the OP image i would give him a wedgie immediately

>> No.8930980

8.5% do therefore 91.5% don't

>> No.8930981

>Is there a worse gastronomic phenomenon in recent years than "craft beer"?

Yes, using the word gastronomic.

>> No.8930988
File: 65 KB, 555x555, he doesn't know.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being female (female)

>> No.8930993

it doesn't say 8.5% do

>> No.8930996

no alcohol for me. coffee is my passion.

>> No.8930998

It clearly states that the 8.5% in question is taken out of total craft beer drinkers, not total PhD holders. Are you an ESL student, maybe?

>> No.8931003
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>> No.8931006

do you think those two posts aren't in agreement with one another?

>> No.8931024

No. I am not very smart, anon. I sorry.

>> No.8931036

it's ok. now you know

>> No.8931041

It's the only thing I know.

>> No.8931121

400's BC Greece just called and they want you back, Socrates.

>> No.8931133

You're all fucking retards I swear

>> No.8931157

How is anyone going to know that I'm drinking craft beers if its in a glass?

It's just a little secret between me and the bartender.

>> No.8931171

You're homeschooled, right?

>> No.8931179
File: 134 KB, 1242x810, BN-NY721_UNCORK_GR_20160510151003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how red state retards think the founding fathers drove pickup trucks and watched fox news or some shit

News flash cleetus, the founding fathers could read without moving their lips, wore glasses, spoke foreign languages, and drank and collected fine wines

They were what you might call "cucks"

>> No.8931189
File: 12 KB, 400x225, cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good coffee
>like Peet's

>> No.8931191

They also shot fogbreathing euroshits and beat slaves

>> No.8931196

I am so confused by this info-graphic

>> No.8931197


craft beer seems mainstream to me now, but it's maybe just because I don't live in a poor area or whatever. do people over 21 really go out and order bud light or something?

>> No.8931200

Yes, with their penises

Anyway how does it feel to know you've been idolizing cucks your whole life?

>> No.8931204

As opposed to people under 21?

Are you just role playing as being someone of drinking age?

>> No.8931246

>recent years

I'm almost 40 and "craft beer" has always been a thing where I live. I'm pretty sure it's always been a thing, for thousands of years.

OP sounds like a newbie beer drinker. The only difference recently is that more brewers have begun to bottle and distribute their "craft beer" directly to consumers instead of exclusively serving it at pubs. And hipsters started drinking it.

You know, you're just as bad as hipsters if you start hating on things that hipsters like just because hipsters like them. That might actually be worse.

You're worse than a hipster, OP.

>> No.8931268

I'll take hipsters over edgy teenagers like OP any day and find hipsters unbearable.

>> No.8931271

Fucking yes, the vast majority of people I see at bars drink shitty macrobrews.

I've been into craft beer since I was 15, though.

>> No.8931272

>owned firearms
>had slaves
>opposed overtaxation


>> No.8931274

Don't most Euros drink shit like Heineken and Carlsberg?

>> No.8931275
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>> No.8931276

beer has always been the proletariat mind numbing drink of choice, for pretentious douchebags to claim dominion over it is a crime against humanity.
stick to your alcoholic purple drank you goddamn euro niggers.

>> No.8931278

It's a shame how most females only drink piss beer

>> No.8931282

guinness draught is good but boring

>> No.8931290


>considering hipsters upper class

You need to get out of your mother's basement.

>> No.8931291

nah it's popular as fuck. I'll drink it, but I'd rather have a craft beer.

>> No.8931294
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>> No.8931296

New York actually has a lot of good shit

I think it's about the US actually.

>> No.8931298

>want to mow craft beer drinkers down with an AK-47.

You not only have never fired or seen an AK-47, you wouldn't know which end to hold at your shoulder, faggot.

>> No.8931405
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spending 900 dollars on a shitty phone and 10$ on a fucking warm drink every morning is middle class blue collared america.

fuck off faggot

>> No.8931474
File: 49 KB, 800x1024, leffe-blond-33cl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

False, it's tasty as fuck

I actually used to *be* a barista, how about that

Because it's fucking pretentious

Look, there's nothing wrong with liking different sorts of beers. Pic related is a "different sort of beer" I like (but some craft beer wanker would say "HAHA THAT'S SO MASS MARKET, I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU HAVEN'T TRIED THIS OBSCURE BULLSHIT FROM MY LOCAL MICROBREWERY).

Anyway these are the two aspects of the "craft beer" fad (and that's exactly what it is, a FAD) that I dislike:

1) Snobbery. It's the same with coffee actually. Again, there is nothing wrong with liking good coffee (as I said above, I used to be a barista, I like good coffee). But snobbery is where you deliberately hunt out obscure tastes PURELY for the sake of your image. And so many FUCKSTAINS these days do it. And then they blog about it, put it on Instagram, all this bullshit.

2) Marketing. The fact that "craft beer" has become such a little industry, purely because of MARKETING. Marketing to say "hey guys you will be REALLY REALLY COOL if you drink our REALLY REALLY COOL PRODUCT!" People like Brewdog, Camden Brewery, other little "craft breweries" flooding the market, they all market themselves in exactly the same shitty way, "hey look at us we're so cool, we're so alternative"

It's just such a fucking meme.

>> No.8931478


backpedalling: the post

>> No.8931482

>"Since I do not enjoy this thing, surely these people also can't actually enjoy this thing, they must do it to appear popular." This is of course projection in the extreme

No it isn't. There ARE people that only like things for social brownie points. And it's blindingly fucking obvious when somebody is doing it.

>> No.8931488

It has much more variety and choices of flavor than anything macrobrewed. That's the appeal to me. American lager tastes like nothing, so I don't touch it.

If you like it, drink it. If some hipster at a bar mocks you, punch him in the mouth.

Your passive-aggressive whining is little better than their snobbery.

>> No.8931489


>people couldn't possibly like what I don't like

and you call them pretentious?

>> No.8931501


Yeah because they are fucking pretentious

Also it's fucking hilarious that you are flat out denying that people do things just so people will like them or think they're obscure

You're a fucking idiot, or perhaps you are a pretentious cunt yourself who feels the need to defend yourself

>> No.8931519


No, I'm not denying it people do things for approval or credit, I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of someone who thinks their own tastes are so superior to everyone elses that they can call out every single person who fits a very loose profile as being insincere.

>people couldn't possibly like what I don't like

I mean, do you even understand how retarded you sound?

>> No.8931547

>good coffee like Peets
i mad

>> No.8931709

What you consider normal beer:

"Later, rice gained popularity in the domestic brewing market during World War II, due to grain rationing on the home-front. Most breweries were unable to afford the necessary amounts of barley required for production and so began using rice as a filler. This also had the added benefit of lightening the flavor of beer, making it more appealing to some of the new female workforce. After the war, the process was not changed."


>> No.8931754
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>people eat at local restaurants
>people drink at local coffee shops
>people buy at farmer's markets
>Drinking local brew is wrong because it pisses off soda-drinking corpcucks

>> No.8931772
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>> No.8931796


>Americans think beers and ales with strong flavors are new and hip
>The rest of the world are used to "overproof" alcohol and strong wheat/barely water

>> No.8931812

>stop liking what I don't like
The post

>> No.8931838

>Do you cook your own food? Wow what a fucking hipster just go to fucking Burger King like a normal person you pretentious hipster fuck

This is what you sound like right now

>> No.8931883

Dark beer tastes better to me. So does dark chocolate. I like bitter taste more than sweet. Not that macro beers are sweet, but dark beers are usually bitter, and thus I prefer dark. And to wrap this up, dark beers are usually a product of craft beer industry. Also, calm the fuck down, jackass. You lose your credibility and focus when you just whine like a bitch, as you are doing now.

>> No.8931895


Shareblue soros shills pls go

>> No.8931902 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 570x415, 1416251406865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to suck kikke cocks

>> No.8931915

>Shareblue soros

I don't know what that is, and my 5 second google search didn't hint anything towards how I feel, so you are dismissed.

>> No.8931966
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>7.62 short
>Not firing superior 5.45
Absolute cunt.

>> No.8932017

What did he mean by this?

>> No.8932021

It's /pol/tard speak that says, "oh look at me, I'm a member of an alt-right circlejerk group that has codewords so we can do stuff with muh paintball guns and MRE'S and pretend we're having muh revolution."

>> No.8932025
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>do you purchase good coffee like Peets

>> No.8932031

>replying to OP
get >>>/out/

>> No.8932092

While this is true it's disingenuous to call those people craft beer drinkers. Yes they drank a microbrew but a bar would have one or two beers. Usually a light and a dark. So most of these people would drink one beer their entire life. People who drink microbrews today will hardly even order the same beer twice in a night before they get plastered and repeat their order.

>> No.8932098

Ahh, alright. Figured it was as dismissive as I assumed.

>> No.8932117

but peets is good coffee

you got shit taste or you trying to be oh-so-cultured coffee guy?

>> No.8932126

OP you are a gigantic faggot. Craft beer is the future and you're only angry because your pansy-ass palate can't handle a real beer
Kys famalam

>> No.8932132

There are plenty of good craft American lagers out there, like Brooklyn Lager and Lagunitas Pils

>> No.8932180
File: 84 KB, 640x640, DADDY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my nigga

>> No.8932188

That shit is nasty exactly half the time. The other half it's the best beer I've ever bought. Why is AB the most inconsistent company that has erver existed and why the fuck can't they clean their tanks?

>> No.8932203

>I will drink whatever beer I like
over my dead body you will, motherfuck

>> No.8932307

Ah, the Spencer Hitler Youth hair cut lot unironically making "lol Brooklyn Reddit hipster" posts

>> No.8932333

i am 36 years old now. i remember being 18 or so and the selection in usa was abysmal. people were sick of coors, miller and budweiser and their shitty "test market" offerings being about all you could buy in terms of american. and the imported stuff was expensive and hit or miss depending on your tastes.

its great how usa has gotten on board with excellent beers. if you dont like the culture associated with it by some, ignore it.

>> No.8932352

>Is there a worse gastronomic phenomenon in recent years than "craft beer"?

Off the top of my head?

Gluten free

Craft beer is one of the best food fads to happen recently, actually.

>> No.8932421

Craft beer is pretty tasty and I like the variations and being able to try new things.

Health related food fads are infinitely worse than craft beer. Craft beer does have the aim of tasting good, where as health related fads have the aim of making fast $$$

>> No.8932435

Looks like everyone (and I do mean EVERYONE) wishes that YOU would go away.

That means FUCK OFF, bitch.

>> No.8932473
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My favorite part is when he starts crying afterwards. Says it all.

>> No.8932613

>craft beer
You fucking what.

>> No.8932616

No one calls it 7.62 Short you fuck, if you want to be a hipster its 7.62 Soviet and if you want to be a normal fucking human being its 7.62x39

>> No.8932653

t. Some upset millennial