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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8929449 No.8929449[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If someone was to ask what my home board is on 4chan, for me it is the /ck/, the best board.

What would your answer be if I asked the same question of you?

>> No.8929460
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Probably /tv/ but it's really turned into shit over the last couple of years. /ck/ would be my #2, then /v/ and /g/.

>> No.8929468

either /ck/ or /tg/, probably the latter
I also frequent /fa/ and /mu/ but they kind of suck and I don't identify with the jackoffs on there (especially /mu/)

>> No.8929471

I'd say either /o/ or I'm a tourist from KC visiting 4chan

>> No.8929474

mainly /k/ and /g/.

used to be /k//g//b/ which sounded cool.

>> No.8929477

Still looks better than most of the British cuisine I've seen

>> No.8929492

I don't have an exact home board but I visit /ck/ and /tv/ the most. Used to visit /tg/ a lot but got kind of annoyed with the community there and I stopped playing tabletop anyways, except for the odd boardgame.

>> No.8929494

/ck/ is my home board, but I've been visiting /vr/ more lately. The proliferation of shit tier threads on /ck/ is making it hard to stay.

>> No.8929513
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>> No.8929524

I'd probably go /fit/ with /ck/ a very close second. /sp/ is solidly third. And occasionally /v/ /tv/ /biz/

>> No.8929527

/fit > /ck/ > /o/

>> No.8929541

You must be a special breed if you're upset with the users of /tg/ but are somehow ok with /tv/, quite arguably the worst board on 4chan

>> No.8929555

/co/ used to be my home board, but it's really gone to shit, so now I mostly post on /a/.

/ck/ has been so overrun with shitposters lately that I'm considering giving up on it altogether (with the exception of the cat threads). I'd hate to lose my second home here.

>> No.8929558

used to be /mu/ but its become /pol/lite with tumblr kids and alt-right fags ruining every otpic

so its /ck/ /sp/ /fit/

>> No.8929561

My main 3 are /ck/, /his/ and /fit/, honorable mention to /sp/.

>> No.8929564

Without a home board atm. I frequent /v/, /pol/, /int/, /ck/, /sp/, and the occasional /x/ for spoops

>> No.8929565

i go to /fit/ for most, but i also love /lit/, /ck/, and /mu/

>> No.8929568
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probably /g/ and /tv/
i mostly lurk /ck/ and /fa/ for food and outfit ideas

>> No.8929572

mostly left 4chan, but /ck/ and /pol/ are the only boards I really visit nowadays

>> No.8929577

/ck/. But I go to /out/ and /diy/ fairly frequently. They're really slow though so I only go every other day or so. I read a lot of literature so I tried /lit/ but the pretentious culture of gag inducing faggots who think they're all writing the next "Ulysses" became insufferable.

>> No.8929589

I'm not sure how it is now, but at some point there were multiple people jerking off about their "fetish" in every fucking thread. Constantly bringing it up whenever it was relevant or not. Its a board for discussing roleplay, but not every thread needs to have two neckbeards pretending to be little girls stuffing fucking eachother. Pointing that out made the userbase very upset.

/tv/ I at least know I'm not in for serious discussion. There's a few shows I follow which have good threads though.

>> No.8929592

/a/, /g/ and /ck/
/a/ is definitely my most visited and then it's a toss up between the other two.
I rarely venture from these three boards

>> No.8929601

That's fair about /tg/.
More power to you for being able to actually navigate /tv/

>> No.8929606

ck, or gif when I want to jerk off

>> No.8929607
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it can't be worse than /mu/
well, there's a lot of fetishists on /tg/ but they seem to be quite contained
overall probably the highest post quality of the boards I visit, not counting the dwarf fortress general on /vg/

>> No.8929608

Definitely /r9k/ for me

>> No.8929612

There's a lot of quality discussion but also a lot of people posting made up stories or those fucking quest threads. They have their own board now but I haven't been back. Quest threads were also a reason I left, 30 or so shitting up the board pushing off quality discussion.

Also I'm not involved with tabletop anymore so there's no real reason to visit anymore. I quit MTG except casual, then again /tg/ is horrible at MTG.

>> No.8929617

/v/ all the way dudes
I see no point in trying to lie and cover up what an asshole I am

>> No.8929624

/pol/ but I also like /biz/ and /out/ along with /ck/

>> No.8929632

I'd say /co/
Which is a bit odd because I don't spend much time there anymore, but somehow it still feels like my home board.

>> No.8929634

Therein lies the question; is it the users who make /v/ shit or is it the nature od videogames to make people shit

>> No.8929639
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>a fa/tg/uy on /ck/ who browses /fa/

My niggah, are you me?

>> No.8929640

It's definitely just the userbase.
/v/ will always be a mountain of shit, but it's much more tolerable now that the ponyfags and the pokefags have their own quarantine boards

>> No.8929656

/sp/artan here

>> No.8929659

/ck/ has been my main for years but I've been on /o/ almost just as much recently. I think /ck/ is still my main though. I was here back when Sceak was blog posting about his degeneracy. I also like to visit /pol/ and /tv/ but not daily.

>> No.8929667
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I like mlp, tg, and /d/,

If my boards where combined I would be riding a butter stutter as a slave maid on an adventure to have a picknick with my owners

>> No.8929668

Does syrup=gravy? I know biscuit=cookie

>> No.8929675

I think for "gravy" they just use HP brown sauce

>> No.8929676
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this pic reminds me of Skyrim food.

>> No.8929695

possibly, that seems like a rare combo