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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8927940 No.8927940[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Lets discuss British food and snacks at 3 in the morning on a Lovecraftian spider collecting emporium.

Thoughts on this?

>> No.8927958

Down down the beans are rolling
Must've been the ones I ate this morning
Down to the cellar for a BRAAAAAAP on the floor
No more toilet paper use you fingers as a scraper
That's what you get for eating Heinz Baked Beanz

>> No.8927961

Are those canned beans?

>> No.8927962
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Anywhere I can get these on the deep web?

>> No.8927971

Beans on toast are decent, prefer a less crusty loaf for them
I am currently eating Tesco white chocolate cookies, Tunnocks (plural), Haribo super mix and Mars bars
not especially /ck/ haha

>> No.8927973

Why do non Brits find beans on toast so weird?

>> No.8927975

I like the bean to bread ratio. The plating, elegant and well thought out, the black pepper garnish adds a real flair to the whole presentation.

8.5/10 would Jack The Ripper.

>> No.8927980

Because it's not full of HFCS

>> No.8927991

What are some of your favourite meals? I need some inspo

>> No.8928012

how do you eat if without covering your hands in gross bean syrup?

why are you covering carbs and sugar with more carbs and sugar?

why not just eat the beans and toast separately?

>> No.8928017

Chicken and waffles

>> No.8928024

You eat it with a knife and fork

Have you tried it? It's tasty, bit of black pepper and a sprinkle of cheese

>> No.8928035

>needing a knife and fork to eat fucking toast
why would you overcomplicate shit like that?

>> No.8928036
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>> No.8928043

I guess it turns into a proper meal

>> No.8928049

>carbs and sugar is the brits' idea of a "proper meal"

no wonder you have bad skin and fucked-up teeth

>> No.8928050

>needing a knife and fork to eat fucking toast
It's not just toast, you fucking retard. It's beans and toast.

Not even British. You people are just too dumb to function.

>> No.8928054

why put the beans on the toast in the first place?

why not dip toast into a separate bowl of beans?

>> No.8928059

Why is using a fork so difficult for you? Why is it so hard for you to comprehend?

>> No.8928057

That's toast in beans

Different dish altogether

>> No.8928061

>dirtying more dishes and creating more labor because you have to put the beans on the toast just the right way
are all british people autistic?

>> No.8928064

On the other hand, the four countries that proved to have the best oral hygiene in this study were as followed:

Netherlands: ~1 tooth
Denmark: ~0.75 teeth
Germany: ~0.75 teeth
Britain: ~0.75 teeth
Surprised? You read that right: despite the constant jokes about their teeth, the British are among the best in the world when it comes to oral hygiene, topping the rankings while the United States ranked in the middle of the pack at 10th overall (~1.25 teeth).

Try again

>> No.8928066

I'm not British, you're just a fucking retard who doesn't know how to use a fork and thinks it takes actual labor to wash one.

>> No.8928070

Nice source, Nigel.

>> No.8928075

>dirtying a plate, knife, and fork just for a piece of your meme food
>dipping the toast like a normal person would and dirtying a bowl and maybe a spoon

>> No.8928080

Are you? What's so difficult about washing a knife and fork? Seems like an absurd justification for your autistic inability to conceptualise putting something on toast. Do poached eggs on toast trigger you rather than dipping toast in a boiled egg? Fucking retard.

>> No.8928084
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>putting beans in a bowl and having toast on a seperate plate is less autistic

>> No.8928095

Nobody eats poached eggs on toast, but even if they did it wouldn't produce a soppy, sugary, disgusting mess like your stupid beany-toasty or whatever.

why would you need a separate plate? do you not have two hands? did you lose one to diabetes?

>> No.8928096
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>> No.8928099

Are you okay?

>> No.8928102

Makes me fart just looking at it.

>> No.8928109

How are you going to hold two pieces of toast and a bowl of beans without a) getting crumbs everywhere or b) jeopardising the beans?

>> No.8928112

Nice 11 year old set of data I guess.
Why are you eating 2 pieces of toast AND a bowl of beans? That's a good way to get fat anon.

>> No.8928116

>moving goalposts
I think we're done here, boys.

>> No.8928121

The OP image contained one piece of toast and a huge serving of beans. You're the one moving goal posts here.

>> No.8928126

>beans on toast confuses americans
>pretend to perfectly understand the "complexity" of some shitty microbrew brewed in a fat cunts basement

americans everyone

>> No.8928129

I don't drink alcohol, I'm not a sad cunt. Don't you have an al/ck/ thread to be bitching in?

>> No.8928135

i eat marmite and cheddar on crackers a lot when the shops are shut but i hate it
dont know why i typed this post

>> No.8928139

Burger here. Always loved British foods for some reason. I've been importing Heinz tomato beans and wheetabix (before they were widely available in USA) since 2007 or so. In fact I still can't find the biscuit style wheetabix here so I still import those and the Heinz beans still aren't sold around here. Both of those are amazing. Yes I eat beans on toast too

>> No.8928141

fuck off teaboo

>> No.8928146

Why is the brean juice red if it's not a sugar tomato sauce? I had some britsanian arguing with me in another thread that the beans aren't coated with a sugar tomato sauce. The pictures say different. I can literally feel the gag reflex from the high concentration of sugar.

>> No.8928149
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Do JFs know what this is?

>> No.8928152


>> No.8928156

Irish Toast

>> No.8928162


>> No.8928164

T. Burger that drinks coke by the galon and can get Mcdonalds delivered to his house

>> No.8928167

t. obese brit who drinks Vinto by the gallon and gets Nando's delivered to his house

>> No.8928174

Can you get Nandos delivered now? Noice

>> No.8928184

It doesn't seem that weird to me. I might try it sometime. I have tried those Heinz baked beans tho and I thought they were very bland. Do limeys have to add a bunch of spices? Is that part of it?

>> No.8928194

I personally do, lots of chilli and mixed herbs, pepper

>> No.8928196
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Anyone remember these?

>> No.8928198

Almost everyone adds pepper, some people add salt, and I believe there's a load of low-fat or low-salt varieties which would be blander. Some people are more adventurous with it.
Cheese is fairly common over it as well
But you're right, it's not the most intense flavour ever

>> No.8928203

fucking hell is that a real thing?

>> No.8928224


Brit teeth are so crooked that they come into contact with food less often. Hence less decay.

>> No.8928225

yeah, they were tops mate

>> No.8928239
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Yeah I bought 2 cans recently at the world market here because I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. I was disappointed, but then I put some red and some black pepper and some salt and they were fine.

Pic related was what I was hoping for. They are damn good and if I try beans on toast that's what I'll use.

>> No.8928253

I'm not a Britbong (Americlap reporting), but I do love some brit food and snacks. Heinz beans on toast (I add quite a bit of Worcestershire sauce to them, though) is one of my favorite quick breakfasts. I also have a thing for mushy peas. They sell them at several grocery stores where I live, and I'll eat them with all kinds of stuff, I don't give a shit.
I also like marmite on cheese toast, and I like to make marmite and cheese rolls, too. Obviously, I like a good Sunday roast, and I make crumpets pretty often too. I don't make meat pies at home often, but there's a legit British pub close by that makes a good pastie. And, I love shepherd's pie and cottage pie. And I eat a lot of Indian food, which I'd consider pretty British at this point. I buy British candies occasionally, but I'm a little paranoid now, after I bought a Cadbury's Fruit and Nut bar that had worms in it.
If only we could get your fucking crazy munchie boxes here. I'm sure I'd regret eating one, but damn. I'm shocked those haven't caught on here yet, considering American's propensity to overindulge.

>> No.8928272

Honestly, British food is, while rather bland at times, really great for eating on rainy days, which is not surprising at all.

I did a fry up not long ago, my roommates thought I was a weirdo at first but they ended up liking it when I asked them to give it a shot.

My favorite thing in Brit cuisine has to be mucky fat, but that's really Northern. Had to learn how to make it, turned out to be a really cheap thing to do. I like to use it on toast for a snack. It's great, but I don't always eat it; if anything I use it to make other dishes like one would use butter.

>> No.8928301

Heinz Beans (made in England) ingredients list:

Beans (51%), Tomatoes (34%), Water, Sugar, Modified Cornflour, Spirit Vinegar, Salt, Spice Extracts, Herb Extract

Fucking 34% tomato and sugar is the 4th highest quantity ingredient. What kind of subhuman fatfuck wants to eat that much sugar for breakfast? Why don't you just take 1/2 cup ketchup and mix it with 1/2 cup sugar and save the hassle? Fucking disgusting.

>> No.8928333

American here. That's a Scotch egg. We have an Irish pub in the city my sister lives in that serves 'em.

>> No.8928342

haha do you now? *walks away to talk to someone else*

>> No.8928347

Whewwy! I've been holding that one in a while!

>> No.8928353

Beans beans good for the heart, the more you eat the more you fart. The more you fart the more you eat the more you sit on the toilet seat

>> No.8928361


>> No.8928400


>> No.8928654

>Not cooking it in your hands so that you dont dirty any dishes

>> No.8928660
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Boogy here, love your stuff m8s

>> No.8928865

That made me sad that 2006 is actually 11 years ago now.