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8927479 No.8927479 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best fruit?

>> No.8927494

Pomegranate or Dragon fruit

>> No.8927500
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>> No.8927509

I don't think there is a best fruit when there are so many different kinds. You might be able to say one type of fruit is the best of its type, ie raspberries are the best berries, limes are the best citrus, etc, but I don't think a case could be made for overall.

>> No.8927703

Why do Americans call Pitayas "dragon fruit"?

>> No.8927720

For me it is pineapple.

>> No.8927745
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>> No.8927779

this guy's right

But as a snack fruit, and not in any dish, it's probably pineapple as well. Mango holds up real well but nothing can beat pineapple for me. I haven't tried that many different fruits than the usual american stuff though.

>> No.8927783
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But you can only get them around the holidays

>> No.8927789

how are you supposed to eat mango when it's so stringy

>> No.8927805

Why do non-Americans exist?

Retarded savages. You lot ought to be wiped out

>> No.8927956

most people don't bite into it like a skinned apple, you cut it into pieces and eat them.

>> No.8928031

Strawberries are the best fruit.

>> No.8928192

Dragon fruit is a fucking disappointment and it's shit. SHIT. I could get 10 kiwis for the price of a dragon fruit and they'll be 189 gorillion times better tasting than shit ass fuck fruit

>> No.8928219
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>inb4 edgelords cry "nigger"
Watermelon is the best food on the planet, period. It's delicious, thirst-quenching, HUGE, beautiful to look at, there's lots of varieties, it's the best flavor of candy...where do I stop? The only "flaw" is that it makes you pee more, since it's so wonderfully hydrating.

Pic is an Ali Baba watermelon. I heard it's the best tasting variety. I actually had a dream I was at a watermelon farm, and a black guy dressed up like Colonel Sanders offered me some. I didn't get to try it before I woke up :*(

>> No.8928236

Did a dragon fruit fuck your mum m8?

>> No.8928297

Are you really going to try to defend that shit fruit? Tell me all about the delicious fucking flavors it has, or the wonderful texture. You know, the things it doesn't have?

I just had a "pitaya" recently. I should have known better. It looked like a strange, exotic prickly pear. I was thinking that because of the price and the appearance, I would be treated to a rare, delicious delicacy. I open the thing up and it's JUST FUCKING DRAGON FRUIT. Should have just got a regular prickly pear.

>> No.8928307
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The one thing that really breaks it for me with watermelons is they leave your mouth all wet and sticky

Pic related is the superior melon

>> No.8928312

cherries and grapes and blueberries and blackberries is the best fruit

>> No.8928317

Papaya is bretty gud

Y'all want sum fried chikken and purple drank with that?

>> No.8928330
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For me it is the skin of the toad. The best kind of melon.

>> No.8928354

>Y'all want sum fried chikken and purple drank with that?
I'm whiter than sour cream, but I'd totally love some fried chickins and purple drank right now.

>> No.8928388
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This tbqh
Wtf is wrong with your melon OP, why is it green?? I bet you're american

>> No.8928639
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>> No.8928647

Trust me, it's not worth the effort.

>> No.8928908

Pineapple is amazing, could use some right about now.

>> No.8928986
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>I actually had a dream I was at a watermelon farm, and a black guy dressed up like Colonel Sanders offered me some. I didn't get to try it before I woke up :*(
I hope you have that dream again and get to taste that delicious watermelon, anon

>> No.8929072

for me it's mango

>> No.8929079

Buy a superior Philippine mango anon

>> No.8929101
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It's definitely the banana, don't get it twisted

>> No.8929136

>calls racists edgelords
>has a racist dream

>> No.8929407

figs, mangos, and lychees

>> No.8929539

1. Grapes.
2. Dried figs.
3. Goji berries.

>> No.8929553

Oranges. Specifically mandarin oranges.

Lemons are a close second but you can't really eat them because the acid dissolves the enamel on your teeth.

Citrus fruit is all god tier.

Fuck tropical fruits, especially mango.

>> No.8929559

I wanna fuck that melon.

>> No.8929616

Goji berries a shit

>> No.8929682

There are fiberless mangoes out there.

>> No.8929720

Or seasonal

>> No.8929770
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theres obly 1 right answer, and none of you have given it yet.

>> No.8929802

a coconut...

>> No.8930444
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>tfw family will return from trip with guava pastries

>> No.8930526

Alright guys you waited long enough for me to reveal the truth so here it is:

honey dew, strawberry, plum, nectarine, peach

kiwi, raspberry, pineapple, apple, cherry

pear, banana, orange, blueberry, lime, lemon

grape, watermelon, mandarine, blackberry, coconut


Keep in mind that this list is objectively true, so any other opinion is wrong.

>> No.8930562
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Grape + Mango = pic related

>> No.8930593

listen up, newfags, last time
it's >my feel when not >that face when

>> No.8930612

if every apple i've ever eaten was disappointing, it's fine to put them in bad tier

>> No.8930653

Preach it
I work in a produce department and people always flip when we get dragonfruit. The shit literally tastes like garbage. Like if I were to sip the liquid out of the bottom of my compost bin I'm sure it would taste the same.

>> No.8930666

w-what is that

>> No.8930720

muscadine and scuppernong They are great

>> No.8930740

Apples, personally.

That said, if we're talking juice, I would say... probably passion fruit, preferably the yellow ones (might also be known as granadilla). Quite common in Brazil and holy fuck does it taste good. Never saw it outside of South America, though.

>> No.8930746

Only when you have bad taste, too.

>> No.8930749



>> No.8930754


>> No.8930762

>muscadine and scuppernong

Those words sound really made up, especially together.

>> No.8930770


champagne mangos blow regular mangos out of the fucking water

>> No.8930771

fresh figs are dope mang have you ever had one?

it's like eating jam

>> No.8930779

Not him, but they're wild grapes here in Dixie. I dug up a bunch from the woods and planted them along a fencerow 2 years ago and this year they already have small clusters. Will probably make mead from them.

>> No.8930838

Kinda cliche, but apples. There are so many types and they are all so tasty!

>> No.8930868

That sounds pretty awesome, hope it works out for you.

>> No.8930880


apples (except red delicious)



cantaloupe (poverty melons, as I call them)
red delicious apples

>> No.8930904

honestly stopped reading there

>> No.8930951
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>tfw I triggered a cu/ck/ for using the wrong letter

>> No.8931213

My melanin-enhanced wewuz. A banana a day keeps the potty in ordnung.

>> No.8931377
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>"fuck tropical fruits"

>> No.8931552

No fuck you those are shit

They're fucking SHIT

>> No.8931620

fucking this desu

>> No.8931635

100% agreed. So many people hate on watermelon and I can't help but feel like it's because they've only had shitty mealy watermelon in the past like the one in the pic.
A good ripe fresh watermelon is god tier in the middle of the summer.

>> No.8931645

plums aren't that good

>> No.8931652

Tomato obviously

>> No.8931674

>no mention of mangosteen
its mangosteen case closed

>> No.8931675


Cherries and Strawberries, you fucking autists.

>> No.8931684
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Pic related is best fruit

>> No.8931788
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Good shit anon.
Good shit.

>> No.8932637

Your post isn't that good.

>> No.8933913

>PH Master Race

>> No.8933944
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>> No.8934449

this nigga knows

>> No.8934458

Ohh man i'd forgot about these juicy bastards

>> No.8935841
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Cantaloupe? Eh, you ain't missing much.
Honeydew's the money melon.

>> No.8935850
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>> No.8935854

small bananas and lychees

>> No.8935891


>> No.8935898

In season ripe persimmons, ripe pears, and a nice juicy honeycrisp apple.

>> No.8935944

Great juice
Great in desserts
Great on their own
great in a sauce
the GOAT

>> No.8936256

>bad tier

how dare you

>> No.8936270
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