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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8923559 No.8923559 [Reply] [Original]

36 and I can eat pizza whenever I want

Living the dream

What are your freedom foods?

>> No.8923565

I'd like to have Western Bacon Cheeseburgers every two weeks but fucking memeshit drove the prices of bacon.

>> No.8923571

>all that seasoning
>raw pepperoni
Are you sure you're 36 and not 6?

>> No.8923585



Nothing better to me than knowing there are hundred of millions of people locked in an office while I sip a beer in the sun.

Oysters have the same feeling - like the tastiest shit means I must be right by the ocean, enjoying the beach.

>> No.8923594

Did they put the pepperoni on it after it came out the oven?

>> No.8923600

Couldn't have. The season is not burned/cooked, yet it is over the pepperonis.

>> No.8923601

The love of a woman, the only thing I will never know how it tastes like

>> No.8923607

those are some heat transfer defying pepperonis then

>> No.8923616

I could be your woman tonight, bb

>> No.8923620

It's possible that OP put both the pepperoni and the seasoning on it after he got it. It looks like that one really undercooked slice is on top of the seasoning. Notice that the slices in the back don't have pepperoni on them... then again, they do have seasoning.

This whole mystery is like an onion. The more layers you peel away... the more it stinks.

>> No.8923622
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just ordered a small jalapeno pizza for myself

feeling more depressed about it than anything else

>> No.8923627
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>28 and I have to watch my cholesterol

>> No.8923634

Sorry, I'm not into weebs who pretend to be girls online

>> No.8923637
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Pork jowl gives me freedom boners every time. It's just awesome to be able to get almost a anything I want at any time

>> No.8923642


>> No.8923646


>> No.8923664

The best brand of Hog Jowls is "Cumberland Gap". They used to have them at Publix, but they recently switch brands to something that isn't as good. Smithfield is pretty good. It is better than the Mia Whatever they have at Publix now, but, if you can find Cumberland Gap, it is the best out of about a dozen brands I have tried.

Pro-Tip: Bread your jowl slices in a mix of flour, salt, and pepper before frying. Cook a bunch of them as the first batch will render enough fat to basically deep fry the rest. The flour breading is absolutely important. Trust me.

>> No.8923679

>What are your freedom foods?
Alcohol, if that counts.

Sometimes I just eat a fuckton of cheese and olives and bacon.

>Nothing better to me than knowing there are hundred of millions of people locked in an office while I sip a beer in the sun.
I'm somewhere in between. My office provides free beer, and I rarely work 40 hours.

>> No.8923815

Wow thanks for the tips. I'll keep an eye out for cumberland gap. And I'll definitely try your cooking method. Never expected someone here to have valuable input on pork jowl, thank you

>> No.8923830

I don't think 6 year olds even know what spices are and if they saw it on pizza they would immediately not want it since they are used to normal looking pepperoni and cheese pizza. Gotta come up with better insults if your on 4meme senpai.

>> No.8923912

I had my own spice rack by the time I was 5 you turbo pleb

>> No.8923958

Please post a thread on here when you try my method. It is a long time family tradition for New Years Day. We eat them by the plateful with Hoppin' John, Cornbread, and Collard Greens.

Another Pro-Tip: Cut up 2oz of jowl into lardons and render the fat from them for cooking oil before adding onions an other aromatic vegetables when making beans, legumes, or greens. It is like using bacon drippings but 5 times better.

>> No.8923959

Oh yeah? Well I was certified to prepare Fugu by the age of 3.

>> No.8923989

>he wasn't single-handedly preparing cazu marzu stuffed cabbage by age 6

Amerilards, everyone.

>> No.8924046

Technically you can't eat pizza whenever you want though, I mean, that is unless you want to be a fatass and have the finances to do so. Your metabolism slows down with age as well, so realistically, you can eat less pizza now, than you could have as a youngster.

>> No.8924058


Lmao kill yourselves you worthless piece of shit. Go big or stick a knife in your throat faggot

>> No.8924335

when i became an adult with a job, i thought having my own money and freedom meant i could eat anything.

had type 2 diabetes and hypertension before i knew it.

>> No.8924343

For some reason, when I first looked at this, I saw a naked man with his dick dangling - not a pizza slice...

>> No.8924600

Im 28 and I ate an entire 14" chicken pizza for dinner. Asked them not to slice it I just folded the whole pie up and ate it calzone style. I have a BMI of 19 and I do this shit once every week or two

>> No.8924610

lots of icecream. all for myself.

>> No.8924613

lolll thats gay. how about you eat all that you want and die happy instead of living the life of a cuck?

>> No.8924618

he is a big ass fucker now and his body demands more pizza than ever. holy shit people here are retarded.

>> No.8924629


>> No.8924646

Lots of deep fried things whenever I want, specially fried pickles, actually my gf cooks them but it's the same

>> No.8925278

Clean your kitchen counter.

>> No.8925300


had a steak fries and mushroom gravy for breakfast the other day


>> No.8925356

>acid reflux that could be crohns
these test better come out clean or im screwed and can't eat pizza again

>> No.8925372

>Now that I'm an adult I can eat whatever I want!
Enjoy it while it lasts, kids.

>> No.8925394

23, I've had Crohn's active for five years
My Crohn's is bad enough that I warrant immunosuppressants like Humira and Remicade. On those, I can eat whatever I want, with no serious gastro symptoms (though massive quantities of dairy is still beyond me).

On the other hand, I'll shit into a bag for the rest of my life and I've been having ass surgery several times a year to the point where it's been a long time since I've been able to sit down like a normal human being, but - swings and roundabouts, eh?

>> No.8925407

See I remembered from the commercials.

>> No.8925616
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>> No.8925723

that sounds weird. mushroom gravy with french fries?

>> No.8925729

Häagen-Dazs Icecream. Although I have stopped eating it for about 2 months now. Trying to get in shape before I can eat Häagen-Dazs again.

>> No.8925821

I roast a prime rib every other week, it's usually how I lure used up roasties over to get my dick wet.

Being an oldfag means pussy is easy peasy.

>> No.8926665


What state is that pizza from?

>> No.8926673

godspeed anon. hope i don't have to shit into a bag

>> No.8926674

I'm 27 and weight train 4 days a week so my body is constantly repairing itself. As such, I can eat pretty much anything I want as much as I want

>> No.8926716

>spice rack
>salt and pepper packets taken from family restaurants

>> No.8927011


>> No.8927023

whenever i was a k8d my parents would beat me if i ever ate a potato, becsuse it was white people food.

now i can eat all the potato i want

>> No.8927025

>4 days a week
lol is this b8

>> No.8927046
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Hahaha classic

>> No.8927071

Cholesterol-rich foods don't actually affect your cholesterol levels.

>> No.8927241


Potatoes are indigenous to the Americas. They're not white people food, it's a "squat, brown descendent of East Asians" people food.

>> No.8928336

>Not making your own pizza

But as a serious answer to OPs question
I'm 32 and my "freedom food" is just various homemade dry sweets.
Cakes, cookies, biscuits, whatever I feel like making. Every single day I make sure i have something dry and sweet that ive made in bulk from a week before or so. I dont overeat so a batch of 500 cookies will last me a while, but is still dont hold back from eating a few fistfulls if I'm feeling like it.
And I'm not even fat
Thank you mister skeletal.