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File: 84 KB, 701x959, pasta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8919576 No.8919576 [Reply] [Original]

I've heard this is a popular thing in the south but I've never done it. Has anyone tried sugar in spaghetti?

>> No.8919583

Never heard of it in Georgia. Not even from my step-parents, who are the very picture of white trash.
Sounds disgusting. Probably a black thing.

>> No.8919585

i put ketchup in my spagheti :^)

>> No.8919587

I'm from the South and this is fucking repulsive. We don't even eat spaghetti as a whole, it'd be like a Sicilian eating dim sum for dinner.
I put a touch of sugar, along with garlic salt, basil and oregano into a small can of tomato sauce for pasta if i'm feeling lazy and there's no girlfriend to feed and impress.

>> No.8919588

Have you ever had jarred sauce? Then you've had sugar in your sauce, sweetie.

>> No.8919590

everyone does :P

>> No.8919595

Literal cucks

>> No.8919598

I put brown sugar in chili

>> No.8919602

Sorry, I'm an dumb inbred Southerner and I meant in-laws. Haha,

>> No.8919603

Forgot to mention that my brother added honey to hamburger helper to "elevate the flavor". This was in the 2009 recession, mind you, and it was 2 boxes with milk, ground chuck, all destroyed by a tablespoon. Dad was pissed and made him eat it while we had takeout.

>> No.8919609


>> No.8919612

I always add a bit of sugar to my meat sauces. That, or half a coke. I also add a pinch of cinnamon.

>> No.8919616

Cheap tomatoes can be overly bitter/acidic and benefit from added sweetness, but I usually prefer to get that from caramelized onions or carrots. If you're making a quick pasta sauce a pinch of sugar can be okay, but the sauce shouldn't really taste sweet. Also, jarred sauces usually have a lot of salt and sugar in them so people get used to that.

>> No.8919621

But a little brown sugar in chili is ok (or awesome) but you don't put that much of it into the mix.

OP's pic is just nasty beetus in a bowl
>probably already sugar in that store-bought sauce
>topped with sugar

>> No.8919624

Cinnamon and cocoa are VERY underrated in pasta sauce.
I always impress when I serve cinnamon pepper roast potatoes to family. Got the idea after reading sites like http://www.godecookery.com/goderec/goderec.htm

>> No.8919626

This is insane. I live in the south and grow Roma tomatoes for canning. They are sweet enough where only a fool would add sugar to their marinara made from them. If you want to rag on the south, I can give you legitimate reasons. This is just stupid.

>> No.8919632

yeah im from Mississippi and my aunt puts like 1/2 a cup of brown sugar in the sauce. Its ok, definitely not bad tasting, just makes the sauce taste a little more like ketchup I guess, but still no where near ketchup noodles. I prefer it without tho.

Your pic is insulting

>> No.8919638

>Cinnamon and cocoa are VERY underrated in pasta sauce
I've literally never in 32 years heard of anyone doing that

>> No.8919648

this can't be true

>> No.8919651

japs do that as well. well not all of them and not all the time, but it is a thing

>> No.8919652

Cincinnati Chili usually has one or the other, or both.

MANY old world recipes used cinnamon before new world spices were introduced.

It's not like i'm blending the pot and baking it with icing on top, anon.

>> No.8919656

not all brands have so much of sugar.

and even if they do it is less than OP's pic

>> No.8919657

Carrot should make it sweet enough

>> No.8919673

>I've heard this is a popular thing in the south

I heard it's what the faggots in S.F. and L.A. use for lube.

>> No.8919689

Everyone with a good gravy puts a bit of sugar in it.

It's the not so secret "secret" ingredient of all Italian grandmothers and mothers

>> No.8919710

You have to boil baby carrots in water for a bit with starch, but it does make things pretty sweet.

>> No.8919749

Your dad seems like a just man

>> No.8919771

I always add a pinch of sugar to any tomato sauce, but that is like a whole cup

>> No.8919778

>not putting a tbsp of sugar and a tsp of cinnamon in your spaghetti
anyone in MD to recommend a place to take my mom sunday?

>> No.8919780

I'm in Northern GA and have never heard of it

>> No.8919798

If you're making the sauce from canned tomatoes, you gotta add a bit of sugar to counteract the acidity of the tomatoes. Not so much with vine-ripened Roma tomatoes, but maybe still.


The problem is people tossing sugar in when using jarred sauce that already has the sugar in it.

>> No.8919825

Japanese ketchup in general is less sweet (though still fairly sweet overall) compared to american ketchup anyway.

>> No.8919844
File: 47 KB, 354x349, 1486319664100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happened to Paulie

>> No.8919853

I recognize this degenerate behavior as flip cuisine. They only want to hurt you.

>> No.8919859

That's not what cuck means, you bandwagoning inbred.

>> No.8919867


>> No.8919878

>raising another man's child
>not a cuck
pick exactly one

>> No.8919926

My dad would add a pinch of it sometimes if he was making it from scratch. He's of Italian descent and swore by it. I don't bother myself.

>> No.8919939

This. I can't stand most jarred sauces because they are too sugary.

>> No.8919943

>MANY old world recipes used cinnamon before new world spices were introduced.
>we're talking about tomato sauce here


>> No.8920001

By "South" you must mean Nogs.

t. Texas

>> No.8920018

I usually put a tablespoon of sugar into my red sauce when I make lasagna. You can't really taste it.

>> No.8920023

Greek Tomato sauce uses cinnamon and cumin. I've never heard of cocoa before, but a small amount would probably add richness like it does to chili

>> No.8920024

There's always a bit of sugar in any good tomato sauce. Just to balance out the bitter elements, not to make the sauce sweet. I'd wager that's a black thing.

>> No.8920031

A cuck originally meant a man who unwittingly raised another man's child thinking it was his own. Its meaning evolved to include a fetish of other men banging your wife, but that's only happened very recently

>> No.8920058

White trash is way worse, pol-shill.

>> No.8920061

yeah this. anything more than a healthy pinch or two is probably just dumb

>> No.8920073

Are you kidding? A jar of Prego has like cup of sugar.

>> No.8920114

sugar, condensed milk and cheddar cheese goes in filipino spaghetti
was bretty gross 2bh way too sweet, all the flip kids in the province liked it tho

>> No.8920123


You people are a generation that shouldn't even exist. We need the gas chambers for the empty millenial morons with their stupid notions. You people really are empty fuck ups.

>> No.8920144

How many fuckable women have you met over 30 that are single and don't have kids? Yeah, that's what I thought. The ones that don't have kids at that point generally look like they have an eating disorder coupled with a genetic failure. If you crawled out of your basement occasionally, you might begin to recognize that, you alt-right drumpfcuck.

>> No.8920170

If I'm using canned tomatoes, instead of fresh, then I'll add a pinch of sugar, since canned are slightly bitter and not as sweet. However the amount in that picture is crazy, and disgusting.

>> No.8920232

Maybe you shouldn't be trawling clubs and bars to try to score. Consider church and community service projects, where nice women of various age-groups naturally congregate.

Anything more than a quarter teaspoon for that size pot is wrong.

>> No.8920240

I'll put in a little brown sugar when I make my sauce but only about half a tablespoon.

This is just uncalled for.

>> No.8920311

There is a difference between a pinch of sugar in a tomato sauce and a fucking cup of sugar.

>> No.8920315

Found the coon

>> No.8920343


>> No.8920472

Is Japan the America of Asia?

>> No.8920488

Notice I said "good." Not store-bought shit Prego.

>> No.8920548

>turning "i was born in the wrong generation" into homicidal remarks
I disagree with a lot of current things too but that's a pretty bad way to think about fixing them. Try to lead by example instead of just saying you want to kill everyone you don't like, people will naturally mimic others that they feel are worthy of mimicking. Saying stuff like "we need the gas chambers" will just make any redeeming qualities you have get ignored by the people you're trying to change.

>> No.8920726

Italiqn-american food is truly shit-tier. Lost any of the subtlety found in actual Italian food, and is largely made using industrial food conglomerate products (i.e. shit)

>> No.8920733

Your dad sounds like a faggot

>> No.8920741
File: 609 KB, 2136x1424, Spag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also is adding milk a think. I had a flat mate that added both sugar and milk to the spaghetti sauce.

>Pic related, What I made a few days ago

>> No.8920764
File: 243 KB, 1600x1200, bolognese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just roast your tomato sauce for a few hours and stop with this crazy shit. You develop sugars by roasting, not dumping it in.

>> No.8920920

A little sugar is needed to counter the acidity of tomato
Just a teaspoon tho not all that

>> No.8920960
File: 80 KB, 746x1250, IMG_1516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God i fucking hate lonely elliot tier retards like you.

>> No.8920986

Not that shitload, anon.
A little bit of sugar is great to balance the often acidic taste of tomato. More than that is poor people's food.

>> No.8921019

If you hear something is popular in the south most of the time it's bullshit. This is one of those times.

>> No.8921041

thats what the pasta is for you dumb fucking pre diabetic shit head.

if youre really that sensetive use baking soda instead of sugar.

>> No.8921053

I make my pizza sauce with plenty of sugar. Not bolognese

>> No.8921055
File: 61 KB, 800x600, 80721321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, mixing the pasta and sauce in the pan is for black retards

>> No.8921082

well we have a decent pancake place around and on their tomato/mozarella variant they use a little bit of cinnamon which works surprisingly well. also tiny amounts of cinnamon is pretty common in lots of savory mediterranean dishes.

ive never used cocoa in a pasta sauce but it works well in chili so i dont see a reason to exclude it per se.

then again especially with italian pasta dishes its more about less but best quality ingredients.

>> No.8921095

That's from Constantinople. They don't count as real Greeks.

t. Greek

>> No.8921112

Your dad seems like a just faggot.

>> No.8921115

>Consider church and community service projects, where nice women hang out

Lel, yeah and wholesome churchgoing women are less likekly to be divorced with kids, right? Nice "Leave it to Beaver" fantasy world you live in. Now go commit the most egregious sin you can think of and ask for forgiveness so you can be "pure" until the next day when you do it again, hypocrite.

>> No.8921145

I'll sprinkle a pinch of it and a small pinch of smoked paprika on top of mine, it adds a contrasting flavor. Not really the dumping a half pound of sugar on one plate of spaghetti though.

>> No.8921151

This is just flyover food.

>> No.8921588

Your dad seems like just a faggot

>> No.8921640

Southerner here, that sounds fucking disgusting.

>> No.8921658

The pasta is for what? To counter the acidity of tomatoes? That's not what it's for at all.

Most chefs will finish the pasta in a pan with the sauce

>> No.8921667

Your dad sounds like that superhero, the Faggot of Justice.

>> No.8922411

>America of Asia
It has about a third of America's population trapped in an country the size of Paraguay.

>> No.8922414

It's actually really common in Italy.

>> No.8922430

No, you fucking idiot.. Nice bait though, this will hit a hundred replies in no time, you fucking shithead.

>> No.8922461

>if you dont want to raise another mans kids youre elliot

>> No.8923768
File: 85 KB, 768x576, 1492209933647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>father was a man raising another man's child
>"alt-right drumpfcuck"
Jesus el Christo

>> No.8923779


>> No.8924022

>ridiculing someone marrying a wench with kids
>so isolated in mom's basement he doesn't realize there are no fuckable women over 30 who don't have kids
>literally cucked by mom

>> No.8924174

never in my cooking classes have a cook told me to add sugar to tomato sauce, I keep reading this everywhere and I never understood why.

>> No.8924200

old people need to leave, women too.

>> No.8924224

this is wholly untrue and wrong.

>> No.8924226 [DELETED] 

My mom makes slow-simmered bolognese and adds just a tiny bit of sugar to the sauce, nothing like in the pic.
Equal parts beef and pork, onion, garlic, herbs, salt, pepper, tomato paste, and a bit of sugar. Maybe 2 Tbsp per pound of meat.

I have done this in the past, but I've found one step better: use molasses instead of the brown sugar.

>> No.8924235

Oh, honeypie don't you mind me.

>> No.8924316

30 year old women are considered geriatric in birth wards. Granny fuckers rejoice!

>> No.8924344

Oh hun, they're girlposting.

>> No.8924358

Gross. Use a PINCH of sugar - no more than a few pinches - just to cut the acidity of the tomatoes and enhance the natural sweetness of the tomatoes, basil, etc. No more than a hint of sweetness.

>> No.8924678

my italian heart is crying

>> No.8924902

Goddamn. Just a pinch, anon. And we sugar our own spaghetti in my house. Just like you would salt your own food, you elect to add a pinch of sugar to your own plate of spaghetti. I typically add my pinch into the sauce since I heat that separately while the pasta is cooking. Im from Virginia, so there's your "its a southern thing."

>> No.8924911

My brother put cinnamon in the spaghetti sauce.
It was bad.

>> No.8924930

Cloves are ok though, only because sausage is usually spiced anyways

>> No.8926056

yup, also in georgia, half black and my black family does this, ive tried it once or twice, it's not awful but also not very appetizing

>> No.8926152

I can guarantee this is true. You can probably pick up Skyline chili mix or frozen at the store, and it has cinnamon in it. Tastes better from the restaurant though.

>> No.8926165
File: 68 KB, 540x291, IMG_2314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger tier food. Reminds me of this

>> No.8926228

I put sugar in my Spaghetti but like 2 individual packets to add a bit of sweetness to the sauce not 2 heaping tablespoons

>> No.8926236

Just use a sweet wine. Much better flavor.

>> No.8926346

Black guy from Georgia here. I have never seen or heard of anyone ever doing this. Disgusting.

>> No.8927549

Another Georgian. I've always put about 1-2 tsp of sugar in my spaghetti sauce because that's the way my mother and her mother has always done it.

>> No.8927556


I can see someone doing this if they're using absolute shit ingredients but at that point when you need to add shit like sugar to counter acidity what's the damn point just buy better quality product.

>> No.8927601

Tennessee here. fake news.

>> No.8927611

The Godfather ruined spaghetti. fucker puts in sugar AND wine. maybe some wine would do well, but not sweet wine. eat the god damn tomatoes, enjoy the acidity. i like tomato flavor, not sugar flavor

>> No.8927942


I've worked on italian restaurants before and actually that depends mostly on the sauce and the type of pasta.

Is not rare to mix when it's short pasta, for example.

>> No.8927978

Texas is its own thing really, it's sort of not what people think of when they say "The South." They think of plantations, white trash and industrial sinkholes like Georgia and Mississippi. Not cowboys, George Bush and an economy that lately favors urbanization.

>> No.8928246

I used to eat plain noodles with sugar. I used to be made fun of for it.

>> No.8928695

I'll never understand anyone's compulsive need to add an assload of sugar in nearly everything much less to that extent.

People wonder why fuckers die of diabetes or have to get their leg chopped off.