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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 505 KB, 1415x1600, tmp_6190-WHATABURGER Drive Thru Menu Sign THOMASVILLE GEORGIA US. Hwy. 19 South Whataburger Fast Food Hamburger Restaurant Thomas County Thomasville GA..JPG-1710895414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8918431 No.8918431 [Reply] [Original]

>hello, welcome to whataburger
>home of the spicy ranch chicken tender sandwich
>we hope you have having a wonderful-weds..oh wait errr
>a terrific-tuesday.
>what can i get for you today?

.......if any managers of whataburger are reading this thread, why do you think forcing your employees to spout this nonsense at every drive through customer?...

jesus fuckin christ...it makes me just want to drive off and not even order.

>> No.8918437

The thirty minute wait doesn't make you want to drive off?

>> No.8918446


The shit tier food doesn't make you want to drive off?

>> No.8918450

Also this.

>> No.8918465

The ones that really make me want to punch a baby in the face are the pre-recorded ones.

>Would you like to try our new X today.
No thank you

I want to leave.

>> No.8918472

If a cashier actually spoke to you in ebonics and not perfectly clear english you could very easily take that up with the manager

>> No.8918480

I tried that once, pajeet 1 sent me to pajeet 2, both named Michael though.

>> No.8918482

The fact that they don't serve McChickens doesn't make you want to drive off?

>> No.8918487

Holy fuck this is terrible.
>Do you want a meme double with meme fries
>No thanks, can I get a-

>> No.8918509

Epic casual racism bro, now fuckoff back to your containment board.

>> No.8918518

Go home Davantay, this is a white board.

>> No.8918520

Hellooooo newfag. Pajeet is an /int/ meme, not a /pol/ one.

>> No.8918525
File: 90 KB, 572x640, 1458753310574.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you live in Memphis and niggers outnumber people
>mfw when 99% of fast food workers speak so poorly its almost unrecognizable as English
>mfw if I asked for a manager for that reason it would most certainly result in a small scale McDonald's chimpout, and id probably make the news for committing a hate crime

>> No.8918526

>using common names from a country to describe people's ethnicity is "racist"
>using racist as an insult
i think reddit might be much your style kiddo

>> No.8918530
File: 437 KB, 1508x1493, 1490938931821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8918534

What are you, some kind of pussy? Niggers are supposed to be the inferior race, yet you're scared of a little "chimpout?"

>> No.8918550

No /ck/ is a food and cooking board. Whites have no great cuisine except fast food and convenience food.

>> No.8918558

Who fiddled your diddle?

>> No.8918559

Tigers are inferior too, but they can still maul you.

>> No.8918562

I think you meant to say "niggers have no cuisine except fast food and convenience food."

>> No.8918576
File: 4 KB, 240x160, images-40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to be king of the jungle.

>> No.8918588

Oh thank goodness, the meme historian is here to set us all straight. What a sad and pathetic life you must have dude.

>> No.8918595

That's not true. Black people from the Caribbean can and do cook some really amazing food. Black people from Africa, not so much. I visited Kenya and all I left with is a bag of coffee and the shits.

>> No.8918597

Yeah sure, lemme just put on some PJs with my undies on the outside and a blanket for a cape, and go around beating up black fast food workers who irritate me in the name of vigilante justice. That makes perfect sense.

>> No.8918608

Tigers are predators who evolved to be killing machines out of necessity. Black people are just slightly more imposing people that you have an irrational fear of because of a few statistics.

Again, you are a pussy, and no one was suggesting you go around beating up black folks.

>> No.8918613

>Black people are just slightly more imposing
Have you seen those murder rates though. I mean really.

>> No.8918619

Only against other blacks, they aren't as forward with Whites since they would go to jail. It's crimes of convenience really.

>> No.8918639 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 349x205, Parchman_prison_convict_labor_1911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happens to the ones that committ crimes against blacks in MS. The ones that comitt crimes against whites don't end up in prison ;)

>> No.8918682
File: 49 KB, 480x501, 1485281333228.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>irrational fear

Come to memphis and check out some statistics first hand you sjw numale faggot. Shit, go to any city with a lot of blacks (detroit, new orleans, Atlanta. Chicago etc) go to any neighborhood outside of the interstate loop and find out for yourself what your typical American black "person" is like

>> No.8918705
File: 230 KB, 480x480, 1408672334450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know Tennessee lets you buy handguns and keep them in your car without needing a permit, right? If you're that terrified of black people, either defend yourself or move somewhere else

I was in a band in Hartford CT if you wanna talk about cities with a lot of blacks, and nobody fucks if you if you don't act like you're not supposed to be there

But you're clearly a very timid and irrational person in real life, so you're an easy target; not just for black people, white people too

>> No.8918801


I'm not your standard shoegazing neckbeard 4channer, I'm just hyper racist after a lifetime of negative experiences with niggers. And my jimmies got temporarily rustled by your "black people totally aren't short sighted and violent bro, reality isn't real bro stop being a crybaby whiteboi" shit.

>> No.8918835

>literally triggering people by not being racist
god i love 4chan

>> No.8918873

>apparently hasn't heard of the numerous random attacks on whites perpetrated by enormous groups of roving nignog "kids" in Memphis.
>Beale Street, the major tourist attraction in Memphis forced to enact a cover charge just to get into a public area because of roving bands of nignogs perpetrating random acts of violence
>yeah, but you're just a terrified manlet pussy who makes yourself a target


>> No.8918899

Return to plebbit.

>> No.8918910
File: 108 KB, 800x573, huhiuhiuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Epic casual racism bro
welcome to 4chan, i will be your guide

>> No.8918923

Look how your post insinuated more racism than his. Fucking kill yourself you canceruous SJW piece of shit

>> No.8918924

I hope you get attacked by a roving band of feral niggers.

>> No.8918925

I live by Pickwick and there's nothing really redeeming about Memphis. Never go there, Nashville kicks ass.

>> No.8918928

You reek of social justice and I want you to die.

>> No.8918939

the bass pro in the pyramid is kind of cool

>> No.8918948

Lemme get that chophouse cheddar burger, medium fries, and unsweetened tea ya herrrd

>> No.8918952

Rendezvous ribs are tasty, fuck that corkys bs.

>> No.8918964
File: 82 KB, 500x704, la planet sauvage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you're fun at parties

>> No.8918968

Pickwicks a phenomenal crappie lake. I live in north MS so nignogs generally stay in their place here - Parchman penetentiary is one fucking brutal hellhole. Not to mention the sheriffs don't generally treat offenders with kid gloves.

But Memphis is the closest major city so when I want to go to an asian market, wholefoods or the homebrew store I have to go there. Believe me, I'm always packing.

>> No.8919095


>> No.8919233

Pulled a 3.8lb out by yellow creek about 2 weeks ago. Hardin county is probably the best area in West Tennessee. Living out in the country has forced me to make online shopping a necessity if I want speciality or """gourmet""" items.

>> No.8919278

>Steers and queers

>> No.8919290

I know what you mean. Why have a prerecorded greeting at all if the employee on the drive thru speaker isn't ready to take your order?

>> No.8919554

>3.8lb crappie

Damn, dude that's big even by pickwick standards. I just got my trotlines and limblines set this week on a primary river that runs through my county. Amazingly, I get crappie on them too since I use seined chubs, crawdads and small panfish. It was hilarious, one time I got a 12lb flathead that had taken a good size crappie that had taken a big chub I'd baited. I laughed my ass off.

>> No.8919684

>seined chubs
>big chub

>> No.8920100

You know my friend, I think your video of Popcorn Sutton did more for showing what the true spirit of america is than my seigning bait description could ever do. Thanks.

>> No.8920125
File: 236 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n3gzpylNld1rx6hqlo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey op they're open 24 hours so days become irrelevant

>> No.8920292

OP here...everyone settle down. I overreacted. I should always respond truthfully and well spoken....
>no i will noy have a whata-burger
>i will choose the 3 piece tendie meal
>with country style gravy mah nigguhs

>> No.8920984

>it's 4 am
>i'm drunk
>fuck, i shouldn't be driving
>gimme three honey chicken biscuits and some juice

>> No.8921389

That video was ruined with the Trump shit. God I hate how fags made trump pepes. Completely ruined the meme and made it some tryhard shit

>> No.8921482

God damn that place looks cozy to live at

>> No.8921582

I wish that worked in California spic doesn't even speak English and then gets your order wrong completely then over charges you and then the manager barely speaks English as well.

>> No.8921603

That dumb nigger on the left like

>Shit mane we doing middle fingers? I was doing some bunny ears dang...

>> No.8921614

This post gave me anxiety