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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8916303 No.8916303 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best sauce to put on a steak? Sorry steak purists but steak on its own is kind of boring.

>> No.8916306

Salt heavily before cooking. Little bit of butter on top after it's done. No sauce.

>> No.8916319

ketchup u dumb nigger

>> No.8916322

everyone who replies to this post even semi-seriously deserves to be castrated

>> No.8916326

Peppercorn sauce or a straight jus. Don't put it on the steak, have it on the side to dip in a bite here or there.

>> No.8916331

>Sauce on Steak


Learn to cook a steak properly. They do not need or want a sauce. If you have any liquid touching a steak it should be either a marinade (I suggest a nice Cuban mojo) or melting compound butter (I suggest Playboy's steak butter recipe - google it).

>> No.8916335


>> No.8916336

A1 steak sauce

>> No.8916339


1 cup of slice shrooms
1 cup of chopped onion
2 cups of strong red wine
2 cups of beef stock
1/2 cup cream
2 tbs butter
salt / pepper to taste

heat pan, add oil, and sweat the onions, add the shrooms and cook to reduce the shrooms, add the wine and reduce till the pan is just barely wet, add the stock and reduce at least 50%, add the cream and butter, stir, season with salt and pepper, serve over beef or steak.

Criminally delicious.

>> No.8916345

I like a little A1 with my steak. My dad used to love Heinz 57.

>> No.8916347

>eating big fat steak
>same exact taste over and over for the entire thing
fuck off steaklet, some of us like a diverse flavor experience where seasonings complement the piece of meat.

>> No.8916348

>steak is boring
u fokin wut m8?

but if its dry or maybe not the best cut i like a splash of worcestershire

>> No.8916404

Red wine reduction of the drippings or peppercorn sauce are classic steak sauces.

>> No.8916430

A good steak butter is better than any sauce.

>> No.8916829

>Red wine reduction of the drippings or peppercorn sauce are classic steak sauces.
I combine these.

Cook your steak in butter obviously, then transfer the steak to a plate to rest.
While the steak is resting, splash some red wine into the pan to deglaze and throw in some pickled green peppercorns.
Use a wooden spatula to crush the peppercorns in the pan and then scrape up all the steak bits too.
Cook down the wine a bit and pour over the steak and mashed potato.


>> No.8916855

Au poive
Horseradish crema
Mushroom demi
Tarragon and butter pan sauce
Buerre blanc

To name a few.

>> No.8916866

Peppercorn sauce, mushroom sauce or red wine sauce.

>> No.8916873

So fucking season it instead of using sauce like a retard

>> No.8916882


I have had good results with a essence of mushroom cream sauce on a beef Wellington.
But that's a pain to get right...

>> No.8916975

>not putting milk on ur steak

>> No.8916981

>have had good results with a essence of mushroom cream sauce
Here's a (u)

>> No.8917000

What is it with reddit aspies and them pretending to be some kind of meme purists?
This shit about steak reminds me of reddit obsession with comic sans.

>loool I HATE comic sans haha fucking kill yourself haha, funny meme haha

What the fuck is your problem?
Do any of you actually care whether or not someone puts sauce on their meat? Do you actually have a reason to dislike it?
I don't think you do. I think it's a stupid meme.

There is zero reason why someone couldn't put a fucking sauce on their meat.
I don't believe for a second that people actually believe you can't put sauce on meat, like steak was some sort of a magical piece of perfect meat that can never be tainted by adding another ingredient to it.

Someone could put the most expensive best tasting sauce in the world that complements steak perfectly, and you would still whine because you want to fit in.

>> No.8917010

aioli, wine reduction, mushroom gravy are good

>> No.8917018

Some people are so caught up in trying to be adults or trying to appear sophisticated that they just adopt these ridiculous concepts as their own. It's like how if you talk to 12 millenials and the word moist comes up half of them will be all "omg I can't stand the word moist." They have no real personality so they adopt these preapproved ideas as their own. They're living in delusional states of mind.

>> No.8917039

They're fucking assholes.
It's like these people live in a sitcom. It's like a Seinfield episode where someone brings up the fact that they eat X on their Y, and then the rest of the cast exaggerates how much they're grossed out that the character eats X on their Y, then they repeat that while making faces for the rest of the episode as a punchline to the ''joke''.

A normal person who isn't fucked in the head doesn't care if someone puts pineapple on their pizza. That doesn't trigger any emotional response in me, none whatsoever.
I am glad I don't live in a fucking sitcom.

>> No.8917060

When I make steak or order it at a restaurant, I get rice on the side along with whatever sauce I think I might like

I'll try the steak. If it's not great then I'll use the sauce and make a note to avoid the steak at that restaurant from now on. If I cooked it myself, I'll work out what went wrong and adjust. End result is I learn something and still have a tasty meal

If the steak is good, I'll mix the sauce into the rice. I get to enjoy the pure delicious meaty steak, the flavour of my chosen sauce, and I wind up much more filled as a result

You could just as easily do the same thing with chips. Either way, it pays dividends to have some sauce on the side

>> No.8917066


>> No.8917069


Fuck off Charlie

>> No.8917073

cunny juice

>> No.8917086

there's quite a few options imo.
my top 3 at the moment would be a creamy blackpepper sauce with cognac, red wine sauce and morel sauce.
honorable mention, bearnaise

>> No.8917098

Use fermented black beans to cook your steak, make sure to thoroughly tenderize the steak and that it is medium rare to medium.

>> No.8917116

>millennials live as if they're in a Seinfeld episode

At least they have better taste than fucking boomers who pretend to live in a "Leave it to Beaver" episode.

>> No.8917128

>tfw you'll never be ultra conservative millenial-hating Gen X

>> No.8917131
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you will realize you never had a good steak before after this.

>> No.8917301

Actually sounds interesting. Might have to give this a try

>> No.8917374

So I heard about a whiskey peppercorn sauce my buddy got on a steak that he overpaid for at a chain steakhouse called the keg. He's a fucking retard, but that honestly sounds good and there's some recipes online. I would make it for something that isn't steak, but you could throw it on yours, since that's what it's technically made for.

>> No.8917381

truffle merlot demi-glace
i took the idea from Perrys Steakhouse
stir merlot into the fond, reduce, add truffle oil just before serving

>> No.8917382

Blue cheese sauce or just the cheese.

>> No.8917395
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>truffle oil

>> No.8917413
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>Sauce Bearnaise
>Sauce Au Poivre

>> No.8917747
File: 105 KB, 625x469, 20110611-156186-chimichurri-thumb-625xauto-165739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comeon niggers, no chimichurri?

>> No.8917769

How can you be disgusted by the word moist. It reminds me of either a nice piece of cake or a hot summer afternoon just before its about to rain. Or vaginas if used sexually but I prefer wet for that.

>> No.8917779


>> No.8917849

sauteed mushrooms and onions and butter on top

>> No.8917852

butter and garlic is normally as far as i go

>> No.8917866

If you're such a faggot, trap cum.

>> No.8918251


ITT another shit meat buyer.

>> No.8918314

>ready some beef stock
>cut various mushrooms into rough pieces
>sautee with butter and olive oil
>add a bit of garlic
>dont lrt the mushrooms dry out, put in beef stock while the shrooms are still moist
>let it simmer a minute
>blend it into a cohesive sauce
>if its too thin add a bit of water with corn starch

wa la

>> No.8918323
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>> No.8918641

Where did this "steak is bland" meme come from?

>> No.8918732

why would you saute with butter AND olive oil?
>inb4 harder to burn

>> No.8918744

I think it's people who simply fail at steak. They either don't cook it properly or they buy a cheap cut that's hardly worthy of the name "steak".

I've seen it many times on this board (and other cooking related forums):
>I wanted to try to make a steak, but I'm a noob so I bought this cheap cut rather than an expensive one because I was afraid of fucking up.
>It's kind of meh

...well what do you expect when you start with mediocre ingredients?

>> No.8918761

You're not using nearly enough salt. Like, the steak should consist of at least 50% salt by weight.

>> No.8918781
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gravy and cheese

>> No.8919544

I wonder why cheese on steak isn't more common. Sounds delicious.

>> No.8920917

glistening wet and so warm

>> No.8920959


>> No.8920979

I enjoy my steak well done with some catsup

>> No.8921279

BBQ fat sauce

>> No.8921332

I grew out of putting sauce on my steak, but I always liked Lee & Perrin's steak sauce. I generally eat my steak with nothing, but every now and then I put a dab of sauce on the plate just to mix things up. Also goes good in sandwiches and on burger.

Why is adding flavor one way retarded, but perfectly fine the other way? Just curious. I feel like the crusade against sauce on steak has doubled over on itself with blatant hypocrisy at this point.

>> No.8921428


>> No.8921647

Well I don't think anyone cares if you are making your own sauce with it, its just pouring like a1 or something on a steak is retarded instead of just seasoning it differently.

>> No.8921675

>ketchup on steak

>> No.8921678

> never had chimichurri

>> No.8921680
File: 102 KB, 1024x629, Tritip-with-Bearnaise-6-of-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bearnaise. it's a hollandaise made for steak

>> No.8921702
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>makes 4000 portions

>> No.8922614

the garlic sauce from pizza hut/papa johns/dominoes

>> No.8923025

Jack Daniels Whiskey BBQ sauce. That shit's amazing, dude.

>> No.8923960

Couple dashes of L&P Worcestershire on the side.


>> No.8923983

>All these posts
>Only one is correct
Bernaise with steak is king

>> No.8924002

mcchicken sauce

>> No.8925591

Your mom's semen.

>> No.8925768


Sauce Bernaise

herbed butter

>> No.8925831

>Sauce Bernaise
Bernaise Sauce
Stop pretending to be french

>> No.8925893

For me, it's Marie's Italian tomato sauce

>> No.8925899

The French call it Béarnaise Sauce you spastic.

>> No.8925928

garlic, butter and thyme

>> No.8925947

Lea & Perrins makes a decent steak sauce. It's basically Worcestershire sauce mixed with tomato paste.

>> No.8925948

Au Poivre is acceptable, I like to add a little hazelnut smoked blue cheese to the sauce when I'm reducing it.

>> No.8925998
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>Chimichurri all the way

>> No.8926598

>yfw there's an actual recipe for milk steak

>> No.8926696

>Salt heavily before cooking. Little bit of butter on top after it's done. No sauce.
You don't fucking salt a steak before cooking. It will be dried out and have no flavor on its own. This is how you ruin good meat ... Holy shit this makes me angry

>> No.8926729

I like the sauce that pools in the plate when you lay the steak down on it or cut it after cooking it. Goes well with bread also.

>> No.8926888

Mah niggah! Soak dat shit right up with a crusty piece of bread!

>> No.8927566


>> No.8927639


>> No.8927640
File: 192 KB, 2048x1152, 18452628_1407999395925617_1338919432_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my steak.

>> No.8927650

Make blue cheese butter, then use that to make bearnaise.

>> No.8927654

What did you cut that with, a spoon? Looks like it was savagely raped.

>> No.8927663

why is it shaped like a big penis and not a flat cut of steak?

>> No.8927678

ahaha I know never to ask you to cook my steak

>> No.8927686

What cut is this, why is it shaped like that? It looks like it could just be the whole tenderloin

>> No.8927694

Ketchup on a well well done porterhouse cut my friend

>> No.8927696

>not London broil


>> No.8927699

It's a joke obviously

>> No.8927705

This is either the most brilliant or the most retarded post I've ever seen.

>> No.8927722

red wine sauce is decent.

cut up some onions, celery, bell peppers. saute the onions in butter for a few minutes until soft and golden. add celery and peppers and cook for another few minutes. dump a bunch of red wine in there, cover and stir occasionally until the wine is reduced. add more butter and a pinch of flour to thicken the sauce, cook for another minute or so, and you're done.