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8914694 No.8914694 [Reply] [Original]

Hi. I'm going to a potluck and I'm not sure what I should make. It has to be served at room temperature so that cuts out most of my recipes. I don't really want to bring anything sweet because it's a morning potluck and who wants dessert in the morning? Not me.

Also must be vegan or easily veganized.

So far what I've come up with is:
strawberries with coconut whipped cream
Tofurky hickory smoked deli slice sandwiches with Just Mayo
cucumber sandwiches with vegan cream cheese
ants on a log
breakfast style taquitos with tofu spinach crumble inside
cashew cheese and crackers
tofu triangles
blueberry muffins

What else could be good served at room temperature?

I want to impress people but also not spend too much time or money.

>> No.8914707

pick 1 (one)

>> No.8914718

Every time I read a comment like this I think about little kids who haven't realized that onions are delicious yet and pick them off their pizzas.

Except even little kids know better than you - all the kids I've made food for (a lot) loved my food and devour it.

>> No.8914726

Half a watermelon, sprinkled with sunflower seeds and drizzled in egg free mayonnaise

>> No.8914733

Sounds like something a Mexican would eat, minus the chili powder.

>> No.8914738

>he spends years of his life working out how to replace certain ingredients in every recipe according to his own arbitrary dietary restrictions
>he probably thinks a vegan diet is healthier

>> No.8914748
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Why does it have to be vegan? There's going to be meat eaters there.

Make this.

>> No.8914750

She* knows a vegan diet is healthier. And it isn't arbitrary.

>> No.8914755

>that guy who brings vegan to a potluck

>> No.8914757

I need to eat food too. Unfortunately my food is probably the only food I'll be able to eat, LOL.

Also I'm a vegan and am not suddenly going to make something non-vegan just because there are meat eaters there. Don't be silly.

>> No.8914759

>it isn't arbitrary.
You're not allergic to animal products, so it's arbitrary.
no one gives a flying fuck which one of the two it is.

>> No.8914760

onions are not dilicious gayfag cucksuck

>> No.8914768

every human is allergic too animal products but the meat industry campane;s lieing too us convints'd people there not

>> No.8914770

Oh God no!!!
be gender neutral, BE GENDER NEUTRAL!!1
It'll correct you otherwise. Don't upset it.

>that thing who brings vegan to a potluck

>> No.8914777

My sister was actually told by a doctor that she's allergic to animal products. So there's a chance I may be too. I mean, I did cure my chronic nausea instantly when I went vegan, so maybe that's why.

And no, it's not arbitrary. I don't want to fund animal torture and death and environmental destruction.

But please, can you meat eaters stop getting unnecessarily butthurt and shitting up the thread? I just want some more ideas for the potluck. Take a chill pill.

>> No.8914783

wiggly, wiggly bait.

>> No.8914792

no not bait meat indistry shill stop lieing too us

>> No.8914798

yur teh lyer. meet is gud four us. yur tri-ing 2 kell us just lik obama.

>> No.8914803

no my mom tells me it is bad she could never lie too me so your the lier!

>> No.8914805

mini quiches
pasta salad (There's thousands of different things you could do with that)
savoury "cheese"cakes

>> No.8914812

cash me ousside, howbowdah?

>> No.8914828

i dont understand what your saying but for youre sake i hope youre not ensulting my mom im a 7th degree blackbelt master in 8 diffrant martal art's

>> No.8914851

Cook a load of rice/couscous/quinoa/tabouleh in veg stock. Add a load of sauteed, diced veg, onion, porcini mushrooms plus the liquor, garlic, bit of chilli and some soft herbs. Stuff the mix into bell peppers, tomatoes, courgette/zucchini and run 'em through the oven. Cool to room temperature and serve.

>> No.8914859
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>> No.8914883

One time I brought a Greek yogurt version of coleslaw to a cookout. Everyone commented how it wasn't as good as mayo based coleslaw. I learned that day that any time you cooking for a group just use the least healthy, fat, surgar and salt laden recipe because that is what people want.

>> No.8914900

>least healthy, fat, surgar and salt laden recipe because that is what people want.
It's what most restaurants do.

>> No.8914906

cook meat, stop being a faggot

>> No.8914911

sounds like you aren't being very considerate of other people's diet preferences

bring a platter of oreos

>> No.8914918

you're probably better off with watermelon and chilipowder

>> No.8914922

this is the best suggestion so far, but it sounds like OP wants to be lazier than that

>> No.8914940

And they, in turn, won't be considerate of OP's dietary preferences.

>> No.8914944

I'm sure there will be chips and cookies which are usually animal product free, OP just sounds like he needs validation for being vegan

>> No.8914950

Probably because he didn't tell anyone about it so he could pull the special snowflake and the discrimination cards when he got there.

>> No.8914955

t. talentless cooks

>> No.8914959

Kind of. DESU that doesn't sound very good to me. I know a lot of people like it so I'm not trying to be insulting, but that's something I might make for myself one night, but not something I'd want to be someone's first experience with vegan food.

I'm leaning more towards the the taquitos or a mix of the Tofurky sandwiches and cucumber sandwiches. Then with a side of strawberries with coconut whipped cream. Cashew cheese would be really good too but I'd have to buy a lot of ingredients for that I can't see myself using for anything but that.

>> No.8914961

Actually I did tell people about it, but it was apparently too close to the potluck date. Crossing my fingers someone remembered so I don't have to feel awkward just eating my own food.

>> No.8914966

>tofu cheesecake (I have a really good recipe for a key lime cheesecake made with tofu)
>a dip plate with hummus or white bean dip, a yogurt dip (made with soy, coconut, or almond yogurt, and using various ingredients, there's lots of good recipes), and a salsa dip. Serve with pita chips and tortilla chips.
>Vegetable lasagna using "ricotta" cheese made from tofu (I also have a good recipe for this)
>Pasta salad with a vinaigrette dressing
>Thai Papaya salad (minus the fish sauce, use liquid aminos instead)
>Tofu Spring rolls (marinate and bake the tofu in strips the day before assembling)
>Roasted beet salad (using both red and golden beets) with toasted walnuts and a vinaigrette on a bed of greens
>Mini nut burgers (I can tell you a recipe for the nut burger patties, if you need it)

>> No.8914971

Stuffed peppers are completely normal. That's why it wold be a good choice instead of freaky vegan pseudofoods that sound totally unappetizing like tofurky and cashew cheese

>> No.8914972

Sorry, I'm not OP, that was in the field from another thread.

>> No.8914976

did you have a particular recipe for the breakfast taquitos or were you just gonna wing it? i'm kinda interested.

>> No.8914977


What would you stuff a pepper with that would be both Vegan and appetizing? I can't think of anything.

>> No.8914979

This post makes me sorry I helped you with suggestions. Ugh....Why can't you vegans just shut the fuck up with your preaching. I wouldn't have a problem with vegans IF they just talked about meat free dishes with out all the proselytizing.

>> No.8914981

>who wants dessert in the morning
>strawberries with coconut whipped cream
>blueberry muffins

Your ideas sound impressive enough. Maybe something with hummus or muhammara, vegans love that shit.

>> No.8914982

>rice/couscous/quinoa/tabouleh in veg stock. Add a load of sauteed, diced veg, onion, porcini mushrooms plus the liquor, garlic, bit of chilli and some soft herbs

>> No.8914985


Buy some Hampton Creek-brand Just Mayo and you can make potato salad and coleslaw.

Protip for coleslaw: after cutting the cabbage and other veggies, sprinkle salt/sugar over them and let that sit in a collander for an hour. Then, dump out over a clean town and lightly press out the extra moisture. They stay more crunchy that way.

>> No.8914989

clean towl*

>> No.8915004
File: 10 KB, 270x240, crybaby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vegans shouldn't be allowed to say why they're vegan when someone claims it's arbitrary!
>That's preaching!
>Why can't they stop caring about animals being tortured and start caring about ME and MY FEELINGS?!

>> No.8915007


Coconut whipped cream sounds interesting. Have you heard of aquafaba? It's whipped chickpea liquid, allegedly gives a meringue type consistency. I've never tried it but that would be kind of "impressive" I think.

Otherwise I think the taquitos sound the best for a savory option.

>> No.8915010

Well you haven't decided what you're even making yet so everyone else is just making an excuse for not making vegan food just for you and your snowflake eating disorder.

>> No.8915011

Well, the strawberries with coconut whipped cream is a very light dessert that almost doesn't count as a dessert, especially if I use maple syrup instead of powdered sugar. And the blueberry muffins are just a typical breakfast food and I'd add something savory if I made those. But yeah I don't think I'll make those.

And I actually am not a huge fan of hummus. It's alright, but if I made any kind of dip it'd be made out of cashews, beans, or avocado.

>> No.8915014

That sounds pretty good except potato salad has just never been my favorite thing.

>> No.8915021

Animals are ethically undeserving of protection because they won't extend the same courtesy to you.

Chickens are assholes
Pigs would eat you if they could

>> No.8915025

>And I actually am not a huge fan of hummus
Calling the vegan police right now.

>> No.8915028

If you're just looking for time saving, head to a deli and grab falafel, veggie dolmades, tzatziki, houmous and chilli sauce. Grab some pittas and ask the host to toast them and slice 'em. Maybe a few crudites with a sherry vinegar and wholegrain mustard vinaigrette for that "home made" touch?

I'm not vegetarian by the way, just enjoy cooking for vegetarians and vegans every so often.

>> No.8915040

Rabbits are the worst assholes of all. I have to shoot at least 10 every year to protect my garden from those pricks. Even with fencing, those bastards will find a way in.

>> No.8915059

>And I actually am not a huge fan of hummus
That's ok. you're cooking for other people , remember?

Or are you just cooking for yourself and forcing everyone else to eat what you like

>> No.8915065

I actually personally don't like any of that food. Nice suggestion, just not for me. I'm more of a traditional American cuisine kind of person. With the rare Indian dish thrown in.

>> No.8915070

How do you know they like hummus? And yeah, I'm cooking for myself too. Why would I serve other people food that I don't even like myself? That's retarded.

>> No.8915078

I have. I've yet to try it. And I agree, leaning towards the taquitos.

Not sure what I would use for a dip though. I think dip is kind of mandatory for taquitos. Not sure if guacamole would be good for breakfast taquitos. Would kind of like to make a cheeze sauce but that would take a lot more ingredients since I'd want to make it from scratch with cashews and maybe carrots or something like that.

>> No.8915086

Then I'm a bit stuck, not being that familiar with traditional US veggie options. Last suggestion, take a load of vegan friendly beer along and get hammered when all the food has gone.

>> No.8915087

Thank you, these sound great.

Had considered making lasagna - I also have an awesome recipe, but I think it wouldn't taste as good at room temperature, IDK.

>> No.8915091

You're the beer guy with the cat.

>> No.8915093

you are the worst person ever to invite to a potluck

just bring beer and wine

>> No.8915098

lol, would love to bring vegan alcoholic drinks, but it's going to be at a school, so I can't.

A vegan Kahlua sundae sounds good right now.

>> No.8915099

I don't particularly like pizza, but if was having friends over and cooking a few things for them, I'd make pizza, lots of people like it.

>> No.8915113


Omnis can choose only two. Vegans can only choose one.

You should prepare the same thing good housewives of the 50's would have prepared: an eyecatching aspic. Make a red tomato soup, an herbaceous green soup and a creamy mushroom soup, gel them with agar and layer them in the nicest mold you have. Agar does fine at room temperature, better than gelatin would.

>> No.8915115

Chapati upma.

>> No.8915116

Man, ops style is writing is too close to the person who was in here last weekend freaking out about a post class potluck where the slightest smell of animal products was going to make *her* sick.

Is vegan false flagging all you do, OP? Come on man, get more creative.

>> No.8915117

>traditional American cuisine


If you're going to choose to have a restrictive diet in terms of removing animal products and then go on to be picky about wonderful, tasty dishes from other cultures that just happen to be vegan then I don't think there is any helping you.

What do you eat as a vegan?

french fries and bbq sauce?

>> No.8915135

That's because I'm the same person. I'm still freaking out, but less so because it seems like most people are bringing cold food anyway. Only issue is one girl is bringing chicken tacos, but hopefully they're not hot enough to smell too bad when she gets there, or I can leave early/it's held outside.

Will probably end up leaving early, but I'm just crossing my fingers it won't stink so bad and I'll be able to ignore the fact that they're consuming the flesh and secretions of tortured animals.

>> No.8915142

imagine being this pathetic

>> No.8915144

I eat tons of stuff as a vegan.
Rice crispies with soy milk and sliced bananas, pizza with Follow Your Heart vegan mozzarella, Gardein, tofu saag, oatmeal, burritos, pasta, dumplings, the list goes on and on. I just am not a big fan of Mediterranean food.

>> No.8915164

I don't give a fucking SHIT if you care about my feelings. But being a vegan IS arbitrary, and you're whiny, proselytizing asshole. Go fuck yourself with a tofurky, fucknut.

>> No.8915166

You mentioned one fruit.
One. And zero vegetables.
You have a shitty bland diet. I'm glad i'm not your tastebuds.

>> No.8915167

Nope. But I wish was as prolific with the OC as he is.

>> No.8915172

>zero vegetables

Saag is greens.

>> No.8915178

I put vegetables on my pizza, duh. Sauteed onions and green bell peppers. Then I might have some veggies with my Gardein, topped with soy sauce. Tofu saag is tofu and spinach, and there are also onions and tomatoes in that. Burritos will sometimes have veggies like lettuce, salsa, or grilled onions/bell peppers. Pasta will sometimes have veggies. Dumplings are just veggies covered in dough.

But yeah, usually I have a pretty basic diet I guess. Tofu saag is my most adventurous common meal I'll eat.

>> No.8915180

One last thought, as the beer is a non starter. With your strawberries and coconut cream, a little syrup from some stem ginger and some lime zest would add a nice little zip to the dish.

>> No.8915182

That would be the rare indian dish. A bowl of soggy spinach once a month isn't healthy.

>> No.8915197

I'm an ethical vegan, not a dietary vegan.

I just eat a pretty normal American diet, except veganized. I'll eat apples with peanut butter, celery with peanut butter and raisins, variety of different fruits. I should eat more vegetables it's just that I usually make my food quickly and vegetable dishes that are tasty take some preparation generally.

>> No.8915241


>> No.8915244

Christ, and you have the gall to wonder why people think you should be institutionalized.

>> No.8915246

some fucking meatballs you dicksucking shitgobbler

no one wants ferns and crackers you're not hosting a potluck to some fucking deer

>> No.8915261

OP, bring ferns and crackers. Fiddleheads are the shit and everyone likes a good cracker.

>> No.8915275

so it's an arbitrary choice of diet then?

>> No.8915278

she wants to lord her """moral superiority""" over everyone else, that's what it's about.

>> No.8915293

scoop some dirt off the ground and mix it with ketchup

>> No.8915307

Well earlier it wasn't arbitrary. Now it's an ethical choice, which is arbitrary. Stupid bitch should should just not go to the pot luck, i'm assuming no-one who is going to be there actually likes her anyway.

>> No.8915601


Fuck off.

>> No.8916608

Just thought I'd let you all know that I've made my decision and it's going to blow people's minds. Tested it out tonight and it's super yummay.

Tofurky hickory smoked deli slice sandwiches with Just Mayo, cucumber, lettuce, and a little salt, pepper, and garlic powder on some fluffy whole wheat bread.

Also decided I'm going to give them brownies as well. Just made some incredible brownies using Duncan Hines chewy fudge brownie mix, Vegan Egg (using less water than it calls for and less "egg" than the Duncan Hine's box called for as well), with Guittard semi-sweet chocolate chips, and melted Earth Balance instead of oil. Yum. Not sure if I'm going to bother now with the strawberries and coconut whipped cream, because this will be a lot of food.

>> No.8916625
File: 313 KB, 602x598, 1488290459287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is egg free mayonnaise?

>> No.8916632

such a passively aggressive malicious comment. you must really hate vegans

>> No.8916641

>Guittard semi-sweet chocolate chips

Those are processed on equipment that also processes milk. Are you cool with that? I wasn't sure if my vegan would be cool with that, so I get the Enjoy Life ones. You're a brazillion times more neurotic than him, though, so if you're cool with it then he'd probably be cool with it.

>> No.8916653

Just Mayo.

>> No.8916664

You know, I actually checked the ingredients a long time ago and kind of just grabbed them because I knew they were vegan. So I haven't actually thought about them being processed on equipment that also processes milk in ages.

I used to think of it as them just putting that on there for people with severe allergies, and so they probably didn't have even a trace amount of milk in them, but they had to put that to be safe.

But now that I've been vegan longer, it does bother me actually. Even a small chance that my vegan food has trace amounts of animal product in it makes me nauseous thinking about. I'll still give them the brownies but desu I won't be buying the semi-sweet chocolate chips again. Are the Enjoy Life ones good?

>> No.8916698

>Are the Enjoy Life ones good?

They're awesome. They have a really pure chocolate flavor because they're ONLY made of chocolate and sugar. No milk, palm oil or even vanilla.

>> No.8916715


What a typical snowflake vegan does.

>> No.8916721

I heard dirt is pretty good

>> No.8916782

i will never consume anything called "tofurkey" or anything containing "Just (Fuck My Shit Up) fake mayo" and neither will 99% of non-vegans
why the fuck did you substitute out the oil in your brownies???

>> No.8916828

Sounds terrible, the only thing they're gonna blow is chunks

>> No.8916870

Make it yourself, I dare you. It's all cheap so even someone on disability like you can probably afford it.

>> No.8916874

Earth Balance is really good, that's why. I haven't used oil in my brownies in ages. I mean I guess it'd probably still be good that way but I'm kind of scared it would be inferior if I did that. I really like my brownies with Earth Balance, but maybe if I become broke I'll start using oil.

>> No.8916912

I was just gonna wing it. Technically was going to make them flautas. Fresh tortillas, tofu scramble, spinach, onion, and maybe nutritional yeast. Then seasoned with either pepper, garlic, soy sauce, and rice wine vinegar, or with this saag spice pack I use for my tofu saag I thought could work. Was also considering using Daiya pepperjack or cheddar cheeze in case it was a little too crumbly and needed some more moisture.

But I'm just going to make a bunch of Tofurky sandwiches. I need to use up my bread anyway.

>> No.8916920


I can think of many vegan dishes that I could make (mainly curries though) that'd taste better than shitty tofu meat substitute, mayo that isn't really mayo and vegetables on bread.

All vegan substitutes for non vegan food i.e meat, mayo, etc taste like trash, you either develop your own vegan shit that taste good or you can fuck off imo, vegans who eat or use meat or animal product substitutes are vegans in denial desperately trying to cling to their diet for the sake of being trendy.

Seriously just fuck off you poser chud.

>> No.8916928
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>Obviously never tried it.

>> No.8916933
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What makes you think I haven't had meat/animal product substitutes before?

They taste like trash, you are a poser and a retard. Fuck you.

>> No.8917295


>> No.8917304

>vegan food is great because I can make kids eat it
Left to their own devices, kids will eat dirt.
Which I imagine tastes better than what you fed them.

>> No.8917308


>> No.8917315
File: 667 KB, 959x717, Nothing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about bring nothing?

That way everyone has physical reference for what you're arbitrarily allowing yourself to eat, and in turn don't have to suffer through anything you COULD have made.

>> No.8917325

Wow, vegan AND a picky eater.
Who saw that combination coming?

Oh, everybody.

>> No.8917488

You have never tried Tofurky hickory smoked deli slices. Fact.

Not all meat/animal product substitutes taste the same, genius.

>> No.8917501

you had to pick through 100 different kinds of shitty meat substitute before finding one that was slightly less shitty than the rest and you expect anyone to be impressed?
it's probably just as shit as any other meat substitute, your tastebuds just anchored on how completely shit other vegan food is so when you found one that only has an ass-aftertaste you think it's the second coming of jesus

eat some fucking bacon

>> No.8917542

Christ, meat eaters here are so obnoxious I feel like going vegan just so I'm not associated with your sort.

>> No.8917623

do it faggot

>> No.8917735


See, this is the kind of stuff vegans should be eating instead of that fake meat garbage and insta-snacks. Vegans are shit tier cooks, even when they have the entire vegetable, legume, bean, and grain world at their fingertips. They still want to eat shit that replicates meat.

>> No.8917753

When will this retardation end? I'm a meat eater but I understand why vegans eat vegan meat. Have you ever tried Gardein? It tastes fucking good. I'll eat that instead of meat a lot of times just because it tastes good. Why the fuck wouldn't they eat it? It's healthier, could be argued it even tastes better, and it's convenient without severely harming animals or the environment.

I'm starting to get why all you people complain about vegan's attitudes. It's because they have to listen to this stupid bullshit all the time that they give you attitude. Why don't you try not being such a petty cunt and show them respect if you want theirs? All the vegans I've met have been nice to me because I listen instead of bang my fists saying, "hurr durrr if you're against meat why do you eat Tofurky durr."