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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8909373 No.8909373[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Every year in India the government awards scholarships to students to go and study in the USA and I have been awarded one!
I'm looking forward to the food the most like burgers and stuff we don't have here. What are the best fast foods to try and what is the house cooking like, apple pies and meatloaves? I want to study hard and become a computer engineer and be a real American boy!

>> No.8909406

freedom fries with a side order of clapping

>> No.8909450

>I want to study hard and become a computer engineer and be a real American boy!
Fuck off Pinocchio, you'll never be a "real American boy," you'll just be another H-1B slave.

>> No.8909455

Fuck off we're full

>> No.8909482

try the cockmeat sandwich pajeet

>> No.8909486

But the American government are the one giving the opportunity to us.
Pajeet is a Pakistani name, I am Indian.

>> No.8909498

Don't listen to these retards, probably not even American.
We're a nation of immigrants ourselves and I'm sure if you are willing to work hard and contribute you'll be welcomed.
You have to try the BBQ when you get here, it's amazing.

>> No.8909514

Youre not fooling anybody pajeet

Learn your history, we've first and foremost been a nation of naturalized europeans. People who come here just to work have never been well tolerated.

>> No.8909521

>naturalized Europeans
Like he said, immigrants.
Convenient how you don't mention the blacks and the Mexicans too?
Anyone willing to contribute to society should be welcomed.

>> No.8909532

he's coming to study you mong not work.
>reading comprehension

>> No.8909536

Very few blacks immigrated here by free choice, and the Mexican population only started booming after the 1960s.
We put a restriction on Chinese immigrant workers for a reason, and it wasnt just old timey racism.

Anybody willing to contribute should be welcomed but not at the cost of the citizens opportunity

>> No.8909541

And he conveniently ignores asians, many of whom probably immigrated before his downtrodden ancestors were ever deloused at Ellis Island.

>> No.8909560

Which state are you studying in?
We have massive regional variety.
Good luck.

>> No.8909568

You're gonna have to learn how to use a toilet.

>> No.8909581

Says the guy who shits himself in Walmart.

>> No.8909589
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The ONLY authentic 'merican food is soul food and bbq.

>> No.8909633

best fast food by polling is the habit burger

>> No.8910082

Which college/university?

>> No.8910118

Can you poo in the loo?

>> No.8910120

Do you shart in the mart?

>> No.8910246

Please dont. Im sick and tired of smelling your kind on the bus.

>> No.8910260


>> No.8910264

A word of advice: here in America, we use this thing called a toilet for defecation, and we wipe with paper. Shitting in the streets or on beaches and wiping with our bare hands is generally frowned upon here, so please try to avoid it. Also, don't try to haggle at stores, because that's not how shopping works in the first world.

>> No.8910279

To any dirty Indians that want to move to America kys. We do not want you here.

>> No.8910284

Something tells me that the fat, smelly, sweaty, disgusting, vegan bulldyke mod made this thread as a honeypot to ban all da evul wacists that trigger her so much.

>> No.8910298

Nigga my great grand parents came from Mexico in 1914

>> No.8910305

>and the Mexican population only started booming after the 1960s
You're aware that basically the entire Southwest used to be part of Mexico before we annexed it, right?
You sound like one of those "Irish need not apply" retards.

>> No.8910386

>wipe with paper
And that used toilet paper goes IN THE TOILET, not a trash can.

>> No.8910395
